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Full text of "Memoir and letters of Sidney Gilchrist Thomas, inventor"

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K.  W.   BUENIE 


1  Life  's  more  than  breath,  or  the  quick  round  of  blood ; 
"Tis  a  great  spirit  and  a  fiery  heart. 
We  live  in  deeds,  not  years ;  in  thoughts,  not  breaths ; 
In  feelings,  not  in  figures  on  a  dial, 
We  should  count  time  by  heart  throbs ; 
He  most  lives  who  thinks  most,  feels  the  noblest, 
Acts  the  best '  FESTUS 






IN  the  following  pages  I  have  sought,  with  what  success  I 
know  not,  to  construct  out  of  material  sufficiently  abundant, 
a  brief  history  of  a  very  striking  and  individual  character, 
and  of  a  life  cut  short  prematurely  enough,  yet  possessed 
in  its  own  way  of  a  singular  completeness. 

It  is  hoped  that  no  one  who  may  read  this  little  book 
will  so  misapprehend  its  intention  as  to  look  upon  it  as  a 
glorification  of  personal  success  or  money-getting  achieve- 
ment, after  the  fashion  possibly  of  some  biographies  of 
inventors,  biographies  haply  more  grateful  to  the  last 
generation  than  to  us  who  stand  (as  it  seems  to  some)  on 
the  threshold  of  a  New  Age.  No  one  would  more  have 
recoiled  from  being  ranked  among  the  devotees  of  Ruskin's 
'  Goddess  of  Getting  on '  than  the  subject  of  this  Memoir. 

Sidney  Gilchrist  Thomas  (although  placed  among 
conditions  by  no  means  favourable  for  such  purposes,  and 
with  working  hours  occupied  by  distasteful  and  monotonous 
business)  solved  a  great  scientific  problem — the  dephos- 
phorisation  of  pig  iron  in  the  Bessemer  and  Siemens- 
Martin  processes — and  for  such  solution  was  fortunate 
(perhaps  we  should  rather  say  foreseeing)  enough  to  gather 



a  pecuniary  reward  which,  rightly  or  wrongly,  he  never 
regarded  as  his  own,  but  rather,  according  to  his  lights,  as 
trust-money  for  toilers  and  labourers. 

Not  on  this  account,  however,  is  his  story  told  here, 
but  because  it  has  seemed  well  to  those  who  knew  him, 
that  some  record  should  be  kept  of  a  remarkable  and 
interesting  personality,  typical  indeed  in  some  ways  of 
the  very  best  side  of  our  '  industrial >  century,  yet  touched 
with  a  human  sympathy  which  we  may  hope  will  be  more 
general  in  the  future  than  it  has  been  in  the  past. 

It  may  be  observed  that  an  endeavour  has  been  made 
simply  to  paint  a  portrait,  without  allowing  the  tempera- 
ment or  opinions  of  the  present  writer  or  of  anyone  else 
to  affect  the  rigid  accuracy  of  the  presentment. 

R.  W.  BURNIE. 





Parentage  —  Birth  —  Education — Precocity — Kadicalism—  Father's 
death — Classical  mastership — Thames  Police  Court     ...       1 



First  visit  to  Continent— Normandy — Thomas's  physical  appearance 
— Thomas's  abstinence  and  over-work — Paris — Thrift — Finan- 
cial genius — Formula  swallowing 16 


A    '  DOUBLE    LIFE  ' 

Police  Court  labours — Mr.  Lushington  on  Thomas  —Chemical 
studies — Letters  to  mother  and  sister 23 



The  Birkbeck  Institution — Mr.  Chaloner — Non-elimination  of  phos- 
phorus in  Bessemer  Converter — Hindoo  steel — Cort — Bessemer 
process  described— The  Steel  Age -Cleveland  ironstone  .  .  30 




Determination  to  solve  dephosphorisation  problem — Mr.  Vacher  — 

The   Science   and  Art    Department— The   School  of    Mines 

Summer   holidays  and   work — Anti-alcoholism — Contributions 

to  Iron — Letter  to  Miss  Burton ,36 



Acid  lining  of  Bessemer  Converter— Basic  lining— Mr.  Percy  Gil- 
christ— Experiments — Wiesbaden— Frankfort— The  Hartz  .  56 



Dresden— Erzgebirge  of  Saxony — Fair  at  Freiberg— Saxon  Mines — 
Freiberg  Academy — Bohemia — The  Hartz — Blankenberg  .  .  65 



Iron  and  Steel  Institute — Cwm  Avon — Blaenavon — Thomas  and 
Fellowship  of  Chemical  Society — Einking — Literature— A  Brad- 
laugh  meeting — Lucerne — Camping-out — Gambling  at  Saxon — 
Cow-Land 88 



Police  Court  labours — Middlesbrough — Jennie  Lee  in  « Jo  ' — Blows 
at  Blaenavon — Life  at  high  pressure — A  dangerous  run — A 
first  dephosphorisation  patent — Financial  difficulties — Mr. 
Edward  Martin — A  momentous  announcement — Music  and 
literature  .  .  .  .  .  102 





Paper  on  '  Elimination  of  Phosphorus  in  Bessemer  Converter  '— 
Kationale  of  process — Mr.  Gilchrist — Basic  lining — Basic  addi- 
tions—Basic slag  at  early  stage  of  blow — The  after-blow  .  .  117 



French  conversation — Paris  in  1878 — The  paper  not  read — Mr. 
Eichards— A  Creusot  visit— Commercial  success — Bush  of  con- 
tinental ironmasters — The  patent  position — The  paper  read — 
Besignation  at  Thames  Police  Court — Victory  in  Germany .  .  123 



A  narrowing  span— Journeyings  of  Thomas — Stress  and  strain— 
A  Diisseldorf  speech — The  Sistine  Madonna — Grave  lung  mis- 
chief— Ventnor — '  Small  ailments  ' 137 



A  striking  reception — New  York  Clubs — Plymouth  Church — Money 
worship — Chicago — Banquets  to  Thomas — Hartford  Capitol — 
Architecture — Some  Southern  cities — Niagara — A  personal  de- 
scription of  Thomas 146 



'  Note  on  Current  Dephosphorising  Practice  ' — Basic  steel — More 
Journeyings — A  break-down — Torquay — The  Society  of  Arts' 
Medal — Thomas's  plans  and  deeds  for  workers — The  Channel 
Islands — Election  to  Council  of  Iron  and  Steel  Institute  ,  .  159 





Voyage  to  the  Cape — Port  Elizabeth — Grahamstown — East  London 
— Kaffirs  and  Dutch — Economic  conditions — Diamond  fields      .  174 



More  voyaging — Port  Louis —  Cureppe  —  Coolies  and  Chinese — 
'  Square  thinking  on  religious  questions  ' — Bombay — Allahabad 
— Benares — Calcutta — Barrakur — Iron-making  in  India  .  .  205 



Chinese  law  and  religion  —  Climate  of  India  —  Colombo — Mount 
Lavinia— Interview  with  Arabi — An  Argentine— Steel  in  India — 
Basic  process 229 



Adelaide—'  The  Child  ' — Melbourne — Sydney — Democracy  in  the 
Colonies — Australian  Ministers — Wangaratta — A  slag  process 
wanted — Lithgow — Brisbane  .  .  .  .  .  .  240 



Auckland  and  New  Zealand — Honolulu — San  Francisco— Thomas 
in  dangerous  condition — The  States  again  .....         .         .  270 





Worrying  letters — Uncheckable  activity — New  plans  and  schemes 
— The  Slag  Question — Sevenoaks  Common — A  change  for  the 
worse — Farewell  to  England  .  277 



Marseilles  and  mosquitoes— Arab  and  Frenchman  in  Algiers- 
Bessemer  Medal  presented  to  Thomas— Project  for  new  type- 
writer— Slag  experiments  at  Bir-el-Droodj — '  Steel  a  by-pro- 
duct and  phosphorus  a  main-product ' — Doctors  despair— A 
move  north  .  .  282 



Limoges— Some  Southern  French  towns — The  Avenue  Marceau — 
Trial  of  a  new  cure — Friends'  last  visits — Plans  for  workers 
—Death  of  brother — Clouds  close  in— A  logical  life — Death 
of  Thomas — Disposal  of  money  for  toilers'  benefit  .  .  .  303 




PORTRAIT  FROM  A  PHOTOGRAPH      .....      To  face  page  1 







SIDNEY  GILCHRIST  THOMAS  was  born  on  April  16, 1850,  at 
Canonbury.  His  father  was  in  the  Civil  Service,  and  a 
Welshman.  His  mother  (nee  Gilchrist)  was  the  eldest 
daughter  of  the  Rev.  James  Gilchrist,  the  author  of  a 
striking  and  individual  litt'e  "book,  unknown  to  modern 
readers,  the  '  Intellectual  Patrimony.'  James  Gilchrist 
was  a  Highlander,  of  keen  literary  tastes  and  eager  after 
Truth  as  he  saw  it,  who  drifted  from  Presbyterianism  into 
Unitarianism  and  thence  reverted  to  orthodoxy,  much  to 
his  worldly  detriment.  One  of  his  sons  was  Alexander 
Gilchrist,  the  well-known  and  too  early  gone  biographer 
of  Etty  and  of  Blake.  The  important  matter  for  us  to 
note  is  that  Sidney  Thomas  was  mainly  of  Celtic  strain, 
and  furnished  yet  another  example  of  the  often  unrecog- 
nised addition  of  fame  which  that  great  race  has  brought 
to  the  '  English '  people. 

His  childhood  was  passed  on  the  banks  of  the  New 
River  when  there  was  still  something  of  a  rural  character 



about  that  artificial  stream.  The  miles  of  houses  which 
now  stretch  over  the  northern  slopes  of  the  great  parish  of 
Islington  away  to  Highgate  Hill  and  the  very  gates  of  the 
Alexandra  Palace  were,  forty  years  ago,  still  for  the  most 
part  in  the  future. 

£  For  the  first  few  years  of  Sidney's  life,'  says  his  mother, 
c  he  was  a  constant  care ;  his  brain  seemed  too  big  for  his 
.body.  He  learnt  to  read  at  a  most  unusually  early  age. 
When  quite  a  little  boy,  six  or  seven  years  old,  he  already 
read  much  and  earnestly.  He  would  act  out,  in  his  small 
way,  the  characters  of  the  heroes  of  his  books — now  it 
might  be  Nelson,  now  King  Arthur,  or  one  of  the  Round 
Table  Knights.  I  remember,  when  he  was  seven,  making 
for  him  a  suit  of  armour,  as  he  firmly  believed  it  to  be- 
Clofched  in  it,  he  would  solemnly  "keep  vigil,"  pacing 
up  and  down,  his  sword  by  his  side,  for  hours  together, 
before  making  his  vows  to  an  imaginary  King.  One  of 
his  favourite  books  was  a  little  volume  I  gave  him  on 
his  sixth  birthday  —  "  Our  Soldiers  and  Sailors  "  —  short 
sketches  of  eminent  men  in  those  lines.  I  can  see  now 
the  earnest,  large-eyed  child,  and  his  delight  with  his 
presents ;  especially  with  his  books.  He  was  so  rational 
and  good  a  boy  that  his  father  and  I  thought  he  should  by- 
and-bye  be  a  clergyman.  Very  early  in  his  boyhood,  however, 
he  told  me  with  decision  that  that  he  should  never  be,  "  he 
was  not  good  enough."  "  I  will  do  something  great,  mamma, 
and  you  shall  have  a  carriage  to  ride  in  "  (I  was  not  very 
strong  just  then),  "and  money  to  help  people  with."  ' 

Sidney's  mother  taught  both  him  and  his  elder  brother 
(the  late  Dr.  Llewellyn  Thomas,  of  Weymouth  Street) 
during  their  early  years.  When  Sidney  was  eight  he 
attended  for  a  year,  with  Llewellyn,  at  the  school  kept  in 
the  neighbourhood  by  Mr.  Darnell,  of  copybook  fame. 

At  the  end  of  that  year  Mr.  Thomas  removed  to  Grove 

CH.  i  EARLY  DAYS  8 

Lane,  Camberwell,  near  the  brow  of  Champion  Hill, 
mainly  that  he  might  gain  for  his  boys  the  advantage  of 
the  education  given  by  the  newly  reconstructed  Dulwich 
College,  then  under  Dr.  Carver's  head-mastership.  There 
for  the  next  seven  years  Sidney  remained,  gradually  rising 
from  form  to  form  in  the  school  till  the  proud  eminence  of 
the  '  sixth '  was  reached.  Living  at  home,  but  attending 
daily  at  the  College,  the  brothers  enjoyed  all  the  undoubted 
benefits  of  what  is  called  '  home  education,'  together  with 
whatever  is  really  useful  in  'public-school'  life.  The  home 
in  Grove  Lane  (well  remembered  by  the  present  writer) 
was  no  ordinary  educative  influence.  Sidney's  father  was 
no  ordinary  man.  His  talents  were  at  once  intellectual 
and  practical,  and  his  interest  in  his  sons'  development 
was  ever  present.  Sidney  was  naturally  precocious,  and 
the  keen  hunger  after  knowledge  (which  was  as  much 
his  characteristic  at  thirteen  as  afterwards  at  thirty)  was 
encouraged  and  stimulated  in  every  way.  The  boys  were 
early  admitted  on  equal  terms  to  conversation  both  with 
their  mother  and  with  their  father.  Gossip  was  little 
favoured  in  the  family  circle.  The  discussion  (for  real 
discussion  it  would  be)  of  literature  and  politics  was  pre- 
ferred to  vain  personal  talk.  Mr.  Thomas  himself  was  a 
Conservative  in  creed,  his  wife  a  Liberal  by  inheritance, 
but  their  sons  were  ever  warned  from  accepting  any 
opinion  they  had  not  tested  for  themselves,  and  the  freest 
spirit  of  inquiry  was  not  only  welcomed  but  expected 
from  them.  It  may  truly  be  said  that  a  thoroughly 
scientific  mental  attitude  was  thus,  unconsciously  to  them- 
selves, induced  in  them.  Omnivorous  reading  was  the 
habit  of  the  whole  household. 

'  Sidney's  mind,'  says  his  mother,  '  was  stored  with  the 
kind  of  knowledge  boys  gain  in  a  cultured  home.  His 
father  habitually  read  aloud  to  the  boys  bits  of  Words - 

B   2 


worth,  lives  of  great  men,  passages  from  Buffon's  "  Natural 
History."  I  well  remember  how  Sidney's  cheeks  glowed 
at  hearing  read  in  this  way  the  "  Morte  d' Arthur "  of 
Tennyson.  He  and  his  brother  had  a  healthy  source  of 
education  in  the  visits  they  were  accustomed  to  pay  once 
or  twice  a  year  to  the  country.  At  Christmastide  and  in 
the  early  spring  time,  they  would  be  received  as  indulged 
nephews  by  a  kind,  broad-minded,  busy  uncle  into  his 
Berkshire  home.  Here  they  would  see  the  practical  work- 
ing of  many  rural  industries. 

1  In  the  late  summer  or  early  autumn,  they  would  visit 
one  or  other  of  two  ideal  vicarage-houses.  One  was 
Corwen,  situate  on  the  side  of  the  lovely  Berwyn  Moun- 
tains, with  the  river  Dee  flowing  silently  and  darkly  on 
the  other  side  of  the  Holyhead  high  road.  Here  reigned 
a  grand  old  vicar,  living  a  life  of  lettered  dignity,  and 
ruling  his  church,  his  house  and  the  parish  with  perfectly 
absolute  sway,  yet  with  real  sympathy  and  love.  The 
other  vicarage  was  that  of  Llandrillo  in  Rhus  (near 
Colwyn),  where  the  Rev.  Thomas  Hughes  (a  bachelor 
nephew  of  him  of  Corwen)  was  vicar.  This  was  a  home 
still  more  entirely  Sidney's.  From  eleven  to  sixteen  he 
was  a  regular  autumnal  visitor  here,  and  a  great  favourite 
with  the  tall,  hearty,  breezy  Mr.  Hughes,  the  very  sound 
of  whose  laugh  did  one  good  and  inspired  immediate  con- 
fidence. At  thirteen  Sidney  began  helping  the  vicar 
during  his  visits  by  reading  the  lessons  in  church  for 
him — in  the  earlier  days  in  English,  afterwards,  with  some 
training,  in  Welsh.  These  holidays,  after  the  close  work 
of  school,  were  a  real  blessing  to  him,  and  here  he  dreamed 
out  many  an  ambition  for  the  future.  Noble  scenery,  the 
sea,  books,  the  simple  vicarage  life — all  these  things  were 
a  rare  refreshment  to  the  quiet,  self-contained  boy.  I 
remember  a  characteristic  story  of  him  at  this  period.  A 

e.  i  EAKLY  DAYS  5 

Dean  (whose  cathedral  I  forget)  was  lunching  with  the 
vicar.  This  dignitary  put  Sidney  through  an  examination 
in  Latin.  The  boy  came  so  well  out  of  the  ordeal  that 
the  Dean  "  tipped  "  him  three  half-sovereigns  and  retained 
him  as  guide  over  the  Great  Orme's  Head.  A  happy  hour 
ensued;  Sidney  in  the  heat  of  some  discussion  flinging 
off  his  jacket  and  carrying  it  under  his  arm.  The  half- 
sovereigns  had  been  put  into  the  jacket  pocket,  and  not 
unnaturally,  upon  return  to  the  vicarage,  they  were  gone. 
Not  unnaturally  either,  the  vicar  was  vexed ;  but  Sidney's 
only  answer  was  :  "  Never  mind,  godfather,  most  likely 
someone  has  it  who  wants  it  more  than  I."  "  What  can 
you  do  with  such  a  boy  ?  "  wrote  the  vicar  to  me. 

'  Never  did  he  as  a  lad  care  for  money  in  the  way  boys 
often  do.  Once,  some  money  having  been  given  him,  he  came 
to  his  father  and  offered  him  five  shillings  for  a  little  worn- 
out  American  clock.  His  father  told  him  the  clock  was 
not  worth  the  money  and  that  he  might  have  it  for 
nothing.  Sidney,  however,  said  that  he  wanted  to  take 
the  clock  to  pieces,  and  must  therefore  pay  for  it.  Take 
it  to  pieces  he  did,  and,  not  being  a  watchmaker,  was 
naturally  unable  to  put  it  together  again.  He  remained, 
nevertheless,  perfectly  content  with  his  bargain.' 

Constant  discussion  of  political  questions,  coupled  with 
unceasing  insistence  by  his  elders  that  he  should  render 
a  reason  for  the  faith  that  was  in  him,  made  Sidney  a 
militant  Radical  at  an  age  when  it  may  be  supposed  that 
most  boys  are  chiefly  interested  in  cricket  stumps  and 
footballs,  not  to  say  in  tops  and  marbles. 

From  the  beginning  he  followed  the  course  of  the 
American  Civil  War  with  the  eagerness  and  comprehen- 
sion of  an  intelligent  man.  Alone  in  the  family  circle  he 
would  do  battle  for  the  North,  and  upon  fitting  occasions 
(for  he  must  not  be  supposed  to  have  been  in  any  sense 


that  most  dreadful  of  social  plagues,  an  f  infant  pheno- 
menon '  )  would  argue  on  State  Rights  and  what  not  with  a 
knowledge  and  an  accuracy  which  would  have  done  credit 
to  a  disputant  thrice  his  years. 

The  last  sentence  leads  us  specially  to  emphasise  what 
is  necessary  to  be  remembered  in  connection  with  what 
has  gone  before,  that  amid  all  this  precocity  no  element  of 
priggism  was  allowed  to  intrude.  The  slightest  flavour 
of  this  detestable  spirit  would  have  been  instantly  detected 
and  unsparingly  ridiculed.  Sidney  was  before  all  things 
trained  to  be  a  boy  while  boyhood  lasted.  Nor  was  it 
desired  to  cultivate  mental  at  the  expense  of  physical 
faculties.  Open-air  pursuits  and  recreations  were  encou- 
raged in  every  way.  Each  Sunday  afternoon  Mr.  Thomas 
would  take  his  boys  long  country  walks,  by  no  means 
restricting  himself  to  the  high  roads,  but  striking  '  across 
country '  whenever  opportunity  offered.  On  these  expe- 
ditions, and  indeed  whenever  they  found  themselves  in 
fields  or  roads,  the  lads  were  taught  to  use  their  eyes 
to  good  purpose.  Natural  history  was  a  passion  with 
Llewellyn  Thomas,  and  Sidney  also  cultivated  it  in  a 
minor  degree.  Thirty  years  ago  Camberwell  (or  the 
up-lying  portion  of  it  at  least)  was  still  on  the  edge  of  the 
country,  and  abundant  opportunity  was  to  be  found  for 
entomological  collecting — even  for  birds'-nesting  on  a 
somewhat  extensive  scale,  and  with  a  more  or  less  scien- 
tific object. 

A  well-thumbed  copy  of  a  little  book  by  Mr.  Atkinson 
on  '  British  Birds'  Eggs  and  Nests '  was  a  classic  in  the 
home.  Llewellyn  and  Sidney  were  joint  possessors  of  a 
regular  aviary,  with  a  constant  population  of  some  dozen 
birds  of  different  species,  an  intense  source  of  delight  to 
both  boys.  For  some  time  an  effort  was  made  to  keep 
a  kite  in  the  garden ;  but  the  bird  developed  such  an 

CH.  i  EAELY  DAYS  7 

unpleasant  habit  of  attacking  innocent  visitors,  that 
ultimately  it  was  deemed  necessary  by  the  domestic 
authorities  to  cause  its  presentation  to  the  Zoological 
Gardens.  These  tastes  were  adopted  by  Sidney  (so  far 
as  they  were  adopted  at  all)  in  emulation  of  his  elder 
brother.  From  very  early  days  his  own  individual  predi- 
lections took  a  different  direction.  Mechanics  and  engin- 
eering had  an  irresistible  fascination  for  him  from  the 
time  when  (tcrfifia  ss  asl  as  it  seemed  indeed)  he  became 
possessor  of  his  first  box  of  tools  and  fashioned  his  first 
toy  ship.  A  little  later,  in  1862,  during  the  formation  by 
the  then  youthful  Metropolitan  Board  of  Works  of  the 
New  Main  Drainage  System,  he  would  stand  for  hours  on 
a  half-holiday  entranced  in  contemplation  of  the  building 
of  the  great  sewers.  He  soon  decided  that  his  avocation 
in  life  was  to  be  that  of  a  mechanical  engineer.  A  year 
or  two  afterwards  the  fairy 'and  of  chemistry  opened  before 
him,  and  he  resolved  upon  becoming  an  analytical 
chemist.  Little  did  any  then  foresee  the  devious  paths  by 
which  he  was  to  be  led  back  to  his  first  mistress,  Science. 

Art,  however,  had  also  its  influence  on  the  boy.  The 
Dulwich  Gallery  was  a  favourite  resort  during  recreation 
hours  at  the  neighbouring  college.  Every  picture  in 
the  collection  was  known  by  heart,  so  to  speak,  to  Sidney, 
and  its  history  and  every  fact  connected  with  it.  Music, 
too  (although  in  after  life  he  always  disclaimed  special 
liking  for  modern  developments  on  Wagnerian  lines,  or, 
indeed,  any  special  taste  for  it),  had  always  in  truth  a  great 
attraction  for  Thomas.  At  fourteen  the  wonderful  singing 
and  playing  of  Miss  Havergal  (a  lady  whose  religious 
verse  made  her  quite  famous  at  one  time  in  certain  circles) 
produced  a  strong  impression  on  him,  '  as  well,'  says  his 
mother,  c  as  the  deep  spiritual  individuality  of  the  sweet 
singer  herself.' 


Amid  all  these  influences  and  dreams,  the  steady, 
regular  school  work  and  life  at  Dulwich  maintained  an 
admirable  balance  of  compensation.  Sidney  was  boyish 
enough  in  all  conscience  when  joining  on  a  summer  after- 
noon or  evening  in  a  hare  and  hounds  paper  chase  round 
the  borders  of  South  London.  Over  the  whole  scheme  of 
education  presided  a  steady  inculcation  of  industry  and 
energy  in  all  things,  whether  work  or  play,  very  delight- 
ful to  witness.  To  use  an  expressive  Americanism,  the 
household  at  Grove  Lane  was  a  i  live '  household,  with  no 
particle  of  sullen  sloth  about  it.  Self-reliance  was  one  of 
the  earliest  lessons  taught  the  boys,  and  at  twelve  years 
old  or  less,  they  were  expected  to  be  able,  unassisted,  to 
escort  a  less  experienced  country  cousin  to  a  day's  sight- 
seeing in  town,  or  with  equal  facility  to  join  him  in  a  day's 
birds'-nesting  in  the  country. 

'From  the  time  Sidney  entered  Dulwich,'  says  his 
mother, '  his  progress  was  steady.  He  was  always  obedient, 
always  industrious,  yet  seeming  to  lead  an  inner  life  of  his 
own.  I  remember  that  at  fourteen  he  had  a  vehement 
struggle  with  another  boy  for  the  top  of  the  fifth  form. 
Especially  was  their  competition  keen  for  that  form's  prize 
for  Latin  Verse  and  Prose  Composition.  This  prize  Sidney 
gained.  Comparing  notes  afterwards,  however,  with  his 
friendly  rival,  he  came  to  the  conclusion  that  it  had  not 
been  rightfully  adjudged  to  him.  No  sooner  was  he  con- 
vinced of  this  than  he  sought  an  interview  with  the 
Master,  and  endeavoured  to  convince  that  authority  that 
the  decision  was  wrong.  The  Master  was  both  amused 
and  aggravated,  and  told  Sidney  that  he  had  better  be 
content  with  what  praise  and  success  were  given  him 
in  this  hard  world.  Nevertheless,  Sidney  remained 
thoroughly  dissatisfied  with  his  victory,  taking  no  pleasure 
in  his  prize. 

CH.  i  EAELY  DAYS  9 

c  His  protecting  love  for  his  little  sister  Lilian,  eight 
years  younger  than  himself,  was  born  with  her  birth  and 
grew  with  her  growth.  When  she  was  a  week  old  he 
would  ask  the  nurse  to  be  allowed  to  take  her  in  his  arms, 
and  upon  the  good  woman's  consent,  would  sit  holding 
the  baby-sister  for  half  an  hour  at  a  time,  never  moving, 
but  silently  looking  at  her.  As  Lilian  grew  older,  Sidney 
became  her  companion  and  friend,  teaching  her,  telling 
her  fairy  tales  ;  upon  returning  from  an  absence  always 
bringing  her  some  little  memento  of  the  spot  visited,  or 
some  odd  quaint  tale  of  adventure.' 

Equal  with  Sidney's  love  for  his  sister  was  his  devo- 
tion to  his  mother. 

1  One  of  the  strongest  ties  of  his  life,'  says  the  latter, 
c  was  his  devoted  affection  to  me.  When  he  was  fourteen 
he  had  a  serious  illness,  inflammation  of  the  lungs  and 
brain,  brought  on  (so  the  doctors  said)  by  overwork,  and 
by  carelessly  getting  wet  in  walking  across  the  fields  to 
school.  (At  that  time  there  were  fields  between  Camber- 
well  and  Dulwich,  and  not  streets  of  speculative  builders' 
masterpieces.)  Through  this  terrible  illness  I  nursed  him. 
He  and  I  were  shut  up  together  for  three  anxious  months, 
and  our  mutual  affection  and  devotion  were,  if  possible, 
strengthened.  During  his  convalescence  from  this  malady 
he  would  sometimes  give  me  a  glimpse  of  his  inner  thoughts. 
Through  science  (always  through  science)  he  was  to  do 
some  great  thing,  and  Lilian  and  I  were  to  help  him  to 
dispense  among  the  unfortunate  and  the  neglected  the 
money  he  was  sure  to  make. 

4  When  Sidney  had  attained  his  sixteenth  year,  Dr. 
Carver,  the  head-master  of  Dulwich,  wrote  to  my  husband 
requesting  an  interview.  At  the  meeting  which  there- 
upon ensued,  Dr.  Carver  said  that  he  was  most  anxious 
that  Sidney,  who  he  thought  would  do  honour  to  the 


school,  should  remain  some  time  longer  at  Dulwich,  and 
should  ultimately  go  in  for  a  scholarship  at  either  Oxford 
or  Cambridge.  To  such  a  scheme  my  husband  had  no 
objection ;  on  the  contrary,  he  was  eager  for  its  execution. 
"  Sidney,"  he  used  to  say,  "  will  in  the  end  become  a  man 
of  science ;  but  he  will  be  a  credit  to  whichever  university 
he  may  join.  One  thing,  however,  is  certain  :  money  will 
never  be  an  object  to  him;  indeed,  he  will  never  be  able 
to  take  care  of  it."  This  last  prediction  the  future  was 
fated  signally  to  falsify. 

*  However,  an  insurmountable  obstacle  arose  to  all  these 
plans.  Sidney,  in  his  own  quiet,  respectful  way,  told  both 
the  head-master  and  his  father  that  he  would  rather 
matriculate  at  London  University  and  study  medicine  in 
the  capital. 

1  Dr.  Carver,  his  father,  I  myself,  were  all  much  dis- 
appointed ;  but  the  boy  had  his  way.  In  the  summer 
holidays  of  1866  he  left  Dulwich.  In  that  summer,  too, 
he  accompanied  his  father  upon  a  long  tour  in  South 

'  That  trip  strengthened  the  boy's  affection  for  his 
father,  and  more  than  ever  convinced  the  latter  that  he 
had  a  rare  nature  to  deal  with.  Upon  their  return  my 
husband  said :  "  Sidney  can  pursue  his  own  course ;  we 
can  absolutely  trust  him." 

'  My  boy,  on  his  side,  at  once  began  studying  for  the 
London  Matriculation.  His  father  offered  him  a  coach. 
"  No ;  please,  father,"  said  he,  "  a  fellow  knows  nothing 
really  well  which  he  does  not  gain  for  himself."  So  passed 
the  weeks,  Sidney  working  up  his  subjects  himself, 
and  also  devoting  his  time  to  teaching  Lilian  and  his 
younger  brother  Arthur.  He  began  Latin  with  them ; 
made  geography  lessons  easy  to  them  by  telling  them 
tales  of  strange  countries.  Always  the  instruction  was 

CH.    I 


wound  up  by  some  wonderful  story  invented  for  tlie 

In  such  fashion  were  the  irresistible  forces  of  heredity 
and  of  education  combining  to  mould  a  bright,  alert, 
questioning,  indefatigable,  strenuous,  and  withal  practical 
spirit.  A  sudden  family  crisis  was  to  test  that  spirit 
earlier  than  had  seemed  likely.  Dreams  of  matriculation 
at  London,  of  study  of  medicine,  of  ultimate  pursuit, 
mayhap,  of  analytical  chemistry  or  mechanical  engineering, 
were  to  disappear. 

In  February,  1867,  Mr.  Thomas  died  suddenly  of 
apoplexy,  and  the  household  was  left  without  a  head.  The 
loss  of  income  was  naturally  serious.  Llewellyn,  the 
eldest  son,  had  already  entered  upon  his  career  (a  career 
destined  to  prove  brilliant  enough,  although  cut  short  too 
early),  and  for  a  twelvemonth  past  had  been  attending 
at  St.  Thomas's  Hospital.  Sidney's  resolves  had  better 
be  told  in  his  mother's  words : 

1  Sidney  sat  down  by  his  father's  bedside  a  boy  ;  from 
his  grave  he  passed  out  a  man,  and  thenceforward  took 
upon  himself,  as  far  as  he  could,  the  burden  of  my  grief. 
When  we  were  alone,  he  told  me  quietly  that  he  should 
not  matriculate,  that  he  should  write  to  the  vicar  of 
Llandrillo,  and  endeavour  to  obtain  a  Civil  Service 
nomination  ;  that  he  would  take  anything  that  first  offered. 
I  prayed  him  to  carry  out  his  plans.  I  said  we  would  all 
live  quietly  together,  and  that  we  should  have  income 
enough.  "  Mother,"  his  answer  was,  "  you  will  want  all 
you  have  to  educate  the  little  ones." 

'  No  prayers,  no  argument  could  move  him,  and  so 
this  boy  (not  yet  seventeen)  launched  himself  on  a  man's 
career.  He  wrote  to  his  Llandrillo  cousin  and  godfather, 
and  had  a  speedy  promise  of  his  nomination.  In  the 
meantime,  Sidney  devoted  himself  to  urgent  affairs.  His 


father  had  been  executor  of  the  vicar  of  Corwen,  who  had 
died  the  preceding  summer.  He  carried  on  this  executor- 
ship  and  helped  me  with  my  own. 

'  Shortly  after  my  husband's  death  we  moved  to 
Camberwell  Grove.  We  had  not  long  settled  there  when 
Sidney  told  me  quietly  that  he  had  taken  a  classical 
mastership  at  an  Essex  school,  meaning  to  hold  it  until 
the  promised  Civil  Service  appointment  came.  He  ex- 
plained that  there  was  nothing  now  for  him  to  help  me 
in.  "  You  know,  mother,  I  cannot  be  idle." 

1  No  remonstrances  availed.  He  went  to  the  Essex 
school — it  was  at  Braintree — and  found  his  class  to  consist 
of  young  fellows  bigger  and  older,  for  the  most  part,  than 
himself.  These  lads  were  at  first  much  inclined  to  re- 
bellion ;  but  Sidney  persevered,  prevailed,  and  in  the  end 
reduced  them  to  willing  obedience.  The  head-master  was 
most  anxious  to  secure  his  classical  assistant  permanently, 
and  offered  him  increased  salary  and  ultimately  partnership 
if  he  would  remain.' 

However,  the  particular  drudgery  of  teaching  was 
always  abhorrent  to  Sidney,  tolerant  as  he  was  of  drudgery 
when  needful,  and  he  was  by  no  means  ill-pleased  when 
the  looked-for  nomination  came.  It  was  to  a  clerkship  in 
the  Metropolitan  Police  Courts. 

Attached  to  each  Metropolitan  Police  Court  are  a 
'  senior '  and  a  l  junior  '  clerk,  members  of  the  Civil  Service. 
The  junior's  salary  begins  at  90Z.  a  year,  with  an  annual 
increment  until  200Z.  a  year  is  reached ;  the  senior  receives 
500/.  per  annum.  The  seniors  are  recruited  from  the 
ranks  of  the  juniors ;  but  in  so  small  a  department  pro- 
motion is  necessarily  slow,  and  the  discoverer  of  the 
Thomas-Gilchrist  process  never  attained,  it  in  his  twelve 
years'  service.  The  duties  of  the  clerks  are  to  conduct  all 
the  business  of  the  office  as  distinct  from  the  Court,  to 

CH.  i  EARLY  DAYS  18 

receive  and  account  for  all  the  moneys  paid  in  for  process, 
fines,  &c.,  and  in  court  to  take  notes  and  depositions. 
The  examination  of  witnesses,  in  the  great  majority  of 
cases  where  no  advocate  appears,  is  by  most  magistrates- 
left  much  to  the  clerk.  To  anyone  with  the  slightest 
knowledge  of  the  volume  of  business  constantly  transacted 
before  these  tribunals,  it  will  be  obvious  that  the  official 
hours  from  ten  to  five  must  be  pretty  fully  occupied.  At 
the  busier  courts,  indeed,  the  clerks  are  often  detained  an 
hour  or  so  later,  although  the  magistrate  himself,  of  course, 
adjourns  at  the  statutory  time.  This  is  mentioned  for  a 
reason  which  will  presently  appear.  Thomas,  having  ob- 
tained his  '  nomination,'  had  little  difficulty  in  success 
in  the  examination,  with  some  hundreds  of  marks  to 
spare.  A  year  or  two  later,  equal  success  in  his 
examination  would  have  given  him  to  a  great  extent  his 
choice  of  departments.  At  this  time,  however,  it  was  not 
so.  In  the  latter  part  of  1867  he  entered  upon  his  duties 
at  the  Marlborough  Street  Police  Court.  Mr.  Knox  was 
the  senior  magistrate  here  at  the  time.  The  work  was 
quite  novel  to  Sidney ;  but,  although  he  never  liked  it 
(indeed,  disliked  it  cordially),  he  buckled  to  it  with 
characteristic  energy.  At  any  rate,  it  was  better  than 
teaching.  It  is  not  too  much  to  say  that,  in  the  midst  of 
all  the  other  more  congenial  pursuits  of  which  we  shall 
presently  speak,  he  found  time  to  thoroughly  master  not 
only  the  practice  and  procedure,  and  the  various  statutes 
with  which  he  was  more  immediately  concerned,  but,  in- 
deed, to  make  himself  an  accomplished  criminal  lawyer. 
In  the  earlier  days  at  Marlborough  Street  the  atmosphere 
was,  doubtless,  strange  enough  to  him,  and  the  writer  can 
well  remember  his  telling  with  much  gusto  how  he  tried 
to  convince  Mr.  Knox  that  he  should  not  convict  a 
man  who,  when  starving,  had  appropriated  another's  loaf, 


because  even  so  conservative  a  thinker  as  Paley  had  main- 
tained that  such  a  taking  was  not  theft.  The  worthy 
magistrate  was  puzzled  for  the  moment  by  this  citation  of 
an  authority  so  little  quoted  in  law  courts,  but  presently 
bethought  him  that  in  truth  the  plea  of  necessity  could 
hardly  arise,  since  the  merciful  legislation  of  this  happy 
country  had  provided  for  the  destitute  the  pleasant  asylum 
of  the  casual  ward. 

Marlborough  Street  is  probably  the  police  court  where 
the  work  is  lightest,  and  it  is  situate  in  a  locality  which 
is  accessible  and  agreeable  to  the  average  middle-class 
man ;  consequently  the  ordinary  police-court  clerk  seeks 
rather  eagerly  after  appointment  to  it.  Sidney,  however, 
was  neither  an  average  middle-class  man  nor  an  ordinary 
police-court  clerk. 

In  1868  the  East  End  had  not  yet  been  discovered 
by  Mr.  Walter  Besant.  Nobody  knew  of  the  delightful 
pastime  styled  '  slumming  ; '  nobody  dreamt  of  Palaces  of 
Delight,  or  produced  glorified  technical  schools.  Thomas 
was  nevertheless  smitten  with  a  genuine  desire  (since 
police-court  drudgery  seemed  to  be  his  portion)  to  pursue 
his  vocation  rather  in  the  East  than  in  the  West,  and  to 
see  for  himself  something  of  the  great  depths  below  our 
civilisation.  For  probably  the  first  time  in  the  history  of 
this  branch  of  the  Civil  Service,  he  sought  an  exchange 
with  a  colleague  at  the  '  Thames  '  Court  in  Arbour  Square, 
and  naturally  met  with  no  difficulty  or  obstacle  in  the 
achievement  of  his  wish.  He  thus  quitted  the  West  End 
Court  after  about  a  year  spent  there,  and  for  the  remainder 
of  his  time  in  the  profession  was  attached  to  the  Stepney 
tribunal.  Among  the  magistrates  here  were  Mr.  Paget, 
Mr.  De  Rutzen,  Mr.  Lushington,  and  for  a  short  time 
before  Sidney's  resignation,  Mr.  Saunders.  Thomas  con- 
tinued to  live  at  home.  His  mother,  as  we  have  seen,  had 

CH.  i  EAKLY  PAYS  15. 

removed  from  Grove  Lane  to  the  neighbouring  <  Camber- 
well  Grove.'  Naturally,  and  gradually,  while  still  little 
more  than  a  boy,  he  assumed  unconsciously  the  position  of 
head  of  the  family ;  for  his  elder  brother  was  by  this  time 
out  in  the  world  on  his  own  account,  and  no  longer  a  con- 
stant member  of  the  home  circle.  He  would  usually  walk 
the  long  distance  from  Camberwell  to  Stepney  at  a  swing- 
ing pace,  always  arriving  at  the  Court  at  ten  sharp  ;  often, 
indeed,  he  would  walk  back.  At  Thames  he  had  a  senior 
colleague,  a  Mr.  Poyer,  since  deceased.  With  this  gentle- 
man Sidney  was  enabled,  after  some  years,  to  make  an 
arrangement  which  left  him  two  days  a  week  free,  and 
this  gave  him  precious  time  which  was  devoted  to  the  real 
mistress  of  his  heart,  Science,  and  to  study  and  researches 
by  means  of  which  he,  in  the  end,  perfected  that  which 
was  to  prove  his  life-work. 

Before  we  speak  of  this  pact,  which  had  so  much  in- 
fluence on  the  future,  let  us  here  introduce  a  description 
of  Thomas  as  he  appeared  at  this  time  to  a  cousin  and 
intimate  friend,  who  took  a  holiday  tour  with  him  in  the 
summer  of  1869. 



A     SUMMER     TOUR 

'  IT  was  in  the  gorgeous  July  of  1869  that  Sidney  Thomas 
and  I,  he  then  being  aged  nineteen  and  I  a  year  or  two 
younger,  visited  the  Continent  for  the  first  time.  Such  a 
visit  at  such  an  age  is  an  experience  never  in  any  case  to 
be  forgotten  ;  but  in  this  instance  my  cousin's  striking 
personality  must,  anyhow,  have  indelibly  impressed  upon 
one's  mind  all  the  main  incidents  of  a  month's  travel  with 
him.  During  our  walks  along  the  straight  white  Norman 
roads  we  discoursed  "  of  all  things,  and  some  others,"  with 
that  wonderful  self-confidence — alas !  also  with  that  won- 
derful energy  and  new  delight — characteristic  of  the  dawn- 
ing days  of  manhood,  when  life  is  like  a  romance  "  of  cloak 
and  sword,"  and  not  the  dreary,  grimy,  realistic  narrative 
which  it  too  often  afterwards  becomes. 

'  We  were,  I  think,  both  possessed  of  that  keen  pleasure 
in  argument,  for  the  sake  of  argument,  which  older  out- 
siders sometimes  find  so  distasteful  to  them  in  smart  lads 
in  their  teens,  and  we  naturally  always  took  opposite 
views  of  every  conceivable  topic,  from  the  mysteries  of 
theology  down  to  the  topography  of  the  Lower  Seine.  The 
summer  air  would  be  heavy  with  the  clang  of  debate  as 
we  trudged  along.  Yet  we  had,  I  think,  both  of  us,  a 
wonderfully  happy  time  of  it,  and  as  light  hearts  as  any 
pair  of  youngsters  in  all  fair  France.  Light  hearts  have 
a  proverbial  accompaniment,  which  in  our  case  was  not 

CH.  ii  A  SUMMEK  TOUR  17 

lacking  either — to  wit,  light  purses ;  but  need  for  economy, 
provided  it  be  not  too  pronounced,  only  adds  to  the  enjoy- 
ment of  a  pleasure-trip  at  twenty. 

'  Of  the  well-remembered  little  incidents  of  that  trip,  so 
far  as  they  illustrate  either  Sidney  Thomas'  character  as  it 
appeared  to  me,  or  the  experiences  which  were  going  to 
form  it,  I  will  say  something  presently ;  but  I  want,  if  I 
can,  in  the  first  place,  to  give  some  idea  of  that  unique 
personality  of  his  at  which  I  have  already  hinted.  Such 
as  he  was  then,  such  he  remained,  in  my  eyes  at  least, 
almost  to  the  end.  No  one  with  the  slightest  faculty  of 
observation  could  ever  have  come  into  the  most  momen- 
tary contact  with  him  and  have  failed  to  recognise  a  mind 
of  exceptional  power.  He  had  the  spare  frame  of  a  man 
^ager,  not  merely  for  intellectual  research,  but  for  intel- 
lectual conflict  and  conquest,  of  a  man  perhaps  somewhat 
too  disdainful  of  the  things  of  the  flesh.  His  face  was 
a  little  "sicklied  o'er  with  th.3  pale  cast  of  thought"  and 
his  hair  a  little  long  and  unkempt  (of  a  surety  from  no 
conscious  affectation,  nor  indeed  had  "  sestheticism  "  begun 
in  1869) ;  yet  I  think  most  women  would  have  found  his 
clear-cut  features  and  speaking  eyes,  wonderfully  variable 
in  colour  and  expression,  handsome.  He  spoke  in  a  clear, 
pleasant  voice,  which  in  moments  of  excitement  became 
metallic.  His  reading  was  wonderful  for  a  youth  of  his 
age — fiction,  history,  travel,  theology,  on  all  these  subjects 
he  seemed  equally  at  home.  Perhaps  poetry  had  been  a 
little  neglected.  In  the  semi-humorous,  self-depreciatory 
way  which  became  him  well,  he  used  to  say  that  he  had 
no  care  for  verse,  and  that  in  the  coming  time  everything 
worth  reading  would  be  written  in  prose ;  but  I  never 
believed  either  assertion.  Social  subjects  had  a  wonderful 
fascination  for  him,  and  although  his  mind  was  too  indepen- 
dent to  accept  blindfold  any  of  the  provisional  theories  of 



the  human  future  which  had  come  in  his  way,  and  he  was 
-"  nullius  addict  us  jurare  in  verba  magistri,"  yet  I  do  not 
think,  looking  back  across  the  expanse  of  twenty  years, 
that  it  would  be  saying  too  much  to  describe  him  as  almost 
persuaded  to  be  a  Socialist.  I  know  that  in  those  days  he 
was  far  more  advanced  than  I,  who  had  but  faint  glimmer- 
ings of  social  problems ;  although  politically  I  was  radical 
enough.  Of  science  he  seldom  spoke  to  me,  knowing  how 
feeble  my  interest  in  and  scant  my  knowledge  of  those 
departments  of  it,  at  least,  which  specially  attracted  him. 

1  Under  the  stimulus  of  what  to  us  were  novel  experi- 
ences in  wayside  Norman  inns  or  on  the  asphalte  of  peer- 
less Paris,  sides  of  Thomas's  character  became  apparent 
which  were  not  so  well  seen  in  his  workaday  life,  when 
•he  was  subjecting  himself  to  that  double  strain  of  dis- 
tasteful exertion  conscientiously  performed  in  the  fetid 
atmosphere  of  a  London  police  court  and  congenial  study 
unfortunately  pursued  in  hours  which  immutable  hygienic 
laws  have  decided  should  be  devoted  to  leisure.  Most  of 
us,  who  belong  to  the  non-productive  classes  at  least,  know 
nowadays  something  of  the  mental  exaltation  produced 
by  realising  for  the  first  time  with  our  own  eyes  the 
existence  of  a  civilisation  different  from  our  own,  even  if 
it  be  only  the  civilisation  of  a  country  so  like  ours  as  is 
France.  The  very  names  on  the  shop-fronts,  the  very 
jabber  of  the  children  in  the  streets,  the  very  knowledge 
that  we  are  strangers  and  sojourners,  — all  those  things 
cause  a  delight  never  afterwards  to  be  reproduced.  For 
myself,  I  shall  never  forget  our  landing  at  Havre  one 
afternoon  in  early  July.  We  had  come  by  the  long  route 
from  London  Bridge,  and  I  think  we  had  both  of  us 
suffered  a  good  deal  in  the  Channel.  All  the  morning  we 
had  lain  tossing  outside  the  harbour  waiting  for  the  tide. 
Such  troubles  were  soon  forgotten  as,  in  our  phrase-book 

CH.  n  A  SUMMEK  TOUR  19 

French,  we  asked  our  way,  knapsacks  on  back,  to  the 
Caudebec  road ;  for  we  were  to  walk  up  the  Seine  valley, 

'  With  what  zest  we  ate  our  rolls  and  drank  our  cafe  au 
lait  in  the  morning  and  felt  that  we  were  indeed  "  on  the 
Continent! "  We  did  a  good  trudge  that  day,  I  remember. 
Thomas  resolutely  refused  to  eat  any  dejeuner^  a  resolution 
which  he  adhered  to  pretty  steadfastly  throughout  our 
travels,  maintaining  that  our  rolls  in  the  morning,  with 
our  dinner  in  the  evening,  sufficed  for  all  our  needs.  This 
was  a  doctrine  which  I  as  steadfastly  opposed,  insisting 
on  the  midday  repast  as  a  necessity.  Hence  arguments 
which  speedily  led  us  far  afield  over  the  whole  domain  of 
what  we  knew  of  physiology,  and  from  physiology  the  way 
was  easy  to  dispute  concerning  most  things  in  heaven  and 
earth.  The  echo  of  our  words  comes  back  to  me  now,  with 
the  background  of  the  straight  white  roads,  the  hedgeless 
fields,  the  kilometre-stones,  and  the  iron  guide-posts.  I 
did  not  know  of  the  purposes  which  were  even  then  doubt- 
less dimly  shaping  themselves  in  Sidney's  mind,  and 
leading  him  to  a  settled  scheme  of  minute  economy  in 
his  expenditure  upon  himself,  so  that,  when  the  hour  struck, 
he  might  not  fail  in  his  projects  for  want  of  the  sinews 
of  war. 

'  There  was,  I  have  always  thought,  however,  joined  with 
this  intelligible  motive  to  abstinence,  a  half-conscious  lean- 
ing tok  asceticism  in  Sidney's  nature  which  impelled  him  to 
unnecessary  and  even  injurious  self-denial.  I  much  fear 
that  the  seeds  of  premature  decay  were  implanted  in  his 
naturally  vigorous  frame  by  the  habit  which  he  acquired  in 
these  adolescent  years,  when  abundance  of  food  is  of  prime 
need,  of  systematic  under-eating — a  habit,  the  evil  results 
of  which  were  assisted,  as  has  already  been  hinted,  by 
systematic  over-work.  But  these  things  were  absolutely 

c  2 


hidden  from  us  by  futurity's  curtain,  nor  did  any  anticipa- 
tion of  evil  to  come  spoil  our  summer  days. 

4  Paris  in  the  midsummer  of  1869  seemed  to  our  in- 
experienced eyes  the  City  of  Pleasure  in  very  truth,  and 
doubtless  we  missed  the  lessons  we  might  have  learnt  in 
the  streets  of  the  City  of  Light.  In  little  more  than 
another  twelvemonth,  the  frequenters  of  the  boulevard, 
with  their  English-made  clothes  and  their  twisted 
moustaches,  would  for  the  most  part  have  fled  elsewhither; 
but  the  real  children  of  Paris,  noblest  populace  perhaps  of 
the  world,  would  be  enduring  with  fortitude,  never  before 
shown  by  such  a  mass  of  human  beings,  all  the  horrors  of 
the  long  siege.  In  some  twenty  months'  time,  those  same 
children  of  Paris  would  kindle  a  flame  which  should  terrify 
respectable  persons  everywhere,  and  be  as  a  beacon  to 
lighten  the  steps  of  revolutionists  for  many  a  day. 

4  Although  we  did  not  dip  much  below  the  surface,  we 
crowded  a  great  deal  of  sight-seeing  into  our  eleven  days 
in  the  capital.  Sidney  was,  as  ever,  insatiable  after  new 
things,  and,  although  never  tired  of  satirising  himself  for 
the  foible,  yet  was  seemingly  bent  on  emulating  the  typical 
Yankee  anxiety  to  fill  the  day  with  achievement. 

4  On  our  return  walk  from  Paris  to  Dieppe  I  remember  a 
country  gendarme  stopped  us  once  and  demanded  our  pass- 
ports. We  said  that  we  were  English  and  needed  none ; 
but  "  Je  crois  que  vous  etes  des  Prussiens,"  rejoined  the 
moustached  and  swaggering  Dogberry.  However,  after 
some  consideration  he  allowed  us  to  go  our  ways,  yet  still 
with  scowling  mien  walked  his  horse  after  us  for  a  kilo- 
metre or  two,  until,  I  presume,  we  passed  out  of  his  juris- 

1  We  disliked  this  dogging  of  our  footsteps  very  much, 
and  at  Sidney's  suggestion  we  started  the  "  Marseillaise," 
feeling  all  the  time  that  we  were  very  desperate  ruffians 

CH.  n  A  SUMMER  TOUR  21 

indeed  ;  but  as  we  could  neither  of  us  sing  a  note,  and  as 
we  knew  nothing  of  the  tune,  and  but  little  of  the  words 
of  the  then  forbidden  song,  I  really  do  not  think  that  our 
persecutor  realised  our  audacity.  Another  time  we  walked 
some  miles  with  an  ex-convict  from  Toulon,  in  whom 
Thomas  took  much  interest,  but  from  whom  we  gathered 
little  save  a  general  impression  that  our  interlocutor  was 
a  well-meaning,  stupid  fellow,  somewhat  dazed  with  the 
injustice  of  the  world. 

'  We  were  absent  a  month,  and  out  of  the  ten  pounds 
apiece  we  had  started  with  I  brought  back  some  sixteen 
francs,  but  Sidney  double  or  treble  that  amount.  Had  it 
not  been  for  his  example,  I  should  never  have  done  things 
so  cheaply.  I  insist  on  these  details  because  Sidney's  severe 
and  rigid,  perhaps  too  severe  and  rigid,  economy  throws 
much  light  on  some  main  features  of  his  character.  We 
may  hope  that  in  the  better  society  which  the  future,  as 
some  of  us  hold,  has  in  store  for  us,  thrift  may  cease  to  be 
deemed  a  virtue  ;  since,  where  each  one  renders  according 
to  his  capacity  and  receives  according  to  his  needs,  there 
will  be  no  fear  of  ever  wanting.  But  under  the  present 
false  social  conditions,  and  in  the  horrible  world  in  which 
we  live  to-day,  there  is,  it  seems  to  me,  revolt  as  we  may 
from  asceticism,  no  undeserved  credit  due  to  him  who,  for 
a  worthy  and  unselfish  purpose,  not  only  "  shuns  delights 
and  lives  laborious  days,"  but  even  by  abstinence  hoards 
out  of  scanty  means  the  wherewithal  to  battle  hereafter. 
Thomas  was  no  miser,  and  no  man  more  generous  to  others 
ever  lived.  He  only  pinched  himself. 

1  He  had,  as  it  seemed,  an  inborn  financial  genius. 
Perhaps  this  was  merely  a  manifestation  of  his  keen  sense 
of  things  as  they  really  were.  His  imagination  was  power- 
ful enough  in  some  directions ;  but  it  was  always  his 
servant  and  never  his  master,  and  his  outlook  on  the  world 


was  quite  unobscured  by  mists  of  fantasy  or  passion.  Yet 
none  was  bolder  in  speculation,  and  in  many  matters  he 
was  an  idealist.  I  will  not  say  that  he  had  quite  "  swallowed 
all  formulas " — few  of  us,  strive  as  we  may,  succeed 
altogether  in  that ;  but  he  had  proved  most  things,  and  he 
held  fast  those  which  seemed  to  him  good. 

'Looking  back  on  these  somewhat  rough  notes — 
wherein  I  have  endeavoured,  perhaps  not  too  successfully, 
to  paint  my  cousin's  portrait  in  rather  "  impressionist " 
fashion — it  seems  to  me  that  I  have  given,  it  may  be,  too 
harsh  and  stern  a  rendering  of  one  of  the  most  genial  men 
1  ever  knew.  Stern  and  even  harsh  he  could  be  upon 
occasions,  although  never  for  long  ;  but  habitually  he  was 
the  most  cheerful,  the  most  fascinating,  even  the  most 
humorous  and  lightsome  of  mortals.' 

CH.  m  A  '  DOUBLE  LIFE  '  23 


A    '  DOUBLE   LIFE  ' 

IN  the  foregoing  chapter  we  have  Sidney  Thomas  as  he 
appeared  to  an  intimate  friend  when  on  holiday-making 
bent.  At  home  he  had  become  practically,  as  we  have 
said,  the  head  of  the  family,  his  elder  brother  being  out 
in  the  world.  After  the  removal  from  Grove  Lane  to 
Camberwell  Grove,  there  began,  says  Sidney's  mother,  '  a 
new  domestic  life,  of  which  Sidney  was  the  centre.'  His 
official  work  at  this  time  (1867-1871)  was  hard  enough, 
as  indeed  it  always  was,  and  the  two  free  days  a  week — 
to  be  by  him  devoted  to  still  harder  scientific  work — which 
he  subsequently  acquired  by  arrangement  with  Mr.  Poyer, 
were  as  yet  in  the  dim  and  distant  future.  Hard  as  might 
be  his  police-court  labours,  unattractive  to  him  as  they 
often  were,  he  threw  his  whole  heart  and  soul  into  their 
discharge.  Always  an  early  riser,  he  had  mastered  the 
morning  paper,  eaten  his  breakfast,  done  miscellaneous 
work,  and  walked,  as  his  usual  manner  was,  the  long  miles 
from  Camberwell  to  Stepney  easily  by  ten  o'clock. 

There,  day  after  day,  he  would  arrive  with  ever-fresh 
energy,  always  buoyant  with  a  vitality  which,  so  long  as 
he  remained  at  the  court,  was  to  the  very  end  entirely 
devoted  to  his  official  duties.  Mr.  Lushington,  under 
whom  he  served  for  ten  years,  brings  out  well  this  buoyant 
•energy,  which  was  one  of  Sidney's  most  marked  charac- 


teristics,  in  the  following  letter  addressed  to  Sidney's  sister, 
now  Mrs.  Percy  Thompson  : 

'  Thames  Police  Court :  January  1890. 

( Dear  Miss  Thomas, — Your  brother,  Sidney  Gilchrist 
Thomas,  appears  to  have  been  transferred  as  second  clerk 
to  this  Court  some  time  in  the  summer  of  1868.  I  have 
been  unable  to  find  any  letter  announcing  the  exact  date 
of  his,  appointment ;  but  his  handwriting  begins  then  to 
appear  in  the  Court  Letter  Book,  and  this  would  accord 
very  well  with  my  own  impression  that  he  had  been  here 
from  eighteen  months  to  two  years  when  I  came  to  the 
Court  in  December  1869.  He  left  it  in  1879,  so  that  I 
had  the  pleasure  of  his  help  for  nearly  ten  years,  and 
enjoyed  the  fullest  opportunities  of  appreciating  his  value 
in  our  business  relations,  as  well  as  of  gaining  an  insight 
into  his  character.  During  most  of  those  years,  the 
pressure  of  work  at  the  Thames  Court  upon  the  magis- 
trates, and  the  clerks  also,  was  perhaps  harder  and  more 
unremitting  than  at  any  other  Court  in  London. 

4  Your  brother  was  as  indefatigable,  as  clear-headed,  as 
patient  in  dealing  with  stupid  or  ignorant  witnesses,  as 
accurate  and  concise  in  putting  the  evidence  into  the  form 
of  a  deposition,  as  any  clerk  could  possibly  be ;  and  he 
was  bright  and  elastic  from  the  beginning  of  a  long  day 
to  the  end,  and  from  one  long  day  to  another,  with  work 
BO  heavy  as  to  require  its  being  got  through  with  all  the 
rapidity  that  was  compatible  with  efficient  performance. 
It  was  a  constant  help  and  a  constant  satisfaction  to  me 
to  see  his  part  performed,  not  only  with  the  exact 
mechanism  of  a  trained  intellect,  but  with  the  thorough, 
going  industry  of  a  conscientious  and  passionate  lover  of 
strict  justice. 

1 1  instinctively  felt  that  he  formed  his  opinion  inde- 

CH.  in  A   '  DOUBLE   LIFE  '  25 

pendently  of  mine,  and  that  he  was  the  most  competent 
and  unbiassed,  and  in  some  ways  the  severest,  critic  of  the 
style  in  which  my  own  duty  was  performed.  Wherever 
a  touch  of  out-of-the-way  medical  or  scientific  jurispru- 
dence came  into  the  details  of  a  case,  I  was  always  par- 
ticularly struck  with  his  quick  appreciation  of  the  points 
in  the  evidence  of  any  expert  witness.  I  understood  that 
he  was  fond  of  practical  chemistry ;  but  it  was  not  until 
after  the  publication  of  his  great  discovery  that  I  became 
aware  of  his  possessing  a  genius  in  that  line  that  would  lift 
him  at  once  into  the  first  ranks  of  scientific  reputation. 

'  I  was  most  sorry  when  his  new  career  removed  him 
from  the  staff  of  the  Court,  though  delighted  with  the 
extraordinary  success  he  had  achieved ;  and  I  am  sura 
that  every  official  of  the  Thames,  from  the  highest  to  the 
lowest,  was  equally  fond  of  him  while  there,  equally  proud 
of  him  when  he  went  from  us,  and  equally  grieved  at  his 
early  end.  His  career  was  an  instance  of  the  precept  ot 
the  Preacher :  "  Whatsoever  thy  hand  findeth  to  do,  do  it 
with  thy  might." 

1  Believe  me,  very  truly  yours, 


Most  Civil  servants,  after  the  hard  collar-work,  ex- 
tending over  seven  or  eight  hours,  which  is  here  described, 
would  have  thought  their  evenings  at  least  sacred  to  re- 
laxation ;  but  Thomas  was  made  of  different  stuff.  His 
evenings,  as  soon  as  his  simple  dinner  was  disposed  of, 
were  always  spent  in  work  of  some  kind,  and  very  soon 
came  to  be  specially  set  apart  for  chemical  studies  and 
experiments.  He  early  began  to  lead  the  double  life — a 
very  virtuous  *  double  life ' — which  was  to  be  his  for  a 
decade  at  least.  In  one  aspect  and  to  one  set  cf  acquaint- 
ances he  was  a  model  and  exceptionally  intelligent  police- 


court  clerk ;  in  another  aspect  and  to  another  class  of 
friends  he  was  a  promising  young  scientist.  Into  his 
leisure  hours  he  crammed  work  which  would  have  been 
more  than  sufficient  for  all  the  energies  of  most  men. 

We  will  return  to  his  chemical  pursuits  presently. 
Let  us  note  here  that,  beyond  all  this,  he  had  burdened 
himself  with  the  management  of  the  financial  affairs,  not 
only  of  his  mother,  but  also  of  several  other  female  re- 
latives. The  keen,  practical,  business-like  side  of  him, 
which  was  as  markedly  characteristic  as  his  idealism, 
delighted  in  threading  the  intricacies  of  the  Stock  Ex- 
change, and  he  was  a  thoroughly  trustworthy  guide  to 
'investments' — never  really  rash,  although  sometimes 
seeming  so. 

Yet  he  never  seemed  too  busy  for  such  a  long  talk 
with  a  congenial  friend  as  his  soul  loved,  and  in  some 
mysterious  way  he  contrived  to  read  more  general  litera- 
ture of  all  kinds  than  many  professed  literary  men. 

In  the  summer  of  the  fearful  and  memorable  year 
1871,  Mrs.  Thomas  let  her  house  in  Camberwell  Grove  for 
some  months,  and  went  abroad  to  Germany,  Switzerland, 
and  Italy  with  her  two  younger  children  and  Miss  Burton, 
a  cousin,  returning  early  in  1872.  Sidney  accompanied 
them,  as  far  as  his  annual  holiday  would  stretch,  and  then 
returned  to  harness. 

During  the  absence  of  his  family  Thomas  lived  a 
somewhat  solitary  life  in  London,  residing  at  first  in  a 
boarding-house  in  a  City  square,  and  afterwards  in  lodgings 
in  Brooke  Street,  Holborn. 

The  following  extracts  from  letters  belong  to  this  period : 

To  his  Mother 


'Dearest  Mother, — I  have  just  contrived  to  squeeze  out 
a  moment  or  two  to  write  to  Lil.  Square  as  I  anticipated  a 

CH.    Ill 

A   'DOUBLE  LIFE  27 

failure ;  but  I  am  of  course  in  a  fix,  as  I  can't  get  a  day  to 
look  about.  I  have  seen  three  rooms  close  to  Chancery 
Lane,  very  small,  dingy,  only  15Z.  per  annum;  of  course 
empty.  They  are  not  empty  till  end  of  month.  I  calcu- 
late attendance  about  4Z.  a  year ;  light,  fuel,  and  furniture 
6Z.,  and  glorious  independence.  No  more  boarding-houses 
for  me.  However,  it  is  uncertain  whether  the  rooms  are 
not  already  let.  London  viler  than  ever.  How  I  envy 
you  in  your  luxurious  retreat,  far  removed  from  the  toils 
.and  cares  of  your  deserted  sons.' 

To  his  Sister 


f  Dearest  Wee  Maid, — How  dare  you  go  and  spend  your 
Xmas  away  from  your  devoted  boy,  and  leave  his  Xmas 
pudding  to  the  chances  of  promiscuous  charity  and  his 
own  culinary  skill  ?  The  truth  is,  I  am  conscious  of  deserv- 
ing a  scolding  for  not  having  rushed,  with  eager  pen,  at 
once  to  respond,  as  best  I  might,  to  your  two  delicious 
little  epistles,  and  so  hope  to  avoid  the  merited  reproof  by 
exposing  my  own  grievances.  It  is  needless  to  remark 
that  I  only  recovered  from  the  impression  that  I  was  the 
fortunate  recipient  of  one  of  the  world-famed  missives  of 
Sevigne,  whose  epistolary  style  has  been  chastened  and 
adorned  during  her  residence  with  the  shades  by  the 
instruction  and  examples  of  a  Lamartine,  a  Rochefoucauld, 
and  a  Dumas, — I  only  awoke  from  this  delusion,  I  say,  when 
I  recognised  the  well-beloved  signature  of  my  honoured 
sister.  But  really  I  was  much  pleased,  both  with  your 
style  and  expression,  while  your  communication  in  the 
vulgar  tongue  was  equally  acceptable  and  less  straining  to 
one's  intellectual  department.  Now  I  really  don't  know 
if  I  am  en  regie  in  wishing  you  a  Merry  Xmas,  which  I 
had  intended  to  do ;  for  I  suppose  you  will  spend  it  in  a 


picnic  on  Arno's  banks,  with  umbrellas  to  keep  the  sun 
off,  and  an  airy  repast  of  strawberries  and  cream  or  grapes 
and  ices,  or  in  some  other  festive  mode  befitting  the 
41  sunny  South ; "  whereas  we  all  know  that  roast  beef  and 
its  concomitant  plum  indigestion,  with  snow  on  the 
ground,  is  absolutely  essential  to  a  Merrie  Xmas. 

1  And  so  I,  with  a  prospective  possession  of  these  latter 
blessings,  look  down  with  pity  on  you  benighted 
foreigners.  By-the-bye,  talking  of  matters  culinary,  yon 
have  no  conception  what  a  professor  in  matters  gastronomic 
this  fraternal  genius  of  yours  is  becoming.  To  see  .him 
boil  a  potato,  roast  a  haunch  of  venison  (N.B. — a  frequent 
dish),  and  finally  prepare  his  great  and  world-renowned 
dish  of  omni  cum  omnibus  bene  extrare,  mixta  cum  quibu$ 
domain, — oh,  that  indeed  is  a  sight  calculated  to  rejoice 
the  spirits  of  a  Soyer  or  a  Francatelli !  And  then  to  see 
his  tranquil  happiness  and  serene  beatitude  when,  relieved 
from  his  pleasant  toils,  with  heels  gracefully  reclining  on 
far-upsoaring  mantelshelf,  and  with  easiest  of  chairs 
backtilted  to  the  uttermost  verge  of  unstable  equilibrium, 
he  rests  exposed  to  the  rays  of  a  glowing  fire,  with  pleasant 
novel  and  not  unpleasant  dreams !  Now,  after  this  fascinating 
picture  of  life  en  gar$ont  don't  you  feel  tempted  to  join  in 
an  alliance  with  this  fond  youth  and  leave  the  rest  of  the 
family  out  in  the  cold  of  the  blue  skies  of  Italy  ?  Post 
of  housekeeper  still  open ;  no  one  over  twenty-three  need 
ppply.  The  midnight  bell  is  striking,  so,  darling,  once 
more  a  Merry  Xmas  and  Happy  New  Year. — Ever  yours, 


Some  readers  may  be  astonished  at  some  passages  in 
the  above  letters.  Chambers  in  Chancery  Lane  at  15Z. 
a  year,  with  attendance  calculated  at  4>l.  per  annum  and 
•*  light,  fuel,  and  furniture '  at  61.,  may  seem  a  vain  dream 

CH,  in  A   '  DOUBLE  LIFE  '  29 

of  economy.  But  it  really  was  upon  such  bases  that 
Thomas  arranged  his  existence.  His  thriftiness  was, 
however,  as  his  cousin  explains  above  in  the  account  of 
the  French  tour  of  1869,  confined  to  his  own  personal  ex- 
penditure, and  was  doubtlessly  largely  dictated  by  the 
necessity  of  accumulating  out  of  a  small  enough  income 
the  nest-egg  which  would  be  needed  for  those  ultimate 
purposes  which  were  shaping  themselves  more  and  more 
clearly  in  his  mind.  Under  our  present  social  system,  if 
a  man  be  born  in  the  purple,  he  is  not  likely  to 
revolutionise  metallurgy  by  his  discoveries ;  if  he  be  not 
so  born,  and  yet  have  such  an  aim,  he  must  not  only  work 
night  and  day,  but  also  pinch  himself  for  years  to  obtain 




ALL  this  time  Thomas's  purposes  were  ripening.  We 
have  already  told  how  in  the  very  early  days  of  1868  he 
had  already  begun  experimenting  and  studying  at  home 
in  the  evenings.  In  1870  he  attended  a  course  of  lectures 
at  the  Birkbeck  Institution  delivered  by  Mr.  •  George 
Chaloner,  who  then  held,  as  he  still  holds,  the  teachership 
of  Chemistry  at  that  admirable  school.  Sidney  had  from 
the  first  given  himself  to  the  examination  of  the  unsolved 
problems  of  chemistry ; l  but  it  was  at  these  lectures  in 
all  probability  that  he  received  the  final  impetus  which 
started  him  in  pursuit  of  a  solution  of  the  particular 
problem  destined  to  be  indissolubly  associated  with  his 
name.  Mr.  Chaloner  took  occasion  to  say  that  'the 
man  who  eliminated  phosphorus  by  means  of  the  Bessemer 
converter  would  make  his  fortune.'  There  can  be  no 
question  that  this  expression  sank  deeply  into  Thomas's 
mind,  and  about  this  time  he  frequently  quoted  it.  It 
has  indeed  been  said  ('Iron,'  No.  630,  p.  Ill)  that  'the 

1  Although  dephosphorisation  of  would  repeatedly  insist  to  him  on 

iron  pig  was  the  question  to  which  the  hydrogen,  oxygen,  and  nitro- 

Thomas  ultimately  devoted  him-  gen    present  in    air    and    water 

self,    yet  he  always  kept  in   his  and  to  be  had  for  nothing,  and 

mind  other  problems  which  per-  the  little  use  made  of  them.     '  Im- 

haps,    had    he    lived,    he  would  possible  as  with  present  lights  it 

have  elucidated  as  triumphantly.  may  seem,'  he   would  say,   'why 

Mr.      Chaloner     is     wont      now  should  not  ammonia  be  extracted 

to  tell   his    pupils   how  Thomas  from  the  air  ? ' 


commercial  idea  here  expressed  was  quite  as  much  in  his 
thoughts  as  the  scientific  nature  of  the  problem.  In  early 
conversation  on  the  subject  he  frequently  used  to  point  out 
the  product  of  a  royalty  of  sixpence  a  ton  on  3,000,000  tons 
annually  of  Cleveland  pig.'  No  doubt  that  Sidney  looked 
forward  to  the  realisation  of  riches,  should  he  discover 
the  secret  of  the  dephosphorisation  of  iron  in  the  con- 
verter. His  mother  has  told  above  of  his  early  dreams  of 
fortune  and  his  visions  of  good  purposes  to  which  that  for- 
tune should  be  applied.  Yet  we  may  take  leave  to  doubt 
whether  this  supplies  any  support  to  the  threadbare 
theory  that  great  inventions  are  only  to  be  encouraged  by 
monetary  rewards.  The  bent  of  Thomas's  mind  would,  in 
a  society  where  money  did  not  exist,  have  carried  him 
quite  as  irresistibly  towards  discovery — perhaps  even, 
towards  this  particular  discovery ;  the  stimulus  of  fame, 
nay,  the  intellectual  pleasure  in  doing  good  work,  would 
have  been  quite  as  effectual  as  the  desire  of  riches  even  for 

In  any  case  the  solution  of  the  dephosphorisation  problem 
became  from  this  time  forth  his  chief  thought  and  object. 
We  may  explain  here  in  what  that  problem  consisted. 

Up  to  1855  the  process  of  making  steel  from  iron  had 
not  varied  for  a  hundred  years.  In  the  middle  of  the  last 
century  a  certain  Cort  had  invented  a  new  process,  which 
in  its  time  undoubtedly  marked  a  new  departure  in  the 
world's  history.  Until  Cort's  discovery,  the  finest  steel 
used  in  this  country  was  made  by  the  Hindoos,  and  is  said 
to  have  been  quoted  at  the  fantastic  and  prohibitive  price 
of  10,0002.  a  ton.  Cort  produced  equally  good  steel  at 
prices  ranging  from  50Z.  to  1002.  a  ton.  Still,  even  at  such 
prices  as  these  what  has  been  called  the  c  Steel  Age '  could 
not  be  said  to  have  begun. 

That  age  began  when  Henry  Bessemer,  between  1856 


and  1859,  worked  out  an  entirely  new  method  of  steel 
manufacture,  a  method  destined  to  revolutionise  this  most 
important  branch  of  metallurgy.  By  this  process  pig-iron 
is  transformed  into  steel  by  being  c  blown '  in  a  '  converter.' 
On  May  24,  1859,  Bessemer  thus  described  his  process  to 
the  Institution  of  Civil  Engineers : 

4  The  converting  vessel  is  mounted  on  an  axis,  at  or 
near  the  centre  of  gravity.  It  is  constructed  of  boiler 
plates,  and  is  lined  either  with  firebrick,  road  drift,  or 
"  ganister  " — a  local  name  in  Sheffield  for  a  peculiar  kind  of 
powdered  stone,  which  resists  the  heat  better  than  any 
other  material  yet  tried,  and  has  also  the  advantage  of 
.cheapness.  The  vessel,  having  been  heated,  is  brought  into 
the  requisite  position  to  receive  its  charge  of  melted  metal, 
without  either  of  the  "tuyeres,"  or  air-holes,  being  below 
the  surface.  No  action  can  therefore  take  place  until  the 
vessel  is  turned  up,  so  that  the  blast  can  enter  through  the 
tuyeres.  The  process  is  thus  in  an  instant  brought  into  full 
activity,  and  small,  though  powerful,  jets  of  air  spring 
upward  though  the  fluid  mass.  The  air,  expanding  in 
-volume,  divides  itself  into  globules,  or  bursts  violently 
upwards,  carrying  with  it  some  hundredweight  of  fluid 
metal,  which  again  falls  into  the  boiling  mass  below.  Every 
part  of  the  apparatus  trembles  under  the  violent  agitation 
thus  produced ;  a  roaring  flame  rushes  from  the  mouth  of 
the  vessel,  and,  as  the  process  advances,  it  changes  its 
violet  colour  to  orange,  and  finally  to  a  voluminous  pure 
white  flame.  The  sparks,  which  at  first  were  large,  like 
those  of  ordinary  foundry  iron,  change  into  small  hissing 
points,  and  these  gradually  give  way  to  soft  floating  specks 
of  bluish  light,  as  the  state  of  malleable  iron  is  approached. 
There  is  no  eruption  of  cinder  as  in  the  early  experiments, 
although  it  is  formed  during  the  process ;  the  improved 
shape  of  the  converter  causes  it  to  be  retained,  and  it  not 


only  acts  beneficially  on  the  metal,  but  it  helps  to  confine 
the  heat,  which  during  the  process  has  rapidly  risen  from 
the  comparatively  low  temperature  of  melted  pig-iron  to 
one  vastly  greater  than  the  highest  known  welding  heats,  by 
which  malleable  iron  only  becomes  sufficiently  soft  to  be 
shaped  by  the  blows  of  the  hammer ;  but  here  it  becomes 
perfectly  fluid,  and  even  rises  so  much  above  the  melting- 
point  as  to  admit  of  its  being  passed  from  the  converter 
into  a  founder's  ladle,  and  from  thence  to  be  transferred  to 
Several  successive  moulds.' 

The  metal  thus  produced  was  fine  steel,  and  could  be 
made  for  61.  a  ton,  against  something  like  60Z.  a  ten  under 
the  old  system.  The  new  Steel  Age  had  indeed  begun. 
Cheapness  and  rapidity  were  not  the  only  recommendations 
of  the  new  metal ;  it  was,  after  a  time,  found  to  be  superior 
also  in  quality  to  steel  manufactured  under  the  old  system. 
We  cannot  follow  here  the  history  of  the  Bessemer  process. 
It  was  so  universally  adopted  that  in  1868  it  was  bringing 
in  to  its  inventor  100,000?.  a  year.2 

Yet  there  was  one  great  drawback  to  this  system  of 
steel-making.  In  the  process  just  described  one  very 
common  impurity  of  iron  ores  was  not  remedied,  and  that 
impurity  was  phosphorus.  This  was  a  matter  of  the 
highest  practical  importance ;  for  the  non-elimination  of 
phosphorus  rendered  steel  made  in  the  converter  from  pig- 
iron  containing  it  utterly  useless,  the  phosphorus  making 
the  metal  brittle  and  worthless.  The  result  was  that  this 
wonderful  invention  could  only  be  used  for  the  conversion 
of  pig-iron  derived  from  non-phosphoric  ores,  and  (since  the 

2  Yet  another  mode  of  steel  mami-  duly  note  that  it  was  subject  to  the 
facture  was  a  few  years  subse-  same  drawback,  viz.  non-dephos- 
quently  introduced  :  the 'Siemens-  phorisation,  as  the  Bessemer  sys- 
Martin  '  or  '  open  hearth  '  process.  tern,  and  that  the  '  Thomas-Gil- 
It  is  not  necessary  in  a  book  of  this  christ '  process  is  equally  applicable 
kind  to  describe  this  process.  We  to  it  as  we  shall  subsequently  see. 


old,  long,  and  expensive  '  puddling '  process  of  Cort — in 
which  the  phosphorus  was  removed — could  not  compete  on 
equal  terms  in  the  struggle  with  Bessemer),  the  great 
majority  of  British,  French,  German  and  Belgian  ores  be- 
came, to  a  large  extent,  unavailable  for  steel-making.  In 
Great  Britain  the  'hematite'  iron  of  Barrow-in-Furness 
speedily  drove  down  in  the  market  the  phosphoric  pig  of 
Cleveland  or  of  Wales  ;  such  pig  falling  or  remaining 
stationary  in  price,  while  hematite  doubled  in  value.  The 
hematite  iron  ore  to  be  found  on  the  Continent  (chiefly  in 
Spain)  was  eagerly  sought  after. 

How  was  it  that  phosphorus  was  retained  in  the 
Bessemer  converter,  and  how  could  it  be  eliminated  ?  If 
these  questions  could  be  answered  satisfactorily — i.e.  in 
«uch  a  way  as  to  cheaply  dephosphorise  phosphoric  pig — 
the  cost  of  the  production  of  steel  could  be  again  dimin- 
ished, and  the  world  would  not  only  have  begun  its  Steel 
Age,  but  definitely  have  broken  with  the  Iron  one.  From 
1860  onwards  to  the  public  announcement  of  the  success 
of  the  Thomas-Gilchrist  process,  metallurgists  were  eagerly 
concerned  with  dephosphorisation.  Sir  Henry  Bessemer 
himself,  and  an  army  of  unsuccessful  experimentalists, 
vainly  grappled  with  the  difficulty.  Among  other  at- 
tempters  of  the  adventure  was  Lowthian  Bell,  who  had  for 
years  been  regarded  as  the  high  priest  of  British  metallurgy. 
In  1870-72  he  published  a  work  entitled,  'The  Chemical 
Phenomena  of  Iron  Smelting,'  a  book  which  must  have 
been  frequently  in  Thomas's  hands.  Doubtless  Sidney  had 
specially  marked  the  following  passage  : — 

*  The  limit  to  the  production  of  Bessemer  pig  is  want 
of  ores  free  from  phosphorus.  The  hematites  of  this 
country,  under  the  sudden  demand,  have  doubled  in  price, 
and  speculators  of  all  kinds  are  rushing  off  to  Spain,  where 
tracts  of  land,  conceded  without  any  payment  a  few  months 


ago  by  the  Government  of  that  country,  are  said  now  to 
be  worth  large  premiums  ;  at  least  such  is  the  impression 
left  on  the  mind  by  a  perusal  of  the  published  prospectuses 
of  the  day. 

'  This  may  be  correct,  and  so  firm  may  be  the  grip 
that  phosphorus  holds  on  iron,  that  breaking  up  the  bonds 
that  bind  them  together  may  defy  the  skill  of  our  most 
scientific  men ;  but  it  may  be  well  to  remember  that  the 
yearly  make  of  iron  from  Cleveland  stone  alone  contains 
about  30,000  tons  of  phosphorus,  worth  for  agricultural 
purposes,  were  it  in  manure  as  phosphoric  acid,  above  a 
quarter  of  a  million,  and  that  the  money  value  difference 
between  Cleveland  and  hematite  iron  is  not  short  of  four 
millions  sterling,  chiefly  due  to  the  presence  of  this  250,OOOL 
worth  of  phosphorus. 

'The  Pattinson  process  does  not  leave  one  part  of 
silver  in  100,000  of  lead;  the  Bessemer  converter  robs 
iron  of  almost  every  contamination  except  phosphorus, 
but  nine-tenths  of  this  ingredient  is  expelled  by  the 
puddling  furnace.  It  may  be  difficult,  but  let  it  not  be 
supposed  that  there  would  be  any  surprise  excited  in  the 
minds  of  chemists  if  a  simple  and  inexpensive  process  fcr 
separating  iron  and  phosphorus  were  made  known  to- 
morrow, so  that  only  one  of  the  latter  should  be  found  in 
5,000  of  the  former ;  and  now  that  there  is  such  a  margin 
to  stimulate  exertion,  we  may  be  sure  the  minds  of 
properly  qualified  persons  will  be  directed  towards  the 
solution  of  a  question  of  such  national  importance.' 




SUCH,  then,  was  the  problem  Thomas  had  made  up  his  mind 
to  solve.  Of  its  solution,  which  was  due  to  no  sudden  flash 
of  irradiating  inspiration,  but  was  the  slow  outcome  of  long 
years  of  patient,  tireless  work,  we  will  speak  later.  Its 
consideration  absorbed,  month  by  month  and  year  by  year, 
more  of  Thomas's  scant  leisure.  After  the  summer  of  1871 
no  more  vacations  were  spent  in  mere  voyaging  for  plea- 
sure ;  every  holiday  was  devoted  in  some  way  or  other  to 
what  had  become  the  life  object.  The  little  laboratory  he 
had  fitted  up  at  home  at  The  Grove  became  insufficient  for 
his  needs,  and  he  attended  systematically  the  laboratories 
of  Mr.  Chaloner  (already  mentioned)  and  of  Mr.  Vacher, 
of  Great  Marlborough  Street.  He  was  determined,  too, 
to  acquire  all  the  credentials  of  the  fully  equipped  practical 
chemist,  so  that  when  the  time  came  he  might  inspire 
full  confidence  in  men  who  would  certainly  doubt  the 
capability  of  a  police-court  clerk  to  overcome  difficulties 
which  had  baffled  metallurgical  chemists  ever  since  the  in- 
troduction of  the  Bessemer  process.  With  this  end  in  view, 
he  submitted  himself  from  time  to  time  to  the  Science 
examinations  of  the  Science  and  Art  Department.  From 
obtaining  the  diploma  of  the  School  of  Mines  in  Jermyn 
Street  he  was  excluded  by  the  rule  requiring  attendance 
at  lectures  ;  an  attendance  which  he  could  not  give  so  long 
as  the  Thames  Police  Court  claimed  him ;  and  the  Thames 


Police  Court  lie  was  determined  not  to  abandon  until  he 
had  won  for  himself  sure  foothold  and  means  of  livelihood 
elsewhere.  All  the  examinations  at  the  School  of  Mines, 
however,  which  were  open  to  him  he  passed. 

We  may  mention  here  that  more  than  one  private 
friend,  recognising  Sidney's  exceptional  quality,  and 
placing,  perhaps,  too  much  faith  in  the  '  regular  professions ' 
as  necessary  to  success  in  life,  had  offered  Thomas  some 
hundreds  to  spend  in  preparing  for  the  Bar  or  Medicine. 
All  such  offers  he  had  refused.  In  either  case  he  must 
have  abandoned  his  Civil  Service  certainty,  since  for 
*  walking  the  hospitals '  his  attendance  at  Arbour  Square 
left  him  no  time,  and  as  for  the  Bar  (although  the  prepara- 
tion for  that  occupation  is  not  of  an  arduous  character), 
the  regulations  of  the  Inns  of  Court  stood  in  the  way, 
no  clerk  to  magistrates  being  allowed  to  enter  at  those 

On  May  9,  1872,  he  passed  at  the  School  of  Mines  the 
examination  in  Mineralogy,  '  first  class  advanced,'  and  on 
the  same  day  in  the  following  year  the  examination  in 
Inorganic  Chemistry,  '  first  class  advanced.' 

The  summer  holiday  of  1872  was  spent  in  Cornwall, 
the  chief  object  of  interest  being  the  tin  mines  and  '  works.' 
He  travelled  with  Mr.  Board,  a  fellow-student  of  chemistry. 
The  pair  had  a  letter  of  general  introduction  from  Mr. 
Waddington  Smyth,  which  enabled  them  to  see  much  which 
would  have  been  closed  to  unaccredited  travellers.  His 
mother  and  the  rest  had  returned  from  abroad  in  the  be- 
ginning of  the  year,  and  the  old  life  at  Camberwell  Grove 
had  been  resumed ;  Sidney,  with  all  his  scientific  studies 
and  pursuits,  with  all  his  hard  labour  at  his  Court,  being 
always  the  life  and  soul  and  central  point  of  the  home 
circle,  never  losing  his  interest  either  in  domestic  affairs 
or  in  more  general  questions  of  literature  and  life. 


He  began  his  1873  holiday  by  accompanying  his  family 
to  Hythe,  where  he  initiated  his  sister  and  brother  into 
geology ;  but  he  went  thence  to  Bradford,  whither  he 
was  attracted  by  the  meeting  there  in  that  year  of  the 
British  Association.  Here  we  are  enabled  to  quote  again 
the  cousin  who  has  described  already  the  summer  tour  of 

'The  four  years  since  our  French  expedition  had 
ripened  Sidney  somewhat;  yet  in  all  essentials  he  was 
the  same,  with  his  old  keen  relish  for  all  intellectual  things, 
but  with  a  rapidly  intensifying  bias  towards  practical 
science,  which  was  perceptible  even  to  an  outsider  like 
myself.  In  my  father's  house,  where  he  was  staying,  the 
visitors  during  the  Association  week  were  chiefly  physio- 
logists, and  there  was,  I  think,  no  one  skilled  in  those 
branches  of  knowledge  which  were  becoming  specially  my 
cousin's  own.  Yet  he  impressed  everyone  with  whom  he 
came  in  contact  with  his  exceptional  acquirements  and 
ability — an  impression  which  was  certainly  not  marred 
by  the  tact  and  modesty  with  which  they  were  displayed. 
That  modesty  he  never  lost,  even  after  he  had  become 
famous  among  all  the  metallurgists  of  the  world.  In 
that,  as  in  other  things,  he  was  genuine  to  the  heart's 
core  of  him ;  in  all  earnestness  his  own  estimate  of  him- 
self was  ever  too  low  rather  than  too  high. 

'  As  of  old,  many  were  our  arguments  together.  One 
of  our  chief  battlefields  was  the  vexed  question  of  the 
use  of  alcohol.  The  younger  school  of  physiologists  were 
then  in  the  first  flush  of  the  reaction  against  this  dangerous 
agent  which  has  marked  the  medical  history  of  the  last 
twenty  years,  a  reaction  which  has  now  perhaps  some- 
what spent  its  force.  Sidney,  who  personally  had  always 
been  almost  a  teetotaller,  had  seen  much  in  his  official 
capacity  of  the  devastating  effects  of  the  drink  scourge, 


and  had  gradually  developed  into  an  advocate  of  its  legis- 
lative prohibition.  I  did  not  meet  him  (as  in  later  years 
I  should  have  met  him)  by  arguing  that  drunkenness  was 
a  result  of  misery,  and  not  a  cause  of  it,  but  (being  then  a 
fanatical  partisan  of  personal  rights  and  "  Mill  on  Liberty  ") 
I  went  rather  on  the  lines  of  the  Bishop  of  Peterborough's 
famous  saying  about  "  drunken  freemen  and  sober  slaves." 
Starting  from  entirely  opposite  premises,  we  were  thus 
enabled  to  retain  our  own  opinions,  despite  all  contradic- 
tion, with  entire  satisfaction  to  ourselves. 

( Sidney  took  advantage  of  this  visit  to  inspect  the 
famous  Low  Moor  Ironworks.  Together  we  attended 
many  of  the  sections,  and  I  was  more  than  ever  impressed 
with  the  wide  range  of  his  interest  and  knowledge.  Yet 
he  was  always  ready  to  discuss  the  last  novel  of  import- 
ance, even  (if  I  pressed  him)  the  last  poem  ;  although  he 
would  still  maintain  his  old  heresy  anent  the  superiority 
of  prose  to  verse.  He  teased  me  (I  remember)  by  speak- 
ing slightingly  of  "The  Earthly  Paradise,"  as  being  in 
truth  unworthy  of  attention,  since  the  book  was  no  more 
than  it  proclaimed  itself — the  work  of  the  "  idle  singer  of 
an  empty  day."  I  discovered,  however,  that  he  had  read 
the  "idle  songs.'" 

It  was  out  of  this  meeting  that  arose  Thomas's  first 
contribution  to  'Iron'  (then  edited  by  Mr.  Chaloner), 
'  Letter  on  Bradford  Hammers,  and  American  Blowers.' l 
From  this  time  onwards  for  the  next  five  or  six  years 
Thomas  was  a  regular  contributor  to  this  periodical.  His 
contributions  range  (as  will  be  seen  from  the  list  printed 
below)  over  a  great  variety  of  topics.2  They  were  for  the 

1  Iron,  vol.  ii.  p.  712  (Jan-  furnished  to  us  by  Mr.  Chaloner. 

nary  3,  1874).  Some  six  or  eight  small  paragraphs 

*  This  list,  which  includes  all  difficult  to  identify  are  excluded. 

Thomas's  articles  in  the  first  eleven  'He  wrote,'  says  Mr.  Chaloner, 

volumes  of  Iron,  has  been  kindly  '  little  or  nothing  in  vol.  xii., 



most  part  anonymous,  '  but,'  says  Mr.  Chaloner  ('  Iron,' 
July  6,  1885),  'his  characteristic  honour  and  rectitude 
appear  in  the  fact  that  he  never  wrote  a  single  line  which 
would  promote  personal  ends.' 

Later  in  this  year  (1873),  in  November,  Thomas  was 
offered  by  Mr.  Yallentine  the  post  of  analytical  chemist 
to  a  great  brewery  at  Burton-on-Trent,  with  a  salary  of 
150L  a  year  to  begin  with. 

This  was  through  the  kindness  of  Mr.  Chaloner,  already 
so  often  mentioned.  The  anti-alcoholic  convictions  which 

which  was  the  last  under  my  care, 
and  probably  nothing  but  an  occa- 
sion il  letter  after  that.' 

'  Bradford  Hammers  and  Ame- 
rican Blowers,'  vol.  ii.  712. 
'  Pollution    of  Rivers    and  its 
Prevention,'  vol.  ii.  771. 

*  letter  on    the   Refining   and 

CoEverting  Cast  Iron,'  vol.  iv. 

*  Metallurgical  Text-books,'  ibid. 
« Heat  without  Coals,'  ibid.  482. 
'  A  New  Philosophy,'  ibid.  642. 

'  Current  Thermics,'  ibid.  674. 

*  Kinetics  of  the  Future,'  ibid. 

'  A  Budget  of  Heterodoxies,'  v. 


'  Oil  Fuel,'  ibid.  98. 
'  Coins  and  Coining,'  ibid.  290, 


*  Patent    Cotton     Gunpowder,' 

ibid.  162. 

*  Gun  Cotton,'  ibid.  259. 

*  Some     Recent    Developments 

in  the  Technology  of  Iron,'  v. 
290,  354,  418, 547  ;  vi.  66, 418, 
482,  578,674,  771;  vii.  67,  322. 

'The  Zinc  Process  for  Lead 
Desilverising,'  v.  424. 

'Manufacture  of  Silesian  Muf- 
fles,' ibid.  643. 

«  Percy's  Metallurgy,'  ibid.  706. 

'  Spectroscopic  Estimation  of 
Phosphorus  in  Iron  and  Steel,' 
ibid.  709. 

'  Historical  Blast  Furnaces,'  vi. 

4,  162,  323. 

'  A  Gold  Quest,'  ibid.  194. 
'  Magnetism  of  Electricity,'  i bid. 


'  Charcoal-burning,'  ibid.  802. 
'  A  New  Safety  Tuyere,'  ibid. 


'  A  Plea  for  Air  Lines,'  vii.  1. 
'The  Coming  Air  Lines,'  ibid. 


'The  Complete   Bessemer   Pro- 
cess,' ibid.  407. 

'  The  Loan  Collection  of  Scien- 
tific Apparatus,'  ibid.  610. 
'  Recent      Mining     Literature, 

ibid.  770. 
'  Class-books  of  Chemistry,'  viii. 

'  A  Furnace  of  the  Future  '  (first 

signed  article),  ibid.  364,  386, 

1  Presidential      Science,'     ibid. 

'  Technical  Travel  Talk,'  vol.  ix. 

2,  66, 162,  258,  355,  451,  675  ; 

x.  2,  259,  451,  546,  674. 
'The  Swedish  School  of  Mines  ' 

(qu.  ?),  xi.  98. 
'A  Policy  for  the  Iron  Trade,' 

ibid.  321. 
'New  Light   on  Steel-making' 

ibid.  804. 

This    list    alone    would    show 
Sidney  Thomas's  mental  activity. 


his  cousin  had  noticed  above  had,  however,  by  this  time 
become  firmly  fixed,  and  he  felt  that  he  could  not  con- 
scientiously accept  such  a  berth.  Thus  influenced,  he 
declined  what  in  itself  would  have  been  to  him  a  most 
agreeable  occupation,  and  continued  his  drudgery  at  the 
Thames  Police  Court. 

Early  in  1874  we  begin  to  be  assisted  in  our  narrative 
by  a  series  of  letters  (fortunately  preserved)  from  Sidney 
to  his  cousin  Miss  Burton,  already  spoken  of.  Miss  Bur- 
ton was  now  settled  at  Wiesbaden.  We  give  here  some 
of  these  epistles  belonging  to  this  period  : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  64  Camberwell  Grove  :  March  20,  1874. 

1  Dear  Bess,  .  .  .  You  don't  say  if  that  wonderful 
Kursaal  supplies  books  as  well  as  everything  else,  I  mean 
looks  as  apart  from  periodicals.  By-the-bye,  I  should  not 
go  in  for  the  Leben  Jesu  sort  of  literature.  It  will  do  you 
no  good,  and  unless  you  take  up  the  whole  question 
earnestly  and  studiously,  the  impressions  you  derive  from 
it  are  valueless  as  conclusions,  and  to  you  particularly  only 
mischievous  in  their  results.  I  don't  send  Latin  Dic- 
tionary; why  waste  your  time  on  Latin?  Far  better  [spend 
it]  on  German  and  Science.  If  you  really  want  a  Dic- 
tionary, you  could  get  it  better  where  you  are,  say  in  the 
Tauchnitz  edition.  .  .  .  For  myself,  since  you  ask  it,  I  jog 
on  as  usual.  ...  I  find  more  and  more  I  cannot  work  as 
I  would,  and  doubt  the  wisdom  of  not  giving  self  up  to  the 
reverse.  I  certainly  shall  after  June,  if  not  before.  It  is 
still  drawing  and  struggling  with  pencils  which  no  longer 
have  sharp  points  or  any  points  at  all.  I  wrote  to  "  Iron  "  to 
say  I  could  not  do  anything  in  that  line  but  had  after  all. 
...  I  have  no  taste  for  the  pen.  .  .  .  Have  just  spent  an 
evening  with  W.  .  .  .  We  talked  at  a  great  rate  on  in- 


numerable  topics ;  disagreed  on  all,  and  he  only  resorted  to 
flat  contradictions  half-a-dozen  times  .  .  .  Have  been  en- 
joying Huxley's  "  Lay  Sermons,"  one  at  a  time,  enormously. 
They  bear  a  second  reading ;  the  ultimate  test  of  a  book. 
Paget3  has  just  published  a  volume  of  Essays,  contributed 
mostly  to  "  Black  wood  "...  One  on  Ruskin  and  one  on 
Rubens  at  Antwerp  particularly  good.' 

'  64  Camberwell  Grove  :  April  15,  1874. 

1  Dear  Bess, — Went  to  a  lecture  at  Society  of  Arts  on 
Friday,  on  a  manufacturing  subject ;  very  interesting.  If 
we  were  in  town,  I  think  I  should  go  in  for  the  Society. 

'  Nothing  more  suspicious  about  going  to  South  Ken- 
sington than  a  wish  to  consult  some  books.  I  find  the 
library  there  as  good  for  many  purposes  as  the  British. 

c  I  think  of  going  in  for  examination  in  drawing  next 
week.  Though  I  fail,  I  shall  have  worked  at  a  subject  I 
hate,  in  itself  the  best  of  educational  processes.' 

This  examination  was  at  the  School  of  Mines — in 
Applied  Mechanics  and  Mechanical  Drawing — and  was 
successfully  passed. 

In  May  1874  he  passed  two  further  examinations  at 
the  Science  and  Art  Department:  on  May  1,  in  Steam, 
'  second  class  advanced,'  and  on  the  25th,  in  Applied 
Mechanics,  '  first  class  advanced.' 

The  following  short  extracts  from  letters  belong  to 
April  and  May  of  this  year : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

(A  re-reading  of  Trollope's  "Australia"  convinces 
me  that  Tasmania  is  after  all  the  ideal  country,  conjointly 
with  the  South  Sea  Islands,  and  California  perhaps. 

3  Mr.  Paget,  the  Metropolitan  Magistrate,  who  then  presided  at 
Thames  Police  Court. 


Everyone  seems  to  concur  in  saying  it  is  the  most  charm- 
ing place  for  climate  and  productions  in  the  world. 
Everyone  seems  to  make  his  fortune  in  Ceylon. 

'  My  friends  the  magistrates  are  exceedingly  happy  just 
now,  having  secured  a  long-sought  extra  300Z.  a  year.  I 
am  doing  nothing  now  but  a  review  of  scientific  basis  &c. 
of  iron-smelting,  which  means  a  great  deal  of  voluminous 
reading  with  little  result.  Your  account  of  your  bird-pet 
delightful.  Caged  birds  are  an  abomination,  and  the  cat 
gets  at  uncaged.' 

1  For  ten  days  I  have  absolutely  and  entirely  been  idle, 
and  feel  correspondingly  despondent.  All  the  rest  of  our 
small  world  lively  in  the  extreme.  A  tempting  offer  came 
across  me  the  other  day  of  going  to  the  South  of  France, 
but  I  could  not  afford  it,  as  the  salary  but  trifling.  I 
long  for  change.* 

In  the  summer  of  this  year  the  household  transferred 
itself  to  Sussex  Place,  South  Kensington,  where  for  the 
next  three  years  the  family  dwelt.  The  next  letter  is 
dated  from  the  new  abode  : — 

'  18  Sussex  Place,  Onslow  Square,  S.W. :  1874. 

'  Dear  Bess, — I  returned  just  in  time  to  go  [up]  for  the 
last  examination  I  have  in  view  before  settling  down  to  a 
peaceful  and  indolent  old  age,  with  what  result  I  know 
not,  but  will  not  post  this  till  I  do. 

'  Since  then  we  have  been  in  a  whirl  of  move,  move, 
packing  and  packing,  than  which  nothing  can  be  more 
abominable.  Heaven  defend  me  from  being  possessed  of 
any  chattels  of  my  own. 

'  As- 1  have  been  pretty  regularly  tied  to  the  Thames 
till  6.30  or  7,  I  am  beginning  again  to  consider  how  ex- 
cellent a  thing  is  rest.  My  chief  solace  has  been  Mill's 
"  Autobiography ; "  it  is  quite  a  pearl  amongst  books, 


earnest,  thoughtful,  and  carrying  a  conviction  of  entire 
candour.  Our  present  nearness  to  the  [South  Kensing- 
ton] Museum  Library  will  be  a  great  boon,  though  one 
cannot  take  books  out. 

4  Your  life  at  Baden  seems  a  very  bright  one.  I  suppose 
it  is,  as  you  say,  just  the  life  to  suit  you.  I  myself  some- 
times feel  quite  a  desire  for  foreign  scenes  and  manners. 

*  Lil  and  I  went  to  a  spiritualistic  seance  at  V 's 

shortly  since ;  two  lady  cousins  of  his,  a  mutual  friend 
and  ourselves,  forming  with  the  medium  the  "  circle." 
Though  it  was  not  considered  a  satisfactory  perform- 
ance, I  saw  several  matters  which  I  have  as  yet  failed  to 
find  an  explanation  of.  V himself  is  a  red-hot  con- 
vert, and  is  now  firmly  convinced  of  immortality,  having 
been  previously  a  gross  materialist. 

1  Was  at  the  "  Throat  and  Ear  "  last  night.  The  infir- 
mities of  humanity,  as  seen  at  any  hospital,  form  anything 
but  a  cheering  spectacle,  and  I  came  away  depressed ; 
though  Llewe  4  was  very  nice,  and  anxious  to  display  foul 
depths  of  his  patients'  throats  and  ears  with  the  most 
picturesque  light  of  healing  science. 

i  I  start  on  August  3  for  South  Wales.' 

His  usual  holiday  this  year  was  spent  partly  with  his 
cousin,  Mr.  Percy  Gilchrist,  then  chemist  to  the  Cwm  Avon 
works  in  Glamorganshire,  partly  at  the  British  Association 
meeting  in  Belfast,  and  partly  at  Bradford.  The  following 
extracts  from  letters  describe  it  sufficiently : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

'Glamorganshire:  August  3,  1874. 

<  Dear  Bess, — I  have  at  last  started  fair  on  my  holiday- 
making,  though  I  feel  it  rather  selfish  to  leave  the  mother 
4  The  late  Dr.  Llewellyn  Thomas,  Sidney's  elder  brother. 


and  Lil  at  home.  I  [am]  so  glad  to  get  away.  My  last 
month  not  overworked  and  worried.  By-the-bye,  I  did 
fall  through  both  the  final  examinations  I  went  [in]  for, 
though  I  have  no  particular  gratification  thereat  now  that 
it  is  done.  I  had  rather  an  amusing  occupation  lately — the 
correction  of  a  translation  of  a  French  pamphlet !  The 
idea  of  my  correcting  any  translation  I  regard  as  rich 
in  the  extreme.  However,  as  it  was  a  technical  subject,  I 
was  able  to  earn  quite  a  reputation  as  a  French  scholar.' 

To  Ms  Mother 

My  only  excurse  has  been  to  Siemens's  Works,5  where  I 
spent  five  hours ;  came  out  looking  like  a  stoker,  and  was 
thrice  drowned  coming  back,  all  of  which  I  enjoyed. 

'  When  I  go  to  works  we  generally  go  up  in  a  superb 
passenger  car  which  tails  on  to  the  trucks  always  in  transit 
'twixt  harbour  and  works. 

c  I  shall  probably  go  to  Belfast  on  Monday  or  Tuesday, 
but  will  let  you  know  before  I  start.  I  feel  it  dreadfully 
selfish  for  me  to  be  down  here ;  should  so  enjoy  having 
you  and  Lil  with  me. — Affectionately  yours, 

<  S.  G.  T.' 

Belfast,  1874. 

c  Dearest  Mother, — I  have  just  got  your  letter ;  very 
glad  to  do  so.  Chaloner  is  here  in  great  force.  I  am  with 
him  a  good  deal,  as  he  knows  several  amusing  characters, 
an  Hour  man  .  .  .  great  fun,  several  other  pressmen,  and 
others.  Went  with  him  yesterday  to  Giant's  Causeway,  a 
dreadful  railway  journey,  but  magnificent  cliff  scenery ;  not 
quite  up  to  one's  expectations  possibly ;  but  that  is  human 

5  Thomas  had  been  given  by  Mr.      letter  of    introduction   to  Sir  W. 
Walter  White  (the  late  Assistant       Siemens. 
Secretary  to  the  Royal  Society)  a 


nature,  or  my  nature  at  all  events.  We  walked  half  way 
from  the  nearest  station,  and  then  had  a  boat  along  the 
coast,  which  I  enjoyed  immensely.  On  Saturday  Odling's 
lecture  was  a  treat. 

'  I  quite  look  forward  to  seeing  you.* 

To  Miss  Burton 

c  You  will  have  read  of  the  sayings  and  doings  of  the 
associated  savants.  The  two  lectures  of  Huxley  and 
Lubbock  you  should  not  miss  on  any  account.  They  were 
reported  in  the  Times,  which  I  understand  you  see. 
Tyndall's  address,  eloquent  though  it  was,  was  hardly  to 
my  mind  satisfactory.' 

Back  in  town,  and  now  at  Sussex  Place,  the  routine  of 
his  'double  life'  was  little  changed.  Only,  instead  of 
walking  the  whole  way  to  the  court,  as  had  been  his 
practice  in  Camber  well,  he  would  take  train  to  the  City 
and  thence  tramp  to  Arbour  Square.  He  was  now  sys- 
tematically working  at  dephosphorisation  and  gradually 
feeling  his  way  to  a  solution. 

The  following  letter  tells  something  of  Thomas's  not  too 
numerous  recreations : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

'November  21,  1874. 

<  Dear  Bess, — I  was  taken  to  an  Albert  Hall  concert 
last  night  and  heard  Yon  Bulow  play  marvellous  tricks 
with  the  piano ;  tours  de  force  they  seemed  to  my 
unenlightened  mind.  (How  is  your  music  going  ?)  The 
Hall  looks  magnificent,  but  it  is  not  half  filled.  They 
are  trying  concerts  every  night,  and  the  Briton  soon 

1 1  have  done  a  few  articles  for  "  Iron  "  lately,  but  only 
regard  it  as  education.  It  is  not  my  forte,  (if  I  have  any), 


and  takes  up  too  much  time  to  pay.  I  am  obliged  to 
husband  my  health  resources,  I  find,  after  all. 

( I  had  a  pleasant  little  dinner  at  V 's  shortly  since. 

He  had  what  I  regard  as  the  infinite  good  taste  and  sense 
to  ask  three  or  four  men  only  and  provide  an  entirely 
simple  meal,  such  as  he  would  have  by  himself.  An  old 
assistant  of  his  has  recently  returned  from  Servia,  which 
appears  a  virgin  country,  ripe  for  the  most  profitable  ex- 
ploitation. It  costs  about  201.  a  year  to  live  en  prince, 
with  gold  and  silver  and  lead  and  forests  of  finest  timber  to 
work  on.  Three  English  capitalists  have  gone  out  to  found 
a  little  state,  starting  with  a  few  hundred  square  miles. 

V is  quite  a  pet  of  the  mother's.     His  spiritualism  is 

a  little  coming  down. 

4  You  will  have  heard  of  the  immense  success  of  Farrar's 
"  Life  of  Christ."  Some  one  has  insisted  on  lending  it  me. 
I  like  the  preface.  You  should  read  it  if  you  can.  What 
is  wanted  now  is  an  answer  to  "  Supernatural  Eeligion  " 
by  a  man  at  once  able,  erudite  and  wide-viewed,  answer- 
ing it  on  its  own  ground  and  not  on  quite  another  plat- 
form ;  and  then  the  world  may  decide  on  adequate  grounds 
on  the  most  momentous  of  all  questions.  Does  "  Nature  " 
penetrate  to  Wiesbaden  ?  It  boasts  an  European  circula- 
tion and  gives  shortly  a  sketch  of  current  science,  I  have 
a  dreadful  budget  of  things  from  Chaloner 6  he  wants  me 
to  make  something  of.  ...  I  have  only  seen  abstracts 
of  Gladstone's  pamphlets.  He  has,  at  all  events,  brought 
out  a  latent  Old  Catholic  party  in  England. — Yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.J 

Early  in  the  following  year  of  1875  we  find  Thomas 
again  writing  to  his  Wiesbaden  correspondent : — 

•  See  « A  Budget  of  Heterodoxies,'  Iron,  v.  2. 


To  Miss  Burton 

*  18  Sussex  Place,  Queen's  Gate,  Kensington  : 

'  March  18,  1875. 

'Your  note  just  received  starts  me  on  my  epistolary 
labours,  which  I  should  otherwise  have  attacked  very 
shortly.  It  is  pleasant  to  hear  of  your  being  in  high 

'  I  shall  certainly  try  to  look  you  up  this  summer,  but, 
if  the  mountain  will  not  come  to  Mahomet,  Mahomet  must 
come  to  the  mountain,  which  is  at  present  located  at  South 
Kensington ;  where  its  site  will  be  in  the  autumn  I  know 
not ;  we  have  to  settle  shortly  whether  we  stay  here. 

'  I  am  over  ears  in  a  technical  experimental  investiga- 
tion on  Iron  which  is  likely  to  last  me  considerably,  and 
then  perhaps  to  have  no  result ;  but,  after  all,  life  is  very 
little  else  but  the  pursuit  of  crotchets,  the  pursuit  being 
the  best  part  of  it.  I  recreated  myself  after  a  long  spell 
at  references  by  a  rink  yesterday.  I  had  not  been  for 
some  time,  and  found  the  wheels  more  popular  than  ever. 
The  elaboration  of  costuming  it  has  developed  is  quite  a 
phenomenon.  Do  you  read  the  English  papers  ?  I  under- 
stand you  have  access  to  them.  You  ought  not  to  allow 
yourself  to  become  behindhand  in  the  manners  and  customs 
and  literature  of  your  native  land.  I  shall  submit  you  to 
an  examination  thereon  when  we  meet. — Yours, 

<  S.  G.  T.' 

Of  course  the  'crotchet,'  so  lightly  spoken  of,  was 
dephosphorisation,  the  solution  of  which  question  was  now 
beginning  to  assume  shape  and  consistency  in  Thomas's 

The  next  letter  is  one  of  thanks  for  some  birthday 
present,  and  incidentally  expresses  certain  humorously 
distorted  views  of  the  German  language  and  people : — 


To  Miss  Burton 

«  Sussex  Place :  April  17, 1875. 

'  Dear  Bess, — Your  good  wishes,  which  reached  me 
yesterday,  pleasant  to  receive  and  appreciated ;  though  my 
theoretic  objections  to  presents  are,  you  know,  profound,  I 
also  appreciate  and  thank  you  very  much  for  the  pleasant 
and  practical  and  most  useful  token  of  remembrance  you 
caused  to  be  conveyed  to  me.  I  was,  in  fact,  only  waiting 
till  after  the  16th  was  past  to  ask  you  to  get  me  a  techno- 
logical dictionary.  Your  idea  of  my  German  scholarship 
is  delightful.  Do  you  know  it  took  me  half  an  hour  to 
translate  the  first  ten  lines  of  the  cutting  you  sent  me, 
and  then  I  was  not  clear  about  them  ?  I  consider,  if  I  don't 
have  to  look  out  more  than  two  words  in  a  line,  it  is  a 
special  providence.  As  for  the  Germans,  I  consider  that 
their  existence  on  this  earth,  taken  in  connection  with 
their  barbarous,  unintelligible,  cumbrous,  inelegant  and 
never  to-be-sufficiently-deprecated  so-called  language,  is 
a  blot  and  stain  on  the  fair  reputation  of  this  continent. 
I  have  pleasure  in  observing  similar  sentiments  pervade 
the  appreciative  periodical  writers  to  whom  you  allude. 
Your  views  appear  to  have  been  slightly  modified  by  your 
pleasant  surroundings,  but  you  will  doubtless  agree  that 
the  independent  and  impartial  opinion  of  the  insular 
observer  is  most  calculated  to  come  to  a  correct  conclusion. 

1 1  have  some  idea  of  getting  up  a  little  elementary 

The  next  letter  seems  written  under  the  impression  of 
some  temporary  check  to  the  dephosphorisation  investiga- 

To  Miss  Burton 

•  Thames  Police  Court:  May  15  [1875]. 

1  Dear  Bess, — My  blunder  shows  the  difficulty  of  com- 
bining the  inconsistent  occupations  of  note-taking,  with  the 


innumerable  distractions  under  which  it  is  performed,  and 
letter-writing.  I  am  afraid  my  "  Iron  "  contributions  would 
be  hopelessly  uninviting  to  you,  or  I  should  send  them,  but 
mere  "  iron,"  "  heat,"  "  furnaces  "  and  so  on  would  be  an  im- 
position on  you.  I  went  the  other  day  to  private  view  of  the 
Scientific  Apparatus  Exhibition  at  South  Kensington,  and 
was  greatly  surprised  at  its  extent  and  interest ;  it  is  one 
of  the  best  strokes  for  science  that  an  English  department 
has  yet  achieved.  You  are  to  be  envied  if  it  were  only  for 
adjacent  woods.  It  is  pleasant  to  think  of  your  being  so 
happily  located.  As  for  London,  bah ! 

4 1  am  all  behindhand  with  work  both  here  and  at 
home,  with  a  pile  of  books  to  review.  I  have  been  spending 
much  time  and  labour  over  an  investigation  which  has  not 
resulted  in  anything  useful,  and  am  considerably  knocked 
up,  not  to  say  ultra  seedy. — Yours, 

1  S.  G.  T.' 

The  holiday  this  year  was  spent  in  Wales,  and  not  in 
Germany,  as  had  been  hoped ;  visits  to '  Works '  alternating 
with  long  tramps. 

The  following  letter  tells  us  something  of  Thomas's 
movements : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  B :  Sunday. 

{  Dear  Bess, — I  walked  over  here  from  Neath.  Have 
been  here  since  Tuesday,  and  am  off  again  to-morrow.  I 
am  with  a  man  I  have  some  slight  acquaintance  with  who 

is  engaged  at  some  works  at  B ;   not  a  very  lively 

place,  though  on  the  sea  ;  and  with  a  small  dock,  about  a 
mile  of  sandy  flats  'twixt  hills  and  sea.  Three  large  metal 
works  and  that  is  all.  I  amuse  myself  as  best  I  can  'twixt 
hills  and  sea.  I  have  some  idea  of  a  two  days'  ramble  in 
the  interior,  then  looking  in  on  Percy's  home.  It  doesn't 


come  up  by  a  long  way  to  my  anticipated  German  holiday, 
but  is  the  best  I  can  manage. 

'  Now  I  have  some  assistance  to  ask  of  you.  It  is  this  : 
Would  you  get  Stumner's  "  Ingenieur  "  (published  Vienna) 
for  June  18, 1875,  through  a  bookseller  or  direct  ?  In  it  is  the 
continuation  of  an  article  "  Hochofen,  Anlage  auf,  &c. — 
Gleiwitz."  I  would  send  the  paper,  but  it  is  mislaid.  I  am 
making  a  summarised  translation  of  the  set;  arid  it  would  be 
of  great  service  to  me  if  you  could  give  me  a  literal  transla- 
tion of  that  number  (leaving  out  any  words  that  are  quite 
unknown  to  you)  and  send  it  with  original  to  me,  "  Care  of 
P.  C.  G.,  Cwm  Avon." 

4  If  it  would  weary  or  trouble  you  don't  think  more 
of  it.' 

It  is  right  to  mention  that  these  letters  to  Miss  Burton 
are  filled  with  information  and  advice  about  investments  and 
finance,  advice  which  it  has  not  been  thought  necessary  to 
reproduce.  As  we  have  said  above,  Thomas,  amid  all  his 
numerous  and  engrossing  occupations,  found  time  in  some 
mysterious  way  to  conduct  the  affairs  of  more  than  one  lady 

Here  are  two  letters  written  about  this  time  to  his 
sister  Lilian  (then  at  school  at  Richmond)  which  show 
something  of  what  may  be  called  the  domestic  side  of  the 
character  of  Thomas. 

To  his  Sister. 

{  Dearest  Little  Woman, — Sentiments  of  the  most  pro- 
found satisfaction  inspire  the  fraternal  breast  at  the 
tidings  of  the  moral  and  intellectual  reformation  which 
has  taken  place  since  you  left  me,  dissolved  in  tears,  on 
the  South  Kensington  platform.  All  hail !  O  taciturn, 
virtuously  at  6  A.M.  arising,  and  much  fasting  sister ! 


Fail  not  in  thy  praiseworthy  career,  and  receive  a  double 
first  class  Local  Cam.,  Oxford  and  London  University 
degree,  with  accumulated  honours  in  the  natural  sciences, 
notably  in  your  favourite  pursuit  of  chemistry. 

1  To  return  to  things  sublunary.  Grind  muchly  at 
German.  I  have  undertaken  to  do  (or  get  done)  another 
German  translation  of  prodigious  dimensions  and  unutter- 
able obscurity,  solely  with  a  view  to  keep  up  my  imaginary 
reputation  for  translatory  capacity,  so  that  I  may  shift  it 
to  your  juvenile  and  competent  shoulders,  as  a  step  to- 
wards a  pleasanter  independence  than  the  scholastic. 

4  Needless  to  say  that  mother's  bulletin  chronicles 
minutely  everything  that  does  or  does  not  occur  chez 
No.  18.  The  only  event  is  Llewe's  doctorate  at  Brussels, 
which  seems  to  have  been  gained  with  brilliant  distinction 
and  with  compliments  on  his  facility  in  French.  I  shall  be 
off  holiday-making  on  Saturday  fortnight.  I  may  possibly 
look  you  up  the  Thursday  before  I  start,  and  if  so,  and 
you  are  very  good,  you  shall  have  a  row  (you  row  and  I 
steer).  We  won't  dine  at  the  "  Star  and  Garter,"  it  might 
make  the  rest  jealous;  but  we  will  discourse  sweet 
Chemistry  instead. — Respectfully  and  affectionately, 


1  The  Eve  of  the  Birthday :  September  11,  1875. 
1  Dearest  Little  Maid, — Let  me,  with  due  submission 
and  humility  of  mind,  offer  my  fraternal  felicitations  to 
one  who  has  reached  the  dizzy  altitudes  of  antiquity  to 
which  your  ladyship  has  scrambled.  May  the  eventful 
12th  always  pleasantly  mark  a  step  (or  several)  towards 
that  culminating  day  on  which  I  may  see  you  as  good  and 
nice  a  little  woman  as  I  could  wish  you  to  be  (which  is 
equivalent  to  wishing  you  a  few  centuries  of  progressive 
existence).  Enclosed  a  pair  of  prodigious  wash-leather 


gauntlets,  selected  by  the  mother  as  suitable  to  your  age 
(and  destructive  habits).  I  had  contemplated  a  daintier 
pair ;  but  the  perplexing  question  as  to  whether  seventeen 
or  one  was  the  proper  size  hindered  my  venture.  ...  In 
haste,  and  with  love,  your  brother, 

'  SID.' 

'  So  sorry  you  will  not  be  with  us,  but  you  are  quite 
right  not  to  come.  Work  ! ' 

Later  in  the  year  come  some  more  letters  to  Miss 
Burton : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

1  October  5,  1875. 

£  DearBess, — I,  like  you,  not  feeling  remarkably  brilliant ; 
still  send  a  technical  paper  to  "Iron"  every  few  weeks,  though 
I  have  no  enthusiasm  for  that  species  of  employment.  I 
have  been  seeing  something  of  a  rarity — a  student  bond 
fide  who  learns  languages  pour  passer  le  temps,  and  lives  in 
a  very  pleasant  studious  retirement  with  that  intent.  I 
have  been  reading  Matt.  Arnold  on  Prussian  education 
system,  which  certainly  reads  as  approaching  perfection,  a 
view  which  our  Teuton  professor  endorses.  The  Times 
in  recent  articles  on  their  awny,  exhibits  well  the  causes  of 
their  military  superiority.  The  "  Turkish  question  "  not 
long  since  promised  to  afford  an  opportunity  for  a  general 
European  squabble.  Chesney  in c '  Macmillan  "  has  proved  to 
his  satisfaction  that  Prussia  and  Russia  are  to  be  the  next 
pair  in  the  cockpit.' 

In  the  next  letter,  already  in  1875,  and  not  then  for 
the  first  time,  a  warning  note  is  struck  as  to  health  : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  November  1875. 

1  Dear  Bess, — I  hope  to  make  sure  of  seeing  you  chez 
vous  in  the  summer,  unless  any  unforeseen  event  should 


intervene.  I  feel,  however,  slightly  dubious  as  to  my  suc- 
cessful progress,  as  I  have  absolutely  no  German,  my  good 
resolutions  in  that  direction  having  been  interrupted. 
"  Iron  "  now  offers  me  as  much  work  as  I  can  do,  but  as 
the  subjects  I  select  require  much  reading,  it  is  not  re- 
munerative. I  am  constantly  "  knocking  up,"  a  weakness 
to  which  I  imagine  I  shall  some  day  "  cave  in,"  unless  I 
throw  England  up  altogether. 

'  I  should  have  sent  you  some  "  Irons  "  for  criticism,  but 
as  my  last  eight  or  nine  articles  have  been  on  Blast 
Furnaces  I  am  not  merciless  enough  to  ask  you  to  read 
them.  What  do  you  think  of  the  World?  It  has  made 
a  great  hit.  Sells  39,000  a  week.  It  started  with  a 
trifling  capital,  on  which  it  pays  a  few  100  per  cent.  .  .  . 
A  propos  of  art,  of  course  you  know  Henschel's  sketches 
in  the  photos ;  some  are  delicious.  If  I  get  time  I  will 
write  more,  but  I  have  a  book  on  charcoal,  another  on 
electricity,  and  two  articles  which  I  ought  to  be  attacking.' 

'December  15,  1875. 

4  Dear  Bess, — .  .  .  An  American  girl-student — pretty, 
too — has  been  visiting  London  hospitals,  and  to  the  dis- 
grace of  the  students  thereat  has  been  insultingly  warned 
off.  She  called  at  Llewe's  hospital,  where,  of  course,  she 
was  received  politely. 

'The  Suez  question  is  the  great  subject  of  discussion ;  all 
enthusiasm  at  first,  but  now  a  growing  feeling  of  hesitancy 
about  its  benefits  has  supervened.  The  idle  world  is 
frantic  on  skating-rinks ;  they  are  springing  up  everywhere, 
and  are  crowded  at  all  times.  Have  you  one  about 
Wiesbaden  ?  Among  a  skating  people  like  the  Germans 
it  would  be  a  great  success,  both  with  natives  and 


'  December  22. 

'  I  have  kept  this  back  so  as  to  make  it  a  Xmas  letter.  To 
my  great  comfort  we  are  not  going  to  have  any  Xmas 
festivities  or  visitors  of  any  kind.  My  namesake  of 
Bremerhaven  is  the  most  interesting  problem  that  has 
ever  been  presented  to  the  analytical  moralist.  In 
every  relation  of  life  he  appears  to  have  been  perfect  in 
amiability  and  savoir  faire,  exceptionally  so,  and  yet 
throughout  planning  and  carrying  out  the  most  infernal, 
deliberate,  wholesale  murder.  A  magnificent  hero  for  a 
morbid  psychological  novelist.  The  man  who  wrote  a 
startling  book  on  New  Guinea,  which  you  mentioned  was 
discredited  in  Germany,  is  by  no  means  accepted  here 
except  as  a  modern  Munchausen.  I  have  asked  you 
repeatedly  what  you  do  all  day  and  every  day. 

'  I  send  a  new  version  of  "  Faust,"  the  sketches  in  which 
may  amuse  you.  With  all  good  wishes  for  Xmas,  and 
above  all  for  1876  and  its  successors,  which  I  trust  may 
bring  you  all  happiness, — Yours, 





IN  the  latter  end  of  1875  the  great  problem  was  approach- 
ing to,  at  any  rate,  provisional  and  theoretic  solution  in 
the  mind  of  Thomas.  He  had  gathered  together  all  avail- 
able analytical  and  technical  data.  The  first  question  to 
be  answered  was  obviously  (as  we  have  said  above)  the 
fundamental  one — why  was  phosphorus  retained  in  the 
Bessemer  converter?  That  preliminary  difficulty  sur- 
mounted, the  path  might  or  might  not  be  clear  to  cheap 
elimination ;  at  any  rate  it  would  at  least  be  visible. 

Thomas  came  to  the  conclusion  that  the  reason  of  the 
non-elimination  of  the  phosphorus  was  to  be  sought  in  the 
chemical  nature  of  the  lining  of  the  Bessemer  converter. 
This  lining  has  been  described  above  in  Sir  Henry 
Bessemer's  own  words ;  it  varied  in  material,  but  the 
material,  whatever  it  might  be,  was  acid  in  chemical 
essence.  The  phosphorus  in  the  iron  was  rapidly  oxidised 
during  the  process,  or,  in  other  words,  formed  phosphoric 
acid.  With  an  acid  lining  that  phosphoric  acid  would 
not  combine,  the  two  acids  having  no  i  chemical  affinity  ' 
or  liking  for  each  other. 

If  this  were  the  cause  of  non-elimination,  the  path  to 
be  followed  was  visible  indeed.  Not  by  any  addition  or 
mixture  of  substances  after  the  converter  *had  been  charged 
was  solution  to  be  found,  but  rather  by  a  change  in  the 
constitution  of  the  lining.  For  the  acid  lining  in  use  a 


basic  one  must  be  substituted.  A  base  is  a  term  used  by 
chemists  to  signify  a  substance  which  will  combine  with 
an  acid,  a  substance  for  which  an  acid  has  c  affinity.' 
Some  strong  base  then  must  be  employed  for  the  lining. 

Thomas  entered  upon  a  series  of  experiments  for  the 
purpose  of  investigating  the  material  and  duration  of 
various  linings.  Durability  was  essential  to  cheapness  and, 
therefore,  to  commercial  success,  and  a  substance  which 
would  long  survive  the  intense  heat  of  the  Bessemer  process 
was  by  no  means  easy  to  find.  Thomas  at  this  time  came 
to  the  conclusion  that  the  required  material  must  be  either 
lime  or  its  congeners,  magnesia,  magnesian  limestone,  &c. 

It  must  be  remembered  always  that  the  aim  to  be 
attained  was  twofold,  as  will  be  seen  by  the  quotation 
from  Lowthian  Bell,  ante,  p.  34.  Perhaps  the  more  im- 
portant object  was  to  separate  the  phosphorus  from  the 
iron ;  but  it  was  also  of  great  importance  to  preserve  the 
phosphorus,  which  (noxious  as  it  was  when  combined  with 
iron)  was  in  itself  a  most  valuable  product,  at  least  in  the 
form  of  phosphoric  acid.  This  could  be  done  by  creating 
a  basic  f  slag.' 

So  far,  then,  had  theorising  and  experiment  led  Thomas 
at  the  end  of  1875.  He  was  convinced  that  his  conclu- 
sions were  chemically  correct,  but  he  found  it  impossible 
to  finally  verify  them  under  such  conditions  as  were  open 
to  him  in  his  rough  little  laboratory.  He  attempted  in 
his  top  room  at  Sussex  Place  to  obtain  a  Bessemer  blow 
by  means  of  an  improvised  converter  in  the  ordinary 
domestic  firegrate,  which  was  alone  at  his  disposal ;  but 
he  naturally  found  it  impossible  to  obtain  the  necessary 

Thomas  thought,  however,  that  he  saw  his  way  to  more 
satisfactory  trial  of  his  theories.  A  cousin,  Mr.  P.  C. 
Gilchrist,  already  mentioned,  was,  as  we  have  seen,  then 


chemist  to  certain  Works  at  Cwm  Avon,  in  South  Wales. 
It  might  be  that  Gilchrist,  although,  of  course,  he  had  no 
unlimited  command  of  the  works  and  appliances,  might 
at  least  be  in  a  position  to  experimentalise  more  satisfac- 
torily than  was  possible  in  Sussex  Place.  Early  in  1876 
Thomas  wrote  to  him  communicating  his  theory  in  detail, 
as  well  as  the  lines  on  which  he  thought  it  could  be  proved 
or  disproved.  Gilchrist  at  first  deemed  the  whole  thing 
a  chimera,  but  undertook,  nevertheless,  to  make  some 
experiments.  The  business,  however,  slumbered  for  long 
months ;  Thomas  on  his  side  still  working  at  his  idea  in 
the  evenings  at  home  and  devising  the  best  method  and 
the  best  materials  to  make  the  experiments  a  success.  In 
the  summer  of  this  year  we  find  him  writing  to  Gilchrist 
under  date  of  August  7,  1876,  from  the  Thames  Police 
Court : — 

c  My  impression  is,  a  biggish  wrought-iron  crucible 
would  be  as  good  for  experimental  converter  as  anything, 
and  would  be  easy  to  try  various  linings  in.  The  tuyeres,1 
subject  to  your  emendations,  might  be  pieces  of  wrought- 
iron  gas-pipe  covered  with  fire-clay  and  with  fire-clay 
stopper  perforated  thus  —  or  laterally.  I  have  not  time 
enough  to  do.  I  only  go  home  to  sleep  and  eat.  Most 

For  some  months  yet,  however,  Sidney  had  to  continue 
to  chafe  at  delay. 

Meanwhile  he  had  found  time  for  a  July  holiday  in 
Germany,  a  holiday  mainly  spent  in  visiting  Works.  The 
following  letters  to  his  Wiesbaden  correspondent  were 
written  before,  during  and  after  this  time : — 

1  These,  it  will  be  remembered,       (See  Sir  H.  Bessemer 's  description 
are  the  air-holes  of  the  converter.      of  his  process,  ante,  p.  32). 

CH.  vi  A  GERMAN  TOUR  59 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  18  Sussex  Place  :  June  1876. 

c  Dear  Bess, — Plunged  over  head  and  ears  in  work.  I 
look  forward  to  starting  to  your  beloved  Germany  on 
Monday  night,  the  3rd  prox.,  if  I  can  find  time  before  then 
to  address  myself  to  the  necessary  consultations  of  Brad- 
shaw,  &c.,  provided  always  that  the  mother  is  well 
enough  to  get  away  to  the  sea  without  me.  Now,  though 
my  bourne  is  the  Hartz,  I  need  hardly  say  I  contemplate 
being  in  Wiesbaden,  if  not  en  route  at  least  on  my 
homeward  voyage,  that  is,  if  you  care  to  see  me.  So  I 
want  you  to  write  when  you  will  prefer  my  going,  begin- 
ning or  end  of  July.  I  have  a  man  who  talks  of  accom- 
panying me,  but  I  shall  probably  be  alone.  All  news  such 
as  there  is  may  be  best  delivered  orally.  I  mean  to 
travel  without  any  luggage  but  a  pen  and  an  umbrella,  a 
hat  and  a  dictionary.  Will  you  be  shocked  at  the  intro- 
duction of  so  uncouth  a  traveller  amid  the  refinements  of 
Wiesbaden  ? — Yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.' 

1  Dear  Bess, — I  formulated  three  conclusions  before  my 
arrival  at  Frankfort : 

*  That  I  am  very  sorry  I  have  come  to  you  first  and  not 
last,  as  I  had  intended,  on  the  principle  of  keeping  the 
pleasantest  of  everything  to  the  last. 

'  That  I  would  try  to  bring  my  holiday  in  your  direc- 
tion next  year. 

c  That  if  I  had  stayed  a  day  longer  the  Hartz  Bergwerke 
&c.  would  have  been  shelved  altogether.  From  which 
reflections  (added  to  one  that  I  had  not  said  half  I  in- 
tended), I  was  aroused  by  arrival  at  Frankfort,  which  I 
proceeded  to  do  in  the  time  I  had  to  spare.  I  will  not 
trouble  you  with  any  hasty  observations  thereon.  The 


seven  hours  to  Eisenach  were  tedious,  though  the  country 
somewhat  interesting ;  more  so  my  fellow-travellers,  especi- 
ally a  young  soldier  and  an  artist,  the  latter  just  returned 
from  a  sketching  excursion  in  Schweitz.  These  with 
two  others  kept  up  a  lively  interchange  of  jokes  and 
information.  I,  a  silent  spectator,  could  only  catch  one- 
fifth  of  the  points. 

'At  Eisenach  we  parted;  the  soldier  gave  us  all  his 
name  and  address,  and  we  him  our  cards.  Hope  he  won't 
call  and  borrow. 

4  At  Eisenach  to  a  good  hotel,  and  was  off  by  6  A.M.  to 
Wartburg,  which  I  accomplished  with  a  party  of  students. 
Then  through  rain  "  fahrers  "  to  Austhal,  which  I  happily 
stumbled  on  at  one.  Both  Burg  and  Thai  sehr  romantisch 
and  so  on.  Dann  hat  ein  teuflich  Fahrer  mir  misdirected, 
und  habe  ich  zwei  Stunde  aus  von  mein  Weg  gegangen. 
Then  through  forest  to  Rluhla,  a  curious  miniature  Bad 
with  Curhaus,  and  so  on  in  a  hill  valley ;  on  again  through 
woods  and  over  hills  to  a  primitive  Dorf,  where  I  put  up 
at  a  primitive  hostel  with  a  getrunken  Wirth  wer  zu  mir 
Deutsch  sprechen  insisted.  My  bedroom,  shared  with  a 
Fuhrmann,  though  deficient  in  some  elegancies,  was  ziem- 
lich  bequem.  Morgens  friih  iiber  Friedrichroda  another 
Bad,  nach  Oberhof,  on  the  way  picking  up  a  student.  The 
infamous  Schurke  had  on  me  his  infamous  fraud  perpet- 
rated ;  he  said  he  Englisch  konnte,  aber  Englisch  kann  er 
kein  Wort  verstehen.  Through  a  beautiful  rocky  valley,  up 
a  series  of  hills,  and  then  twelve  miles  of  continuous  wood, 
brought  us  to  a  Gasthaus,  wo  ich  ein  wunderbar  Milchkur 
habe  gemacht. 

'  Morgen  friih  nach  Ilmenau  by  Berliners  frequented 
Wasser-Kur  und  Austall  wo  ich  mit  meiner  Student  with 
much  vergniigen  parted.  Then  to  Konigsee ;  curious  old 
town,  excessively  hot,  so  I  in  a  hasty  Augenblick  der  Post 
genommen  habe.  Der  Post  a  wicked  snare  and  vile  delu- 

CH.  vi  A  GERMAN  TOUR  61 

sion,  kann  ein  Meile  in  ein  Stunde  ;  and  as  for  the  horses — 
Donner  Blitz ! 

1 A  postman  entered  into  conversation  with  me,  and 
gave  me  a  commission  to  execute  in  London  with  mystic 
names  and  so  on,  on  paper.  I  don't  know  what  it  was  I 
undertook,  but  we  parted  great  friends.  Half  way  to 
Eudolstadt  my  post  got  emptied,  and  Kutscher  wanted 
me  to  ansteigen,  which  I  declined  to  do,  having  my  billet 
further  genommen.  I  argued  the  question  in  my  native 
tongue,  and  utterly  routed  Herr  geehrter  Kutscher.  An 
appalling  nine  hours'  train  to  Chemnitz,  where  I  got  at 
10.30.  Asked  a  young  person  with  a  brilliant  cap  to  direct 
me  to  a  Gasthaus,  and  after  er  hat  das  gethan,  he  insisted 
on  drinking  beer  and  talking  German  to  me  till  12.30. 
Oh,  horrors!  what  I  suffered  with  him  !  also  exchanged 
cards,  swore  eternal  friendship,  and  so  on.  I  wondered 
what  he  said  all  those  two  hours.  I  said  80?  Ja !  Ja ! 
So  ?  which  satisfied  him. 

'  Morgen  friih  nach  Freiberg,  wo  ich  bin,  got  a  fair  on  ; 
queer  place.  I  have  been  much  longer  getting  here  than 
I  calculated.  In  Thiiringen  Wald,  to  get  five  miles  in  a 
straight  line,  you  had  to  go  eighteen. 

1 1  shall  not  go  to  Essen  now.  It  is  quite  possible  that 
Herr  F.  may  also  not  care  to  have  strangers  on  his  works. 
I  should  like  to  know  if  this  be  so  early.  Would  you 
write  me  a  card  both  to  Mansfeld  and  Thale  Hartz  as 
to  this,  and  send  my  bag  to  Kreimsen  ?  Shall  be  in 
Dresden  Tuesday ;  no  time  for  Saxon  Schweitz. 

1  The  only  German  who  can  speak  English,  I  believe, 
lives  on  the  Ehine.  We  must  push  on  the  universal  tongue.' 

•13  Sussex  Place:  Tuesday. 

1  Dear  Bess, — Here  I  am  at  the  end  of  my  tether,  and 
preparing  for  stringent  harness.  I  received  yours  and 


cards  (for  wliicli  many  thanks  to  both  of  you)  at  Clausthal 
and  Goslar.  In  case  you  interest  yourself  in  my  remain- 
ing travels,  here  they  are.  From  Mansfeld,  whence  I 
wrote  you,  and  where  I  accomplished  some  works,  I  pere- 
grinated to  Hartz  Gerode.  Uninteresting  works,  hot  and 

dusty.     H e  nothing  to  boast  of,  but  so-called  castle 

sleepy    and    primitive.     Thence    to    Alexisbon,    another 
miniature  Bad,  buried  in  a  valley,  woods  all  round,  a  dirty 
stream,  said  to  be  irony,  and  salubrious  Band  Curhaus, 
and  frequent  refreshments.     So  over  a  hill  through  a  wood 
to  a  schoenes  Aussicht.     Had  to  climb  up  a  tower — my 
tenth — where  a  ruffian  persisted  in  showing  off  his  topo- 
graphical lore  by  pointing  out  to  me  every  village  within 
the  horizon.     Again  to  Rosstroppe  and  Tanzplatz — really 
a  fine  view — where  all  the  cits  of  North  Germania  were 
drinking  and  singing  to  their  great  content ;  sleeping  at 
Thale;  on  again  by  Blankenberg,  striking  the  Bodathal 
again    at  Rubeland — last  again   pretty — and    halting  at 
Elbingerode.     Hence  a  lovely  walk  in  early  morn  through 
woods  up  Brocken,  whence  I  gazed  my  fill  and  lighted  on 
a  delightful   little   sylvan   inn  by   Andreasberg.     Going 
down  a  mine  and  over  works  at  Andreasberg,  which  is 
also  now  frequented  by  "fir  needle  "  bathers,  occupied  most 
of  next  day.     My  next  stage  Clausthal,  where  I  stumbled 
on  a  Londoner — University  student — with  whom  I  did  the 
"Lione,"  escorted  by  two   German  students.     So  round 
Ochretal  and  on  again  to  quaint  old  Goslar,  and  on  again 
to  Kreimsen,  where  I  picked  up  my  bag.     By  train  to 
Mulham  near  Ruhrort,  and  by  seven  on  Monday  morn- 
ing I  had  the  audacity  to  call  on  Herr  Dr.  F.,  whom  I 
found  at  breakfast  with  Mrs.  F.   and  an  amusing  young 
lady  of  two.     Was  received  most  courteously,  and  taken 
to  Phoenix,  where  I  was  left  to  satisfy  my  curiosity,  which 
I  did  at  length,  finding  the  works  well  constructed  and 

CH.  vi  A   GERMAN   TOUR  63 

worked.  I  was  to  see  Herr  F.  again,  but  unfortunately 
he  did  not  return  to  his  office  before  I  was  obliged  to  leave 
to  catch  the  only  train  to  Kotterdam.  I  left  a  card  ex- 
pressing my  thanks.  There  are  several  points  on  which 
I  may  possibly  write  to  him  for  information.  Does  the 
director  read  English  I  wonder  ? — Yours  ever, 

<  S.  G.  T. 

4  P.S. — My  opinion  of  German  scenery  is — is  reserved  ; 
of  the  folk  I  can  say  I  have  a  much  better  opinion 
than  I  started  with.  If  they  would  only  learn  English 
they  would  be  civilised.' 

'Dear  Bess, — Here  everything  going  much  as  usual. 
My  editorial  acquaintance  just  back  from  America;  speaking 
well  of  things  American,  particularly  of  their  extraordinary 
capacity  for  work  and  rapidity  in  executing  it.  Awaiting 
my  return  I  found  a  letter  from  my  friend  in  the  "Western 
States  saying  that  he  was  relinquishing  the  Professorship 
he  has  hitherto  held,  and  suggesting  I  should  take  his 
place.  It  was  a  temptation ;  but,  of  course,  in  my  mother's 
state  of  health  it  would  have  been  out  of  the  question. 

'  I  find  so  much  to  engage  me  that  it  is  doubtful 
whether  I  shall  have  time  to  turn  my  German  visit  to  any 
literary  account,  particularly  as  a  great  part  of  my  notes 
got  lost  in  hurry  to  catch  a  train  for  Ruhrort. 

'  By  the  way,  as  to  "  hurry,"  you  seem  to  think  my  time 
is  unlimited ;  I  had  twenty-six  days  for  all. 

*  I  enclose  a  number  of  queries,  of  which  the  director 
may  answer  some  in  German  or  English  possibly,  if  you 
would  kindly  undertake  their  transmission.  They  are 
simply  what  I  had  jotted  down  at  the  time  to  ask  the 
director  before  I  left.  Of  course  it  is  a  considerable 
trespass,  on  the  strength  of  your  introduction ;  but  I  find 


German  scientists  so  courteous  in  giving  information  that 
I  have  become  a  hardened  interrogator.' 

'  Dear  Bess, — I  am  intensely  obliged  to  all  of  you,  the 
Doctor,  Fraulein  N.  and  yourself,  for  the  trouble  you  have 
taken  over  my  troublesome  interrogatories,  which  I  cer- 
tainly did  not  expect  to  get  so  answered.  You  say  that 
Phoenix  had  forty-eight  furnaces  at  work  in  1872-73,  now 
only  eighteen.  Does  that  mean  blast  furnaces  (Hohofen)? 
for  if  so,  Phoenix  is  larger  than  I  imagined ;  few  English 
works  have  more  than  twenty  in  all.  By  asking  the  name 
of  the  hot-blast  stoves  I  meant  this :  I  observed  in  par- 
ticular one  new  hot-blast  stove  (i.e.  an  apparatus  for  heat- 
ing the  blast  before  it  enters  the  Hohofen)  of  a  construction 
new  to  me.  I  know  the  Whitwell  stove,  the  Cowper,  the 
Pistop  pipe  stove  and  so  on.  This  appeared  to  be  filled 
with  circular  discs  of  iron  (?),  so  I  asked  by  what  name  it 
is  known  that  I  might  find  a  description  of  it.  In  einzeln 
etc.  means  "  is  more  tenacious."  Hartenummern  I  should 
translate  as  "  scale  of  hardness  "  I  fancy,  but  I  am  not 
quite  clear ;  what  is  your  idea  ?  The  director's  answers  are 
admirably  clear  and  to  the  point. 

'  I  will  send  "  Iron  "  to  Herr  Dr.  F.  as  you  suggest. 
It  is  simply  appallingly  hot,  and  I  find  Thames  has 
effectually  taken  all  the  good  I  derived  from  my  trip  to 
itself.  The  amount  of  work  accumulated  is  quite  a  feature, 
and  I  have  a  new  magistrate.  Wish  I  could  exchange 
Kensington  for  Wiesbaden  for  a  week  or  two. — Yours, 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TEAVEL  TALK  '  65 



THOMAS  did  *  turn  his  German  tour  to  literary  account '  by 
the  contribution  of  a  series  of  articles  (under  the  heading 
of  '  Technical  Travel  Talk  '  )  to  the  columns  of '  Iron/  We 
reproduce  some  extracts  from  these  articles  (published  in 
the  course  of  1877)  here.  Much  of  them  is,  of  course,  too 
technical  for  these  pages.  The  opening  paragraph  is  very 
characteristic  of  the  writer  : — 

'  Freiberg. 

4  There  is  a  curious  delusion  very  prevalent  among 
vacation-tourists,  that  it  is  inconsistent  with  the  purpose 
of  true  holiday-making,  and  indicative  of  a  certain  poverty 
of  spirit,  to  concern  oneself  about  aught  else  than  the 
picturesque  and  artistic  features  of  one's  holiday-ground. 
By  such  a  limited  interpretation  of  the  available  resources 
of  pleasure-travel,  not  a  few  are  condemned  to  hours  of 
ennui,  which  they  would  escape  effectually  if  they  would 
only  recognise  that  the  industries  and  institutions  of 
a  strange  locality  are  as  legitimate  objects  of  interest  as  its 
scenery,  buildings  and  pictures.  Of  course  there  are  those 
who  are  so  profoundly  convinced  that  instruction  and 
amusement  are  hopelessly  incompatible,  that  they  are 
consistent  in  refusing  to  desert  the  beaten  tourist  track, 
lest  perchance  they  should  fall  into  the  pitfall  of  instruc- 
tion. It  cannot,  however,  be  believed  that,  of  the  thou- 



sands  of  Englishmen  who  sojourn  in  or  pass  through 
Dresden  yearly,  all  labour  under  this  singular  prejudice, 
and  believe  that  it  is  incumbent  on  a  true  holiday-maker 
to  utterly  bury  and  forget  all  the  interests  which  constitute 
the  chief  concern  of  his  everyday  life.  Yet  it  is  sur- 
prising how  few  of  our  practical  countrymen  find  their  way 
from  the  art-capital  of  Germany  to  the  old  mine-city  of 
Freiberg,  the  birthplace  of  technical  education,  and  of  the 
systematic  application  of  scientific  methods  to  the  conduct 
of  industrial  enterprise,  though  the  two  places  are  barely 
an  hour's  ride  apart. 

1  The  district  of  the  Saxon  Erzgebirge  (Ore-mountains), 
of  which  Freiberg  is  the  centre,  would,  indeed,  be  well 
worth  a  visit,  even  though  its  only  attractions  were  the 
quaint  and  picturesque  architecture  of  its  towns  and  the 
primitive  customs  of  its  people,  among  whom  the  eerie 
superstitions  and  legends,  which  filled  so  important  a  part 
in  the  lives  of  the  old  miners,  still  linger. 

'  Freiberg  itself  has  seen  fluctuations  of  fortune  beyond 
the  experience  of  ordinary  cities.  To  have  been  the  scene 
of  many  sieges,  the  cradle  of  the  Saxon  Reformation,  and 
the  seat  and  city  of  refuge  of  the  royal  family  of  Saxony 
are  only  a  few  incidents  in  its  chequered  political  career. 
Its  real  prosperity,  however,  fluctuated  with  that  of  the 
mines  of  the  district,  and  the  depreciation  and  apprecia- 
tion of  silver  was  a  question  of  deep  moment  to  its 
burghers  long  before  the  dwellers  in  Lombard  Street  had 
begun  to  dabble  in  the  intricacies  of  finance.  In  the 
sixteenth  century,  when  its  mines  were  at  their  best,  the 
population  of  the  city  is  said  to  have  been  five  times  as 
great  as  it  was  at  the  beginning  of  the  present  century, 
and  considerably  larger  than  it  is  at  present. 

'  The  contrast  between  the  mediaeval  streets  and  fan- 
tastic buildings  of  the  old  town,  and  the  costumes  and 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TKAVEL  TALK  '  67 

manners  of  the  crowds  that  thronged  them  was  particu- 
larly striking  as  I  made  niy  way  from  the  station  and 
found  the  Jahrzeit,  or  semi-annual  fair,  in  full  swing,  with 
all  the  accompaniments  of  bands,  shows,  jugglers  and 
vociferous  cheap-jacks.  Strolling  through  the  good- 
humoured  multitude  I  came  on  a  little  group  of  American 
academy  students,  who  were  laughingly  engaged  in 
showing  the  heathens  (as  they  designated  the  non-English- 
speaking  portion  of  the  community),  in  some  trials  of 
strength,  that  transatlantic  skill  could  prevail  over  Saxon 
muscle.  High  over  the  busiest  part  of  the  fair  loomed  a 
mining  engine-house,  perched  on  the  inevitable  rubbish 
mound,  requiring  no  great  stretch  of  the  imagination  to 
picture  it  as  the  genius  of  the  place.  The  monotonous 
periodical  clang  of  the  engine-bell,  which  throughout  the 
mining  region  serves  to  indicate  that  the  pumping 
machinery  is  in  order  and  at  work,  readily  lends  itself  to 
this  fancy,  by  giving  to  the  stranger  an  almost  painful 
consciousness  of  automatic,  never-tiring  watchfulness. 

'  As  some  salt  carriers  from  Halle  were  making  their 
way  across  the  Freiberg  heights  with  their  salt,  on  their 
way  to  Bohemia,  it  chanced  that  one  of  them  picked  up  by 
the  roadside  a  lump  of  lead  ore.  Being  evidently  shrewd 
and  enterprising  men,  they  abandoned  their  Bohemian 
journey  and  betook  themselves  with  their  find  to  an  emi- 
nent assayer  at  Goslar.  A  certificate  having  been  obtained 
that  their  specimen  assayed  much  richer  in  silver  than  the 
ordinary  Ramrnelsberg  ores,  the  fortunes  of  Freiberg  were 
made,  for  divers  Gosla  rites  emigrated  forthwith,  and 
speedily  opened  up  the  rich  silver  deposits  which  soon 
rendered  Freiberg  one  of  the  most  prosperous  cities  of 
Central  Europe.  What  became  of  the  original  enterprising 
prospectors,  Agricola,  who  is  the  authority  for  this  account, 

F   2 


does  not  chronicle.  The  author  of  a  curious  little  work  on 
"  The  Origin  of  the  Saxon  Mines,"  published  at  Chemnitz 
in  1764,  discusses  the  question  of  the  exact  date  of  this 
discovery  in  great  detail,  but  if  we  follow  Agricola  again 
in  fixing  it  in  1164  we  shall  not  be  far  wrong.  Between 
the  years  1164  and  1824  the  Saxon  mines  are  said  to 
have  produced  4,100  tons  of  silver,  valued  at  thirty-six 
millions  sterling.  Their  greatest  productiveness  appears 
to  have  been  reached  in  the  fourteenth  and  fifteenth 
centuries,  when  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  some  of  the 
richest  veins  were  struck  and  almost  exhausted,  large 
masses  of  ore,  yielding  sixty  and  seventy  per  cent,  of 
silver,  being  found. 

'In  1810  the  product  of  the  Saxon  silver  mines  was 
estimated  at  53,000  marks,  or,  say,  one-eighth  of  a  million 
sterling.  In  1817  it  had  sunk  to  a  considerably  lower 
value.  In  1850  we  find  it  still  at  about  the  same  figure, 
though  the  total  value  of  the  mineral  products  of  Saxony 
had  doubled  in  the  interval.  In  1856,  however,  the  pro- 
duction amounted  to  55,000  Ib.  of  metal,  and  in  1865  to 
80,000  lb.,  while  by  the  last  returns  from  the  Freiberg 
smelting  works  the  value  of  the  silver  produced  has  again 

*  At  the  date  of  the  last  official  return  there  were  in  ex- 
istence, in  the  four  Reviere  into  which  the  ore-mining 
district  of  Saxony  is  divided,  344  mines.  In  this  numera- 
tion, however,  are  included  drainage  and  extraction  adits, 
and  over  150  mines  which  are  not  in  work  at  all.  Of  the 
balance,  only  nine  were  in  the  dividend  list,  while  sixty- 
four  of  those  reckoned  as  "  going  concerns  "  were  raising 
no  ore,  The  total  ore  raised  in  1874  amounted  to  about 
50,000  tons,  representing  a  cash  value  of  something  over 
250,OOOZ.  sterling.  Of  the  76,OOOZ.,  which  was  the  value 
of  the  ore  raised  from  Himmelfahrt,  the  most  prosperous 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TKAVEL  TALK  '  69 

of  all  the  mines,  only  11,OOOZ.  went  into  the  pockets  of 
the  shareholders. 

'  The  Himmelfurst  mine  at  Brand,  some  two  miles  or 
more  from  Freiberg,  is  one  of  the  most  important  in  the 
district  after  Himmelfahrt,  which  is  the  show-mine  to 
which  visitors  are  usually  directed,  and  where  there  is 
accordingly  less  opportunity  of  seeing  the  normal  course 
of  mining  operations  than  elsewhere.  Soon  after  five  on  a 
rainy  morning  I  met,  by  appointment,  in  the  Freiberg 
market-place,  a  figure  clad  in  coarse  miner's  dress,  patched 
from  top  to  toe  with  earth  stains,  and  duly  adorned  with 
leathern  apron  and  belt,  a  knife  and  a  lamp.  This  costume 
is  the  regular  mining  costume  of  Saxony,  where  miners 
dress,  not,  as  is  the  wont  at  home,  as  individual  taste  or 
convenience  suggests,  but  just  as  their  fathers  and  fore- 
fathers did  before  them.  The  wearer,  however,  is  an 
English  student,  a  chance  acquaintance,  to  whose  courtesy 
and  intelligence  I  was  much  indebted.  After  a  wet  trudge 
along  an  elevated  highroad,  bordered  by  a  monotonous 
country,  which,  hedgeless  and  almost  treeless,  looked 
bleak  enough  even  in  summer-time,  and  recalled  the  fact 
that  agriculture  in  the  Saxon  uplands  is  a  precarious 
pursuit,  we  arrived  at  our  destination.  At  intervals  along 
the  road  we  had  exchanged  a  friendly  "  Gliick  auf,"  the 
universal  salutation  for  all  times  and  occasions  in  mining 
Germany,  with  individuals  accoutred  like  my  companion, 
hurrying  to  their  respective  mines ;  but  as  we  entered  the 
group  of  offices  "  Gliick  auf"  is  heard  on  all  sides.  My 
friend  having  interviewed  the  presiding  official  and  shown 
his  academical  voucher,  and  the  usual  preliminary  of 
entering  our  names,  domiciles,  and  the  whence  and  whither 
of  my  journeying  being  duly  performed,  I  changed  my 
clothes  for  a  miner's  suit,  and,  lamp  in  hand,  we  proceeded 
to  descend  one  of  the  several  shafts  by  which  the  mine  is 


worked.  That  "  we,"  however,  now  included  a  Steiger,  to 
whose  care  we  had  been  confided.  There  are  Steiger  and 
Obersteiger,  and  (I  believe)  Untersteiger,  their  functions 
being  to  overlook  the  works  and  generally  superintend  the 
conduct  of  mining  operations ;  their  position  varying  be- 
tween that  of  mining  captains  and  of  foremen  or  gangers. 
Though  their  pay  is  very  scanty,  averaging  considerably 
under  thirty  shillings,  and  often  not  exceeding  a  pound  a 
week,  they  have  nearly  all  received  an  excellent  technical 
training  at  the  mining  school,  and  possess  an  acquaintance 
with  the  theoretical  principles  of  mining  which  it  would 
be  hard  to  find  a  parallel  for  among  English  miners  of  far 
greater  pretensions.  We  spent  some  four  or  five  hours 
underground,  our  conductor  taking  care  that  no  instructive 
or  interesting  feature  should  be  passed  over,  or  be  unap- 
preciated for  want  of  a  commentary,  and  never  tiring  of 
explanations.  The  mine,  of  which  the  set  contains  five 
rich  veins,  produces  zinc  ores  and  pyrites,  besides  the 
argentiferous  galena  and  silver  ores,  which  are  its  main 
support.  But  though  it  employs  over  1,000  men,  it  only 
turns  out  about  3,000  tons  of  ore  a  year,  valued,  according 
to  the  last  return  at  hand,  at  some  45,000?.  The  sale  of 
SOL  worth  of  "  specimens  "  is  one  of  the  items  which  makes 
up  this  total.  A  generation  ago,  when  only  one-fifth  of 
the  present  output  was  realised,  it  appears  that  the  returns 
of  ore  sold  were  over  18,OOOL,  which  indicated  that  the 
richest  veins  have  been  exhausted. 

1  As  in  most  German  mines,  dead  work  bears  here  a 
much  larger  proportion  to  paying  work  than  would  be  long 
tolerated  by  English  adventurers.  We  find,  by  a  recent 
return,  that  while  only  1,000  metres  were  driven  in  the 
Freiberg  Revier  in  rich  ore  ground,  1,800  were  driven  in 
poor  though  ore-carrying  ground,  and  no  less  than  7,000 
metres  in  perfectly  barren  ground.  In  other  words,  70 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TEAVEL  TALK  '  71 

per  cent,  of  the  total  year's  work  done  was  of  an  unremu- 
nerative  character.  This  mode  of  working,  not  for  the 
present  alone,  but  with  a  view  to  maintaining  the  existence 
of  the  mine  for  the  longest  possible  period,  has  many  and 
solid  advantages,  which  are  not  to  be  obtained  on  the 
"  quick  return  "  system.  Nothing  gives  a  better  idea  of  the 
strong  hold  this  desire  for  permanency  has  on  those  who 
have  the  ultimate  direction  of  mining  works  than  the 
extraordinary  solidity  and  finish  of  the  masonry  which  is 
so  largely  used  in  the  lining  of  the  shafts,  and  the  support 
of  the  roof  and  sides  of  the  working  levels.  The  regular 
thickness  for  the  arches  protecting  the  junction  of  galleries 
with  the  shaft,  or  supporting  the  masonry  of  a  few  fathoms 
of  lined  shaft,  is  one  metre. 

'  It  is  the  custom  to  inscribe  the  date  on  which  any  im- 
portant sinking  or  driving  was  finished  in  situ,  so  that 
the  mine  itself  bears  its  own  chronology  graven  on  its 
walls,  and  we  have  a  clue  to  the  exact  course  the  works 
have  taken  for  a  century  or  two.  Thus,  it  will  often 
happen  that  at  one  stage  in  the  descent  of  a  shaft  you 
will  find  the  date  of  say  A.D.  1760 ;  on  getting  still  lower 
you  will  be  surprised  to  find  you  have  got  back  to  1700, 
and  then,  at  the  lowest  depth  of  all,  you  are  confronted 
with  a  freshly  carved  or  painted  "  1876."  This,  of  course, 
indicates  that  in  1760  a  shaft  was  sunk  upon  an  old  gallery 
from  another  shaft  (possibly  only  by  accident,  as  it  was  not 
continued  down  to  the  level),  and  that  subsequently,  the 
original  ore  bodies  being  probably  exhausted,  the  shaft  has 
been  continued  to  its  present  depth,  or  a  shaft  driven 

'  The  shaft  by  which  we  descended  was  a  rectangular 
one,  measuring  two  metres  by  six,  and  is  to  be  carried 
to  a  depth  of  some  500  metres.  The  main  drawing  and 
pumping  shaft,  by  which  we  ascended,  was  driven  on  the 


veins,  and  follows  its  inclination,  and  is  of  very  much 
larger  dimensions.  The  greater  part  of  the  ore  is  got  out 
by  overhead  stoping,  though  the  underhand  system  is 
also  in  use.  There  is  one  tool  which  is  very  much  used 
by  the  miners,  which  is  not,  I  believe,  common  in  England. 
It  is  almost  exactly  the  shape  of  the  ordinary  miner's 
poltpick  on  a  small  scale  (weighing  only  two  or  three 
pounds),  and  being  held  in  position  by  the  handle,  is  driven 
into  the  rock  by  a  sledge ;  the  handle  enables  the  gad  or 
wedge,  which  is  what  the  tool  really  is,  to  be  used  in 
positions  which  it  would  be  hard  to  get  at  otherwise. 

1  The  Saxon  mining  lamp,  though  not  unknown  in  Eng- 
land, seems  such  an  obvious  improvement  on  the  naked 
candle,  so  largely  used,  that  it  is  worth  description.  It  con- 
sists of  a  flat  box  of  wood,  about  eight  or  ten  inches  high,  with 
a  rounded  top  and  the  front  open.  The  interior  is  lined 
with  polished  metal,  and  the  open  side  may  be  closed  with 
a  glass  sliding  in  a  groove.  This  glass,  when  not  in  place, 
clips  into  a  recess  at  the  back  of  the  lamp.  Either  a 
candle  or  oil-lamp  can  be  used,  and  the  whole  is  swung  by 
a  string  round  the  miner's  neck.  The  hands  are  left  free, 
the  flame  protected  from  draughts  and  wet,  and  the  light 
reflected  on  the  work  in  hand.  All  these  advantages  are 
obtained  at  an  insignificant  cost. 

1  The  miner's  cap,  common  to  all  Germany,  is  of  the 
shape  once  known  in  England  as  the  "  porkpie  "  hat,  made 
of  stiff  felt,  and  is  an  admirable  protection  to  the  head, 
which,  as  every  novice  in  mining  knows,  is  exposed  to 
grievous  attacks  in  underground  life.  Gunpowder  is  alone 
used  in  blasting,  and  all  the  holes  are  put  in  by  hand.  As 
far  as  I  could  learn,  Himmelfahrt  is  the  only  mine  in  the 
district  in  which  machine  drills  had  been  fairly  tried,  nor 
do  modern  explosives  seem  much  in  favour.  The  miners 
are,  by  general  testimony,  as  steady  and  industrious  a 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TEAVEL  TALK  '  73 

class  of  men  as  could  be  desired.  Of  late  years  Italian 
(probably  Piedmontese)  hewers  have  been  employed  in  the 
Saxony  collieries,  and  in  driving  adits  and  other  heavy 
work,  and  it  is  said  that  they  can  turn  out  more  work  than 
the  native  miner.  I  was  informed  that  a  heading  through 
moderately  hard  rock,  which  we  watched  being  driven, 
was  paid  for  by  piecework  at  a  rate  which  would  give  the 
miner,  a  first-class  workman,  something  less  than  15s.  per 
week.  The  ordinary  rate  of  payment  appears  to  be  a 
mark  (or  shilling)  for  a  six-hours'  shift,  and  two  marks  for 
a  ten-hours'  shift.  Low  as  these  wages  are,  they  probably 
do  not  represent  a  less  purchasing  power  than  the  average 
English  mining  wage.  Indeed,  they  are  even  absolutely 
but  very  little  lower  than  the  regular  Cornish  rates  of  a 
few  years  ago. 

'An  excellent  system  of  miners'  unions,  or  friendly 
societies,  to  which  nearly  all  the  men  belong,  contributes 
largely  to  improve  the  position  of  their  members.  The 
contributions  of  the  men  are  supplemented  by  a  propor- 
tionate subscription  from  the  various  mining  companies 
and  the  income  derived  from  various  charitable  endow- 
ments. The  distribution  and  management  of  the  funds  are 
mainly  undertaken,  I  was  informed,  by  a  committee  of  the 
oldest  members  of  the  union.  The  objects  on  which  they 
are  expended  are  :  the  relief,  by  allowances,  pensions  and 
medical  attendance,  of  sick  members ;  pensions  to  widows 
of  deceased  members;  the  maintenance  of  co-operative 
stores,  and  the  education  of  orphans  and  the  children  of 
indigent  members.  The  annual  expenditure  of  the  com- 
bined Saxon  societies  and  foundations  amounts  to  between 
60,OOOZ.  and  70,OOOZ.  The  whole  body  of  ore-miners  is 
bound  together  by  the  Bergknappschaften,  or  unions — 
which  are  of  great  antiquity — into  a  body  corporate,  with 
elaborate  regulations  and  ceremonies.  To  be  expelled 


from  the  association  is  the  greatest  social  ignominy,  and  its 
established  customs  have  the  force  almost  of  law.  One  of 
the  periodical  musters,  or  reviews  of  the  Freiberg  miners, 
was  due  a  few  days  after  I  left  Freiberg.  On  these  occa- 
sions they  are  grouped  into  companies  and  brigades  under 
their  officers,  adorned  with  the  insignia  of  their  craft,  and, 
after  attending  church,  spend  the  balance  of  the  day  in 
certain  traditional  exercises  and  festivities.  Of  late  years 
a  considerable  tide  of  emigration  of  miners  from  Saxony 
to  America  has  set  in,  and  so  relieved  the  pressure  which 
the  decrease  of  mining  activity  would  have  caused. 

'  Saxon  Mining 

'  Neither  women  nor  boys  are  employed  in  the  metal 
mines  of  Saxony,  and  comparatively  few  in  the  coal  dis- 
tricts. The  Saxons,  though  rather  a  stolid  race,  are,  as  a 
rule,  well  educated,  and  believe  in  educating  their  children 
rather  than  sending  them  prematurely  to  work,  a  view 
in  which  the  law  supports  them.  The  total  number  of 
miners  employed  in  the  ore  mines  is  only  about  8,000,  but 
about  twice  that  number  are  engaged  in  the  bituminous 
collieries,  and  over  3,000  in  the  brown-coal  mines. 
The  colliers  are  a  very  different  class  of  men  to  the  ore- 
miners,  whose  morale  and  judiciously  recognised  esprit  de 
corps ,  combined  with  a  traditional  good  understanding  with 
their  employers,  render  labour  troubles  among  them  of  very 
rare  occurrence.  I  think  there  could  hardly  be  a  better 
indication  of  the  old-world  flavour  which  pervades  Saxon 
ore-mining  than  the  nomenclature  of  the  mines  themselves. 
A  singular  contrast  to  the  matter-of-fact  names  which  figure 
in  our  mining-share  lists,  and  the  ambitious  and  often 
grotesquely  humorous  labels  which  the  Californian  and 
Comstock  miner  delights  in  attaching  to  his  workings,  is 
afforded  by  a  list,  in  which  capital  and  dividends,  and  pro- 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TKAYEL  TALK  *  75 

fit  and  loss  seem  incongruous  items,  when  connected  with 
undertakings  trading  under  such  pious  blazons  as  God's 
Blessing,  God's  Hope,  Good  God,  Trust  in  the  Lord,  God 
with  us,  God  trusted  Daniel,  the  Green  Twig  and  the 
Grace  of  God;  sometimes  lapsing  into  such  mundane 
though  comprehensive  appellations  as  the  Morning  Star 
and  Noonday  Sun.  Does  not  this  seem  to  take  us  back  to 
a  far-off  age,  when  work — or,  perhaps,  speculation — and 
religion  were  on  intimate  terms,  though  no  one  had  yet 
formulated  the  "  Gospel  of  Work  "  ? 

1  Saxon  Metallurgy 

1  The  Fiscal  Metallurgical  Works  of  the  Freiberg  district 
consist  of  two  great  smelting  establishments,  one  known 
as  the  Muldener  Hiitte  and  the  once  celebrated  but  now 
less  important  works  at  Halsbruck.  In  connection  with 
these  there  are  certain  subsidiary  industries  of  consider- 
able local  importance,  notably  the  Cobalt  Blue  Works  at 
Oberschlema  and  Pfannenstiel  (the  latter  of  which  is  a 
semi-private  undertaking).  The  manufacture  of  shot  and 
leadwork  generally,  of  whitelead  and  pottery  are  the  most 
flourishing  of  these  subsidiary  industries  ;  but  they  do  not 
possess  any  features  of  special  interest.  At  the  several 
Fiscal  Works  about  1,400  men  are  employed.  Tin-smelt- 
ing is  still  carried  on  at  six  or  seven  small  furnaces  in  close 
proximity  to  the  mines,  of  which  the  most  important  are 
situated  in  the  Altenberg  district,  but  this  branch  of  metal- 
lurgy is  now  labouring  under  considerable  depression,  owing 
to  the  fall  in  the  value  of  tin.  The  Mulden  and  Halsbruck 
Works  (which  may  be  practically  regarded  as  one),  how- 
ever, have  certainly  done  more  for  the  advancement  of 
metallurgical  science  than  any  other  establishment  of  the 
kind  in  the  world,  and  possess  many  features  of  the 


greatest  technical  interest.  The  prominent  position  they 
have  taken  may  be  traced  to  a  combination  of  several 

'  In  the  first  place,  the  intimate  connection  which  has 
existed  between  the  Academy  and  the  Hiitte  since  the 
foundation  of  the  former,  and  the  fact  that  for  at  least  a 
century  the  direction  of  the  works  has  been  carried  on 
under  what,  having  reference  to  the  current  state  of 
metallurgical  knowledge,  was  unquestionably  the  best 
scientific  advice,  were  alone  sufficient  to  elevate  the  conduct 
of  these  works  far  above  the  dead  level  of  empiricism  which 
so  long  prevailed  in  metallurgy.  The  joint  reputation  of 
the  Academy  and  the  Works  also  brought  to  Freiberg  a 
constant  succession  of  intelligent  visitors,  whose  sugges- 
tions for  modifications  of  any  process  or  accounts  of  the 
modes  adopted  for  like  ends  in  other  countries  were  always 
attentively  considered  by  experts,  whom  an  academy 
training  had  freed  from  local  prejudice,  which  so  often 
prevents  the  adoption  of  improvements.  The  remarkable 
complexity  of  composition,  which  is  a  characteristic  of  the 
Freiberg  ores,  also  calls  for  the  exercise  of  an  unusual 
amount  of  skill  in  devising  processes  by  which  the  largest 
number  of  metals  may  be  profitably  isolated  from  each 
other  and  turned  out  in  a  marketable  condition.  The 
absence  of  those  restraints  upon  the  pursuit  of  investiga- 
tions of  which  the  immediate  pecuniary  result  is  doubtful, 
more  or  less  inseparable  from  private  enterprise,  has  also 
had  a  most  happy  effect  on  Saxon  metallurgy. 

'  During  the  most  prosperous  period  of  the  Saxon  mines 
the  ores  were  smelted  at  a  number  of  private  works  in  a 
very  rude  fashion.  Towards  the  commencement  of  the 
eighteenth  century,  when  the  succession  of  rich  bonanzas 
which  had  astonished  Europe  and  enriched  Saxony  had 
been  about  worked  out,  and  the  effects  of  the  vast  importa- 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TRAVEL  TALK '  77 

tion  of  silver  from  Mexico  and  Peru  in  depreciating  the 
value  of  the  metal  had  not  been  recovered  from,  the  Saxon 
Government  came  to  the  rescue  of  the  impoverished  mining 
industry  by  founding  metallurgical  works,  under  the 
administration  of  a  special  department,  with  the  object 
of  utilising  to  the  utmost  the  mineral  treasures  of  the 
Erzgebirge,  by  bringing  the  advantages  of  capital,  concen- 
tration and  skilled  management  to  bear  upon  the  extraction 
of  the  metals  from  their  containing  ores.  The  results  of  this 
direct  Government  interference  with  private  enterprise, 
repugnant  as  it  is  to  English  ideas  of  the  limits  of  the 
functions  of  the  State,  have  been  certainly  more  favourable 
than  could  have  been  anticipated.  Aided  by  the  economical 
Jesuits  achieved  by  the  Government  works,  of  which  the 
miner  shares  the  advantage,  not  only  in  receiving  originally 
a  better  price  for  his  ore  than  private  smelters  would  or 
could  give,  but  by  a  subsequent  participation  in  the  profits 
of  the  undertaking,  many  mines  have  struggled  through 
periods  of  adversity  to  which  they  must  have  otherwise 
succumbed.  In  looking  over  the  visitors'  book  at  the 
Muldener  Hiitte,  one  is  struck  by  the  cosmopolitan 
character  of  those  who  (as  indicated  by  their  names)  avail 
themselves  of  the  unreserved  liberality  with  which  the 
direction  permits  access  to  all  the  Government  establish- 
ments. My  own  visit  was  paid  in  company  of  two  Greeks, 
our  predecessors  being  Germans,  Spaniards  and  Americans. 

1  Of  the  130  ironworks  of  Saxony — of  which  only  some 
half-dozen  have  blast  furnaces — located  for  the  most  part 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  Zwickau,  Chemnitz,  and  Plauen, 
with  a  gross  production  valued  at  about  one  million 
sterling,  I  have  no  personal  knowledge.  I  was  informed, 
however,  from  several  sources,  that,  notwithstanding 
journalistic  denials,  the  engine  and  machine  makers  of 


Chemnitz  and  Leipzig  always  use  English  metal,  especially 
steel,  for  any  purpose  in  which  the  highest  quality  is  re- 

'  From  Freiberg  to  Dresden  the  railway  passes  through 
decidedly  attractive  scenery,  while,  for  the  technical 
tourist,  the  attractions  of  the  picturesque  valley  which  the 
line  traverses  are  not  diminished  by  its  being  the  seat  of  a 
thriving  brown-coal  mining  and  iron-working  industry 
at  Potschappel,  and  the  celebrated  forest  nursery  and 
forestry  academy  of  Tharandt.  On  the  many  attractions 
of  Dresden,  the  most  charming  of  German  cities,  this  is 
not  the  place  to  expatiate.  It  may  be  suggested,  however, 
that  the  geological  and  mineralogical  collections  which 
form,  perhaps,  the  least  frequented  section  of  the  magnifi- 
cent series  of  museums  of  which  the  Saxons  are  justly 
proud,  are  worthy  of  their  reputation,  their  strength  lying 
in  the  completeness  of  their  sets  of  Saxon  ores  and  fossils. 
The  Saxon  Switzerland,  which  commences  a  few  miles 
south  of  Dresden,  originally  an  elevated  tableland  of 
sandstone,  has  been  chiselled,  by  fluvial  and  aerial  agency, 
into  a  series  of  fantastically-shaped  peaks  and  pinnacles, 
and  isolated  and  precipitous  rock  fortresses,  while  those 
portions  which  have  suffered  least  are  penetrated  in  every 
direction  by  deep  ravines.  As  it  is  given  only  to  few  to 
visit  the  Colorado  canyons,  an  excursion  to  the  Sachsische 
Schweiz  may  be  taken  to  be,  perhaps,  the  most  favour- 
able accessible  illustration,  on  a  great  scale,  of  the  power 
of  water  as  a  geological  tool,  since  the  cause  and  effect  are 
here  seen  in  close  juxtaposition,  and  under  the  most 
striking  conditions. 

'  Bohemia,  a  country  which  lies  somewhat  out  of  the 
regular  tourist  track,  holds  out  many  inducements  to  the 
student  of  metallurgy  or  mining  who  has  got  so  far  as 
Freiberg  or  Dresden  to  extend  his  explorations  thither. 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TRAVEL  TALK  '  79 

Amid  scenery  often  in  the  highest  degree  wild  and 
picturesque,  mining  has  been  carried  on  in  Bohemia  for 
considerably  over  a  thousand  years. 

c  In  the  narrow  gorge  of  Joachimthal,  where  the  first 
thalers  were  coined,  and  whence  their  name  is  derived, 
maybe  seen  mines  still  in  active  work,  producing  silver, 
lead,  cobalt,  bismuth  and  uranium,  in  which  some  forty 
successive  generations  of  miners  have  laboured.  Near  the 
fine  old  city  of  Prague,  one  of  the  most  interesting  in 
Germany,  are  the  wonderfully  rich  silver-lead  deposits  of 
Przibram,  which  have  been  worked  continuously  for  eleven 
centuries.  Large  deposits  of  lead,  and  smaller  ones  of 
copper,  tin,  and  cobalt,  are  also  mined  in  many  other 
districts  of  Bohemia,  the  systems  of  exploitation  and 
dressings  being  hardly,  if  at  all,  inferior  to  those  adopted 
in  Saxony  and  the  Hartz.  Indeed,  much  of  the  most 
approved  modern  dressing  machinery  has  its  origin  in 
Bohemia  and  Schemnitz. 

'  The  iron  industry  of  Bohemia  is  of  hardly  less  anti- 
quity than  its  silver  mining.  Great  deposits  of  haematite 
and  other  iron  ores  are  spread  over  the  country,  the  ore 
being  smelted  chiefly  in  charcoal  furnaces  close  to  where 
it  is  raised.  In  no  district  in  Europe  is  the  charcoal 
blast-furnace  seen  to  greater  advantage  than  in  Bohemia 
and  the  adjacent  Austrian  States.  At  Kladno,  however, 
and  elsewhere,  coke  furnaces  have  been  recently  erected 
on  a  considerable  scale.  Though  both  bituminous  and 
anthracite  coal  is  worked  to  some  extent,  the  chief  fuel 
resources  of  Bohemia  are  found  in  the  enormous  supply  of 
brown  coal  which  it  possesses,  much  of  it  consisting  of 
deposits  considerably  exceeding  ten  yards  in  thickness. 
It  is  now  about  eleven  centuries  since  the  Bohemian 
gold-fever  broke  out,  and  the  washing  and  digging  of  that 
day  appsar  to  have  been  pretty  thorough,  since  nothing 


has  been  left  for  their  successors  but  heaps  of  washed  sand 
and  gravel.  In  short,  the  metalliferous  industries  of 
Bohemia  are  hardly  less  varied  and  interesting  than  those 
of  Saxony ;  while  by  extending  one's  excursion  to  Hungary 
on  the  one  side  and  Styria  and  Illyria  on  the  other,  one 
would  have  a  tour  in  which  an  absolutely  complete  acquain- 
tance with  all  that  is  remarkable  in  Continental  mining  and 
metallurgy  might  be  gained,  in  conjunction  with  an  ex- 
ploration of  the  almost  unique  beauties  of  the  Austrian 
Alps  and  the  Hungarian  forests  and  highlands. 

4  But  there  is  another  region  of  Germany,  very  much 
more  accessible  from  England,  almost,  indeed,  at  our 
doors,  which  possesses  within  a  very  limited  area  many 
very  diverse  claims  on  the  attention  of  the  sober  holiday- 
seeker.  The  Hartz  offer  a  rich  harvest  to  the  geologist, 
mineralogist,  metallurgist  and  miner,  and  have  no  mean 
attractions  for  the  artist  and  antiquarian.  Till  some 
twenty  years  ago  a  region  almost  entirely  primitive  and 
out  of  the  world — the  summer  hordes  of  Berliners,  Ham- 
burgers, and  other  denizens  of  the  plain,  who  have  since 
been  induced  by  railway  facilities  to  invade  its  more 
accessible  districts,  have  not  yet  succeeded  in  changing 
entirely  its  former  character,  though  the  simplicity  of  the 
inhabitants  and  quaint  picturesqueness  of  its  towns  will 
probably  soon  be  things  of  the  past. 

'  Eisleben,  of  which  the  principal  claims  to  distinction 
are  that  it  is  the  birthplace  of  Luther,  and  the  seat  of 
administration  of  the  Mansfeld'sche  Kupferschieferbauende 
Gewerkschaft,  fairly  illustrates  the  close  juxtaposition  of 
things  new  and  old,  so  apparent  to  a  traveller  in  the  byways 
of  Germany.  In  the  architecture  of  the  town,  the  Luther 
period  is  the  most  prominent ;  in  its  life,  nineteenth- 
century  industrialism.  The  Mansfeld  Copper  Company, 
which  now  carries  on  the  mining  and  smelting  of  the 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TKAVEL  TALK  '  81 

copper  schists,  which  were  first  attacked  in  Hesse  in  the 
tenth  century,  and  at  Eisleben  in  the  sixteenth  century, 
by  the  Counts  of  Mansfeld,  is  a  consolidation  of  five 
companies,  united  under  one  management  some  nve-and- 
twenty  years  ago,  which  now,  under  the  direction  of 
Bergrath  Leuschner,  has  the  reputation  of  being  one 
of  the  best  managed,  as  it  is  one  of  the  most  prosperous, 
industrial  corporations  in  Germany.  In  1876  the  com- 
pany managed  to  earn  the  very  respectable  sum  of 
126,0002.,  giving  a  dividend  of  37s.  on  each  of  the  69,120 
shares  into  which  it  is  divided. 

'  Over  a  considerable  area  of  Central  Germany  there  is 
found  a  fossiliferous  and  bituminous  marl-slate,  covered 
by  the  Zechstein  or  magnesian  limestone,  and  overlying 
first  the  WeissliegendeSj  a  sandstone  containing  in  places 
small  quantities  of  copper,  and  under  this  again  the 
Bothliegendes,  a  red  sandstone  mixed  with  conglomerate, 
basalt,  &c.  These  deposits  lie  in  a  great  basin,  and  at 
various  points  on  the  rim,  where  the  marl-slate  crops  out, 
attempts  have  been  made  to  work  it  for  the  copper  which 
it  contains,  mainly  as  pyrites.  It  is  only,  however,  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Mansfeld  and  Eisleben,  where  an  undu- 
lation in  the  strata  brings  a  large  quantity  of  this  slate 
within  a  short  distance  of  the  surface,  the  dip  being  only 
about  6°,  that  it  has  proved  permanently  to  pay  for 
extraction.  Indeed,  even  here  it  is  only  by  working  on 
the  largest  scale — the  Mansfeld  Company  raising  last  year 
235,000  tons  of  cupriferous  schist  and  sandstone — by  which 
the  standing  charges  are  spread  over  an  enormous  output, 
that  remunerative  results  are  obtained. 

•  •••«« 

c  The  works  and  mines  together  give  employment  to 
8,000  men.  The  system  by  which  this  army  of  employes 
and  their  families  is  supplied  with  the  necessaries  of  life 



by  the  company  is  well  worthy  of  attention.  Throughout 
the  Hartz  district  the  mine-owner,  who  is  for  the  most 
part  the  Government  itself,  is  looked  to  to  supply  the 
necessaries  of  life,  or  at  least  the  chief  of  them,  to  those 
he  employs.  The  reason  of  this  custom,  which  has  pre- 
vailed for  centuries,  is  to  be  found  in  the  fact  that  the 
forest-clad  hills  and  bleak  tablelands  of  the  country  are 
scarcely  capable  of  bearing  corn  enough  to  supply  the 
wants  of  the  sparse  population  which  cultivates  them, 
leaving  no  surplus  for  the  mining  population  and  its 
tributary  industrials.  Thus,  imports  of  grain  on  a  large 
scale  have  always  been  necessary.  So  we  find  the  Mans- 
feld  Company  distributing  annually  nearly  4,000  tons  of 
rye-meal  to  its  workpeople,  or  at  the  rate  of  over  a 
hundredweight  per  man  per  month.  Rye-meal  at  Mans- 
feld  costs  nearly  91  a  ton.  It  does  not  appear  that  this 
peculiar  modification  of  the  "  truck  "  system,  by  which  the 
employer  undertakes  the  duty  of  feeding  his  men  as  well 
as  paying  them  wages,  has  been  accompanied  by  any  of 
the  abuses  which  seem  inseparable  from  it  in  England. 

1  A.  benevolent,  or  friendly  society,  not  less  admirable  in 
its  provisions  than  that  which  exists  at  Freiberg,  is  in  active 
operation  here  also.  To  its  funds  the  company  contributes 
largely,  no  less  a  sum  than  8,OOOL  a  year  being  at  present 
devoted  to  this  purpose,  besides  a  considerable  sum  spent 
in  special  gratuities  and  allowances  in  cases  outside  the 
regular  operations  of  the  society.  The  amount  of  the  in- 
vested funds  of  the  society  at  the  beginning  of  1877  reached 
the  satisfactory  sum  of  27,000?.,  while  the  disbursements 
during  the  year  1876,  in  pensions,  sick-pay,  medical  relief, 
&c.,  amounted  to  over  16,000?.  Thrift  is  fostered  by  a 
savings  bank,  in  which  the  men  are  encouraged  to  deposit. 
It  appears,  however,  that  only  some  800  of  the  8,000 
employed  are  depositors,  the  average  deposit  being  about  61. 

CH.  vir  '  TECHNICAL  TRAVEL  TALK  '  83 

( From  whatsoever  point  of  view  it  is  regarded,  the 
Mansfeld  Copper  Company  may  fairly  be  considered  one  of 
the  most  interesting  of  the  great  industrial  establishments 
of  the  Continent.  Having  successfully  solved,  thanks  to 
the  persevering  and  unassisted  investigations  of  its  own 
officers,  some  of  the  most  difficult  problems  of  metallurgy, 
no  one  can  deny  that  it  deserves  to  enjoy  the  prosperity  to 
which  it  has  attained,  while  its  management  continues  to 
be  marked  by  the  same  technical  skill  and  energy,  and  care 
for  the  welfare  of  the  employed,  which  now  characterises 

'  From  Mansfeld  it  is  a  four  hours'  walk,  through  a  not 
very  attractive  region,  to  Harzgerode,  where  the  beauties 
of  the  Hartz  really  begin.  In  the  vicinity  are  several 
silver-lead  mines,  which  changed  hands  at  high  prices 
during  the  company  mania  which  raged  so  fiercely  after 
the  war,  but  have  not  proved  much  of  an  acquisition  to 
the  Berliners  into  whtfse  hands  they  finally  passed.  A 
beautiful  walk  through  a  hilly  and  richly  wooded  country 
brings  one  to  the  old  established  ironworks  of  Madesprung  ; 
and  after  traversing  a  long  stretch  of  closely  wooded  hills, 
we  arrive  at  the  flourishing  little  town  of  Thale.  Thale 
occupies  a  very  advantageous  position  on  the  extreme 
border  of  the  great  plain  which  stretches  away  to  Berlin 
and  Hamburg,  at  the  point  where  the  river  Bode  emerges 
from  the  wild  and  singularly  picturesque  gorge  which  it 
has  cut  through  the  mountains,  which  at  this  point  rise 
almost  perpendicularly  from  the  plain.  It  is  the  terminus 
of  a  railway  which  brings  every  summer  a  yearly  increas- 
ing crowd  of  visitors,  attracted  by  the  beauties  of  the 
Rosstrappe  and  Bodenthal,  and  which  by  placing  it  in 
direct  communication  with  Hamburg,  Magdeburg,  Berlin, 
and  the  Prussian  coalfields,  puts  this  little  town  in  a 
position  to  develop  the  industrial  position  to  which  it  has 

G    2 


already  begun  to  aspire.  An  abundance  of  water  from 
streams  which  by  a  slight  diversion  of  their  course  might 
be  made  to  yield  considerably  more  water-power  than  is  at 
present  utilised ;  enormous  supplies  of  wood  and  charcoal 
from  the  adjacent  hills,  which  also  contain  large  deposits 
of  iron  ore ;  these,  with  cheap  labour  and  comparatively 
cheap  land,  make  Thale  a  place  worthy  the  attention  of 

6  Last  summer  the  Thale  ironworks,  which  are  in  the 
hands  of  a  company,  were  in  brisk  work,  turning  out  bar 
iron  and  rods,  light  rails  and  plates,  and,  I  fancy,  wire, 
and  a  large  variety  of  small  forgings.  A  small  establish- 
ment adjacent  to  the  ironworks,  occupying  itself  apparently 
chiefly  with  agricultural  implements,  and  remarkably  well 
supplied  for  so  small  a  place  with  machine  tools,  was  also 
well  occupied,  being  engaged  in  turning  out  in  large 
numbers  a  very  convenient  kind  of  light  iron  wheelbarrow 
of  very  convenient  shape  and  easy  to  handle. 

'  A  mile  or  two  on  the  road  to  Blankenberg  I  found  a 
small  brown  coal  pit  being  vigorously  worked ;  a  powerful 
portable  engine  was  engaged  in  hauling  the  trucks  of 
coal  up  an  incline  and  at  the  same  time  driving  a  centri- 
fugal pump  by  which  the  pit,  which  was  an  open  working, 
was  drained.  Indications  are  not  wanting  of  the  presence 
of  a  brown  coal  not  many  degrees  removed  from  peat,  in 
many  localities  hereabouts,  and  if  worked  in  the  inexpensive 
but  effective  fashion  I  saw  in  operation  it  must  be  a  cheap 
and  useful  source  of  fuel. 

1  Blankenberg,  a  quaint  old  town  with  steep  streets  and 
a  picturesquely-dominating  chateau,  is  another  border- 
town  of  the  Hartz  which  is  being  rapidly  invaded  by  the 
new  ideas  that  follow  in  the  wake  of  railways.  Some  three 
or  four  miles  from  the  town,  among  the  hills,  are  great  beds 
of  ironstone,  in  a  situation  almost  inaccessible  from  tha 

CH.  vii  '  TECHNICAL  TKAVEL  TALK  '  85 

steepness  of  the  roads  leading  to  them.  By  means,  how- 
ever, of  a  tramway  carried  through  the  hill  by  an  expensive 
tunnel,  these  have  been  reached,  and  two  first-class  blast- 
furnaces erected  on  the  edge  of  the  plain  to  melt  the  ores 
raised  from  them.  Projected  during  the  epoch  of  inflated 
prices  and  feverish  prosperity  in  the  iron  trade,  it  seems 
that  these  furnaces  have  had  a  hard  struggle  to  secure  even 
an  entry  into  the  arena  of  competition.  Last  summer 
there  was  every  indication  of  a  shortness  of  funds  having 
been  encountered  even  before  their  completion.  As  there 
was,  at  the  time  of  my  visit,  no  one  on  the  works  in  a 
position  to  give  any  reliable  information,  I  could  only  get 
a  general  impression  of  the  intended  arrangement  of  the 
furnaces.  The  furnaces  appeared  to  be  designed  as  cupolas 
of  good  modern  design,  with  four  tuyeres,  a  slag-hearth 
at  the  back,  a  water  balance  hoist,  a  central  gas- tube,  and 
excellent  blast-stoves.  The  blowing  engines,  of  the  hori- 
zontal type  so  popular  on  the  Continent,  are  particularly 
fine  ones,  and  there  is  abundance  of  room  for  dumping  the 
ore,  which  appears  to  be  of  excellent  quality,  storing  coke, 
and  forming  slag  tips.  A  branch  railway  has  been  con- 
structed to  the  furnaces,  by  which  they  will  receive  fuel 
and  send  away  their  iron. 

i  Leaving  behind  this  infant  establishment,  designed 
on  the  most  modern  and  approved  principles,  and 
representing  an  enormous  expenditure  of  money,  but 
having,  it  is  probable,  far  from  bright  prospects  of  success, 
it  was  curious  to  find  in  the  midst  of  the  hills,  not  many 
miles  away,  another  ironworks,  ancient,  primitive,  with 
no  expensive  plant  or  modern  facilities  for  carriage, 
and  yet  busily  occupied  and  flourishing  exceedingly. 
The  Riibeland  Hiitte,  in  a  beautiful  situation  in  the 
valley  of  the  Bode,  almost  confines  itself  to  the  manufacture 
of  castings,  for  which  it  has  a  great  reputation.  The  ore, 


partly  haematite  and  partly  brown  ore,  containing  from  30 
to  40  per  cent,  of  metal,  is  brought  in  carts  from  work- 
ings in  the  vicinity,  and  smelted  in  low  and  old-fashioned 
blast  furnaces,  of  which  one  is  now  worked  with  coke,  the 
other  with  charcoal.  The  blast  cylinder,  a  very  ancient- 
looking  machine,  is  worked  by  a  water-wheel,  though  this 
sometimes  fails  in  dry  summers  and  severe  winters.  The 
charcoal,  of  which  large  quantities  are  used,  is  made  in 
iron  retorts,  the  tar  and  other  products  of  distillation 
being  collected  and  sold.  This  mode  of  preparation  is 
found  considerably  more  economical  than  the  ordinary 
system  of  burning  the  wood  in  heaps.  I  was  informed 
that  an  average  yield  of  twenty  to  twenty-five  per  cent,  of 
charcoal  is  obtained  in  the  retorts,  against  only  fifteen  or 
sixteen  per  cent,  in  the  meiler,  but  this  latter  yield  seems 
unusually  low.  The  manager,  a  Freiberg  graduate,  stated 
that  it  required  something  over  twenty  hundred-weight  of 
charcoal  to  produce  a  ton  of  pig-iron ;  with  good  blast- 
stoves  and  improved  furnaces,  probably  a  fourth  of  this 
consumption  might  be  saved. 

c  There  is  an  enormous  demand  throughout  Germany 
for  cast-iron  stoves,  and  the  Riibeland  Foundry  is  largely 
occupied  in  supplying  these.  The  design  of  the  ornamental 
open-work  castings  of  which  the  sides  and  fronts  of  these 
stoves  are  constructed,  offers  a  good  opportunity  for  the 
exhibition  of  taste  and  skill,  and  some  of  those  I  saw  in 
the  storehouse  were  really  fine  specimens  of  art  workman- 
ship, and  the  perfection  to  which  castings  in  iron  (which 
is,  perhaps,  of  all  metals  the  most  suitable  for  taking 
accurate  reproductions  of  intricate  patterns)  may  be 
carried.  The  moulds  are  made  in  a  material  which  seems 
intermediate  between  our  own  loam  and  the  celebrated 
casting  sand  used  in  Berlin.  Some  of  the  castings  are 
made  with  the  metal  run  direct  from  the  blast-furnace, 


others  after  remelting  in  cupolas  in  the  ordinary  way.     The 
ores  here  contain  a  considerable  amount  of  phosphorus, 
which  may  probably  contribute  to  render  the  iron  suitable 
for  fine  castings. 

•  •  •  •  •  •  • 

c  Clausthal,  now  the  most  busy  of  the  seven  mining 
towns  of  the  Hartz,  having  in  its  recent  technical  activity 
far  outstripped  the  venerable  imperial  city  of  Goslar, 
possesses  no  ordinary  interest  for  the  student  of  mining 
science  and  advocate  of  organised  technical  education. 
The  Mining  Academy,  with  its  museum,  the  Aufbereitungs- 
Werke,  or  dressing-floors,  the  mines  and  their  drainage 
adits,  and  finally,  the  smelting  works,  are  each  among  the 
most  instructive  of  their  kind.  Of  these  various  institu- 
tions the  Mining  Academy  is  perhaps  the  most  worthy 
study,  as  offering  an  example  of  what  such  an  establish- 
ment should  be,  not  less  instructive  than  that  of  its  more 
celebrated  rival  at  Freiberg.' 

The  articles  close  with  an  elaborate  comparison  between 
German,  Belgian,  French,  and  English  metallurgical 




UPON  his  return  from  Germany,  Thomas  again  pressed 
Mr.  Gilchrist  to  undertake  experiments.  A  little  later  in 
the  year  he  spent  a  few  days  of  his  remaining  leave  at 
Bradford  (in  view  of  the  autumnal  meeting  of  the  Iron 
and  Steel  Institute  in  Leeds)  ;  there  he  met  Mr.  Gilchrist. 
The  projected  experiments  are  spoken  of  in  the  following 


•  Thames  Police  Court,  1876. 

£  Dear  Bess, — Last  week  I  had  five  days  at  Bradford, 
which  I  found  a  pleasant  break.  The  Iron  and  Steel 
Institute  were  holding  their  meeting  at  Leeds,  and  I  went 
over  every  day  nearly.  One  day  a  picnic  at  Kirkstall 
Abbey,  and  so  on,  the  ironmasters  of  the  neighbourhood 
coming  out  strong  in  hospitality.  .  .  .  Percy  also  at  Brad- 
ford for  the  meeting.  ...  I  go  down  to  him  for  a  few 
days  if  I  can  get  away,  to  try  some  experiments  which  are 
at  present  engrossing  all  my  attention. 

c  I  have  just  finished  some  rather  elaborate  technical 
articles  for  "  Iron,"  and  am  going  to  take  a  rest.  .  .  . 

<S.  G.  T.' 

During  this  autumn,  Mr.  Gilchrist  left  the  Cwm  Avon 
Works  and  removed,  still  as  analytical  chemist,  to  the 
Blaenavon  Works,  then  under  the  management  of  Mr. 
Edward  Martin,  who  was  afterwards  to  play  a  considerable 


part  in  the  development  of  the  basic  process.  Curiously 
enough,  Thomas  was  a  friendly  competitor  with  his  cousin 
for  the  Blaenavon  appointment.  Mr.  Martin  selected  Gil- 
christ  because  he  was  a  '  practical '  chemist,  and  Thomas 
apparently  was  not.  In  the  preceding  July,  Sidney  had 
failed  to  be  elected  a  '  Fellow  of  the  Chemical  Society ' l 
on  a  similar  ground,  because  he  declined  to  describe  him- 
self as  a  chemist,  when  he  was  a  police-court  clerk. 

On  December  20,  1876,  Thomas  writes  to  his  Blaen- 
avon cousin,  making  certain  financial  proposals  and  say- 
ing •'— 

c  I  have  not  been  able  to  make  any  head  with 
private  steel-making.  I  still  cling  to  the  idea  that  our 
idea  has  something  auriferous  about  it.  »  .  „  Whether  we 
shall  either  of  us  be  able  to  devote  the  time  to  it  it  re- 
quires (and  I  find  the  coin)  is  quite  another  matter.  I 
am  always  expecting  some  wretch  to  walk  in  and  do  the 

Mr.  Gilchrist  answered  on  the  following  day : — 

'  My  dear  Sid, — I  think  your  proposal  too  advantageous 
to  me.  I  really  hope  in  January  to  manage  some  experi- 
ments with  it. — Yours, 

<  P.  C.  G.' 

This  Christmastide,  Thomas  writes  to  Wiesbaden  in  a 
somewhat  despondent  tone,  perhaps  because  so  little  progress 
has  been  made  during  the  year  with  the  enterprise  he  had 
so  much  at  heart : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  18  Sussex  Place,  December  1876. 

'Dear  Bess, — All  good  wishes  for  '77,  and  all  thanks 
for  your  good  wishes  for  me.     I  can't  say  I  have  any  very 
1  He  was  duly  elected  in  June  of  the  following  year  (1877). 


brilliant  anticipations  for  my  own,  short  of  the  achievements 
of  the  year,  which  I  regard  mainly  as  a  bore  succeeding  to 
another  bore.  It  is  pleasant,  however,  for  once  to  know  of 
your  so  enjoying  yourself  at  the  festive  season.  We  have 
had  it  rain  continuously  here  for  the  past  month,  a  state 
of  things  which,  though  gloriously  grumbled  at,  doesn't 
seem  to  me  undesirable. 

'  Went  yesterday  to  inspect  a  real  ice  rink,  established 
in  a  floating  structure  on  the  Thames.  Had  a  copious 
interview  with  the  inventor,  who  seduced  me  into  an  ex- 
perimental tour  on  skates.  The  place  thronged  (only 
holds  thirty  or  forty)  four  times  daily  for  two-  days  a  week 
at  five  shillings  per  two  hours.  The  apparatus  by  which 
it  is  arranged,  very  interesting.  ...  I  have  just  finished 
"  Our  Mutual  Friend,"  which  I  have  protracted  over  a 
period  of  three  weeks  as  a  prandial  bonne  bouche  with 
immense  enjoyment.  I  meant  to  send  you  the  annual  by 
Farjeon,  who  is  a  colonist  from  New  Zealand  who  aspires 
to  be  another  Dickens.  These  tales,  however,  made  such 
a  hit,  that  every  copy  was  sold  before  I  could  secure 
one.  I  have  a  short  note  on  Freiberg  this  week,  which  I 
will  send  you.  Lie  we  has  now  published  a  pamphlet,  a 
very  good  one,  which  I  as  critic  duly  u  noticed."  Such  is 
life. — Yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.' 

The  new  year  of  1877  crept  on  with  little  done  for 
dephosphorisation ;  but  in  the  early  summer  of  that  year, 
Mr.  Gilchrist  began  experiments  in  good  earnest,  Thomas 
constantly  (as  his  letters  show)  criticising  results  from 
London,  and  suggesting  further  trials. 

The  following  epistles  to  Wiesbaden  belong  to  the 
earlier  part  of  1877 :— 


To  Miss  Burton 

'Dear  Bess, — Lil  was  immensely  pleased  with  your 
music.  ...  I  should  like  to  hear  you  again.  I  heard 
scarcely  anything  from  your  gorgeous  ebony  instrument. 
We  shall  be  flitting  certainly  in  June ;  so,  unless  you  are 
speedy,  you  will  never  see  us  in  our  West  End  mansion, 
but  rather  in  some  tiny  domicile  in  the  most  unfashion- 
able of  quarters.  .  .  . 

'  Have  been  reading  Browning,  so  feel  more  than  usual 
difficulty  in  writing  anything  intelligible.  Met  several 

Australians  at  G s  the  other  night.  They  are  fervent 

in  praise  of  the  antipodes,  so  we  got  on  well.  .  .  . — Yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.' 

•  18  Sussex  Place,  Onslow  Square,  London,  S.W.     1877. 

1  Dear  Bess, — We  have  grown  bad  correspondents ; 
you,  I  am  inclined  to  think,  being  considerably  the  worst, 
though  you  have  fresh  excuses  to  tell  of  and  I  only  old 
ones.  So  you  won't  pay  us  a  visit  this  summer?  Oh 
that  furniture  mania  which  obstructs  so  much  that  is 
desirable!  When  I  establish  a  house  of  my  own  (in  the  Far 
West,  Australia,  or  Africa)  my  chattels  will  certainly  be 
confined  to  a  fold-up  campstool  and  possibly  a  portable 
table  and  a  tin  can.  I  loathe  town  more  year  by  year. 
My  colleague  proposes  to  settle  some  twenty-five  miles 
down  in  Kent.  A  letter  this  morning  from  my  ex-professor 
in  America,  now  "  Metallurgical  Manager "  in  Colorado, 
urging  me  as  usual  to  go  out  and  make  my  fortune.  .  .  . 

'The  lady  medical  students  in  London  have  gained 
their  long  desired  objects — a  hospital  to  study  at  and  a 
right  to  enter  for  the  two  degrees,  the  London  Univer- 
sity M.D.,  and  the  Dublin  Medical  degree.  I  have  just 
finished  Bulwer's  "  Parisians,"  which  I  am  inclined  to 


believe  is  his  best  novel — though  his  political  sentiments 
are  very  far  from  being  mine. 

1 1  am  not  very  brilliant  in  a  sanitary  point  of  view ; 
talk  of  running  down  to  Wales  for  a  week,  if  I  can  get 
away  in  May  or  the  end  of  this  month. 

*  I  have  been  doing  little  in  the  scribbling  business 
but  pure  and  bristling  technicality,  and  of  that  I  am 
pretty  tired.  Miss  Martineau's  life  is  chiefly  autobio- 
graphic ;  it  has  caused  some  excitement.  Her  criticisms 
are  anything  but  flattering  on  her  distinguished  acquain- 
tance ;  bishops,  lords,  lawyers,  and  authors  are  impartially 
dissected.  I  have  been  reading  also  a  curious  book  on 
Spain,  which  makes  one  think  Spain  a  country  worth  ex- 
ploring. Lily  is  making  me  groan  under  the  burden  of 
social  duties ;  has  absolutely  led  me  into  two  dinner  parties 
lately.  I  hear  A.  H.  thinks  Wiesbaden  Elysian. — Yours 

<  S.  G.  T.' 

« 18  Sussex  Place,  May  25,  1877. 

4  Dear  Bess, — I  have  been  househunting  ad  nauseam, 
productive  of  nothing  but  weariness  and  disgust.  I  have 
found  several  which  would  suit  according  to  my  modest 
views ;  but  the  M.  and  Lil  are  not  so  easily  satisfied. 

'  Lil  went  to  the  Hospital  Ball  last  night.  .  .  .  The 

G s  chaperoned  her.  I  cried  off,  the  effort  being  too 

much  for  my  endurance  to  be  bored  for  six  consecutive 
hours.  .  .  .  Calling  on  a  man  last  night,  I  was  dragged 
off  to  a  Bradlaugh  meeting,  that  very  vigorous  contro- 
versialist having  been  persecuted  for  the  publication  of  a 
rather  incisive  and  vigorous  pamphlet  on  an  important 
socio-physiological  topic.  I  anticipated  being  bored,  but 
found  it  great  fun.  Bradlaugh  an  orator,  I  find,  of 
singular  readiness  and  force.  Several  ladies  who  have 


espoused  his  cause  spoke  admirably,  and  the  proceedings 
were  enlivened  by  some  students — medical — making  a 
disturbance  resulting  in  a  fight  and  general  melee. 

(  Other  news  comes  but  slowly,  and  events  seem  to  drag. 
MacMahon  in  France  has  blundered  to  an  extent  which 
must  be  satisfactory  to  your  German  friends,  and  will 
probably  on  the  whole  duly  serve  to  consolidate  the  Re- 
public and  the  anti-clerical  party. 

'  I  am  going  down  to  Sevenoaks  on  Sunday  to  see  a  place 
my  colleague  has  taken  there,  and  which  he  vaunts  as  a 
very  paradise. 

'  Wiesbaden  will  be  looking  just  charming  now  before 
the  baking  season  has  set  in;  not  so  London. 

'  I  am  not  defined  on  my  holiday  plans—  shall  probably 
go  to  France  or  stop  in  England.  Have  had  no  time  to 
touch  German  since  last  summer,  and  have  forgotten  the 
modicum  which  then  served  me.  Have  been  very  seedy 
indeed  for  some  months ;  had  to  vegetate  under  medical 
threats  of  dire  pains  and  penalties. — Yours, 


Here  again  we  have  the  warning  note  presaging  the 
ultimate  breakdown  in  health. 

In  June  1877  Thomas,  as  already  noted,  was  elected  a 
Fellow  of  the  Chemical  Society.  In  this  month,  too,  the 
household  removed  from  Sussex  Place  to  Queen's  Road, 
Battersea,  where  was  the  family  dwelling-place  for  some 
two  or  three  years  to  come.  Shortly  after  this  removal 
Thomas  went  abroad  for  his  summer  holiday,  to  be  spent 
this  time  among  the  Belgian  ironworks,  with  the  late 
Mr.  Edward  Grosvenor  as  a  companion — Sidney  being 
armed  by  Mr.  Chaloner  with  a  letter  of  introduction  accre- 
diting him  as  the  authorised  correspondent  of  '  Iron/  He 
was  unable,  however,  to  resist  the  temptation  of  a  preliminary 


dash  into  Switzerland  on  his  own  account,  and  the  following 
spirited  letters  therefrom  may  come  pleasantly  to  some 

To  his  Mother 2 

'  Meiningen,  1877. 

'  Dearest  M., — You  see  the  mountains  prevailed,  and 
here  am  I,  finding  Schweitz  even  more  unique  and  lovely 
than  I  had  imagined — far  before  the  Tyrol.  I  have  been  say- 
ing all  day  what  a  shame  I  should  be  here  and  the  M.  and 
L.  at  Battersea.  Left  Wiesbaden  on  Sunday  at  noon,  sur- 
feited with  hospitality  almost.  Had  a  heart-rending  eight 
hours'  ride  to  Strasbourg.  Walked  about  the  town  &c. 
till  2  A.M.,  then  to  Basle ;  on  again  to  Lucerne,  which 
looked  just  charming,  like  the  drop-scene  in  the  opera 
(music  and  all).  Then  a  delicious  sail  up  the  lake  :  each 
turn  fresh  sets  of  beauties.  Landed  at  Alpacht.  By 
coach  to  Lungern  (this  coach  a  concession  to  you,  of  which 
I  was  thoroughly  ashamed).  A  ruinous  and  gorgeous 
dinner  (4s.)  and  then  walked  here,  picking  up  a  Scot  on  my 
way — then  a  Swiss,  with  whom  I  am  now  on  intimate 
terms,  if  I  understand  him  rightly,  sharing  his  room  &c. 
Our  window  looks  on  superb  waterfalls  and  the  snow-clad 
Wetterhorn.  Write  to  Chamounix.' 

To  his  Mother 2 

'Niederwald,  1877. 

c  Dearest  M., — I  fear  you  will  have  grumbled  at  pencil 
scrawl,  but  ink  was  at  the  moment  unprocurable.  From 
Meiningen  (my  last  night's  quarters),  I  started  at  3  A.M. 
with  my  Swiss,  soon  picking  up  a  Fahrer  as  a  companion 
(not  as  a  guide).  When  my  Swiss  spoke  before  it  made 
my  hair  rise  to  understand  half  his  speeches ;  but  when  he 
got  talking  to  the  Fahrer,  he  became  a  linguistic  sphynx, 

Written  on  a  post-card. 


With  rests  and  coffee  on  the  road  we  passed  over  the  Grimsel 
(near  7,000  feet  high)  and  had  investigated  the  great  snow 
glacier  by  1.30  P.M.  It  was  a  respectable  walk  and  climb, 
two  hours  being  in  the  'tarnal'  snow,  which  nearly 
blinded  rne  with  its  glare.  The  scenery  a  succession  of  mag- 
nificent pictures,  glaciers,  wild  rocks,  torrents,  waterfalls 
(of  a  size  and  beauty  to  make  the  fortune  of  an  English 
county).  The  hospice  not  far  from  the  top,  with  4-feet 
walls,  where  two  nuns  exist  all  winter  through  as  receivers 
of  the  lost,  dogs,  &c.,  in  orthodox  style, — we  using  it  for 
coffee  supplies  only.  At  Ehone  glacier  I  adieu'd  my  Swiss, 
as  the  Fahrer  was  becoming  a  bore,  and  took  a  long  piece 
summd  diligentid,  which  is  an  excellent  way  of  seeing  the 
country,  though  extravagant.  I  turned  in  here  to 
country  inn  (not  hotel),  and  have  just  discussed  four  eggs, 
salad,  wine,  cheese,  &c.  The  room,  with  walls  and  ceilings 
of  painted  wood,  has  long  windows  from  which  I  see  first 
a  great  stretch  of  green  slopes  (the  infant  Rhone  inter- 
vening with  turbulent  roar),  the  pastures  dotted  with 
chalets,  magnified  copies  of  those  you  have :  then,  higher, 
a  fir-wood :  higher  still,  rocks  and  great  patches  of  snow, 
a  few  waterfalls  thrown  in.  Roses  outside  the  window 
and  in  the  room.  Would  you  not  enjoy  it,  and  Lil,  and 

To  his  Mother  3 

'  Martigny,  1877. 

c  To  resume.  At  5  A.M.  started  for  Viesch,  from  whence 
a  long  pull  up  to  a  hotel,  some  6,000  feet.  Three  young 
Englishmen  outside,  more  inside:  in  fact  all  English. 
Then  to  a  glacier,  when  a  climb !  On  way,  met  a  girl  and 
her  father,  who  thus  from  a  distance : — "  I  suppose  you 
speak  English  :  if  so,  don't  go  that  way."  However,  I  did, 
and  got  rather  in  a  fix,  but  extracted  myself,  and  getting 
3  On  a  post-card. 


to  top,  had  a  glorious  view  over  the  greatest  glacier  in 
Europe,  a  lake  of  ice,  and  some  score  of  snow  peaks. 
Then  down.  Of  course  I  would  not  stop  at  the  hotel  with 
English  mob ;  so,  after  copious  milk  at  cowherd's  chalet, 
I  adjourned  for  the  night  to  a  hay-chalet,  where  I  saw  the 
sunset  to  perfection,  and  rose  from  my  hay  to  see  it  rise. 
My  first  camp-in  (or  out)  a  great  success.  This  morning, 
down  to  Viesch,  and  Fruhstuck  at  a  pleasant  new  hotel, 
where  alas,  a  maiden  who  to  a  rather  nice  face  added  per- 
fect English  (gained  as  nursery  governess  in  Lancaster). 
With  whom  a  long  chat,  followed  by  a  heavy  disbursement 
(comparatively).  Tearing  myself  away, — by  the  Rhone 
— back  to  Morel.  The  Rhone  rapid  and  turbulent,  be- 
tween rocky  banks,  and  the  high  valley  sides  forest-clad  on 
each  side.  Most  interesting ;  though  I  confess  to  being 
haunted  by  the  Yankee  idea  of  utilising  its  fierce  cu-rrents. 
Horse's  and  man's  muscles  should  alike  be  spared  here. 
Here,  near  the  entrance  of  the  Simplon,  German,  French, 
and  Italian  meet.  The  climate  Italian.  Grapes  and 
chestnuts  &c.  make  the  valley  greenest  after  a  five-course 
dinner  and  a  pint  of  wine.  I  wonder  what  the  rechnung 
will  be  ?  Have  j  ust  been  out  chatting  to  the  passengers 
of  the  passing  diligence.  All  English.  Would  you  could  be 
here.  Have  been  discussing  with  Italian  metallurgists 
Italian  metallurgy.  Our  views  differ. 

To  his  Mother 

'  An  Touriste,  Les  Figues  :  Saturday. 

4  Dearest, — At  an  open  window,  looking  over  a  small 
wood  direct  on  to  the  Mer  de  Glace,  which  is  backed  up 
by  the  Hignelle,  sharp  pointed  rock,  10  and  13,000  feet 
high ;  the  side  window,  also  my  bedroom  window  vis  a  vois 
de  Mont  Blanc  (as  my  landlady  says).  Once  more,  here 
is  a  place  where  you  ought  to  be.  To  resume  my  postcard 


diary.  Just  as  I  finished  my  card  to  you  on  Thursday, 
two  young  Scotchmen  in  regular  tourist  style  came  into 
the  40  '  salle  a  manger,'  of  which  I  had  before  been  sole 
possessor.  We  struck  up  an  acquaintance  at  once — 
gentlemanly  fellows  from  Edinboro',  law-students  I  fancy. 
Had  a  lot  of  tourist  talk  and  great  fun  over  ordering  their 
supper  and  a  bath  for  next  morning.  I  found  they  only 
mustered  about  thirty  words  of  bad  German  between 
them ;  so  I,  with  my  sixty,  came  in  as  a  swell  linguist  and 
deliverer.  The  bath  floored  us  all.  However,  the  girl 
knew  a  bath,  such  as  they  have  establishments  of,  and  she 
knew  the  slop-basin,  which  is  the  regular  substitute  for  a 
basin.  I  explained  (or  thought  I  did)  a  wash-tub  would 
do ;  she  then  would  have  it  we  wanted  a  saucepan,  and  so 
on,  till  I  laughed  my  viscera  into  jelly.  Next  morning  up 
at  4.30,  couldn't  get  breakfast  till  5.30,  so  felt  awfully 
late  ;  hadn't  gone  to  bed  till  9.15,  which  also  made  me 
feel  dissipated.  I  and  my  Scotchmen  parted,  they  to  do  the 
Eggischhorn ;  they  had  been  out  three  weeks,  had  three 
weeks  more.  I  told  you  about  my  charming  waitress  and 
ex-governess.  I  implored  the  Athenians  to  call  on  her 
and  part  freely  with  their  bawbees  for  the  good  of  the 
house  !  After  a  smart  run  of  five  miles  caught  the  dili- 
gence as  it  was  leaving  Brigue,  and  found  myself  suddenly 
among  French-speaking  folk,  or  at  least  folk  who  speak 
French  first,  and  German  and  Italian  with  equal  ease.  I 
found  I  could  not  muster  ten  words  of  French — kept  re- 
lapsing into  German,  and  then  making  a  hash  of  both  till 
I  bewildered  the  conductor  to  perfection.  A  long  drive 
along  the  Rhone  valley;  here  flat  and  marshy,  though 
with  big  hills  on  each  side,  little  clusters  of  chalets 
perched  up  in  places  where  you  would  think  everyone 
must  be  always  giddy  and  hold  on  by  the  grass.  Fearfully 
hot ;  turned  out  at  a  new  railway-station,  and  on  by  rail 



through  more  steaming  valley,  with  ruins  now  and  again 
along  the  hillside,  till  we  got  to  Saxon,  where  I  turned  out 
and  wandered  in  full  marching  costume  into  the  Casino, 
where    some   two   hundred   well-dressed   people,   mostly 
.middle-aged  and  oldish  men,  and  some  twenty  middle-aged 
and  young  women,  with  diamonds  &c.,  were  hard  and  deep 
at  Rmge  et  Noir  and  Trente  et  Quarante,  earnest  and  intent, 
and  calculating  as  if  their  lives  depended  on  it,  the  women 
only  going  through  the  routine  of  smiling  when  they  lost. 
It  was  a  sight  not  to  be  missed.    The  croupiers  excited  my 
admiration  for  their  quick  eyes  and  calculating  powers. 
After  an  hour  thus  spent  (and  without  staking  the  regular 
five  francs)  I  moved  on,  my  movements  (a  sort  of  Robinson 
Crusoe  in  a  ball-room)  being  quite  attentively  watched 
and  commented  on.     A  hot  five  miles  to  Martigny,  where 
(at  entrance  to  St.  Bernard  Pass  and  that  to  Chamounix) 
I   moved   on   some    3,000    feet  up   to  a  tiny  restaurant 
where   I   found    two   French    families    (eleven   persons) 
en  pension,    and  yet   a   diminutive   room   for   me.     The 
French  families  very  polite,  painfully  so,  inasmuch  as  I 
found  I  could  not  put  two  words  together  without  German 
interpolations  ;  the  terms  four  francs  a  day.     They  seemed 
wonderfully  happy,  Papa  telling  me  that  with  a  glacier, 
les  lois,  les  montagnes,  et  les  voyageurs  passants,  les  vaches 
et  les  chevaux,  what  could  children  want  more  ?     To  which 
I  replied,  Pas  de  tout.     I,  however,  got  charged  six  francs, 
and  didn't  get  a  dinner.     (N.B. — I  had  had  a  big  dinner 
at  the  station.     N.B.  N.B. — I  am  feeding  prodigiously; 
if  I  did  not  walk  it  off  I  should  speedily  emulate  Daniel 

1  This  morning  soon  after  five  of  the  eleven  had  tortured 
me  with  Bon  jour,  monsieur,  fespere  que  vous  avez  lien 
dormi,  I  bolted  from  the  salutations  of  the  other  six,  and 
trotted  down  into  a  valley,  and  then  up  another  7,000  feet 


high  pass,  the  Col  de  Balme,  where  I  invaded  a  dirty 
hovel  in  which  butter  and  cheese  were  in  process  of  manu- 
facture, and  consumed  about  two  quarts  of  milk,  to  the 
astonishment  of  the  very  grimy  proprietor.  Then  down 
the  other  side  and  investigated  a  glacier  which  possessed 
a  good  big  waterfall  and  a  moraine  (vide  Arthur)  which 
evolved,  when  I  determined  on  examining  it,  about  ten 
feet  in  height  and  fifty  long ;  but  I  found  it  took  me 
half  an  hour  to  climb  to  the  top.  Then  on  down  the 
Chamounix  valley  to  this  place,  a  roadside  inn,  which  I  at 
once  perceived  would  suit  my  purse  and  tastes  better  than 
Chamounix.  Old-fashioned  people  and  place.  Have  just 
had  a  monstrous  cafe  complet  (i.e.  about  a  pint  of  milk 
and  coffee,  bread,  butter,  and  honey),  to  which  I  added 
five  eggs  !  Call  no  man  happy  till  he  dies  or  I  should  say 
I'd  made  a  discovery.  Switzerland  (by  the  way  this  is 
France)  might  be  called  Cow  Land,  cows  and  travellers 
being  the  staple  industries.  The  cow-bell  is  everywhere, 
at  the  top  of  the  hills  and  the  bottom  of  the  vales,  ever 
tinkling,  not  unmelodiously.  On  the  hills  a  man  or  boy 
has  charge  of  some  twenty  cows,  by  the  roadside  a  boy  or 
girl  has  one  or  two.  The  cow-girls  knit  by  the  way 
generally,  and  have  an  eye  to  passing  business.  Thus  to 
me,  one  :  "  Son  jour,  monsieur ;  monsieur  est  fatigue,  n'est- 
ce-pas  ?  "  I :  "  JV<m,  merci,pas  de  tout"  (N.B.  That  was  a  lie). 
"  Ah,  non  ?  J'en  suis  heureux  (there's  sympathy  for  you)  car 
— meditatively — si  monsieur  veut  prendre  quelque  chose — 
comme  (piano)  un  (diminuendo)  petit  verre,  mais  bon  .  .  . 
Monsieur  sait  qu'il  y  a  une  auberge  avec  de  bons  lits  pres 
did"  .  .  .  I  involuntarily  exclaim,  "  Ah !"  "Etjevaisy 
conduire  monsieur"  which  she  (and  the  cow)  proceeded  to 
do.  Five  young  women  have  just  passed,  separately, 
taking  four  individual  cows  to  their  slumbers  ;  one  cow 
had  two  guides,  one  holding  her  tail  (the  cow's)  and 

H    2 


knitting,  and  one  holding  her  horn  and  ditto.  The  Her 
de  Glace  has  been  going  off,  and  cracking  considerably. 
It  is  a  curious  noise,  like  musketry  fire.  By  the  way, 
mindful  of  my  promise,  I  am  doing  no  hills,  or  anything 
else  with  a  tenth  per  cent,  of  a  spice  of  danger,  which  is 
painful  but  meritorious.  Poste  Kestante,  Liege,  Belgium, 
my  next  address.  I  hope  to  get  at  least  one  letter  from 
you  to-morrow,  and  to  hear  you  are  blooming.  Your 
letter  of  Saturday  I've  just  had.  I  am  miserable ;  it  is 
eleven ;  I've  been  up  since  five,  and  it  has  been  pouring 
all  the  time.  I  shall  have  to  go  to  church  shortly !  It 
is  dreadful !  The  place  steams  ! — Yours.' 

To  his  Mother* 

'  Chamounix,  Sunday,  5  P.M. 

'Desolation!  Misery!  Toujours  la  pluie.  I  went  to 
church  :  first  looked  in  at  Catholic,  but  found  them  steam- 
ing full ;  then  at  English,  a  rather  pretty  building  where 
I  found  some  120  of  my  compatriots,  dressed  a  outrance 
and  going  right  through  the  whole  service  as  though  they 
had  been  in  a  Queen's  Gate  Tabernacle ;  two  clergy,  con- 
ventional sermon,  piety  rampant,  For  myself  my  leggings, 
alpenstock,  waterproof  and  pockets  stuffed  with  books  and 
papers,  constituted  an  individuality.  Got  this  afternoon 
your  card  as  well  as  letter.  So  pleased  all  is  going  well. 
I  have  told  them  to  send  on  any  other  letters.  Just  had 
an  excruciating  conversation  with  hostess.  I  am  rapidly 
aging  under  these  efforts.  I  confirm  her  idea  that  we  do 
not  see  the  sun  for  nine  months,  chiefly  because  it  is 
easier  to  say  ouil  She  informs  me  meat  is  dreadfully 
dear — 9c?.  a  pound.  Oh,  the  misery  you  caused  by  ab- 
stracting my  old  leggings ;  there  is  a  void  of  three  inches 

4  On  a  post-card. 


which  makes  me  vulnerable,  which  they  were  destined  to 
cover.  Let  it  be  a  warning ! 

*  The  Her  de  Glace  looks  as  if  the  rain  did  not  agree 
with  it  any  more  than  with  me.  Shall  be  at  Liege  on 
20th  and  21st.  I  am  thinking  how  I  could  run  a  railway 
up  Mont  Blanc,  and  work  it  by  the  stream  at  the  foot. 
The  superfluous  water  power  here  torments  me. 

'  Tuesday. — Did  Her  de  Glace  on  Sunday  after  all.' 

The  visit  to  Belgium  was  as  pleasant  to  Thomas 
(although  in  different  fashion)  as  that  to  Switzerland. 
Mr.  Grosvenor  speaks  of  the  delightful  enthusiasm  with 
which  Sidney  explained  to  him  the  working  of  the 
Cockerill  manufactory  at  Seraing,  where  the  travellers 
were — thanks  to  Mr.  Chaloner's  letters  of  recommenda- 
tion— received  by  M.  Greiner  with  great  hospitality. 




ON  our  inventor's  return  to  London,  we  find  him  again  in 
constant  communication  with  Mr.  Gilchrist.  On  Septem- 
ber 11,  1877,  he  writes  : — 

c  Have  some  idea  of  going  to  Newcastle,  just  for  a 
change.  Have  been  uncommon  seedy  for  past  fortnight ; 
have  just  struggled  through  work  at  Court,  that's  all. 
Sore  throats  and  so  on  are  making  life  a  misery.  "  P  "  is  a 
great  and  promising  subject/ 

On  October  2  he  writes  again : — 

4 1  fear  question  of  blast  will  be  troublesome.  I  made 
a  lot  [of]  inquiries  about  blowers.  How  would  the  steam 
engine  answer  by  reversing  its  action  ?  Don't  laugh. 
Instead  of  the  steam  driving  the  piston,  would  not  the 
blast  be  turned  on  instead  of  steam  ?  ' 

Thomas  did  escape  to  Newcastle,  to  the  autumnal 
meeting  there  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute,  as  here  pro- 
jected. Mr.  Chaloner  was  with  him  upon  this  occasion. 
He  well  remembers  Sidney's  going,  during  this  expedition, 
to  the  theatre  at  Middlesbrough,  and  being  much  affected 
by  Miss  Jennie  Lee's  wonderful  impersonation  of  '  Jo ' — 
an  impersonation  which  has  moved  many  men  to  tears 


which  were  no  shame  to  their  manhood.      The  following 
letter  refers  to  this  visit. 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  3  Queen's  Koad  Villas,  Queen's  Road,  Battersea, 

London,  Sunday,  October  5,  1877. 

c  Dear  Bess, — I  guess  I  am  a  considerable  delinquent  in 
the  matter  of  correspondence,  but  I  have  many  excuses, 
which  I  trust  you  will  accept  on  credit.  I  have  had  very 
little  spare  time  since  I  have  been  back,  work  at  Thames 
being  heavy,  and  the  getting  out  to  Battersea  long  and 
tedious  matter,  consuming  nearly  three  hours  a  day.  I 
had  six  days  in  the  north,  while  the  Iron  and  Steel 
Institute  had  meeting  at  Newcastle.  We  went  all  over 
the  place  with  special  trains,  and  saw  the  Works  of  the 
place  to  our  hearts'  content,  and  wound  up  by  a  walk  from 
Middlesbrough  to  Whitby.  I  have  been  reading  Mac- 
aulay's  Life — quite  charming,  but  one  doesn't  know  which 
most  to  admire ;  his  stupendous  menfcal  capacity,  including 
the  vastest  memory  mortal  ever  possessed,  or  his  character 
as  a  man.  I  have  embodied  your  finance  into  a  condensed 
addendum.  I  wish  you  would  check  everything  directly 
you  get  it,  as  I  keep  no  memorandum  of  your  transactions 
beyond  what  I  send  you. — Yours, 


Meanwhile  Gilchrist  was  now  fairly  infected  with  belief 
in  his  cousin's  theory,  and  was  working  away  with  a  will. 
In  the  rough  shed  on  the  Welsh  hillside  many  scores  of 
'  blows '  were  made  with  the  greatest  energy  and  enthusi- 
asm— '  blows '  chiefly  conducted  in  the  late  evening  or 
night,  for  the  Blaenavon  analytical  chemist  had  naturally 
to  work  in  secrecy  in  his  leisure  hours.  On  October  19, 
1877,  Gilchrist  writes  to  Thomas  : — 


'  I  want  you  to  come  down  that  we  may  get  some  ex- 
periments made.  I  can  manage  the  analyses  all  right ; 
but  I  should  like  your  assistance  in  the  experiments — so 
say  you  will  come.' 

About  this  time,  as  letters  of  this  sort  arrived,  and 
good  news  of  successful  results,  there  began  for  Sidney  a 
new  phase  of  anxious  and  feverish  activity.  He  found  it 
indispensable  to  be  on  the  spot  at  Blaenavon,  and  this  was 
only  possible  by  means  of  hurried  trips  to  South  Wales  in 
days  snatched  from  his  regular  avocations  at  the  Thames 
Police  Court — days  which  had  to  be  reimbursed,  so  to 
speak,  by  extra  toil  at  other  times.  He  would  often  go 
down  by  midnight  train  on  a  Thursday  night,  and  return 
only  just  in  time  for  court  on  the  following  Monday 
morning.  He  had  always,  as  his  cousin  has  told  us  when 
speaking  of  the  French  tour  in  1869,  been  habitually 
careless  of  needful  nutrition  and  rest,  and  in  these  months 
he  became  more  careless  than  ever.  The  constant  letters 
to  Mr.  Gilchrist,  some  of  which  we  have  quoted,  were 
generally  written  from  Arbour  Square  during  the  midday 
adjournment  which  should  have  been  devoted  to  a  meal ; 
but  Thomas  still,  despite  remonstrance,  cherished  his  view 
that  lunch  was  a  superfluity.  The  strain  of  anxiety  and 
labour,  the  midnight  journeys  and  the  life  at  high  pressure 
called  urgently  for  double  fuel  to  be  supplied  to  the 
machine  ;  but  the  demand  was  too  frequently  disregarded. 
There  is  no  doubt,  unhappily,  that  at  this  time,  when  a 
great  triumph  of  vast  importance  to  the  whole  world  was 
in  preparation,  there  were  developing  also  the  seeds  of  the 
malady  which  was  to  cut  short  in  but  a  few  years  more  a 
bright  and  really  glorious  career.  Grave  mischief  was 
especially  wrought  by  a  long  run  along  a  railway  line  to 
catch  the  train  back  to  London.  The  strain  on  the  lungs 


was  too  much  for  the  over-worked  and  under-nourished 
frame,  and  manifested  itself  by  a  sudden  fainting-fit  and 
fall.  To  this  strain  on  the  lungs  may  perhaps  be  ascribed 
the  '  emphysema  '  which  was  eventually  set  up,  and  which 
little  more  than  seven  years  afterwards  resulted  in  a  death 
premature  indeed. 

The  contributions  to  '  Iron '  were,  meanwhile,  still 
going  on,  no  complication  of  work  seeming  too  much  for 
Sidney's  eager  and  indefatigable  spirit.  On  November  3, 
1877,  he  writes  to  Mr.  Gilchrist : — 

c  I  went  to  Chemical  [Society]  the  other  night.  Awfully 
slow.  To  my  intense  surprise,  Yallentine  came  up  to  me 
and  paid  me  an  elaborate  compliment  on  my  ferric  essays.' 

An  additional  field  of  work,  which  absorbed  an  im- 
mensity of  time,  was  contemporaneously  opening  out — 
Patent  Law,  both  British  and  Foreign,  had  to  be  studied, 
and  where  Thomas  was  the  student,  study  meant  exhaus- 
tive study.  British  Patent  Law  is  by  no  means  simple, 
and  in  1877  was  probably  less  simple  than  now ;  but 
Foreign  Patent  Law  is  frequently  troublesome  indeed  to 
an  Englishman.  Sidney  mastered  the  whole  subject  in 
all  its  branches,  his  legal  training,  although  in  so  different 
a  field,  being  doubtless  of  advantage  to  him.  The  gentle- 
man who  afterwards  became  his  patent  agent  and  a 
valued  personal  friend  as  well,  testifies  that  he  has  learnt 
much  Patent  Law  from  him. 

Beyond  investigating  the  law  on  the  subject,  the 
records  of  the  Patent  Office  had  naturally  to  be  searched, 
that  full  knowledge  might  be  gained  of  what  had  already 
been  done  in  the  direction  of  dephosphorisation. 

Towards  the  end  of  November  Thomas  writes  to  Wies- 
baden : — 


To  Miss  Burton 

'November  22,  1877. 

1  Dear  Bess, — All  best  wishes  for  so  long  a  succession 
of  24th's  as  you  may  wish  to  enjoy,  some,  I  hope,  with  us  ; 
but,  if  not,  wherever  you  may  be,  may  you  be  happy.  I 
had  the  idea  of  writing  you  a  long  letter  for  the  24th  ;  but 
a  week  ago  some  experiments  in  iron  metallurgy  in  which 
I  had  been  long  occupied  came,  under  Percy's  care,  to  a 
sufficiently  successful  issue  to  have  kept  me  ever  since 
at  the  Patent  Office  for  every  spare  moment.  I  am  afraid 
it  won't  bring  any  fruit  but  anxiety  ;  but  the  result  is 
satisfactory,  nevertheless,  as  confirming  theoretical  deduc- 
tions I  had  arrived  at  by  much  toil. 

c  I  am  due  now  and  overdue,  so,  with  all  best  greetings, 

'  Yours  ever, 

'  SIDNEY  G.  T. 

cYou  will  accept  my  intentions  as  equivalent  to  the 
longest  and  pleasantest  letter  I  have  the  [power]  to  scribble.' 

On  November  23,  1877,  Thomas  writes  to  Gilchrist : — 

'Your  letters  are  the  events  of  the  day.  Though  I 
have  less  to  record,  I  have  not  been  quite  idle.  I  have 
hunted  up  every  specification  that  abominable  indexes  for 
past  ten  years  give  any  clue  to.' 

Later  in  the  month  he  writes : — 

*  I  have  been  asked  to  go  down  to  Cwm  Avon  as 
Commissioner  for  dissatisfied  shareholders,  to  investigate 
sale.  I  don't  think  I  shall.  As  you  are  known  so  well 
there,  it  might  be  unpleasant  to  you.' 

This  last  note  illustrates  both  his  careful  consideration 
for  others'  feelings  and  the  confidence  that  was  already 
placed  in  this  still  unknown  young  man  of  twenty-seven 


by  those  who   had   come  in  contact  with  him.     In  this 
month    of    November,   a    busy   month    indeed,   Thomas 
actually  did  take  out  his  first  patent,  although  the  com- 
plete specification  was  not  filed  until  the  following  May.1 
On  December  3,  1877,  he  writes  to  Mr.  Gilchrist : — 

'  I  have  told  Chaloner  not  to  expect  anything  from  me 
but  one  article  I  had  promised,  and  which  will  bring  in  a 
little  coin,  of  which  I  am  anxious  to  secure  and  save  all  I 
can  for  "  the  cause."  I  have  therefore  nothing  but  trans- 
lations and  revisions,  which  don't  take  long,  to  divert  me. 
Unfortunately  Thames  is  progressing  very  fast  in  severity 
of  work.  We  get  now  nearly  a  thousand  convictions 
a  month,  besides  a  multitude  of  cases  which,  though 
investigated  at  length,  result  in  acquittal  or  dismissal. 

'  If  additional  coin  will  hurry  up  construction  of  blast 
engine  do  not  scruple  to  use  it.  You  must  have  worked 
tremendously  to  get  such  a  magnificent  crop  of  results. 
Take  care  of  yourself.  Have  had  two  and  a  half  hours' 
interview  with  Patent  Agents.' 

Thomas,  however,  amid  all  these  occupations  found 
time  to  send  Christmas  greetings  to  his  cousin  in  Ger- 
many : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

1  Dear  Bess, — All  good  wishes  for  the  25th  and  still 
more  for  the  first  and  all  other  days  of  78.  I  am  I  fear 
a  hopelessly  bad  correspondent  just  now.  The  epidemic  of 
invention  has  found  me  an  easy  victim  and  possessed  me 
body  and  soul,  though  not  to  the  eternal  exclusion  of  all 

1  Events,   however,  moved     so  somewhat  out  of  date,'  and,    in 

quickly  that  in  July  of  next  year  point   of    fact,  patent  succeeded 

(1878),  and  long  before  his  disco-  patent   down  to   the   day  of  his 

very  was  generally  known,  Thomas  untimely  death, 
says    'I    regard    this    patent  as 


thoughts  of  the  absent.  I  have  now  nearly  finished 
reading  the  500  and  odd  specifications  of  my  predecessors 
in  the  field,  "  all  of  whom  have  failed,"  and  I  have  made 
suitable  arrangements  to  add  my  bones  to  theirs,  though 
I  am  just  now  tied  up  for  want  of  immediately  available 
funds.  My  first  trial  comes  off  in  January  down  in  Wales, 
some  experiments  on  a  small  scale  having  given  results 
remarkable  in  a  scientific  point  of  view.  The  problem  is 
the  separation  of  phosphorus  in  the  manufacture  of 
Bessemer  and  Martin  steel. — Yours, 

c  S.  G.  T.' 

However,  the  specifications  of  former  adventurers  in 
the  same  field  were  gone  carefully  through  a  second  time ; 
for  on  January  29,  1878,  he  writes : — 

'  I  have  gone  through  the  last  twenty-two  years' 
specifications  again  with  Lily's  help.' 

At  the  end  of  1877  and  the  beginning  of  1878  the 
results  of  the  experiments  which  had  been  continued  for 
now  something  like  nine  months  with  constant  energy  and 
zeal  had  proved  thoroughly  satisfactory.  After  trials  in 
crucibles,  a  miniature  converter  had  been  obtained,  which, 
although  it  only  held  eight  pounds,  instead  of  eight  tons, 
sufficed  for  experimental  purposes.  Soon  after  Sidney's 
return  from  abroad,  Northampton  pig-iron  had  been 
partially  dephosphorised  by  lining  the  converter  with 
bricks  of  limestone  and  with  silicate  of  soda.  For  some 
time,  however,  from  some  defect  in  the  apparatus,  the 
experimentalists  were  not  able  to  get  a  cast  fluid,  so  as  to 
finish  the  operation.  Later  in  the  year  complete  success 
was  achieved,  still  of  course  upon  the  miniature  scale ;  and 
they  obtained  a  number  of  casts  of  eight  pounds  each, 
which  upon  analysis  were  found  to  be  excellent  steel.2 
2  Creators  of  the  Age  of  steel,  by  W.  T.  Jeans,  London,  1884,  p.  305. 


The  old  difficulty  of  inventors  was,  however,  rising  as 
an  obstacle  in  Thomas's  path,  the  difficulty  of  finance.  In 
his  case,  although  the  difficulty  existed,  it  was  minimised, 
partly  by  his  own  wonderful  frugality  and  forethought, 
partly  because  he  was  fortunate  enough  to  meet,  not  with 
the  typical  capitalist,  but  with  just  and  straightforward 
men.  Thomas  had  contrived  during  his  ten  years'  servi- 
tude at  the  Police  Court  to  save  out  of  his  not  too 
abundant  salary3  no  less  than  800Z.,  which  was  to  be 
devoted  to  f  the  cause.'  It  was  a  large  sum  for  him  at 
that  time ;  but  expenses  were  heavy  and  he  was  becoming 
anxious  as  to  what  would  happen  when  it  should  be 
exhausted.  He  was  determined  not  to  accept  the  offers  of 
further  supplies  which  were  made  to  him  by  his  mother 
and  by  one  or  two  family  friends  who  knew  he  had  a  big 
scheme  on  hand. 

For  this  reason,  therefore,  if  for  no  other,  an  event 
which  happened  in  the  earliest  days  of  1878  came  in  good 

The  manager  of  Blaenavon  Works,  Mr.  Edward  Martin, 
said  to  Mr.  Gilchrist,  '  I  know  you  young  men  have  some 
secret  work  on  hand.  I  think  it  would  be  well  if  you  put 
confidence  in  me.'  Confidence  was  put  in  him  and  Mr. 
Gilchrist 's  analyses  were  submitted  to  him.  Mr.  Martin 
was  so  much  struck  with  the  basic  theory  and  the  proofs 
afforded  of  its  truth  that  he  at  once  afforded  facilities  for 
further  experiments  at  Blaenavon  on  a  larger  scale  and 
obtained  for  the  '  young  men '  promises  of  similar  facilities 
at  the  Dowlais  Works,  of  course  upon  terms  favourable  to 
the  two  companies  should  the  process  continue  to  succeed. 
He  also  undertook  personally  to  purchase  a  share  in  the 

Thus  the  financial  difficulty  was  removed.  Moreover, 
3  See  ante,  p.  12. 


the  adhesion  of  a  clever,  practical,  business  man  to  the 
process  was  in  itself  an  immense  moral  support. 

From  that  time  forth  Thomas  had  to  the  last  day  of 
his  life  Mr.  Martin's  loyal  co-operation,  the  loyal  co- 
operation of  a  whole-hearted  friend  and  ally  whose  word 
was  his  bond.  Such  help  could  not  fail  to  be  in  itself  a 
great  pleasure  to  him  who  was  aided  by  it.  Mr.  Martin, 
having  committed  himself  to  the  enterprise,  threw  himself 
into  it  with  characteristic  energy,  and  his  suggestions 
and  experience  were  found  to  be  invaluable. 

The  adhesion  of  Mr.  Martin  gave  an  immediate  impetus 
to  the  investigation,  and  the  promised  experiments  were 
at  once  carried  out  both  at  Dowlais  and  Blaenavon.  At 
Dowlais  the  trials  were  not  entirely  successful  for  reasons 
which  will  appear  presently ;  at  Blaenavon  they  were  con- 
tinued with  satisfactory  results  throughout  the  spring  and 
summer.  Thomas  shall  describe  them  presently  in  his 
own  words. 

Shortly  before  the  Dowlais  trial,  Thomas  writes  to 
Wiesbaden : — 

To  Miss  Burton 
<  3  Queen's  Road  Villas,  February  20,  1878. 

'  Dear  Cousin, — Your  letter  was  a  very  pleasant  one  to 
me.  I  should  have  written  you  some  weeks  since  had  I 
not  been  pressed  on  all  sides  for  time.  Last  week  was 
down  at  Blaenavon  for  three  days  to  coach  my  pet  through 
some  infantile  disorders.  We  are  a  long  way  yet  from  a 
commercial  success,  though  the  indications  are  very  favour- 
able. I  arranged  while  in  Wales  for  the  Dowlais  Works,  the 
largest  in  the  world  after  Krupp's,  to  give  me  a  big  trial  in 
a  month.  After  that  I  shall  be  more  clear  as  to  my  chances. 
Percy  has  been  working  hard  as  to  details  and  analysis. 

1 1  am  thinking  of  plunging  into  foreign  patents  to  the 


amount  of  100Z.  or  so  next.  Money  is  a  commodity  which 
goes  but  a  small  way  in  these  matters. 

{ I  too  have  been  eager  in  politics  of  late.  I  should 
be  exasperated  if  we  blundered  into  a  senseless  war.  The 
danger  is  now  much  more  remote  than  it  was  last  week,  when 
we  hourly  expected  a  collision.  Going  down  to  Wales  I 
travelled  with  an  intelligent  man  who  had  been  much  in 
India,  Bosnia,  and  the  Danubian  Principalities.  We  had 
much  talk,  from  which  I  gained  more  information  than 
from  a  legion  of  articles.  He  by  the  way  writes  for  the 
" Nineteenth  Century,"  which,  with  the  "Contemporary" 
and  "  Fortnightly,"  represent  the  cream  of  modern  thought. 

Tve  had  a  note  from  Percy  this  morning  of  more 
difficulties  encountered  ;  I  shall  have  to  go  down  to  see 
them,  I  expect.  My  light  reading  now  is  Patent  Law,  most 
contradictory  of  studies.' 

In  March,  however,  the  first  public  announcement  of 
the  new  process  was  made,  although  the  announcement 
attracted  no  particular  attention. 

At  the  spring  meeting  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute, 
Mr.  I.  Lowthian  Bell  read  a  paper  on  the  separation  of 
phosphorus  from  pig-iron  in  a  furnace  lined  with  oxide  of 
iron.  The  whole  question  of  dephosphorisation  was  dis- 
cussed by  several  speakers,  amongst  others  by  Mr.  Snelus. 
At  the  end  of  the  discussion  Thomas,  who  was  present  as 
a  visitor  and  who  was  probably  the  youngest  man  in  the 
room — who  certainly  with  his  clean-shaven  face  looked 
the  youngest — managed  to  get  an  opportunity  of  utterance. 
His  words  have  been  preserved  and  show  a  characteristic 
quietude  of  phrase.  He  said  :— 

clt  may  be  of  interest  to  members  to  know  that  I 
have  been  enabled,  by  the  assistance  of  Mr.  Martin  at 
Blaenavon,  to  remove  phosphorus  entirely  by  the  Bessemer 


converter.  Of  course  this  statement  will  be  met  with  a 
smile  of  incredulity,  and  gentlemen  will  scarcely  believe 
it ;  but  I  have  the  results  in  my  pocket  of  some  hundred 
and  odd  analyses  by  Mr.  Gilchrist,  who  has  had  almost  the 
entire  conduct  of  the  experiments,  varying  from  the  very 
small  quantity  of  6  Ibs.  up  to  10  cwt.,  and  the  results  all 
carry  out  the  theory  with  which  I  originally  started  and 
show  that  in  the  worst  cases  20  per  cent,  of  phosphorus 
was  removed,  and  in  the  best  I  must  say  that  99*9  was 
removed ;  and  we  hope  that  we  have  overcome  the  practical 
difficulties  that  have  hitherto  stood  in  the  way.5 

Mr.  Chaloner,  who  was  at  the  meeting,  described  long 
afterwards  in  '  Iron  '  (February  6, 1885)  the  reception  given 
to  this  declaration.  '  We  well  remember  the  sneer  as  well 
as  "  smile  of  incredulity,"  which  spread  over  that  meeting, 
and  can  testify  to  the  scarcely  veiled  antagonism  exhibited 
to  the  unknown  youth  who  had  presumed  to  proclaim  the 
solution  to  a  problem  which  the  leaders  of  metallurgy  had 
pronounced  well  nigh  insoluble.'  No  observation  of  any 
kind  was  made  by  anyone. 

We  need  not  be  angry  with  the  assembled  experts. 
Their  attitude  is  probably  very  fairly  described  and  explained 
by  Mr.  Jeans.  i  The  meeting  did  not  laugh  at  the  youthful 
Eureka,  nor  did  it  congratulate  the  young  man  on  his 
achievement,  much  less  did  it  inquire  about  his  method  of 
elimination.  It  simply  took  no  notice  of  his  undemonstra- 
tive announcement.' 4 

Thomas  went  on  quietly  working  with  the  aid  of  Mr. 
Martin  and  his  cousin  at  his  experiments.  He  was,  as 
appears  by  the  following  letter  to  Miss  Burton,  by  no 
means  displeased  at  provisional  absence  of  interest  by 
scientists  in  general.  This  letter,  too,  brings  out  strongly 

4  Creators  of  the  Age  of  Steel,  p.  303. 


the  estimation  in  which  Thomas  was  held  at  the  Thames 
Police  Court  by  the  magistrates  under  whom  he  served. 
No  external  occupations,  however  engrossing,  ever  inter- 
fered, we  cannot  too  often  repeat,  with  his  zealons  and 
whole-hearted  discharge  of  his  official  duties  : — 

'  Thames  Police  Court :  April  8, 1878. 

'  My  dear  Bess, — I  have  had  to  send  your  Italians  to 
Florence  for  fresh  coupon  sheets,  as  old  ones  exhausted. 
.  .  .  My  experiments  are  rather  at  a  standstill.  Some 
great  Works  promised  me  a  trial  two  months  ago ;  but 
have  not  made  the  necessary  preparations  yet. 

'  However,  nearly  300L  has  been  spent  in  patents,  in 
anticipation  of  things  turning  out  well. 

1 1  said  a  few  words  on  the  discussion  on  Bell's  paper ; 
but  we  wish  to  keep  quiet  at  present.  I  forget  whether  I 
told  you  of  the  sudden  death  of  my  colleague  as  he  was 
returning  to  the  office  after  a  short  holiday  .  .  .  His  suc- 
cessor has  only  just  come,  sol  have  been  over  full  of  work. 
The  Magistrates  went  down  to  the  Home  Office  on  their 
own  account,  to  try  and  get  the  rule  of  seniority  set  aside 
in  my  favour,  which  was  rather  gratifying.  Of  course  they 
were  unsuccessful.  .  .  . 

'  Here  the  east  wind  is  on  the  rampage,  and  has  knocked 
up  most  people. 

1 1  utterly  abjure  all  breath  of  war  and  slaughter,  and 
am  utterly  ashamed  of  the  miserable  position  we  have 
blundered  into.  The  Russian  may  be  as  black  as  he  is 
painted,  but  neither  he  nor  we  will  be  improved  by 
slaughter. — Yours  always, 

'  S.  G.  THOMAS.' 

The  next  two  letters  to  Germany  give  further  glimpses 
of  the  many  cares  pressing  on  the  restless  and  indefatigable 
mind  of  the  writer. 


To  Miss  Burton 

f  May  19,  1878. 

*  Dear  Bess, — A  friend  of  Lil's,  whom  I  think  you 
know,  wants  to  get  languages  with  a  view  of  getting  a 
better  engagement. 

'  They  are  three  orphans,  and  coinless  nearly.  She  has 
been  over  here  to-day,  proposing  to  go  to  Paris  on  Miss 
H.'s  recommendation.  I  suggested  she  would  do  better  in 
Germany,  to  which  she  assents.  Now  could  the  B.'s  take  her  ? 
It  seems  she  would  about  fill  the  vacancy  for  which  your 
advertisement  was.  She  is  I  am  told  about  twenty-two, 
has  been  three  or  four  years  teaching,  and  would  be 
willing  to  pay  something.  If  the  vacancy  is  filled  up,  as 
from  your  last  you  seem  to  think  probable,  what  would 
you  advise  ?  Do  you  know  of  anything  else  ?  She  knows 
no  German,  can  teach  English  well,  can't  pay  more  than 
25J.  per  annum.  The  mother  is  very  anxious  to  do  some- 
thing for  her.  I  should  think  lots  of  German  families 
would  like  to  get  an  Englishwoman  to  teach  for  nothing. 
I  am  up  to  my  ears  still  in  patents.  I  shall  have  a  hard 
fight,  but  even  if  beaten,  fighting  does  one  good.  I  have 
not  heard  yet  if  they  have  granted  my  German  patent. 
They  refuse  a  great  number.  I  go  down  to  Wales  again 
in  a  week,  and  hope  to  do  something  on  the  big  scale. 
Have  had  to  go  to  the  Opera  twice  lately ;  Euy  Bias  last 
night,  TannMuser  a  fortnight  ago.  I  was  dreadfully  bored 
by  both.  I  have  an  impression  that  I  used  to  enjoy  the 
two  or  three  times  I  went  with  you.  We  have  been  read- 
ing Heine's  life,  very  interesting,  discursive  on  German 
and  European  literature  and  politics.  Have  now  the  third 
volume  of  "Prince  Consort's  Life,"  which  of  course  has 
especial  bearing  on  the  policy  of  the  day.  I  do  not  think 
you  would  gain  anything  by  selling  South  Italians  unless 


at  a  high  price.  It  is  almost  impossible  now  to  get  a  de- 
cently safe  6  per  cent.  Still  more  difficult  in  Germany. 
Please  answer  by  return  as  to  your  opinion  on  the  second 
question. — Yours, 

1  S.  G.  T.J 

'  July  20,  1878. 

'  Dear  Bess, — I  don't  know  if  you  or  I  am  the  worst 
correspondent,  but  I  think  if  you  knew  how  I  was  driven 
you  would  absolve  me  with  honour  for  all  my  failings 
therein.  Phosphorus  is  a  subject  which  engrosses  an  in- 
credible amount  of  time.  My  visit  to  South  Wales  showed 
that  while  scientifically  my  views  are  entirely  confirmed, 
there  is  much  money  (some  thousands)  to  be  spent  in 
putting  things  on  a  fair  technical  footing,  and  much  more 
in  legal  defence  of  my  position.  As  I  do  not  possess 
these  thousands,  I  am  not  going  to  bother  myself  about 
trying  to  force  my  views  commercially,  but  let  them  rest 
with  doing  what  I  can  to  establish  them,  for  the  benefit  of 
people  at  large.  I  am  now  fighting  Krupp  of  Essen  and 
the  Bochum  Steel  Co.  As  they  write  their  objections  in 
German,  and  require  to  be  confuted  from  German  authors, 
this  is  not  easy.  So  I  shan't  see  you  in  Paris,  whither  I 
hope  to  go  for  a  week  or  two  in  September.  I  hope  you 
will  have  a  pleasant  holiday  in  the  Schwarzwald.  I  saw 
your  last  protege  off  on  Saturday.  It  made  me  think  I 
should  like  to  run  over.' 

A  day  or  two  after  Thomas  writes  to  his  sister,  who 
was  away  from  home  on  a  visit : — 

'  Thames  Police  Court,  London,  E.:  July  22,  1878. 
c  Dearest  Child, — The  mother  nourishing  and  dashing 
about  all  over  country.    Being  free  from  surveillance,  I 
am  increasing  in  weight  daily,  through  the  adiposing  effect 

i  2 


of  a  peace  and  quietness  which  I  don't  always  enjoy. 
You  seem  to  be  leading  a  "jollies"  (not  jolly)  existence, 
which  ought  to  do  you  a  world  of  good.  Don't  go  drown- 
ing yourself — not  too  frequently.  I  enclose  as  a  matter 
of  benevolence  something  for  you  to  do  to  fill  up  the 
vacuity  of  your  existence.  Will  you  on  enclosed  ruled 
paper  make  two  copies  of  also  enclosed  results  as  neatly  and 
legibly  as  you  can,  and  let  me  have  them  back  not  later 
than  Thursday  morning,  and  receive  my  blessing  ?  I  have 
put  in  two  or  three  to  show  how  I  should  like  them  done, 
only  neater.  Use  your  sense  in  locating  remarks,  &c., 
and  leave  spaces  when  clearness  improved  thereby.  I  am 
over  ears  in  work.  Krupp  of  Essen,  and  another,  are 
attacking  me  in  German,  and  I  have  to  refute  them  by 
German  authors.  Fighting  with  your  head  in  a  bag  is  a 
trifle  to  it. — Yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.' 




DURING  this  summer  Thomas  in  collaboration  with  Mr. 
Gilchrist  wrote  for  the  approaching  autumn  meeting  of 
the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute  a  paper  on c  the  Elimination  of 
Phosphorus  in  the  Bessemer  Converter.'  We  cannot  do 
better  than  give  here  the  substance  of  this  paper  (omitting 
technicalities  and  distasteful  figures  as  much  as  possible J, 
since  it  furnishes  the  results  of  the  experiments  and 
describes  the  point  at  which  the  process  had  arrived  and 
its  rationale  in  the  words  of  Thomas  himself. 

4  The  non-removal  of  phosphorus  in  the  Bessemer  Con- 
verter,' write  the  authors, '  owing  to  which  the  great  bulk, 
not  only  of  British,  but  of  French,  German,  and  Belgian 
ores  are  still  unavailable  for  steel-making,  is  a  fact  too 
familiar  to  metallurgists  to  need  insisting  on.  The 
inquiry  whether  this  unfortunate  circumstance  is  due  to 
causes  absolutely  inseparable  from  the  conduct  of  the 
Bessemer  process,  or  to  others  which  are  merely  the  acci- 
dents of  a  particular  mode  of  constructing  the  apparatus, 
is  obviously  of  vital  importance.  If  the  non-elimination 
be  due  to  the  intensity  of  the  temperature  or  to  the 
fe^ort  duration  of  the  operation,  or  to  both  these  causes  com- 
bined, it  is  almost  hopeless  to  expect  that  we  shall  ever 
be  able  to  use  ordinary  unpurified  pig-iron  in  the  Con- 


'That  it  is  to  these  essential  accompaniments  of  the 
process  that  the  phenomenon  of  the  retention  of  phosphorus 
by  Bessemer  metal  is  to  be  ascribed,  is — it  is  believed — the 
generally  received  opinion  and  one  which  has  comparatively 
recently  received  the  sanction  of  the  weighty  authority  of 
such  eminent  metallurgists  as  Mr.  Lowthian  Bell,  Dr. 
Wedding,  Professor  Kerl,  and  M.  Euverte. 

c  An  examination  of  the  general  conditions  attending 
the  removal  of  phosphorus  in  puddling  and  refining 
operations  taken  in  connection  with  the  well-known  action 
of  silica  on  phosphate  of  iron  at  high  temperatures,  and  the 
fact  that  in  many  other  processes  in  which  the  temperature 
is  very  high  the  elimination  of  phosphorus  is  not  apparently 
effected,  seems,  however,  to  justify  the  belief,  which  may 
have  probably  suggested  itself  to  other  members  of  the 
Institute,  that  it  is  to  the  silicious  lining  of  the  ordinary 
converter  and  to  the  consequent  necessarily  silicious 
quality  of  the  slag,  that  the  one  defect  of  the  Bessemer 
process  is  due.  Under  this  conviction,  at  all  events,  experi- 
ments were  commenced  by  the  authors  about  three  years 
ago  on  the  effects  of  basic  lining  and  basic  additions  in 
the  several  steel-making  processes.  Unfortunately  the 
appliances  at  command  were  of  a  very  imperfect  character, 
and  the  results  obtained,  though  highly  encouraging,  were 
— owing  to  defects  in  the  miniature  Converter  employed, 
which  prevented  our  ever  completely  finishing  a  blow — not 
entirely  conclusive  as  to  commercially  complete  purifi- 
cation being  possible. 

'  While  awaiting  the  completion  of  an  improved  Con- 
verter which  was  unavoidably  delayed  for  some  time,  we 
were  encouraged  by  finding  that  M.  Gruner,  the  distin- 
guished professor  of  the  Ecole  des  Mines  of  Paris,  laid  great 
stress  on  the  silicious  character  of  the  cinder  and  lining  in 
the  Converter.  M.  Gruner,  however,  seems  at  that 


to  have  regarded  this  as  one  only  of  three  causes  which 
prevent  elimination  of  phosphorus,  and  proposes  as  a 
remedy  the  preliminary  refining  of  phosphoretic  pig  before 
it  is  attempted  to  convert  it. 

1  With  a  new  Converter,  a  large  number  of  experiments 
were  made  in  the  autumn  of  last  year,  which  gave  much 
more  definite  results.  The  lining  used  in  these  experi- 
ments consisted  of  limestone  and  silicate  of  soda,  a  mixture 
which  had  been  found  to  answer  well  in  earlier  trials.  .  .  . 

'  On  laying  some  of  the  first  results  obtained  from 
this  6  Ib.  Converter  before  Mr.  Martin  of  Blaenavon, 
he  at  once  recognised  their  importance,  and  from  that 
time  we  have  been  deeply  indebted  to  him  for  his  un- 
failing and  liberal  support  and  much  valuable  advice  and 

'  The  Blaenavon  Company  without  hesitation  undertook 
to  put  up  apparatus  to  carry  the  experiments  further,  and 
has  with  great  spirit  fulfilled  its  promise  to  test  the  value 
of  the  theories  thoroughly. 

'  In  a  vertical  Converter,  taking  from  3  to  4  cwt.  of 
metal,  results  confirmatory  of  those  previously  observed 
were  obtained.  In  the  six-pound  Converter  liquid  decar- 
bonised iron  could  not  be  obtained ;  but  in  the  new  vertical 
Converter  this  was  readily  done.  .  .  . 

'  Some  fifty  or  more  blows  were  made  in  this  vertical 
Converter,  and  the  products  analysed ;  and  it  was  found 
that,  using  a  basic  lining,  it  was  generally  necessary  to 
continue  the  blow  for  about  forty  seconds  after  the  flame 
dropped  in  order  to  bring  down  the  phosphorus  very  low. 
With  this  proviso,  the  elimination  of  phosphorus  could  be 
secured  with  absolute  certainty.  With  a  silicious  lining 
the  retention  of  all  the  phosphorus  in  the  metal  was,  as 
usual,  equally  invariable — even  when,  as  in  Mr..  Bell's  ex-* 
periments,  the  blow  was  continued  till  a  considerable  pro- 


portion  of  the  iron  was  oxidised.  At  the  same  time  more 
phosphorus  and  less  silica  would  be  found  in  the  slag 
obtained  under  these  conditions  than  appears  to  be  the 
case  when  large  quantities  of  metal  are  treated  under 
similar  circumstances.  .  .  . 

f  It  would  seem  that  the  presence  of  a  considerable 
amount  of  lime  in  a  not  too  silicious  slag  is  highly  favour- 
able and  on  a  large  scale  essential  to  the  removal  of 
phosphorus.  As  it  was  manifest  that  phosphorus  was  not 
removed  until  the  slag  was  sufficiently  basic,  the  effect  of 
large  basic  additions  in  combination  with  a  basic  lining 
was  tried.  With  the  object  not  only  of  obtaining  a  highly 
basic  slag  at  an  early  stage  of  the  blow,  but  of  rendering 
the  operation  independent  of  the  wear  of  the  lining  by 
which  alone  the  basic  character  of  the  slag  is  otherwise 
obtained  and  maintained,  advantage  was  taken  of  the  fact 
that  lime  and  oxide  of  iron  are  fusible  in  many  propor- 
tions. .  .  . 

*  With  a  1 2  cwt.  Converter  of  the  ordinary  pattern,  ex- 
pressly put  up  by  the  Blaenavon  Company,  only  a  limited 
number  of  casts  have  been  made,  owing  to  a  deficiency  of 
blast.  .  .  . 

'  By  the  kindness  of  Mr.  Menelaus,  for  whose  invaluable 
assistance  we  tender  our  warmest  thanks,  we  were  enabled 
to  try,  at  the  No.  3  Pit  at  Dowlais,  if  the  superior  intensity 
of  heat  which  might  be  expected  from  the  conversion  of 
five  or  six  tons  of  metal  at  a  time  affected  the  conclusions 
to  which  smaller  experiments  pointed.  It  was  intended 
to  line  this  Converter  with  highly  burnt  basic  bricks. 
The  bricks  intended  for  this  purpose  were,  however, 
accidentally  under-burnt,  and  so  spoilt,  hence  recourse  was 
had  to  a  rammed  lining  of  limestone  and  silicate  of 
soda.  .  .  . 

4  These  results  appear  to  confirm  the  conclusion  that 


for  the  process  to  be  of  technical  value,  waste  of  lining 
must  be  avoided  by  making  large  basic  additions,  so  as  to 
secure  a  highly  basic  slag  at  an  early  stage  of  the  blow. 
In  these  trials,  however,. it  was  thought  prudent  to  feel 
our  way,  and  not  add  at  once  the  very  large  amount  of 
base  which  our  theory  demanded,  the  more  so  as  we  were 
not  able  to  add  the  bases  in  a  heated  state.  It  is  also 
made  clear  that  a  slag  containing  under  14  percent,  of  iron 
may  be  very  effective  in  removing  phosphorus.  .  .  . 

'  It  is  obvious  that  without  a  sufficiently  durable  as  well 
as  refractory  basic  lining,  the  simultaneous  dephosphorisa- 
tion  and  conversion  of  cheap  pig  in  the  Bessemer  vessel 
cannot  rank  as  a  commercial  process.  Our  early  experi- 
ments rendered  it  clear  that  ordinary  nonsilicious  lime 
and  limestone  did  not  constitute  by  themselves  a  satisfac- 
tory lining  material,  nor  were  renewed  trials,  made  after 
becoming  acquainted  with  a  patent  dealing  with  their 
application,  more  successful ;  magnesia,  the  use  of  which 
as  a  furnace  lining  has  been  suggested  by  M.  Caron  and 
others,  is  at  once  very  expensive  and,  when  used  by  itself, 
very  tender.  After  a  very  extended  series  of  trials  it  was, 
however,  found  that  by  firing  bricks  made  of  an  alumino- 
silicious  limestone  at  a  very  intense  white  heat,  a  hard 
and  compact  basic  brick  is  formed.  These  bricks  unfortu- 
nately labour  under  the  defect  of  a  liability  to  disintegra- 
tion when  exposed  to  the  action  of  steam.  By  the  use 
of  certain  aluminous  magnesian  limestones  and  equivalent 
combinations,  and  an  otherwise  similar  mode  of  manu- 
facture, this  difficulty  has  been,  after  many  failures,  over- 
come. .  .  .' 

Here  we  have  the  problem  clearly  stated,  namely :  '  The 
simultaneous  dephosphorisation  and  conversion  of  cheap 
pig  in  the  Bessemer  u  vessel,"  in  such  fashion  as  to  make 
the  process  a  commercial  success.'  The  problem  is  solved 


by  substituting  a  reasonably  durable  basic  lining  for  the 
former  silicious,  and  therefore  acid  one,  and  by  avoiding 
'  waste  of  lining,  by  making  large  basic  additions,  so 
as  to  secure  a  highly  basic  slag  at  an  early  stage  of  the 
Now. ' 

'TKIUMPH  123 



ANXIOUS  as  these  times  of  waiting  were,  while  this  paper 
was  being  written  and  the  experiments  continually 
watched  (the  regular  toil  at  Thames  Police  Court  still 
going  on),  it  is  characteristic  of  Sidney  that  he  should  have 
found  time  to  take  lessons  in  French  conversation.  Regu- 
larly for  three  months  he  was  an  hour  late  for  dinner  every 
other  day,  nor  was  any  explanation  obtainable  by  his 
relatives  for  a  long  period.  The  real  explanation  was  that 
he  would  stop  in  the  City  on  his  way  from  Arbour  Square 
to  Battersea  (where,  it  will  be  remembered,  the  family 
were  now  dwelling),  to  have  an  hour's  educational  talk 
with  an  old  Frenchman.  It  was  only  later,  when  all  were 
gathered  in  Paris,  that  upon  being  complimented  upon 
his  fluent  Gallic  speech,  he  revealed  the  little  secret. 

In  September  the  autumn  meeting  of  the  Iron  and 
Steel  Institute  was  held  in  Paris — held  there,  especially, 
because  of  the  Great  Exhibition  of  1878.  Thomas  arranged 
his  annual  holiday  from  his  official  duties  to  coincide  with 
this  meeting,  and  went  to  the  gay  city  in  company  with 
his  mother,  sister,  and  a  friend.  Mr.  Gilchrist  also 
attended.  The  paper  on  the  i  Elimination  of  Phosphorus ' 
was  put  down  for  reading,  and  originally  placed  near  the 
top  of  the  list ;  but  belief  in  the  alleged  discovery  of  an 
unknown  youth  had  not  much  spread  since  March,  and 
the  paper  was  removed  to  the  end,  and  then  left  by  the 
authorities  unread  for  '  lack  of  time ' ;  a  course  not 


altogether  disagreeable  to  Thomas,  who  was  anxious  to 
further  secure  the  patent  position.  This  action  attracted, 
however,  some  attention — especially  as  a  portion  of  the 
paper  had  appeared  in  '  Engineering '  before  news  of  the 
change  of  programme  could  reach  that  journal.  Moreover 
the  paper  was  freely  distributed  among  members.  But 
even  if  the  non-reading  of  it  had  been  a  great  disappoint- 
ment, there  would  have  been  ample  and  unlooked-for 

Thomas  accompanied  other  members  upon  an  excur- 
sion to  the  great  Works  of  Creusot,  and  there,  as  good  luck 
would  have  it,  fell  upon  talk  with  Mr.  E.  W.  Richards,  the 
manager  of  Bolckow,  Vaughan,  and  Co.'s  huge  Works  in 
Cleveland.  Sidney's  remarkable  personality,  and  vivid, 
lucid  discourse  never  failed  to  impress  those  with  whom  he 
came  in  contact ;  and  Mr.  Richards  proved  no  exception 
to  the  rule.  Cleveland,  it  must  be  remembered,  is  the 
district  in  all  England  which  suffered  most  from  the  non- 
elimination  of  phosphorus  in  the  Converter ;  for  the  whole 
of  its  ores  (and  it  had  an  annual  output  of  6,500,000  tons) 
were  phosphoric,  and,  therefore,  as  was  then  thought, 
useless  for  making  steel  by  the  Bessemer  process.  Natur- 
ally, the  conversation  turned  upon  the  alleged  discovery 
which  was  to  change  all  this.  Thomas  explained  to  Mr. 
Richards  the  position  in  which  the  experiments  stood,  and 
the  desire  that  was  felt  to  continue  them  on  a  larger  scale. 
A  meeting  was  arranged  to  discuss  the  matter  further,  and 
it  is  not  too  much  to  say  that  the  further  discussion  at  that 
meeting  secured  the  immediate  commercial  success  of  the 

Mr.  Richards  had  better  tell  the  story  in  his  own 
words : l — 

1  Words  taken  from  Mr.  Eich-      Cleveland  Institution  of  Engineers 
ards's  presidential  address  to  the      (November  15,  1880). 

CH.  xi  TRIUMPH  125 

1  Messrs.  Thomas  and  Gilchrist  prepared  a  paper, 
giving  very  fully  the  results  of  their  experiments,  with 
analyses.  It  was  intended  to  be  read  at  the  autumn 
meeting  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute  at  Paris  in  1878 ; 
but  so  little  importance  was  attached  to  it,  and  so  little 
was  it  believed  in,  that  the  paper  was  scarcely  noticed,  and 
it  was  left  unread.  .  .  .  Mr.  Sidney  Thomas  first  drew  my 
particular  attention  to  the  subject  at  Creusot,  and  we  had 
a  meeting  a  few  days  later  in  Paris  to  discuss  it,  when  I 
resolved  to  take  the  matter  up,  provided  I  received  the 
consent  of  my  directors.  That  consent  was  given,  and  on 
October  2,  1878,  accompanied  by  Mr.  Stead  of  Middles- 
brough, I  went  with  Mr.  Thomas  to  Blaenavon.  Arrived 
there,  Mr.  Gilchrist  and  Mr.  Martin  showed  us  three  casts 
in  a  miniature  cupola,  and  I  saw  sufficient  to  convince  me 
that  iron  could  be  dephosphorised  at  high  temperature.  I 
also  visited  the  Dowlais  Works,  where  Mr.  Menelaus 
informed  me  that  the  experiments  in  the  large  Converters 
had  failed  owing  to  the  lining  being  washed  out.  We 
very  quickly  erected  a  pair  of  30  cwt.  Converters  at 
Middlesbrough,  but  were  unable  for  a  long  time  to  try  the 
process,  owing  to  difficulties  experienced  in  making  basic 
bricks  for  lining  the  Converters  and  making  the  basic 
bottom.  The  difficulties  arose  principally  from  the  enor- 
mous shrinkage  of  the  magnesian  limestone  when  being 
burnt  in  a  kiln  with  an  updraught,  and  of  the  failure  of 
the  ordinary  bricks  of  the  kiln  to  withstand  the  very  high 
temperature  necessary  for  efficient  burning.  The  diffi- 
culties were,  however,  one  by  one  surmounted,  and  at  last 
we  lined  up  the  Converters  with  basic  bricks ;  then,  after 
much  labour,  many  failures,  disappointments  and  encou- 
ragements, we  were  able  to  show  some  of  the  leading 
gentlemen  of  Middlesbrough  the  successful  operations  on 
Friday,  April  4,  1879.  The  news  of  this  success  spread 


rapidly  far  and  wide,  and  Middlesbrough  was  soon  besieged 
by  the  combined  forces  of  Belgium,  France,  Prussia, 
Austria,  and  America.  We  then  lined  up  one  of  the  six- 
ton  converters  at  Eaton  and  had  fair  success.' 

Meanwhile  Thomas,  while  following  and  taking  part  in 
these  anxious  experiments,  thus  finally  crowned  with  definite 
triumph,  had  not  been  idle  in  other  directions.  His 
energies  had  been  devoted  to  safeguarding  the  patent 
position  at  home  and  abroad  as  though  he  had  no  other 
work  on  his  hands.  The  patent  of  1877  had  been  rapidly 
followed  by  other  dephosphorisation  patents  of  January 
1878,  March  1878,  and  two  of  October  1878.  Other  patents 
were  taken  out  in  1879.  In  January  of  the  latter  year 
two  patents  were  taken  out  for  basic  bricks,  and  a  series 
of  patents  for  treatment  of  slag  begin  in  November  1878. 
In  foreign  countries  the  same  activity  was  displaved. 

Thomas  in  the  following  letters  gives  us  some  glimpses 
of  his  proceedings  during  the  period  between  September 
1878  and  April  1879 — the  period  which  assured  the  com- 
mercial success  of  his  process  and  which  has  just  been 
described  by  Mr.  Eichards. 

To  Miss  Burton 

1  Thames  Police  Court :  October  3, 1878. 

{ Dear  Bess, — I  was  so  sorry  you  did  not  make  your 
appearance  in  Paris.  I  had  quite  looked  forward  to  it  and 
had  the  impression  you  had  promised  it.  The  fortnight 
spent  there  was  most  enjoyable,  the  weather  beautiful,  the 
city  ditto,  and  the  Exhibition  magnificent.  I  went  to  the 
Exhibition  seven  times  and  only  saw  half  imperfectly. 
The  Mother  was  happy  all  day  long  and  our  quarters  ex- 
cellent and,  considering  the  prices  current,  not  dear.  I 
think  the  city  much  improved  since  I  saw  it  in  '69  with 

CH.   XI 


you  and  Robert.  I  spent  my  first  three  nights  on  the 
sixth  floor  of  a  queer  old  inn  close  to  our  old  quarters ; 
this  time  in  the  Rue  Montmartre.  Our  paper  was  post- 
poned,— the  preference  being  very  properly  given  to  foreign 
papers,  and  the  course  adopted  suiting  us  very  well.  It 
still  occupies  a  great  fragment  of  my  attention.  I  returned 
to  England  last  Friday  and  have  been  living  a  la  Crusoe 
in  the  empty  house.  Tuesday  night,  however,  I  had  a 
telegram  which  sent  me  down  to  Wales  by  the  mail,  to 
meet  some  great  North  of  England  guns  who  had  come 
to  Blaenavon  to  see  our  experiments.  They  were  well 
impressed  with  what  they  saw  and  I  returned  last  night. 
...  I  shall  probably  be  in  Belgium  to  try  to  start  some 
Works  there  early  in  next  month.  On  the  whole  my  hands 
are  pretty  full.  Whether  we  shall  succeed  in  getting  any 
pecuniary  advantage  remains  to  be  seen,  I  am  afraid  of 
the  funds  which  are  a  necessity  for  victory  being  wanting. 
However,  of  exciting  employment  it  seems  we  shall  have 
enough. — Yours  always, 


c  I  will  send  you  a  copy  of  our  paper  when  I  can/ 

'November/ 18  78. 

c  I  am  awfully  busy,  or  should  have  written  you  before 
this.  Things  are  in  statu  quo,  but  I  am  much  more 
occupied.  I  go  to  Belgium  to-morrow  to  superintend 
some  experiments.  I  shall  have  rather  a  cold  time  of  it.' 

'  December  23,  1878. 

4  Dr  Bess, — Yr  letter  found  me  at  Middlesbro',  where  I 
think  things  are  progressing  fairly.  Percy  was  with  me, 
he  is  director  of  all  practical  details,  and  works  like — any- 
thing. His  Co.,  the  Blaenavon  Iron  Co.,  have  just  failed. 
He  doesn't  know  yet  how  it  will  affect  him,  but  it  can 


hardly  fail  to  be  detrimental.  It  is  also  very  unfortunate 
for  our  patent  interests,  as  the  Co.  had  engaged  to  give 
us  a  large  trial  at  once.  From  Middlesbro'  I  went  to 
Cumberland,  and  came  home  by  mail  last  night,  being 
from  7  P.M.  to  9  A.M.  on  the  road.  I  was  nearly  frozen. 
I  am  getting  rapidly  ruined,  but  having  plenty  to  do 
induces  me  to  regard  the  contingency  with  equanimity. 
We  shan't  know  how  we  stand  for  another  six  months  at 
least  .  .  .  There  is  a  terrible  amount  of  distress  through- 
out England  .  .  .  My  Belgian  visit  was  quite  enjoyable 
and  the  result  on  the  whole  quite  satisfactory,  i.e.  fairly 
good  steel  to  the  amount  of  seven  or  eight  tons  made  from 
stuff  that  had  never  made  steel  or  anything  like  it  before. 
'I  see  a  good  deal  of  Americans  just  now.  I  have 
struck  up  an  alliance  with  one  I  encountered  abroad,  and 
had  to  stay  a  few  days  to  the  home  folks'  amusement. 

1  Ever  yrs  always, 

'  S.  G.  T.f 

When  the  news  of  the  experiments  of  April  4,  1879, 
spread  abroad,  would-be  users  of  the  process  on  the 
Continent  found  themselves  face  to  face  with  the  patent 
rights  which  the  forethought  of  Thomas  had  secured.  A 
literal  race  to  the  quiet  home  in  Queen's  Road,  Battersea, 
at  once  began.  The  present  writer  well  remembers  Thomas 
telling  him,  with  some  glee,  a  curious  story  of  the  eager- 
ness of  foreign  ironmasters  to  secure  licences,  a  story 
which  is  also  a  sermon  on  the  text  of  striking  while  the 
iron  is  hot.  One  April  Sunday  night,  two  Belgian  steel 
manufacturers  from  the  same  neighbourhood  crossed 

together  in  the  same  boat.     M.  A and  M.   B 

conversed  the  whole  way,  but  neither  said  a  word  of  their 
errand  to  Albion.  They  both  drove  to  the  Eoyal  Hotel 
on  the  Embankment,  upon  their  arrival  at  Charing  Cross 

CH.  xi  TRIUMPH  129 

at  some  unearthly  hour  on  Monday  morning.     M.  A 

thought  he  might  safely  go  to  bed  for  a  couple  of  hours 
and  then  have  some  breakfast  before  pursuing  his  journey 

to  the  wilds  of  remote  Battersea.     M.  B was  wiser 

in  his  generation ;  he  chartered  a  hansom  directly  he  had 
shaken  off  his  fellow-traveller  and  rang  up  the  quiet  house- 
hold in  the  Queen's  Eoad  at  7.30  A.M.  He  secured  an 
audience  with  Thomas  and  proceeded  to  negotiate  terms 
for  the  use  of  the  process.  The  interview  lasted  for  three 
hours  and  was  just  concluding,  when  a  telegram  arrived 

from  M.  A announcing  that  he  was  on  his  way.     At 

noon  he  duly  arrived,  congratulating  himself  on  his 
promptitude.  Alas  !  M.  B—  -  had  secured  the  monopoly 
of  the  process  for  the  district. 

It  is  probably  to  this  Belgian  arrangement  that  allusion 
is  made  in  the  following  letter : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  3  Queen's  Eoad  Villas,  April  12,  1879. 

'  Dear  Bess, — Many  thanks  for  your  congratulations 
of  10th.  Of  your  sympathy  I  of  course  felt  myself  sure. 
It  is,  however,  not  the  less  pleasant  to  receive  them.  Yes, 
after  some  work,  we  have  solved  the  greatest  industrial 
problem  of  England ;  so  at  least  people  who  have  been 
themselves  trying  the  solution  for  twenty  years  say. 

'  We  have  certainly  secured  some  reputation,  and  may 
(or  may  not)  secure  some  money. 

c  This  last  we  shall  know  in  two  or  three  months,  but 
not  before.  Till  this  is  ascertained  I  do  not  want  to  give 
up  Thames,  as  I  have  to  spend  about  50?.  a  month  still 
on  one  thing  and  another.  Of  course  I  pay  all  Percy's 
extra  expenditure.  I  have  just  concluded  an  arrangement 
with  some  Belgians,  and  shall  probably  have  to  take  a 
continental  trip  in  a  few  weeks.  You  may  imagine  I  am 



pretty  busy ;  I  spent  three  nights  out  of  six  on  the  rail 
last  week. — Yours, 

<  S.  G.  TV 

The  deferred  paper  of  Thomas  and  Gilchrist  was  duly 
read  at  the  spring  meeting  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute 
which  was  held  in  London.  '  That  meeting  was,'  says  Mr. 
Richards,  c  perhaps  the  most  interesting  and  brilliant  ever 
held  by  the  Institute.'  Mr.  Bessemer  (not  yet  Sir  Henry) 
came  forward  with  a  cordial  recognition  of  the  new  and 
wide-reaching  development  of  his  epoch-making  process. 
1  Phosphorus,'  he  said,  <  has  been  my  difficulty  and  my 
bane.'  If  it  had  not  been  for  discovering  that  steel  could 
be  made  from  Swedish  pig  without  the  necessity  for  dephos- 
phorisation,  he  might  have  continued  on  the  road  he  had 
entered  upon.  '  Whether  I  should  have  arrived  at  the 
results  which  the  present  inventors  have  arrived  at  I  can- 
not tell.  ...  I  hope  and  believe  they  will  be  able  to  receive 
the  recompense  which  their  talents  and  industry  deserve.' 2 
'  Directly  this  meeting  was  over,'  says  Mr.  Richards  in 
the  presidential  address  already  quoted,  *  Middlesbrough 
was  again  besieged  by  a  large  array  of  continental 
metallurgists,  and  a  few  hundredweights  of  samples  of 
basic  bricks,  molten  metal  used  and  steel  produced  were 
taken  away  for  searching  analysis  at  home.  Our  con- 
tinental friends  were  of  an  inquisitive  turn  of  mind  and, 
like  many  other  practical  men  who  saw  the  process  in 
operation,  only  believed  in  what  they  saw  with  their  own 
eyes  and  felt  with  their  own  hands.  And  they  were  not 
quite  sure  even  then,  and  some  are  not  quite  sure  even  now 
(1880).  We  gave  them  samples  of  the  metal  out  of  the  very 
nose  of  the  Converter.' 

On  May  10,  1879,  Thomas  resigned  his  junior  clerk- 

2  Iron,  May  17,  1879. 

CH.   XI 


ship  at  the  Thames  Police  Court,  after  nearly  twelve  years 
of  service — service  as  energetic  as  if  his  duties  there  had 
been  the  sole  object  of  his  life.  We  have  seen  (ante,  p. 
24)  what  Mr.  Lushington  has  said  upon  this  point.  Thomas 
left  nothing  but  good  wishes  behind  him.  The  constant 
drain  upon  his  energies, — otherwise  fully,  more  than  fully 
occupied, — must  (especially  during  the  last  three  anxious 
years)  have  been  serious  indeed.  Yet  daring  as  he  was 
(often  indeed  seemingly  reckless),  it  was  very  characteristic 
of  him  that  he  did  not  abandon  this  modest  certainty 
until  the  path  to  fortune  was  clear  before  him.  Neither 
the  acceptance  of  the  new  process  by  Mr.  Martin  nor  its 
adoption  by  Mr.  Richards  was  sufficient  to  induce  him  to 
burn  his  boats  behind  him ;  it  was  not  until  continental 
ironmasters  were  competing  for  concessions  that  he  made 
up  his  mind  definitely  to  break  with  the  Civil  Service. 

Let  us  say,  once  for  all,  here,  that  the  Sidney  Thomas, 
the  triumphant  inventor,  was  in  every  respect  the  same 
Sidney  Thomas  he  had  been  years  before,  when  simply  second 
clerk  at  Arbour  Square — eager,  strenuous,  and  energetic, 
but  ever  preserving  the  equal  mind,  and  no  more  puffed  up 
by  victory  than  he  would  have  been  cast  down  by  failure — 
always  anxious  to  ascribe  success  to  others  more  than  to 

In  the  following  letter  he  seems  even  now  somewhat 
doubtful  of  the  future  : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

'May  11,  1879. 

4  Dear  Bess, — We  have  scored  I  think  one.  Delivered 
paper  on  Thursday  before  the  largest  meeting  ever  held ; 
it  was  well  received  by  all,  both  continental  and  English 
metallurgists,  and  we  became  pro  tern,  junior  lions. 

*  I  have  based  my  foreign  patents  nearly  all  on  terms 


which  may  pay  us  well,  and  I  hope  we  shall  eventually  do 
some  good  business  in  England,  though  they  are  much 
behind  their  continental  rivals  in  enterprise. 

( We  were  introduced  to  everyone,  and  the  effect  of 
the  whole  is  by  no  means  disappointing.  Even  Krupp's 
engineer  paid  us  high  compliments.  I  have  done  my 
best  to  give  the  Phoenix  Works  a  good  chance,  though 
German  patents  are  largely  out  of  my  hands.  I  resigned 
"  Thames  "  yesterday,  as  I  found  I  could  not  drive  so  dis- 
cordant a  team  any  longer ;  so  I  am  now  on  my  own 
resources.  We  have  still  a  lot  of  new  work  to  go  through, 
and  not  a  few  risks  to  run  on  account  of  the  magnitude 
of  the  stake.  Whatever  happens,  I  think  we  have  been 
fully  rewarded  for  our  work.  Of  course  I  have  your  con- 
gratulations ;  you  had  better  come  and  bring  them.' 

The  resignation  at  Thames  brought  little  relief  to  his 
incessant  labour ;  the  vacant  hours  were  instantly  filled  by 
other  toils.  The  whole  of  the  negotiations  for  his  foreign 
patents  fell  to  him  to  conduct.  In  some  countries  and 
districts  he  sold  his  rights ;  in  others  he  conceded  licences 
to  individual  ironmasters ;  in  others,  again,  he  appointed 
agents  to  receive  royalties.  The  basic  process  spread  with 
the  greatest  rapidity  on  the  Continent,  where  phosphorus 
had  been  even  a  more  formidable  foe  to  steel-making  than  it 
had  been  here.  Thomas's  note-books  and  account  books 
during  this  year  show  him  to  have  been  continually  crossing 
the  Channel,  and  his  striking  figure  became  as  familiar  in 
Westphalian  Works  as  it  had  been  in  Arbour  Square. 

In  Germany,  however,  there  was  a  short  but  severe 
contest  with  a  powerful  combination  of  North  German 
steel  manufacturers.  These  gentlemen  attempted  to  work 
the  process  regardless  of  patent  rights,  and  fought  the  in- 
ventor in  the  law  courts,  partly  on  technical  legal  grounds, 

CH.  xi  TRIUMPH  133 

partly  on  other  pretexts.  Sidney's  letter-book  gives  a 
voluminous  correspondence  on  this  matter,  and  he  was  also 
constantly  present  on  the  field  in  person. 

The  courts  decided  in  his  favour  in  November  1879. 
This  in  the  end,  although  not,  as  we  shall  see,  immediately, 
settled  the  question.  '  The  courts  held  the  validity  of  the 
patents  to  be  thoroughly  established,  and  considered  the 
substantial  novelty  and  great  value  of  the  invention  to  be 
proved  and  to  be  such  as  to  amply  cover  any  minor  tech- 
nical defects.  This  decision  was  generally  welcomed,  as 
showing  that  the  German  Patent  Court  was  determined  to 
administer  the  new  law  on  just  and  equitable  principles, 
and  not  on  the  narrow  basis  of  the  old  law,  which  refused 
protection  to  the  inventions  of  Bessemer  and  Siemens.' 3 

The  following  letters  refer  to  this  contest  :- 

To  his  Sister 

'  Berlin,  November  20,  1879. 
'  Dearest, — After  short  conference  in  my  [case],  had 

two  days'  dissipation  preluding  Berlin  doing  under  P 's 

guidance.  He  is  an  excellent  cicerone.  City  very  fair — 
particularly  museum ;  shops  brilliant.  Went  to  theatre 
in  evening — nothing  very  characteristic — comic  opera. 
To-day  conference;  to-morrow  and  Saturday  the  fight. 
Thirty-six  against  us.  I  think  we  are  fairly  certain  to 
lose ;  but  my  spirits  are  good.  I  shall  not  forgive  you  for 
neglecting  your  duty  in  not  having  taught  me  German. 
It  is  a  horrible  nuisance. 

'  Look  after  the  mater  !  .  .  . 

'  Yours  very  affectionately, 

'S.  G.  T.' 

3  Creators  of  the  Age  of  Steel,  p.  314. 


To  Miss  Burton 

'Berlin,  November  22,  1879. 

*  Beaten  the  enemy  on  own  ground.  Sorry  I  can't  call 
at  Wiesbaden. 

'  S.  G.  T.' 

To  his  Mother 

'Hoerde,  November  25,  1879. 

'  I  am  visiting  at  Hoerde.  Spent  yesterday  morning 
with  Dr.  Wedding  ;  also  dinner  with  him  on  Sunday.  A 
very  jolly  little  party.  We  had  great  fun.  He  was  one 
of  my  judges ;  another  guest  was  one  of  my  chief  oppo- 
nents. Two  very  pleasant  German  girls,  an  American 
student  and  an  engineer.  They  are  all  coming  to  stop 
with  us  in  London  for  an  indefinite  period.  By  March  1 
shall  know  if  I  am  the  proud  possessor  of  20,000£.  or  not. 
The  historic  name  of  the  family  has  certainly  won  notoriety 
if  not  distinction.  I  am  stopping  with  Massenez.  I  leave 
to-morrow  morning  for  K. 

'  Spent  last  morning  in  Berlin  School  of  Mines,  a 
wondrously  perfect  place.  Was  coached  over  by  Dr. 
Wedding  and  an  American  youth,  who  regards  my 
humble  self  as  a  mirror  for  aspiring  engineers  to  imitate ; 
but  is  (nevertheless,  or  in  consequence)  a  very  bright  lot. 

c  It  is  an  awful  nuisance  not  speaking  German.  I  sat 
at  writing  for  two  days,  feeling  I  must  get  up  and  make  a 
rattling  speech  in  some  tongue  known  or  unknown. 

'  You  will  hardly,  I  fear,  hear  from  me  again.  I  shall 
be  on  the  move  all  along,  till  Saturday,  when  I  expect 
to  be  home  for  some  hours  at  least.  I  have  been  fed  and 
alcoholised  to  an  appalling  extent.  Hope  you  are  taking 
care  of  yourself. — Yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.J 

CH.  xi  TE1UMPH  135 

Meanwhile  a  difficulty  had  arisen  in  this  country, 
which  fortunately  was  at  once  amicably  settled  without 
recourse  to  litigation.  We  have  said  (ante,  p.  Ill)  that 
at  the  meeting  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute  in  March 
1878,  when  Thomas  made  his  little  regarded  declaration, 
Mr.  Snelus  had  also  spoken  on  the  dephosphorisation 
question.  This  gentleman  had  indeed  had  a  patent  in 
existence  for  several  years  which  (it  was  contended)  es- 
tablished the  principle  of  basic  linings,  although  there 
might  be  practical  difficulties  in  its  application.  This 
patent  had  been  kept  alive,  but  it  was  not  suggested  that 
a  ton  of  steel  had  ever  been  manufactured  under  it.  It 
might  also  perhaps  be  said  that  the  many  steps  in  the 
complete  Thomas-Gilchrist  process  not  at  all  hinted  at  in 
Mr.  Snelus's  specification  established  a  very  vital  distinc- 
tion in  favour  of  that  process,  and  indeed  that  Mr. 
Snelus's  specification  had  not  expressed  dephosphorisation 
as  the  aim  of  the  patent  at  all ;  but  it  would  be  both  idle 
and  ungracious  to  pursue  a  vain  discussion  of  rival  claims 
which  both  sides  from  the  first  treated  in  a  friendly  and 
loyal  spirit.4 

The  claims  then  of  Mr.  Snelus  and  of  one  who  became 
Thomas's  valued  colleague,  Mr.  Riley,  who  had  zealously, 
independently,  and  ably  devoted  himself  to  the  lining 
question,  had  of  course  to  be  considered. 

It  was  agreed  to  refer  to  Sir  William  Thomson's  arbi- 

4  Mr.  Snelus  in  1883,  after  de-  the  theory  of  the  basic  process,  and 

tailing  his  experiments,  said :  '  Mr.  he  induced  Mr.  Windsor  Richards 

Sidney  Thomas,  shortly  afterwards,  to  take  it  up.     It  was  a  piece  of 

with  very  much  more  energy  than  very  good  fortune,  I  consider,  that 

I  had  shown,  followed  in  the  same  Mr.  Thomas  succeeded  in  enlisting 

line,   and   Mr.   Gilchrist  and    he  the   sympathy  of   Mr.  Richards  ; 

developed  the  process  of  making  this    was    due    to   Mr.   Thomas's 

basic    bricks    on    a    large  scale.  perseverance  and  to  his  determi- 

Af  ter  this  he  demonstrated  much  nation  to  make  the  process  public 

more  publicly  than  I  had  done  and  to  make  it  go.' 


tration  the  question  of  how  the  profits  of  the  British  and 
American  patents  should  be  divided  between  the  parties — 
Thomas  being  left  in  sole  possession  of  all  continental 
rights.  Sir  William  Thomson  made  his  award,  an  award 
ever  since  cordially  accepted  and  acted  on  by  all  con- 
cerned, towards  the  latter  part  of  this  year  of  1879. 

Patents  were  taken  out  in  America  early  in  1879,  and 
led  afterwards  to  much  litigation.  The  quantity  of  non- 
phosphoric  iron  in  the  United  States  is  so  large,  that 
probably  no  country  in  the  world  had  less  need  of  the 
basic  process.  Yet,  as  we  shall  presently  see,  in  no 
country  in  the  world  was  there  more  interest  in  the  in- 
vention and  nowhere  did  Thomas  himself  receive  a  more 
enthusiastic  welcome. 




THE  next  year  of  1880  opened  brilliantly  indeed  for 
Thomas  and  the  little  family  of  which  he  was  the  life 
and  soul.  The  household  gods  were  in  the  course  of  this 
year  removed  from  Battersea  to  Tedworth  Square,  Chelsea, 
which  was  Sidney's  London  home  for  the  remainder  of  his 
brief  and  narrowing  span, — a  span  the  narrowing  brevity  of 
which  was  still  happily  veiled  from  him  and  those  to  whom 
he  was  dear.  Tedworth  Square,  however,  saw  but  too 
little  of  him  ;  for  most  of  his  time  was  in  this  year,  as  in 
the  preceding  one,  spent  in  railway  trains,  steamers,  and 
English  and  foreign  ironworks. 

We  have  before  us  many  of  his  post-cards  and  letters 
which  show  something  of  the  intense  stress  and  hurry  of 
his  life  at  this  period,  and  we  select  a  few  of  them  as 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  Paris,  November  28,  1879. 

'  Acceptez  mes  salutations  (un  peu  en  retard,  je  crains, 
mais  pas  moins  sinceres)  pour  votre  birthday.  All  going 
well,  I  believe,  Shall  know  how  I  stand  by  March  1.  Am 
rather  tired,  having  been  en  wagon  two  nights.  Have  two 
more  before  me.  Heute  abends  muss  ich  zuriich  bis 
London  und  dann  nach  Sheffield,  Middlesboro  und  so  weite, 
so  bin  ich  immer  en  route.  The  rout  of  the  Teuton,  even 
if  only  temporary,  was  angenehm.' 


'  Liege,  February  21,  1880. 

1  Cara  B, — I  am  toujours  en  route  vous  voir,  mais 
toujours  si  confoundedly  presse  que  je  n'arrive  jamais. 
Wir  miissen  ein  rendezvous  en  Coeln  oder  Coblenz  haben 
one  day,  for  a  long  chat.  Have  now  been  Paris,  Luxem- 
bourg, Hoerde,  Kuhrort,  Liege,  travelling  all  night  (almost 
every  night)  and  working  all  day.  I  had  to  run  through 
Coeln  beide  Zeite  or  should  have  run  up  to  Wiesbaden. 
It  seems  dass  ich  soil  nimmer  mehr  ein  jour  entierement 
libre  haben.  Your  German  friends  are  appealing  and 
causing  me  a  lot  of  extra  Arbeit.  Excuse  my  writing  in 
my  ordinary  colloquial  language,  which  astonishes  some 
de  mes  clients.  .  .  .' 

«  Newcastle,  March  13,  1880. 

( Dear  Cousin  Bess, — Though  I  am,  /  expect,  the  busier 
of  the  two,  I  am  still  the  best  correspondent.  .  .  .  As 
usual,  I  am  wandering  over  the  earth's  face.  Last  week, 
Sheffield,  Blaenavon,  Ehymney,  London.  This  week  Glas- 
gow, Edinburgh,  Newcastle,  &c.  Hard  at  it  all  the  time. 
It  is  uphill  work  and  complicated ;  but  it  is,  I  trust,  to 
be  a  big  work,  and  I  am  satisfied.  It  is  only  sometimes 
rather  more  than  one  set  of  brains  can  do,  to  drive  so  many 
different  horses. 

'  I  think  we  shall  succeed  in  selling  in  America  for  a 
pretty  fair  sum.  If  so,  I  shall  try  and  secure  fair  help. 
....  I  may  be  in  Germany  again  in  a  week  or  two ;  if 
so,  I  shall  try  hard  to  run  up  to  you  for  a  few  hours,  but 
I  never  get  nearer  than  Coeln,  and  am  always  driven  even 
for  an  hour.  .  .  . 

'  I  have  come  quite  to  look  forward  to  having  a  whole 
week  at  home.  .  .  .  We  are  still  fighting  in  Germany, 
though  there  is  some  chance  of  a  settlement.  Among 
prospective  journeys  I  have  one  to  Sweden  and  another  to 


America.  .  .  .  The  last  time  I  was  in  Germany  I  was  in 
the  Siegen  country.  I  thought,  as  I  passed  through  by 
rail,  it  was  the  best  scenery  in  Germany,  bar  the  Bavarian 
Highlands.  .  .  .  Yours  always, 

<  S.  G.  T. ' 

'P.S. — I  have  now  a  pile  of  some  thirty  letters  to 
answer.  I  ought  to  answer  half  before  going  to  bed.' 

1  3  Queen's  Road  Villas,  Battersea :    April  14,  1880. 

'  Dear  Bess, — I  have  again  been  to  France,  Belgium, 
and  Germany  for  a  few  days,  during  which  I  hoped  to  run 
up  at  least  as  far  as  Coblentz,  if  not  to  Wiesbaden.  I 
would  not  write  you  till  I  knew  if  I  could  come,  but  was 
called  home  from  Ruhrort,  where  I  had  a  long  and  tedious 
business,  to  meet  a  man  from  America,  and  so  was  prevented 
doing  so,  much  to  my  disappointment.  It  becomes  more 
of  a  drive  every  week.  Everything  both  abroad  and  at 
home  falls  on  me,  and  it  is  enough. 

'  I  am  negotiating  for  a  sale  of  my  German  rights,  so 
as  to  have  something  in  hand.  There  is  also  more  fighting 
to  do  in  Germany  and  elsewhere.  We  have  had  nothing 
in  papers  now,  except  now  and  again  a  paragraph  such 
as  enclosed.  The  affair  is  going  well ;  but  it  is  so  big  that 
it  requires  perpetual  attention,  and  guarding  and  watching 
with  practical  work.  Percy  takes  most  of  the  practical 
supervision  at  home  and  I  the  rest,  and  all  abroad. 

'  This  is  an  egotistical  spin ! 

' .  .  .  We  are  trying  hard  to  get  rooms  in  town  as 
soon  as  we  can.  Probably  shan't  succeed  till  June.  .  .  . 

<  S.  G.  THOMAS.' 

Already  the  inevitable  effects  of  this  over-worked 
existence  were  visible,  and  doubtless  deadly  disease  was 
already  at  work  sapping  the  very  citadel  of  the  vital 


forces;  but  he  had  no  suspicion  as  yet  of  the  need  for 
care.  It  can  have  been  no  unhappy  life  that  he  led ;  that 
which  for  years  had  been  his  supreme  object  had  been 
achieved ;  his  remaining  anxieties  were  of  no  poignant 
kind,  and  ceaseless  activity  (however  it  might  physically 
wear  and  tear  him)  was  always  a  keen  pleasure  to  his 
eager  nature.  Meanwhile  the  process  was  everywhere 
triumphant  on  the  Continent,  and  at  Middlesbrough  Mr. 
Richards,  with  the  co-operation  of  Thomas  and  of  Gilchrist, 
was  still  perfecting  mechanical  details  more  and  more. 

At  the  spring  meeting  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute 
the  basic  process  was  still  the  main  topic  of  interest  (as 
it  continued  to  be  at  many  successive  meetings),  and  of 
course  the  meeting  brought  new  cares  to  Thomas.  The 
next  letter  we  quote  refers  to  it. 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  Queen's  Koad  Villas,  May  10,  1880. 

' .  .  .  I  am  awfully  ungrateful  not  to  have  written 
before  to  thank  you  for  your  charming  letter  and  delight- 
ful and  most  useful  little  present.  ...  As  usual  I  am 
fairly  busy.  Last  week  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute  meet- 
ing, which  went  off  fairly  well.  I  enclose  a  report. 

'  I  had  to  be  entertaining  people  every  evening,  which 
was  the  most  fatiguing  thing  of  all  to  me.  I  introduced 
Lil  to  a  dozen  of  the  leading  engineers  of  the  world  in 
one  evening,  which  amused  her  considerably. 

'There  are  still  many  questions  open  which  cause 
anxiety  and  work;  but  on  the  whole  things  going  not 
amiss.  .  .  . 

£  I  am  trying  to  get  things  in  order,  so  that  I  may  go 
to  America  in  the  autumn  if  possible.  .  .  .' 

In  constant  journeying  to  and  fro,  the  summer  of  1880 


wore  away,  until  the  time  came  for  the  meeting  of  the 
Iron  and  Steel  Institute  at  Diisseldorf  in  August.  Thomas 
took  his  sister  to  Miss  Burton  in  Wiesbaden  early  in  that 
month,  and  the  former  attended  the  meeting  with  him. 

Thomas  writes  from  Wiesbaden  to  his  mother  on 
August  8 : — 

1  Got  here  at  seven  yesterday.  A  gorgeous  reception 
from  B.,  who  looks  well.  Stopped  in,  chatting,  all  evening. 
I  sleep  at  the  best  hotel.  We  are  now  going  to  Wood  ; 
shall  be  here  to-morrow  night.  All  very  kind  and  nice.' 

Dephosphorisation  was  as  usual  the  leading  topic  at 
Diisseldorf.  Sidney's  sister  sent  home  the  following  report 
of  her  brother's  speech  on  the  subject  :— 

'  Sidney's  speech  on  dephosphorising.  Friends  all 
round ;  room  crammed ;  perfect  quiet.  Prof.  Turner  spoke 
first,  then  Siemens  and  Wedding — then  Sid.  Splendidly ! 
Clear,  ringing,  metallic  utterance — good  delivery,  to  the 
point,  i.e.,  cost  and  general  results.  No  nervousness 
perceptible  to  the  outer  world  (Mr.  Justice l  was  the  only 
one  besides  myself  who  saw  he  was  nervous;  shows  he 
knows  him  well).  I  was  frightfully  nervous  for  him  at 
first,  but  soon  I  found  I  had  no  need  to  be.  He  was  the 
only  speaker  during  the  whole  week's  meetings  who  was 
clapped  on  standing,  and  he  was  so  clapped  warmly,  and  also 
interrupted  for  applause.  President  Ed.  Williams  requested 
him  to  stop  on  the  platform  to  be  questioned,  and  many 
friends  chaffed  him  afterwards  about  having  struck  a  theatri- 
cal attitude.  Then  Snelus  and  Eiley  spoke  and  Massenez.2 
I  was  quite  an  impartial  witness,  prepared  to  criticise 
severely, — as  I  always  do  him  ! ' 

1  Thomas's    Patent    Agent— a        Hoerde  Works,  was  an  early  and 
personal  friend.  zealous  supporter  of  the  process, 

2  Herr  Massenez,  Director  of  the      and  gave  it  much  help. 


During  the  meeting  there  was  an  excursion  to  the 
Rhenish  Steel  Works  in  Meiderich,  where  the  process  was 
seen  in  operation.  The  excitement  and  interest  in  the 
*  blows '  were  intense.  Mr.  Richards  says  : — 

c  It  was  most  difficult  to  get  near  the  workmen  who 
were  testing  the  samples,  so  great  was  the  crush  and  the 
desire  to  obtain  a  piece  of  the  metal ;  and  the  wonder  was 
that  the  metal  was  so  well  blown  and  so  low  in  phos- 
phorus, considering  the  circumstances  under  which  the 
operation  was  performed.' 

The  meeting  was  wound  up  by  an  excursion  to  Cologne 
and  Coblentz,  of  which  Thomas  gives  brief  account  to  his 
mother  on  one  of  his  customary  post-cards  : — 

'  Coblentz  :  August  1880. 

'  Dearest  Mother, — Another  awful  round  of  pleasure 
yesterday.  First  by  train  to  Bingen,  with  lunch  on  the 
way,  800  of  us,  about.  Then  special  steamers  down  to 
Cologne ;  lovely  weather  and  lovely  scenery  everywhere. 
Lil  introduced  to  thirty  or  forty  new  acquaintances.  At 
Coblentz  taken  through  wine  cellars,  then  through 
Empress's  Palace;  then  a  gorgeous  dinner.  Stopped 
there  too  late  to  go  on  to  Wiesbaden,  so  remained  here. 
We  go  on  to  W.  at  ten  this  morning.  The  meeting  a 
great  success.  I  have  been  feted  and  petted  ridiculously. 
At  Essen  on  September  3.' 

A  little  later  he  writes  (still  on  a  post-card)  : — 

'  Bochum  :  September  5,  1880. 

f  Here  all  day  yesterday ;  over  Works  adjoining,  &c. 
Dinner  with  the  Director ;  more  Works.  Wine  in  evening 
with  three  directors ;  very  hot.  ...  I  am  now  on  way  to 
Hoerde  and  Magdeburg ;  at  Stassfurt  on  September  7.' 


From  Magdeburg  he  writes  to  his  mother  : — 

1  September  6,  1880. 

'  Dearest  M., — Here  I  am  again  on  the  move.  Now 
on  way  to  Stassfurt,  to  see  the  great  Salt  Works,  which  I 
hope  to  utilise  in  phosphate-making.  I  then  go  through 
Dresden  (half  an  hour  to  see  the  Picture 3  again)  to 
Wittkowitz.  ...  I  expect  and  hope  to  call  at  Wiesbaden 
about  the  12th,  but  may  not  be  able  to  stop  out  so  long. 
Spent  yesterday  afternoon  with  Massenez  and  the  H.  Y. 
.(HiMn  Mind  you  have  rides  with  aunt  and  Miss  B.  regularly. 
Love  to  all. — Yours  ever, 

'  S.  G.  T.' 

From  Stassfurt  he  writes  to  his  sister  at  Wiesbaden  : — 

'  Tuesday,  September  7,  1880. 

c  Lieber  Kleinchen.  Hie  bin  ich  angekommen  gestern 
at  eight  (nicht  unterstrichen),  habe  besucht  grosser 
Fabrik  wo  vu  insisted  on  mich  die  thur  zu  zeigen,  bis  ich 
habe  developed  das  ich  in  solchefalle,  it  would  be  my 
painful  duty  to  obliterate  aller  spuren  von  ihren  Fabrik 

Meanwhile  his  sister  had  been  writing  home  from 
Wiesbaden  under  date  of  September  4  : — 

'  Dearest  Mother, — Sid  arrived  yesterday  at  four ;  we 
were  at  station  to  meet  him.  He  has  a  cold  and  we  insist 
on  his  staying  a  day  or  two  to  get  right.  He  goes  back 
to  Luxembourg  and  Longwy ;  will  be  back  on  Monday.' 

This  '  cold,'  which  was  to  '  get  right '  in  a  c  day  or  two,' 

8  The  Sistine   Madonna.     This      ever  he  was  near  Dresden,  for  a 
was  such  a  favourite  with  Thomas       pilgrimage  to  it. 
that  he  always  made  time,  when- 


has  a  mournful  and  knell-like  sound  to  us  who  know  the 
end,  and  the  short  but  sharp  attack  which  he  was  nursed 
through  in  Wiesbaden  was  a  matter  of  serious  anxiety  to 
his  sister  and  cousin.  As  yet,  however,  he  persisted  there 
was  nothing  seriously  wrong  with  him,  and  the  wearying 
journeying  to  and  fro  was  continued  throughout  this 

The  fatigue  involved  will  be  sufficiently  obvious — a 
fatigue  especially  dangerous  in  the  severe  winters  of  1879- 
80  and  1880-81. 

Early  in  1881,  however,  it  began  to  be  clear  that  such 
voyaging  (with  all  the  necessarily  concomitant  changes  of 
temperature)  must,  at  any  rate  in  winter  time,  be  dis- 
continued. The  cough  persisted,  and  his  uncle,  Dr.  Burnie 
of  Bradford,  whom  he  consulted,  detected  grave  lung 
mischief.  Even  London  fogs  must  be  avoided.  Thomas 
was  persuaded  with  difficulty  to  go  for  a  time  with  his 
sister  to  the  Isle  of  Wight,  and  to  take  for  a  brief  period 
such  rest  as  his  enormous  correspondence  would  allow  him. 

The  following  letters,  belong  to  this  time : — 

To  Ms  Mother 

'  Esplanade,  Ventnor  :  February  1881. 

'Dearest  Mother, — Two  bedrooms,  large  and  facing 
south  and  sea,  and  a  ditto  ditto  sitting-room.  Bright, 
sunny,  but  cold  here.  Thermo,  outside,  at  three  to-day,  45° ; 
yesterday  50°.  Am  really  much  better — cough  only  very 
little  in  evening.  Been  out  all  day.  Lil  as  good  as  can  be. 
I  fear  we  shan't  be  able  to  quarrel ;  she  looks  after,  pets, 
bullies,  worries  and  amuses  me  to  perfection.  You  have 
nothing  at  all  to  bother  about  as  regards  your  robustious 
children.  Hotel  slow ;  though  good  of  its  kind.  Ventnor 
prettyish.  Love  to  all.  Look  after  yourself. — Yours  ever 

en.  xn          DUSSELDORF — A   GATHERING  CLOUD  145 

To  Mrs.  Burnie 

1  Marine  Villa,  Esplanade,  Ventnor  : 
March  1,  1881. 

1  My  dear  Aunt, — It  is  very  kind  of  you  all  to  trouble 
about  me  and  my  small  ailments.  I  am  certainly  the 
better  for  coming  here — decidedly  so ;  though  still  weak 
as  to  breathing  arrangements.  The  weather  here  is  bright 
and  fine,  and  sunny  most  days.  Some  days  have  been 
exquisitely  bright  and  blue-skied.  It  is,  however,  dull 
enough,  as  I  can  only  walk  to  a  limited  extent,  and  there 
are  too  many  hills  to  make  riding  very  attractive.  Lil 
has  got  a  girl  with  her  who  amuses  her  much,  and  me 
somewhat.  My  "  Bricks  without  Straw  "  was  bought.  I 
fancy  Triibner  publishes  here.  I  am.  in  hopes  of  seeing 
you  in  March,  that  is,  if  I  am  able  to  get  North — as  I 
expect  to,  about  the  15th,  for  a  meeting.  I  rather  chafe 
at  being  so  absolutely  tied  up  just  now,  when  there  is 
plenty  to  do  elsewhere ;  but  it  might  be  worse.  Lil  is, 
I  think,  enjoying  herself  as  she  does  generally,  and  is 
certainly  wonderfully  well;  she  is  a  bright  little  com- 
panion. Your  friends  have  done  well  to  go  to  Grange.  It  is 
a  v%ery  pretty  place  in  itself,  and  within  reach  of  still 
prettier.  Please  tell  my  uncle  I  am  following  his  advice 
as  nearly  as  may  be  in  all  things.  With  best  love  to  all, 
'  Yours  ever  affectionately, 

<S.  G-.  THOMAS/ 




HOWEVER,  he  did  not  go  to  Yorkshire  on  March  15,  as  he 
seems  here  to  have  contemplated ;  for  by  that  time  he  was 
on  the  Atlantic.  Circumstances  induced  him  suddenly  to 
determine  upon  a  visit  to  the  United  States,  with  a  view 
to  defence  of  the  patent  position  there.  He  sailed  for  New 
York  in  the  < Marathon'  on  March  11,  1881.  He  was 
received  with  open  arms  by  the  worlds  of  iron  and  steel 
and  applied  science.  The  following  letters  have  been  pre- 
served : — 

To  Us  Mother 

'  March  26,  1881. 

c  Dearest  M., — Got  into  New  York  at  seven  Thursday 
evening.  Laureau  came  on  board  to  ask  me  to  stop  at 
Holley's.  Went  with  him  to  concert  and  to  see  Broadway. 
At  concert  met  the  Swede  Lilienberg.  Next  morning 
Maynard  came  on  board  and  we  went  to  Holley's.  Made  a 
lot  of  calls  ;  saw  chief  buildings  ;  travelled  four  times  on 
elevated  railroad.  Was  introduced  to  about  twenty  people  ; 
dined  with  Holley  at  a  Palace,  far  and  away  above  our 
Criterion.  Evening  dined  at  Hewitt's,  late  Mayor  of 
New  York,  and  with  Cooper,  the  founder  of  Cooper 
Institute,  a  bright,  intelligent,  and  active  old  boy  of 
ninety-two,  who  has  donated  about  $2,000,000  to  public 

CH.  xni  A  VISIT  TO   THE   UNITED   STATES  147 

purposes,  and  now  educates  in  highest  branches  1,800 
folks  yearly.  Absolutely  in  evening  went  to  Opera  with 
Miss  Hewitt  and  her  father.  '  Favorita.'  Fine  house,  but 
overpowering  amount  of  talking.  From  Opera  to  Century 
Club.  Am  already  a  member  of  three  great  clubs,  with 
free  access  to  Society  of  Engineers  &c.  Have  invitations 
for  summer  to  Lake  Champlain,  North  Jersey,  and  the  Lord 
knows  where  besides.  I  am  to  be  dined  by  forty  men  next 
week,  alas  !  If  I  don't  get  spoilt,  I  shall  be  surprised. 
New  York  is  a  quarter  of  a  century  ahead  of  London,  (1) 
in  telegraph  facilities,  (2)  in  buildings,  (3)  in  elevated 
railways  and  tram  cars,  (4)  in  size  and  convenient 
arrangements,  (5)  decoration  of  houses,  (6)  in  small  con- 

c  Monday  evening  called  on  Carnegie  and  others. 
Lunched  at  Delmonico's.  Introduced  to  more  people. 
Dined  at  University  Club  with  Holley ;  beautifully  deco- 
rated. I  find  they  are  tremendously  ahead  of  us  in  decora- 
tion. After  to  Brooklyn  Club. 

4  Sunday,  went  to  Beecher's  with  Mrs.  H.  and  Miss  G. 
Plymouth  Church  hideous,  but  crammed.  B.  preached 
for  one  and  a  quarter  hour — most  eloquent,  original,  and 
sometimes  outre  sermon  or  address.  He  is  obviously  a 
man  of  immense  power.  Parted  with  regret  from  Mrs.  H. 
and  Miss  A.,  and  to  Maynard's — pleasant  afternoon. 
Called  on  Raymond,  a  very  clever  fellow,  who  is  engineer, 
poet,  novelist,  editor,  man  of  business,  musician,  composer, 
and  Sunday  school  teacher,  all  at  the  same  time. 

'  I  want  to  get  out  of  New  York  as  soon  as  possible. 
I  only  regret  not  having  you  both.  I  don't  like  American 
girls  so  far — bar  some.  They  have  vivacity  and  dash  enough 
to  set  up  a  city,  and  have  a  good  time,  in  other  words, 
have  their  own  way,  undoubtedly. 

i.  2 


'March  31,  1881. 

'  Yet  more  dissipation  and  enjoyment ;  calls,  dinners, 
opera  with  Carnegie,  &c.  Tuesday  evening,  up  Hudson  to 
Albany  in  palatial  steamer  with  Holley.  Arrived  Albany 
6  A.M.  ;  over  State  Capitol,  an  enormous  building  still  in 
progress.  Senate  and  Eepresentative  Chambers  superb; 
some  of  architecture  finest  I  have  ever  seen ;  decoration 
massive  and  grand,  in  excellent  taste. 

'  Charming  dinner  in  fine  old-fashioned  house  of  prp- 
prietor  of  Works.  Mrs.  C.  very  pleasant  and  lively.  Next 
morning  I  wanted  to  go  to  Works ;  but  Mr.  C.  insisted  on 
driving  me  to  his  country  house,  and  showing  us  some 
miles  of  hothouses  with  wonderful  varieties  of  plants  from 
every  quarter  of  globe  ;  plants  worth  some  20,000.  Collec- 
tion of  13,000  butterflies. 

c  Back  to  New  York  by  train  down  Hudson  Valley, 
which  is  very  lovely, — more  so  than  the  Rhine  on  whole. 

<  That  confounded  dinner  comes  off  to-morrow.  Con- 
tinue brilliant ;  but  love  hard  work, — not  to  be  over-dined. 

*  The  people  have  to  a  stranger  few  deficiencies,  except 
a  too  evident  money-worship,  and  (whence  the  money- 
worship  proceeds)  a  reckless  way  of  spending.  They  are 
hospitality  itself.' 

The  next  letter  is  written  in  the  margin  of  a  copy  of 
the  '  Iron  Age ' : — 

'  Saturday,  April  2. 

c  Dearest  Mother, — The  dinner  is  happily  past  and  I 
actually  enjoyed  it,  partly.  It  was  dreadful  sitting  for  three 
hours  and  being  bepraised ;  but  the  speakers  were  really 
clever  and  witty  in  the  extreme — alternating  between 
flights  of  real  eloquence  and  the  most  fanciful  word-fun 
and  wildest  jokes.  The  actual  dinner  was,  of  course, 
superb,  costing  about  200?. 

CH.  xin  A  VISIT  TO   THE   UNITED   STATES  149 

'  I  trust  the  sale  is  practically  settled.  I  go  to  Phila- 
delphia to-day  about  it ;  then  back  here  for  a  day  or  two ; 
then  to  Bethlehem,  &c.  I  am  invited  to  about  twenty 
dinners,  and  to  stop  at  about  a  score  of  houses  all  over  the 
States — passes  on  lines  where  I  don't  want  to  go,  &c.  &c. 
Of  course  it  is  evanescent,  but  amusing. 

'I  got  through  my  speech  fairly,  I  think.  I  had 
brought  over  a  first-class  one,  but  couldn't  think  of  a  bit, 
so  started  on  quite  another  line  .  .  . — Yours  ever  affec- 


Alter  this  comes  a  sort  of  post-card  and  letter  diary 
to  his  sister  and  mother,  which  we  partly  reproduce  : — 

4  April  7,  1881. 

'  Back  from  delightful  two  days  at  Bethlehem.  Bound- 
less hospitality  ;  enjoyed  and  benefited  by  it  much.  Fritz 
is  a  charming  fellow.  Go  to  theatre  to-night.  Bessemer 

matter  still  hangs. 

'  April  8. 

1  Was  last  night  at  theatre  :  sawDaymond  in  "  Fush ;  " 
a  wild  comedy,  great  fun,  but  absurd.  This  morning,  long 
interview  with  lawyers ;  shan't  get  business  done  for  three 
weeks  at  least.  Then  more  interviews.  Then  Dr.  Raymond 
drove  me  through  Brooklyn's  beautiful  park  to  Coney 
Island,  eight  miles  away ;  beautiful  spin  behind  splendid 
horses.  Am  now  at  theatre,  having  been  at  Cooper 
Institute.  All  right. 

'  Chattanooga,  April  14. 

1  Left  Washington  yesterday  at  7  A.M.  ;  travelled  there 
by  palace  car,  got  here  at  8  A.M.  Country  very  picturesque, 
but  very  few  substantial  houses,  wood  shanties  being  the 
bulk.  Travelled  very  comfortably  ;  went  to  bed  regularly 
at  night,  eating  copiously  by  way.  All  country,  but 


indeed  mountainous.  Shall  be  here  three  or  four  days. 
Constantly  thinking  of  you.  I  came  south  now,  which  I 
ought  not  to  have  done,  to  keep  promises  to  you  and  avoid 
cold  of  the  north.  Have  had  long  morning's  interesting 
and  instructive  interviewing.  A  beautiful  country  and 
lovely  day ;  feel  quite  brilliant.  Am  thinking  of  settling 
in  the  U.S.  if  the  mother  and  you  will  come.' 

'  Grand  Hotel,  Chicago  :  April  20. 

'  Dearest  Mother, — Wrote  you  yesterday  from  Cincin- 
nati. Came  over  here  by  sleeping  car  very  comfortably. 
Been  all  day  at  the  Works;  of  course  well  received. 
To-morrow  more  Works ;  then  to  Joliet  [Works],  Springfield 
[Works],  and  back  to  Pittsburgh,  and  so  to  New  York. 
Weather  here  coldish,  but  bright  mornings.  Some  snow 
left  in  streets  and  lake  frozen.  Chicago  certainly  is  a 
--marvel ;  one  can't  credit  it  with  being  a  fifty  years  old 
town,  and  a  ten  years  old  phoenix.  It  looks  enormously 
prosperous  and  substantial ;  the  country  flat  and  unin- 
teresting enough.  I  take  to  palace-car  sleeping  travelling 
greatly ;  it  truly  makes  distance  no  object,  except  to  the 
purse.  Constantly  thinking  of  you  ;  sometimes  somewhat 
home-folk-sick. — Yours, 

<  S.  G.  T.' 

'April  21. 

4  Got  yours  and  L.'s.  Please  always  say  specifically  if 
you  are  well.  I  have  written  by  every  mail  since  I  have 
been  away.  Two  Works  to-day.  About  Chicago  a  mass 
of  fine  residence  houses,  and  also  as  fine  business  places. 
Forsythe  very  kind.  Hotel  500  rooms,  good  specimen  of 
caravanserai ;  ground  floor,  railway  bureau,  barbierstube, 
assurance  office,  electric  baths,  &c.  &c.  Bonne  cuisine,  but 
not  much  real  comfort.' 

CH.  xiii  A  VISIT  TO   THE   UNITED   STATES  151 

'  Fort  Wayne,  Illinois  :  April  23. 

'  Joliet  Works  very  interesting.  Well  received.  Splen- 
did day  there ;  dining  and  supping  with  manager. 
Arrived  at  Springfield,  Illinois,  at  10  A.M.  All  day  at 
Works.  Has  pleasant  houses,  a  gorgeous  State  Capitol,  and 
streets  in  which  the  mud,  without  exaggeration,  two  feet 
in  thickness ;  fine  houses  and  shops  of  brick  and  stone  are 
jostled  by  wood  cabins  in  the  most  curious  way.  Works 
very  interesting  to  me,  as  they  are  working  Pernot  pro- 
cess, in  which  I  am  greatly  interested.' 

'  The  pleasant  little  wife  of  explained  to  me  the 

social  points  of  Springfield  thus.  She  belongs  to  a  French 
class,  an  Elocution  class,  a  Shakespeare  class,  an  Art  Club 
and  a  Married  Folks  Club.  I  find  all  the  married  women 
here  go  to  classes  for  languages,,  or  literature,  or  something/ 

Next  comes  a  regular  birthday  letter  to  his  mother  : — 

1  Pittsburgh,  April  28,  1881. 

'  Dearest  Mother, — I  calculate  this  should  reach  you  on 
your  birthday.  I  only  wish  I  could  be  with  you  too,  or 
you  with  me.  I  shall  be  thinking  of  you,  then,  specially, 
and  hoping  you  may  be  bright  and  well,  and  as  happy  as 
the  best  little  mother  in  the  world  should  be.  What 
Carlyle  says  of  his  wife  I  often  feel  of  you,  especially  with 
an  ocean  between  us — that  I  never  can  or  shall  appreciate 
one  tenth  of  what  you  have  been  to  us  all.  Now  to  my 
usual  egotistical  chronicle.  I  left  myself  on  Monday 
morning,  when,  after  a  pleasant  call  I  adjourned  to  the 
great  Edgar  Thompson's  Steel  Works  of  Carnegie's. 
Spent  there  many  hours  with  advantage;  dining  with 
manager — a  vigorous  and  singularly  able  man.  Home  to 
hotel  and  business  till  bedtime.  Tuesday  morning,  was 
joined  by  Holley  from  New  York ;  spent  all  day  driving 
about  to  Works.  Admirably  received,  of  course.  Much 


interesting,  and  all  shown  without  reserve  or  hesitation. 
In  evening  went  to  theatre  with  Andy,  Carnegie's  brother ; 
much  amused.  Early  next  morning  to  Edgar  Thompson 
again,  with  Holley ;  then  to  another  Bess.  Works,  a  party 
being  made  up  to  accompany  us.  In  evening  (last  even- 
ing), a  dinner  by  a  dozen  or  so  of  leading  iron  men  to 
S.  G.  T.  Brilliant  dinner ;  then  Chairman  called  on  every 
individual  to  make  a  speech.  I — poor  I — was  lugged  in 
by  every  speaker,  of  course.  I  had  to  orate  twice,  which 
I  did  with  commendable  brevity.  It  is  a  dreadful 
nuisance,  this  being  talked  at,  and  expected  to  talk,  and 
what  is  worse,  be  funny.  The  American  does,  however, 
manage  to  let  off  a  wonderful  lot  of  clever  and  humorous 
things.  By  practice,  I  think  I  should  learn  to  grind  out 
a  good  thing  once  a  month  or  so.  We  got  home  at  1  A.M. 
and  left  Pittsburgh  at  8  by  palace  car  to  Johnstown,  through 
beautiful  scenery,  along  the  Pennsylvanian  Road.  At 
Johnstown,  one  objective  was  the  Cambrian  Works,  an 
enormous  and  most  nourishing  concern.  Met  there  a  lot 
of  people  dining  and  supping  with  the  manager.  Came 
by  sleeping  car  to  New  York  (29th)  morning.  The  Bess, 
people  have  paid  money ;  but  I  haven't  yet  received  it. 
6  P.M. — Yet  another  pause  :  at  last  I  have  received  a  good 
bit,  at  least,  of  the  Bess,  money. 

'  I  shall  now  be  in  New  York  some  days.  I  give  a 
lecture  at  School  of  Mines  on  Tuesday.  Century  Club 
to-morrow.  Go  to  Worcester  on  Wednesday.  Ever  so 
much  love,  dearest  mother,  and  ever  so  many  happy  returns 
of  the  day. — Yours  ever  affectionately.' 

To  his  Mother 

'  Near  Buffalo,  on  Erie  Eailway :  May  7,  1881. 
'  Dearest  Mother, — In  last  I  was  starting  for  Hartford. 
I  met  L.  at  station,   and  waited    till   last  moment   for 


the  entertaining  young  person  I  had  looked  to  escorting 
down;  but  alas  !  she  appeared  not, — so  like  a  philosopher 
I  consoled  myself  with  "Well,  it's  just  as  well  not!" 
We  had  a  very  pleasant  journey  down,  as  we  found  the 
leading  American  landscape  painter  in  the  cars  and  L. 
introduced  us.  We  talked  no  end.  He  [is]  just  back 
from  Mexico — has  been  all  over  Europe,  Greece,  Turkey, 
&c. — and  much  in  South  America ;  very  pleasant..  H. 
met  us  at  station — drove  to  hotel.  He  had  wired  his 
daughter  not  to  come,  as  no  ladies  were  there.  Wrent  to 
meeting  of  Mechanical  Engineers ;  then  to  State  Capitol. 
Such  a  magnificent  place,  in  a  Moorish-Venetian  style — 
all  in  white  marble  outside,  with  much  coloured  marble 
inside,  the  staircases  and  panellings  massive  carved  marble 
— altogether  as  nearly  perfect  as  an  architectural  thing 
can  be,  on  a  little  hill,  laid  out  as  a  park  with  river 
running  nearly  round  it.  If  it  were  in  Italy,  you  would 
have  said  "  Now,  there's  a  thing  you  modern  architects 
could  never  do,  nor  any  of  your  men  of  the  Steel  Age," 
and  troops  of  pilgrims  would  go  to  see  it.  In  evening  a 
banquet, — I  located  between  President  and  ex-Governor 
H.  Had  to  respond  to  Iron  and  Steel  Institute,  and  spoke 
very  badly,  after  which  three  cheers  for  S.  G.  T.  No,  I 
am  not  spoiled ;  I  take  it  just  for  what  it  is  worth.  A 
number  of  brilliant  witty  speeches  and  two  worse  than 
mine,  "  to  my  great  content,"  as  Pepys  has  it.  Next  day 
visited  Works :  very  interesting.  I  was  only  introduced 
to  sixty  people  at  Hartford :  asked  to  stop,  but  declined, 
and  came  back  to  New  York,  and  on  direct  to  Niagara.  I 
am  now  on  way  there,  of  course  in  a  Pullman.  Am  always 
well.  Weather  bright. — Ever  yours.' 

Next  follows  a  series  of  post-cards  : — 


*  May  9. 

'  On  train  from  Niagara.  The  big  Falls  are  certainly 
well  worth  seeing.  I  arrived  at  Niagara  at  noon  yester- 
day :  drove  [over]  a  light  and  graceful  suspension  bridge 
to  hotel  on  Canada  side.  At  dinner  picked  up  amus- 
ing young  Englishman,  fresh  from  a  visit  to  Texas.  We 
spent  afternoon  under  and  over  the  Falls,  which  I  won't 
attempt  to  describe. 

'  In  evening  arrived  a  young  London  banker,  known 

to .  We  had  a  pleasant  trio  talk  and  a  glorious  view 

of  Falls  by  moonlight.  This  morning  viewed  them  again 
from  all  possible  points,  to  my  great  pleasure,  and  finally 
I  go  at  2  P.M.  for  New  York.  I  start  Tuesday  morning 
for  P.  R.  run  on  Pennsylvania.' 

'  Belleforte  :  May  13,  1881. 

'Dearest  Mother, — Have  really  had  a  good  time  for 
last  three  days.  On  Monday,  as  I  wrote,  I  stopped  at 
Windsor.  Tuesday,  9  A.M.  I,  Carnegie,  and  a  Dr.  Gilchrist 
started  for  a  place  near  Tyrone  on  the  Pennsylvanian  Kail- 
road.  We  arrived  at  9  P.M.,  having  picked  up  on  our  way 
a  special  car,  with  a  railway  man  and  two  Pittsburgh 
partners  of  Andrew  Carnegie's.  In  this  car  we  have  slept 
for  three  nights,  and  fed  gorgeously.  Real  fun.  Gorgeous 
scenery,  beautiful  mines,  grand  furnaces,  and  lots  of  new 
people.  Had  several  long  drives,  and  saw  no  end  of  the 
interior  country.  It  has  really  done  me  good.  I  now 
go  back  again,  three  hundred  miles  or  so,  to  Philadelphia, 
Washington,  &c.  The  woods  are  delicious  in  their  first 
greens.  I  am  always  longing  for  you  two  folk,  which 
spoils  my  enjoyment  and  makes  me  look  forward  to  June  8.' 

*  Harrisburg :  May  15. 

'  Dearest  Mother, — Slept  at  Altona,  pretty  place  chiefly 
remarkable  for  containing  all  the  works  of  the  Great 

CH.  xni  A  VISIT  TO   THE   UNITED   STATES  155 

Pennsylvania!!  Railroad.  Carnegie  introduced  me  to  some 
engineers,  and  at  7  A.M.  was  round  the  "  shops,"  that  is 
engineering ;  then  came  down  with  Dr.  Dudley  here, 
a  four  hours'  ride  through  beautiful  scenery.  Afternoon 
at  very  interesting  Steel  Works;  slept,  and  now  off  to 

'  Philadelphia :  May  15. 

'Rather  tired  of  hotel  life,  with  its  monotony  and 
numerous  dishes.  Have  been  so  busy  that  I  have  presented 
no  introductions ;  only  seen  young  Conway  and  Mr.  Holland, 
a  friend  of  Aunt  A.'s.  Carnegie  and  his  party  sail  on 
June  1.  Want  me  to  go  with  them :  am  afraid  I  shall  be 

unable  to  sail  till  25th.' 

'  New  York. 

'  As  I  post-carded,  was  at  theatre  last  night.  Enjoyed 
it  much ;  that  is,  it  made  me  quite  miserable.  A  melodrama, 
remarkably  well  acted  and  written.  Working  hard  all 
day ;  am  tired ;  been  only  introduced  to  six  people  to-day. 
All  the  men  I  meet  are  the  most  remarkable  in  America, 
are  also  "gorgeous,"  "lovely,"  "princely,"  "magnificent," 
"  superb,"  "heroic,"  &c.  Have  not  been  introduced  to  an 
ordinary  mortal  yet.' 

These  epistles  from  the  United  States  seem  to  us  to 
give  a  real  picture  of  Thomas,  with  all  his  eager  energy, 
vivid  sensibility,  and  keen  delight  in  life  and  its  spectacles. 
It  will  be  perceived  that  he  took  as  much  genuine  pleasure 
in  architecture  or  scenery  as  in  converters  and  smelting 
furnaces.  He  was  still  the  same  Sidney  Thomas  who 
knew  his  Dulwich  Gallery  by  heart,  just  as  he  was 
still  the  same  Sidney  Thomas  who  had  stood  for  hours 
in  Grove  Lane  watching  the  construction  of  the  main 

He    hardly,   however,    gives  us  an  adequate   idea   of 


the  reception  accorded  to  him  by  the  hospitable  American 
ironmasters  and  scientists.  His  ingenuous  modesty  leads 
him  constantly  to  understate  the  interest  that  was  exhi- 
bited in  the  solver  of  the  dephosphorisation  question. 

He  has  given  us  his  own  impressions  of  the  country 
and  people.  The  following  extracts  from  the  New  York 
i  Iron  Age ' 1  give  something  of  the  impression  he  pro- 

'  On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Sidney  Gilchrist  Thomas, 
whose  name  is  now  so  familiar  to  every  one  even  remotely 
connected  with  the  iron  and  steel  industries  of  the  world, 
arrived  in  this  city  from  England. 

'  The  hospitality  upon  which  Americans  justly  pride 
themselves,  and  a  desire  to  tender  Mr.  Thomas  the  cour- 
tesies to  which  his  genius  and  achievements  entitle  him, 
will  undoubtedly  assure  him  a  reception  worthy  alike  the 
hosts  and  the  guest.  His  youth,  ...  his  modest  bearing 
and  unassuming  manners,  will  gain  for  him  many  strong 
personal  friends.  Though  appearing  to  be  rather  a  scholar 
than  a  man  of  business,  his  familiarity  with  the  practical 
details  of  his  profession  and  enlightened  and  broad  views 
of  matters  pertaining  to  the  trade  rapidly  efface  the  first 
impression.  More  perhaps  than  any  other  man  now 
living,  Mr.  Thomas  represents  a  class  of  inventors  to  whom 
the  future  belongs,  and  his  success  is  a  striking  instance 
of  the  correctness  of  the  principles  which  have  guided  his 
work.  His  efforts  will  be  an  encouragement  to  those  who 
seek  for  improvements  of  present  appliances  and  processes 
by  the  slow  and  laborious  method  of  studying  the  causes 
which  arrest  further  progress  and  devising  means  for  their 
removal.  In  the  popular  mind  an  invention  is  little  more 
than  a  lucky  idea,  which,  if  it  happen  to  hit  the  right 
»  Of  March  31,  1881,  and  February  26,  1885. 

CH.  xni  A  VISIT  TO   THE   UNITED  STATES  157 

thing  at  the  right  time,  brings  wealth  and  glory  to  the 
one  who  has  been  favoured  with  the  inspiration,  and  there 
is  a  large  class  of  men  who  do  little  more  than  hold  them- 
selves in  readiness  for  such  fortunate  accidents.  Mr. 
Thomas  does  not  belong  to  this  class.' 

In  a  long  memoir  published  four  years  later,  after 
Sidney's  untimely  death,  the  same  paper  gives  a  sketch 
of  his  personal  appearance  as  it  struck  his  American 
friends : — 

'  Mr.  Thomas  will  be  well  remembered  in  this  country. 
His  personal  appearance  was  striking  and  peculiar.  He 
received  honours  and  awards  modestly,  and  his  boyish  face, 
careless  dress,  and  exaggerated  forehead  strongly  sug- 
gested struggling  genius  rather  than  world-renowned 
success.  He  was  .  .  .  always  companionable,  bright  and 
entertaining.  Those  who  knew  him  felt  for  him  a  strong 

Mr.  Carnegie  of  Pittsburgh  (the  author  of 'Triumphant 
Democracy ' ),  who  is  so  often  spoken  of  in  the  foregoing 
letters,  says  of  Thomas  : — 

'  The  first  thought  that  passed  through  my  mind  when 
I  saw  him  was,  "He's  a  genius."  I  never  saw  one  who 
so  completely  separated  in  himself  talent  from  that 
indescribable  thing  we  call  genius.  I  cannot  think  anyone 
would  use  the  words  "  able  "  or  "  talented "  in  connec- 
tion with  him.  All  about  him  seemed  extraordinary. 
Appearance,  manner,  dress,  voice,  gesture,  all  said  without 
saying,  "  Listen  to  me,  attend !  I  am  not  of  the  routine 
world,  I  walk  no  beaten  track  ;  from  the  unexplored  and 
unknown  I  bring  you  fruit."  He  did  not  need  to  speak 
this ;  his  manner  and  gaze  made  you  see  and  feel  it.  He 
had  only  to  appear  and  we  bowed  before  his  power.  I  have 


never  met  a  man  who  carried  me  so  completely  away  as 
Sidney  Thomas  did.' 

Mr.  Carnegie  has  also  described  Thomas  (the  'pale 
Gladstonian-looking  youth'  as  he  calls  him)  in  his  'An 
American  Four-in-Hand  in  Britain.' 2 

2  At  pp.  85-90. 

en.  xiv  HEALTH  FAILS  IN  EAENEST  159 



EARLY  in  July  of  1881,  Thomas,  having  accomplished  his 
purposes  across  the  Atlantic,  returned  to  England.  Upon 
his  return  he  prepared,  in  conjunction  with  Mr.  Gilchrist, 
a  'Note  on  Current  Dephosphorising  Practice,'  for  the 
autumn  meeting  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute.  This 
*  Note '  is  mainly  concerned  with  technical  details,  but 
furnishes  some  interesting  statistics  of  the  progress  already 
achieved,  just  three  years,  as  it  then  was,  after  the  famous 
Paris  meeting  when  the  original  papers  of  the  two  cousins 
had  been  passed  over,  and  but  little  more  than  two  years 
since  working  on  a  large  scale  had  been  begun. 

c  The  present  current  manufacture  of  dephosphorised 
steel  amounts,'  said  the  young  authors,  'to  between  27,000 
and  29,000  tons  a  month.  It  may  be  added  that  the  make 
for  November,  and  probably  for  October,  will  considerably 
exceed  30,000  tons,  or  say  at  the  rate  of  360,000  tons  a 
year,1  while,  in  the  course  of  the  next  few  months,  twelve 
more  Converters,  now  nearly  finished,  will  come  into  opera- 
tion, bringing  the  yearly  make  up  to  considerably  over 
half  a  million  tons. 


'  As  to  the  quality  of  the  steel  produced,  the  rapid 

1  In  our  final  chapter  we  give  had  been  even  two  years  after  this 

some  particulars  of  the  growth  of  paper  more  than  doubled.     Sed  cf. 

basic  steel-making  and  the  present  *  Conclusion,'  post. 
rate  of  production.    The  figures 


extension  of  its  employment  for  every  purpose  for  which 
Bessemer  steel  has  ever  been  used  (excepting  perhaps  the 
manufacture  of  Bessemer  tool  steel)  is  the  best  evidence. 
That  dephosphorised  steel  is  even  superior  to  hematite  steel 
for  certain  purposes,  such  as  rails  and  other  plates  and 
wire,  is  now  pretty  well  agreed.  The  total  number  of 
Converters  at  present  regularly  working  on  phosphoric 
iron  is  thirty-six,  of  which,  however,  eight  or  nine  are  less 
than  four  tons  capacity.  Thirty  more  Converters,  specially 
designed  for  the  process,  are  now  under  construction. 
Several  Siemens  furnaces  have  been  in  regular  work  for 
some  time,  but  details  of  their  operations  must  be  reserved 
for  the  present.' 

Thomas  spent  a  portion  of  August  with  his  mother  and 
sister  at  Sandgate ;  but  soon  betook  himself  to  renewed 
continental  journey  ings.  The  following  correspondence  is 
of  this  period : — 

To  his  Mother 

'  Vienna:  September  12,  1881,  8  A.M. 

1  Came  here  last  afternoon.  Went  to  theatre,  and  bed, 
after  walking  about  a  magnificent  city,  all  bright.  People 
pleasant  looking.  The  Kupelwieser  charming  to  last  mo- 
ment ;  hospitality  almost  too  great.  Kupelwieser  wanted 
to  come  to  Vienna  with  me,  in  order  that  he  might  show 
me  about.  Lil  to  go  there  next  year  if  she  behave.  They 
will  probably  visit  us  in  spring  for  a  day  or  two.  Shall  go 
to-night  to  Wiesbaden,  then  Luxembourg,  Longwy,  to 
Bonn,  where  I  shall  be  very  glad  to  get.  Frankfort,  Sep- 
tember 13.'  . 

•  Metz  :  September  18,  1881. 

'  Dearest  Mother,- — Confirm  mine  of  this  morning. 
Got  here  at  5  P.M.  Do  some  Works ;  on  in  morning  I 
expect,  for  a  few  hours  to  Wiesbaden;  then  down  to 


Dortmund  on  Sunday  night  or  Monday.  Again  a  lovely 
day,  just  hot  enough  and  very  bright.  Holley  not  very 
brilliant.  I  all  right.' 

<Biebrich:  September  19,  1881,  Sunday,  5  P.M. 
(  Got  to  Neuen  Kirchen  at  5  last  night.  Deputation  to 
meet  us  at  station ;  did  Works.  Dined  with  owners,  then 
beer  and  wine  with  all  engineers  till  12.  Up  at  6  A.M., 
off  to  K.  Saw  W.  off  at  noon  on  a  six  hours'  rail  ride  to 

<  Dortmund  :  September  20. 

fGot  here  at  11  last  night.  Spent  three  hours  in 
Cologne  and  good  tim^around  Dom,  which  is  magnificent. 
This  morning  went  to  H.  M.  M.  J.  returns  to-morrow  night, 
so  I  shall  stop  here  till  Thursday  night,  then  to  Kuhrort  on 
Saturday.  We  shan't  join  the  Holley  party  after  all.' 

Alas !  with  the  returning  autumn  it  became  absolutely 
necessary  to  suspend  activity,  if,  indeed,  Thomas  could 
ever  be  said  to  suspend  activity.  We  all  of  us  remember 
the  story  of  the  man  who  was  placed  in  a  chamber  from 
which  there  was  no  escape,  and  the  walls  and  floor  and 
ceiling  of  which  very  slowly,  but  very  surely,  contracted  and 
drew  together.  In  such  a  chamber  was  the  bright  young 
life  now,  as  it  were,  imprisoned.  Manifestly  this  winter 
could  not  be  spent  as  former  ones  had  been ;  for  the  lung 
trouble  grew  worse  rather  than  better.  Thomas  was 
strongly  pressed  both  by  medical  and  lay  advisers  to 
spend  the  dangerous  months  in  the  south  of  France. 
There  is  before  us  a  letter  from  Mr.  Lushington  in  which 
this  view  is  forcibly  urged.  He  writes  in  November  : — 

'  I  am  very  sorry  to  hear  that  you  have  got  out  of 
health  and  are  recommended  to  go  south  for  the  winter.  I 
hope  you  will  lose  no  time  in  complying  with  the  recom- 
mendation, and  get  out  of  this  climate  and  through  France 



before  the  winter  sets  in,  even  if  it  is  only  a  matter  of 
extra  precaution.  The  old  French  proverb,  la  lame  use  le 
fourreau,  is  not  one  which  is  safe  to  neglect ;  and  it  would 
be  very  foolish  in  you  to  overtax  the  sheath  of  your  in- 
tellectual identity  by  hard  work,  in  despite  of  any  temporary 
weakness  just  now.  I  trust  you  have  every  right  to  an- 
ticipate a  long  and  prosperous  career  as  the  reward  of  your 
scientific  labours ;  but  the  chances  of  health  are  not  things 
to  trifle  with.  I  am  sure  you  will  not  resent,  and  I  hope 
you  will  not  be  tempted  to  disregard,  the  advice/ 

However,  Thomas  could  not  see  his  way  to  leaving 
England  at  this  time,  and  he  compromised  matters  by 
wintering  at  Torquay,  whence  he  returned  to  London  in 
the  spring  of  1882, — only  to  find  that  he  must,  until 
summer  finally  set  in,  betake  himself  to  Ventnor. 

At  Torquay  he  had  both  his  mother  and  sister  with 
him,  as  well  as  many  visitors.  His  sister  writes  concerning 
this  period : — 

*  I  remember  much  work — incessant  writing — a  great 
deal  of  fun  and  merriment.  A  favourite  game  with  us  was 
anagram  making.  A  novel  read  at  this  time,  and  much 
appreciated,  was  Mrs.  Burnett's  "  That  Lass  o'  Lowrie's." 
Sidney  was  always  ready  to  turn  everything  into  a  joke, 
including  his  own  "  petty  ailments,"  as  he  insisted  on 
calling  them.  One  of  these  "  petty  ailments "  was  an 
inability  to  walk  fast  or  far,  which  was  just  beginning  to 
show  itself.  Alas  !  Sidney  had  until  then  been  a  vigorous 
walker  indeed,  both  as  to  pace  and  distance. 

c  I  had  some  delightful  rides  with  him.  Every  move- 
ment of  his  horse  was  the  text  for  comical  disquisitions  on 
what  was  passing  in  the  quadruped's  mind,  and  specula- 
tions on  the  animal's  view  of  life  in  general,  and  of  his 
rider  in  particular. 


c  We  got  up  the  history  of  Devonshire,  and  made  ex- 
peditions to  various  points  which  our  studies  led  us  to 
imagine  would  be  interesting.  Once  or  twice  we  rode  in 
the  Brixham  direction,  and  on  such  occasions  we  would 
return  home  with  pockets  weighed  down  with  iron- 

From  Torquay  Sidney  wrote  to  Wiesbaden  :-  - 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  My  dear  Bess, — Torquay  is  very  slow.  That  is  the 
predominating  idea  with  me  at  present.  I  must  confess  it 
is  pretty  enough,  and  that  it  is  sunnier  (when  there  is  sun) 
than  elsewhere ;  but  I  am  not  constructed  to  revel  in  polite 

1  Lil  and  the  Mother  very  good,  and  insist  on  amusing 

'  I  am  well  enough  on  the  whole, — decidedly  better, 
get  all  my  letters  here,  so  can  keep  things  going.     There 
is  plenty  to  do. 

'  We  have  drives  frequently,  and  hope  some  day  to  get 
out  to  Dartmoor. 

'  I  may  go  over  to  America  again  in  the  spring.  In 
the  summer  (or  rather  September)  all  the  Iron  and  Steel 
Institute  go  over  to  Vienna.  I  expect  I  shall  take  Lil 
and  have  a  "  good  time  ;  "  perhaps  going  to  Italy  as  well.' 

At  Yentnor  Thomas  was  with  his  sister.     The  latter 

'  We  led  much  the  same  life  at  Ventnor  as  at  Torquay ; 
more  rides,  more  reading,  more  work,  more  fun.  It  would 
have  been  very  pleasant  had  not  the  days  been  darkened 
for  me  by  increasing  anxiety  concerning  him.  I  remember 
Sidney  spending  a  whole  morning  on  the  sands  with  my- 

M  2 

164  SIDNEY   aiLCHKIST  THOMAS  CH.  xiv 

self  and  a  girl  friend  constructing  a  dam,  aqueduct,  and 
embanked  canal,  diverting  the  course  of  a  little  rivulet.' 

Thomas  and  Mr.  Gilchrist  were  meantime  engaged  in 
preparing  a  paper  on  '  The  Manufacture  of  Steel  and  Ingot 
Iron  from  Phosphoric  Pig  Iron,'  which  was  read  to  the  So- 
ciety of  Arts  in  April  1882,  and  received  the  Society's  medal. 
It  gives  so  clear  an  account  of  the  whole  matter  that  we 
cannot  resist  making  some  rather  copious  extracts  from  it. 

{ Lord  Palmerston's  terse  and  accurate  definition  of 
dirt,'  the  authors  begin,  '  as  "  matter  in  the  wrong  place," 
may  with  singular  appropriateness  be  applied  to  the 
phosphorus  which,  while  itself  a  substance  of  considerable 
commercial  value,  is  unfortunately  so  generally  associated 
with  iron  ores  to  the  great  detriment  of  their  utility.  .  .  . 

*  Dephosphorisation  endeavours  to  relegate  this  wrongly 
placed  matter,  if  not  into  its  right  place,  at  least  into  a 
neutral  position,  where  it  can  do  no  active  mischief.  The 
actual  importance  and  scope  of  dephosphorisation  in  its 
application  to  steel-making  is  most  readily  realised  if  we 
bear  in  mind : — 

'  1.  That  on  a  rough  estimate  about  nine-tenths  of  the 
whole  deposits  of  iron  ore  in  Europe  contain  more  than 
one  part  of  phosphorus  for  every  thousand  parts  of  iron. 

4  2.  That  in  the  smelting  of  iron  ore  in  the  blast  furnace 
to  form  pig  iron  (the  first  step  in  the  conversion  of  iron 
ore  to  a  malleable  material),  no  phosphorus  is  removed,  so 
that,  practically,  all  the  phosphorus  found  in  the  ore  is 
found  also  in  the  pig. 

' 3.  That  in  neither  of  the  two  great  steel-making 
processes,  as  ordinarily  carried  out,  is  phosphorus  removed, 
so  that  all  the  phosphorus  found  in  the  pig  is,  under 
ordinary  circumstances,  found  also  in  the  steel  into  which 
it  is  converted. 


f  That  the  presence  of  more  than  one  part  of  phosphorus 
in  a  thousand  of  steel  is  not  permissible  where  reliable 
quality  is  necessary,  phosphorus,  as  is  well  known,  causing 
in  steel  extreme  brittleness  at  ordinary  temperatures. 

£ .  .  .  The  non-phosphoric  ores  are  confined  in  England 
to  Cumberland,  Lancashire,  the  Forest  of  Dean,  and  two 
or  three  other  very  limited  areas,  as  Weardale,  Mwndy.  .  .  . 

'  On  the  other  hand,  the  whole  of  the  ores  of  Scotland, 
Yorkshire — including  the  vast  deposits  of  Cleveland  with 
its  yearly  output  of  6,500,000  tons — North  and  South 
Wales,  Shropshire,  and  Staffordshire,  and  the  great  belt  of 
country  extending  from  Wiltshire  across  Oxfordshire  and 
Northamptonshire  to  Lincolnshire,  are  phosphoric.  These 
deposits  are  of  so  enormous  an  extent  as  to  render  it  very 
difficult  to  calculate  their  probable  content  of  ironstone  ; 
but  an  attentive  examination  of  their  area  justifies  the 
conclusion  that  the  nonphosphoric  ores  are  in  Great  Britain 
at  least  ten  times  more  abundant  than  the  pmer  kinds.  .  .  . 

'  On  the  Continent  also  all  the  largest  deposits,  with 
the  exception  of  those  of  Spain  and  Sweden,  are  phos- 
phoric. The  great  phosphoric  ironstone  region  shared 
between  Luxembourg,  the  Meurthe-et-Moselle,  Alsace-Lor- 
raine, and  Belgium,  is  alone  more  considerable  than  all 
the  other  deposits  of  Northern  Europe  together. 

'In  America  the  deposits  of  Bessemer  ore  are  very 
large,  but  are  greatly  exceeded  in  magnitude  by  the  great 
phosphoric  ore-tracts  of  Pennsylvania,  Alabama,  Tennessee, 
and  Virginia,  and  it  is  highly  probable  that  the  centre  of 
the  steel  manufacture  of  the  United  States  will  on  this 
account  gradually  gravitate  southwards.  .  .  .2 

'  How  does  it  happen  that  there  are  9,000,000  tons  of 
pig-iron  annually  turned  into  the  unquestionably  inferior 
material  known  as  puddled  iron,  while  only  5,500,000  tons 
2  This  rediction  seems  now  in  course  of  fulfilment. 


are  converted  into  the  superior  form  of  steel  or  ingot  iron — 
particularly  when  so  great  an  economy  of  fuel  and  labour 
could  have  been  effected  by  turning  the  whole  into  the  higher 
class  materials  ?  May  it  not  be  fairly  contended  that  it  is 
really  nothing  but  the  absence  of  a  practical  and  economi- 
cal system  of  dephosphorisation  that  could  justify  the 
existence  of  such  an  anomaly  ?  It  is  now  proposed  to 
show  that  there  is  no  reason  for  its  continuance ;  since  the 
development  and  modifications  introduced  during  the  last 
four  years  enable  steel  of  any  desired  purity,  as  regards 
freedom  not  only  from  phosphorus  but  from  silicon  and 
sulphur,  to  be  produced  readily  and  economically  from  the 
most  highly  phosphoric  kinds  of  pig  iron. 

{  The  Bessemer  process  with  concurrent  dephosphorisa- 
tion— as  now  practised  at  the  Middlesbro' Works  of  Bolckow, 
Vaughan,  &  Co.  (who,  under  the  able  guidance  of  Mr. 
Windsor  Eichards,  have  been  the  pioneers  of  the  new 
industry)  and  thirteen  other  Works  in  France,  Belgium, 
Germany,  Austria,  and  Russia — is  carried  out  as  follows : — 

i  The  Bessemer  vessel  is  lined  with  magnesian  lime, 
which  has  been  previously  subjected  to  an  intense  white 
heat,  and  so  brought  to  a  condition  of  density,  tenacity, 
and  hardness  as  far  as  possible  removed  from  the  condi- 
tions of  the  material  generally  known  as  "well-burnt 
lime,"  and  more  closely  resembling  granite  or  flint.  This 
material,  which  for  brevity  is  known  as  "  shrunk  lime " 
(as  in  course  of  preparation  it  shrinks  to  one  half  the 
bulk  of  ordinary  lime),  is  used  either  in  the  form  of  bricks 
or  in  admixture  with  tar,  as  a  rammed  or  "  slurry  "  lining, 
this  being  substituted  for  the  ordinary  silica  brick  or 
silicious  ganister  3  lining  of  the  hematite  process. 

8  For  the  meaning  of  ganister'       with  Bessemer's  account   of  the 
see  ante,  p.  32.  This  whole  descrip-      original  process  there  given, 
tion  should  be  carefully  compared 


'  Before  the  metal,  which  may  be  either  employed  direct 
from  the  blast  furnace  without  intervening  re-melting,  or, 
if  for  any  reason  this  is  not  convenient,  may  have  been  re- 
melted  in  a  cupola,  is  run  into  the  converter,  from  15  to 
18  per  cent,  of  common  "  well-burnt "  lime  is  thrown  into 
the  vessel.  The  metal  is  then  introduced  and  the  charge 
is  "  blown  "  in  the  ordinary  way  to  the  point  at  which  the 
ordinary  Bessemer  operation  is  stopped — that  is  till  the 
disappearance  of  the  carbon,  as  indicated  by  the  drop  of 
the  flame.  The  dephosphorising  process  requires,  however, 
to  be  continued  for  a  further  1 00  to  300  seconds,  this  period 
of  so-called  "  after  blow,"  which  would  be  prejudicial  both 
to  quality  and  yield  in  the  ordinary  process,  being  with 
phosphoric  iron  (under  conditions  permitting  of  the 
removal  of  phosphorus)  that  in  which  the  great  bulk  of  the 
phosphorus,  down  indeed  to  its  last  traces,  is  removed. 
The  termination  of  the  operation  is  shown  by  a  peculiar 
change  in  the  flame  and  checked  by  a  sample  of  the  metal 
being  rapidly  taken  from  the  turned-down  converter, 
flattened  under  the  hammer,  quenched,  and  broken,  so  as 
to  indicate  by  its  fracture  whether  the  purification  is  com- 
plete. A  practised  eye  can  immediately  tell  whether  or 
no  this  is  the  case.  If  the  metal  require  further  puri- 
fication, this  is  effected  by  a  few  seconds'  further  blowing. 

'  The  operation  is  thus,  as  will  be  seen,  but  little 
different  from  the  ordinary  Bessemer  process.  The  differ- 
ences that  have  been  indicated,  viz.,  the  lime  lining,  the 
lime  addition,  and  the  after-blow  are,  however,  sufficient 
not  only  to  enable  the  whole  of  the  phosphorus  (which 
would  be  otherwise  untouched)  to  be  completely  removed, 
but  the  silicon,  of  which  inconvenient  and  even  dangerous 
quantities  are  occasionally  left  in  the  regular  Bessemer 
process,  is  also  entirely  eliminated,  while  at  least  60  per 
cent,  of  any  sulphur  (also  untouched  in  the  ordinary  pro- 


cess)  which  may  have  been  present  in  the  pig  is  also 

'  It  is  found,  too,  that  the  once  dreaded  phosphorus  is  of 
most  substantial  assistance  in  securing  by  its  combustion 
the  intense  heat  necessary  for  obtaining  a  successful  blow 
and  hot  metal. 

'  If  it  is  desired  to  produce  "  ingot  iron,"  or  a  metal 
differing  only  from  puddled  iron  by  its  homogeneity  and 
solidity,  the  usual  addition  of  spiegel  is  omitted,  or  re- 
placed by  a  half  per  cent,  of  rich  fersomanganese.  .  .  . 
The  phosphorus  is  oxidised  by  the  blast,  forming  phos- 
phoric acid,  which,  finding  itself  in  presence  of  two  strong 
bases,  oxide  of  iron  and  lime,  unites  with  the  latter  of 
them  to  form  phosphate  of  lime,  which  passes  into  the 
slag.  Whether  or  no  there  is  a  transitory  formation  of 
phosphate,  making  oxide  of  iron  perform  the  function  of 
a  carrier,  is  a  matter  (though  interesting  theoretically) 
which  it  is  needless  here  to  discuss.  .  .  . 

'  The  basic  Siemens  and  Siemens-Martin  processes 4 
are  carried  out  upon  the  same  lines  as  the  Bessemer  pro- 
cess. The  dephosphorisation  is  very  complete,  but  the 
operation  takes  about  five  per.  cent  longer  than  when  pure 
material  is  used :  the  proportion  of  lime  required  is  less 
than  in  the  Bessemer  process,  and  the  wear  of  the  basic 
hearth,  with  suitable  arrangements,  is  not  excessive.' 

The  authors  then  proceed  to  discuss  questions  of  cost, 
and  show  the  gain  by  using  phosphoric  ores  (so  much 
cheaper  than  hematite  ones)  in  the  Bessemer  process.  '  As 
compared  with  puddling  we  find  that  the  basic  Bessemer 
process  is  more  economical  in  every  item  except  that  of 

4  It  has  been  thought  unneces-  will   suffice  to    make    clear    the 

sary  to  describe  these  processes  in  utility    and    importance    of    the 

this  Memoir.    The  Bessemer  pro-  Thomas-Gilchrist  operation,  Ante 

cess,    if    thoroughly    understood,  p.  33. 


loss  of  metal  and  waste  of  lining — the  economy  in  labour 
and  fuel  being  especially  notable.' 

The  whole  paper  is  so  logical  in  its  arrangement  and  so 
interesting  in  its  matter  that  we  wish  we  could  reproduce 
it  in  its  entirety. 

Sidney,  as  may  be  seen  from  what  his  sister  has  said 
above,  although  he  might  tarry  in  Devon  or  the  Isle  of 
Wight,  could  not  be  induced  to  rest.  The  mass  of 
correspondence  and  business  which  his  patents  in  various 
countries  and  other  matters  connected  with  his  great  dis- 
covery brought  to  him  was  huge  indeed,  yet  he  was  ever 
seeking  new  avenues  of  activity.  From  the  first  days  of 
his  success  he  had  given  with  the  most  generous  liberality 
to  such  objects  as  commended  themselves  to  him.  It  may 
be,  as  some  of  us  think,  that  no  good  can  be  done  to  the  com- 
munity by  any  charity,  however  enlightened,  so  long  as 
the  present  system  of  society  endures ;  but  at  any  rate 
good  may  be  done  to  individuals  and  (in  any  case)  one 
cannot  help  loving  the  cheerful  self-sacrificing  giver,  who 
gives  from  the  abundance  of  his  heart,  or  because  he 
honestly  believes  that  he  is  redressing  social  injustice,  and 
not  as  one  merely  paying  '  ransom '  for  his  riches. 

'  I  would  urge  him  to  rest,'  says  his  mother,  '  and  tell 
him  that  he  had  done  enough  for  many  years  at  all  events : 
but  the  answer  to  me  always  was,  "  You  see,  mother,  I 
must,  if  I  live — show  that  I  can  work  at  other  things 
besides  dephosphorisation.  Besides  I  must  make  more 
money  still ;  I  have  really  given  so  much  away  that  we 
shall  be  hampered  in  our  plans  for  colonisation,  workers' 
dwellings,  and  what  not,  if  I  don't !  " 

'If  I  live'  is  the  phrase  as  quoted  by  his  mother. 
Already,  it  would  seem,  the  thought  that  it  might  be  that 
he  would  not  live,  was  shaping  itself  in  his  mind.  He 
writes  to  Mr.  Chaloner  about  this  time : — 


'  27,  Tedworth  Square,  Chelsea :  June  20,  1882. 

'Dear  Chaloner, — I  should  not  trouble  about  these 
details,  but  am  fixing  up  everything  so  that,  in  case  of 
accidents,  my  affairs  would  stand  on  a  simple  and  business- 
like footing  for  my  representatives. 

c  I  wish  you  would  look  in  when  near.  I  am  really  so 
tied  up  that  I  can't  make  any  calls  (though  I  am  obliged 
to  travel  a  bit  from  time  to  time).  I  should  like  a  chat. 
I  shall  probably  go  to  Germany  on  a  Works  round  in  July, 
and  in  October  go  away  for  six  months,  I  expect. — Yours 

1 S.  G.  THOMAS.' 

Thomas  spent  August  of  this  year  of  1882  in 
Guernsey  and  Jersey  with  his  sister  Lilian. 

'In  Guernsey  and  Jersey,'  she  says,  cwe  spent  the 
happiest  month,  a  month  of  continual  sunshine.  We 
drove  almost  over  the  lovely  islands,  housekeeping  merrily 
together.  In  Guernsey,  Sidney  always  came  with  me  to 
the  fruit  market — a  delightful  mass  of  lovely  colour.  We 
led  a  bright,  simple  life,  full  of  work  and  fun,  fresh  air 
and  sunlight.' 

The  following  letters  belong  to  this  period : — 

To  his  Mother 

'  Dearest  Mother, — We  are  wonderfully  favoured  with 
bright  weather ;  though  coldish  wind  last  two  days.  We 
lead  such  an  idle  life  as  ought  to  shame  one ;  but  I  manage 
to  keep  a  little  business  moving  along.  I  wish  you  could 
be  here ;  but  at  same  time  feel  it  doubtful  if  it  is  not  too 
much  of  a  journey.  The  place  is  dull  enough  and  to  spare. 
Wish  someone  would  come  down,  but  can't  recommend 
anyone  to  do  so.  I  am  not  quite  sure  that  it  suits  me. 
By  the  way,  I  am  quite  clear  the  east  coast  would  not. 


L.  the  best  little  woman  possible,  thoughtful  and  good 
to  a  degree.  Have  enjoyed  my  "  Middlemarch,"  which  is 
inimitable,  and  also  some  "  Nineteenth  Century  "  and  other 
mags.  The  bound  volume  "  XIXth  "  for  first  half  '82  is  full 
of  interest.  I  think  we  could  move  up  to  some  place  where 
you  could  come  next  week :  will  give  this  a  few  more 
days'  trial. 

1  Am  ever  so  much  better,  but  the  east  monotony  makes 
me  feel  a  bit  cranky.  Lil  has,  of  course,  told  you  more 
than  everything.  Truest  love. — Ever  your  son, 

'  SIDNEY.' 
To  Miss  Burton 

«  Guernsey :  August  19,  1882. 

1  Dear  Bess, — I  have  had  the  hope  all  spring  of  spending 
some  time  at  Wiesbaden,  on  my  way  to  Vienna  as  before ; 
but  (like  many  other  hopes)  this  is,  I  suppose,  to  be 
disappointed.  I  have  not  written  you  for  long,  as  I 
thought,  if  I  waited,  I  might  write  I  was  coming  to  see 
you,  or  that  I  was  well  enough  to  be  too  busy  to  come. 
However,  my  unpleasant  lung  trouble,  so  far  from  depart- 
ing, seems  always  tightening  its  hold ;  so  I  came  here  three 
weeks  ago  with  Lil,  preparatory  to  going  away  somewhere 
before  October, — to  Australia  or  America,  it  will  probably 
be,  or  round  the  world — as  I  want  to  make  a  fight  to  get 
some  work  done  yet.  .  .  .  Guernsey  has  fine  coast  scenery ; 
though  inland  it  is  too  highly  cultivated  to  be  very  pic- 
turesque. It  is  small  farming  pushed  to  extremities.  .  .  . 
I  am  heartily  tired  of  this,  as  (when  one  can  only  walk  a 
hundred  yards  at  a  time)  is  natural  enough.  We  return 
on  Thursday  or  Friday,  and  I  probably  start  for  somewhere 
in  another  fortnight. 

'  I  regret  the  missing  Vienna  Iron  and  Steel  Meeting 
immensely.  You  must  come  and  see  [us]  when  I  return 
from  my  long  trip,  We  made  the  acquaintance  of  some 


very  delightful  Americans  who  have  been  stopping  at 
Kingston,  and  had  planned  spending  the  winter  together 
in  Italy,  after  going  to  Vienna  together.  However,  I 
expect  the  long  trip  is  the  wiser  one. 

'The  Process  is  making  fair  progress.  I  am  much 
annoyed  at  having  to  leave  it  now,  when  so  much  remains 
to  be  done,  and  also  before  our  North  Eastern  Company 
is  fairly  started  at  work.  ...  I  have,  I  hear,  just  been 
elected  on  the  Council  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute ; 
which  is  rather  a  pleasant  compliment,  as  the  membership 
is  usually  reserved  for  much  older  men  and  greater  swells 
than  I.  Lil  very  bonny  and  good ;  makes  a  most  cheerful 
companion  in  a  dull  place.  .  .  .  You  may  next  expect  to 
hear  from  me  from  the  Antipodes  or  elsewhere. — Yours 

<SiD.  G.  THOMAS.' 

All  the  while,  however,  his  life  (although  he  knew  it 
not),  was  drawing  onward  to  the  end,  an  end  which  was 
so  sad  because  so  early.  With  his  return  to  London  and 
with  the  first  breath  of  autumn  he  again  grew  worse,  and 
it  was  necessary  to  once  more  seek  refuge  in  Devonshire, 
until  Thomas  could  put  his  affairs  in  order  and  embark 
upon  the  voyage  in  search  of  health,  which  had  now 
become  imperatively  needed.  He  was  unable  to  be  present, 
as  he  had  much  looked  forward  to  being  present,  at  the 
autumn  meeting  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute,  which 
this  year  was  held  in  Vienna. 

At  this  meeting  a  very  unusual  honour  was  conferred 
upon  him  in  his  absence.  Herr  Boeumler  obtained  leave 
to  present  to  him  in  full  meeting,  on  behalf  of  the  Prague 
Ironworks  Company,  a  beautifully  wrought  casket  made 
exclusively  of  pig,  '  ingot  iron '  and  steel.  He  said  he  had 
been  deputed  by  his  company  to  present  the  casket  to 


Mr.  Sidney  Gilchrist  Thomas,  i  as  a  mark  of  their  apprecia- 
tion of  his  genius,  as  well  as  to  express,  though  in  a  some- 
what feeble  manner,  their  gratitude  for  the  benefits  con- 
ferred upon  their  district  by  the  basic  process.  He  learnt 
with  deep  regret  that  Mr.  Thomas  was  too  ill  to  be  present, 
but  he  would  place  it  in  the  hands  of  Mr.  Gilchrist, 
who  would  hand  it  over  to  their  absent  friend  and  bene- 

Meanwhile,  Thomas  had  decided  to  begin  the  winter 
in  South  Africa,  and  from  thence  to  push  on  to  Australia 
(Australia  had  been  an  attraction  to  him  all  his  life),  taking 
possibly  India  by  the  way.  It  was  arranged  that  Mr. 
Honman,  a  young  medical  man  for  whom  he  had  a  great 
liking,  should  accompany  him.  Before  starting,  he  wrote 
the  following  farewell  letter  to  his  constant  correspondent 
at  Wiesbaden : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

'Kings wear,  Devon:  October  11,  1882. 

'  My  dear  Bess, —  ...  I  have  been  here  now  ten  days, 
and  am  all  the  better.  It  is  a  singularly  pretty  place — 
quite  the  prettiest  I  know  in  England.  I  sail  day  after 
to-morrow  at  noon  in  the  "  Conway  Castle  "  for  the  Cape 
or  Port  Elizabeth ;  stop  there  a  few  weeks — and  then  to 
Sydney,  Australia.  Such  at  least  is  my  present  idea.  I 
am  pretty  confident  that  I  shall  return  recruited.  Lil  and 
the  Mother  down  with  me,  looking  after  me  very  closely. 
I  tell  them  they  will  have  nothing  to  do  when  I  cease  to 
occupy  all  their  time. 

4 1  am  dreadfully  busy  getting  necessary  papers,  deeds, 
and  letters  off.  I  shall  have  a  whole  batch  to  send  off  to 
post  from  on  board. 

c  This  is  my  excuse  for  a  necessary  brevity.  Kindest 
regards  to  all. — Ever  yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.' 




ON  October  13,  1882,  accordingly,  Thomas  sailed  with  Mr. 
Honman  for  the  Cape.  His  copious  correspondence  with 
his  sister  and  mother  during  his  absence  seems  to  us  to  be 
very  interesting  in  itself,  and  to  illustrate  his  own  character, 
his  power  of  making  friends,  his  clear  outlook  upon  things 
as  they  were,  his  rapid  grasp  of  economic  conditions,  in  a 
very  remarkable  fashion. 

To  his  Mother  and  tfister 

'  Tuesday,  October  17,  Afternoon  :  off  Madeira. 
'  Dearest  Mother  and  Child, — Directly  you  left  the  ship 
on  Friday,  I  felt  that  there  were  a  hundred  things  I  wanted 
specially  and  particularly  to  say  to  you  both,  that  I  had  left 
unsaid  ;  but  as  I  fancy  we  should  all  have  been  feeling  bad 
and  badder  the  longer  we  put  off  parting,  it  was  perhaps 
best  as  it  was.  I  was  on  deck  till  about  five.  Saturday 
was  fine  again,  though  it  got  cold  in  the  afternoon.  Sunday 
also  coldish  and  wet  most  of  the  day,  so  I  kept  in  cabin 
and  smoking  room  mostly.  Yesterday  warm  (65°-72°) 
and  sunny  all  day ;  I  sitting  on  deck  and  basking  in  the 
aiv  from  morning  to  night.  To-day,  if  possible,  still  more 
brilliant  and  the  sea  mirror-like  almost.  Madeira  looks 
lovely  as  we  approach.  Now  as  to  myself.  Saturday  and 
Sunday  I  only  felt  middling,  with  now  and  again  some 

CH.  xy  SOUTH  AFRICA  175 

chest  pain.  Yesterday  and  to-day  I  have  felt  no  pain  ;  a 
prodigious  appetite,  and  generally  in  excellent  health. 

4 ...  I  haven't  yet  begun  to  feel  very  sociable  and  (as 
our  neighbours  at  dinner,  &c.  have  not  yet  turned  up  to  take 
meals  in  cabin)  I  have  made  few  or  no  acquaintances.  One 
man,  a  Major  B.,  who  is  going  to  Madeira,  where  he  has 
lived  three  years,  says  climate  is  during  winter  like  an 
English  fine  April  day.  He  cultivates  sugar-cane,  fruits 
and  vegetables,  with  which  cane  he  supplies  Army  and 
Navy  Stores.  I  got  a  good  deal  of  information  from  him. 
I  have  also  picked  up  with  an  old  colonial  returning  to 
Grahamstown  in  Cape  Colony  (400  miles  from  Cape  Town). 
He  speaks  very  highly  of  the  healthfullness  of  the  place ;  he 
has  with  him  three  daughters  (the  girls  Lil  noticed)  and  five 
sons.  Is  rather  a  nice  old  boy.  We  may  possibly  go  first 
to  Grahamstown  and  then  work  down  to  Cape :  our  plans 
yet  unformed.  They  all  speak  highly  of  the  healthfulness 
of  the  inland  country.  There  are  several  returning  to  Dia- 
mond Fields  who  seem  to  find  life  very  pleasant.  There  are 
oceans  of  children  on  board,  several  Dutchmen,  eight 
doctors,  the  German  Transit  of  Venus  observer,  &c.  I 
have  enjoyed  Trollope's  "  Africa,"  which  have  finished. 

1 1  have  nearly  finished  George's  "Progress  and  Poverty." 
Tell  Mr.  Vacher  I  have  really  rarely  enjoyed  a  book  more. 
I  don't  agree  with  all  his  conclusions  ;  but  do  in  the  main. 
His  style  is  singularly  clear,  persuasive,  and  rich  in  illustra- 
tion. I  want  you  and  Lil  to  get  it  at  once  (it  is  only  4^.) 
and  read  it  aloud.  I  have  also  begun  three  novels. 

'  The  ship  is  altogether  well  appointed  and  indeed  all  that 
could  be  desired.  We  shall  certainly  go  on,  landing  at  Cape 
Town  or  Port  Elizabeth  according  to  circumstances.  You 
may  be  sure  we  will  only  do  what  will  be  the  most  prudent. 
I  feel  to-day  what  I  have  not  felt  for  months,  that  existence 
is  pleasant.  We  only  stop  two  or  three  hours  in  Madeira, 


and  may  likely  not  go  on  shore.  Temperature  is  now  76° 
in  cabin  ;  the  lowest  it  fell  to  last  night  was  66°.  Saturday 
night  it  fell  to  52°,  which  is  the  lowest  it  has  touched. 

4  Atlantic,  South  of  Teneriffe  :  October  19,  1882. 
'  Dearest  Mother, — As  there  is  nothing  to  write  about, 
the  best  way  to  write  it  will  be  to  add  something  daily  or 

'  Firstly  I  am  still  more  all  right  than  when  I  wrote  off 
Madeira.  We  came  up  to  the  Island  as  the  sun  was 
setting.  It  looked,  in  deep  shadow,  wonderfully  wild  and 
picturesque ;  the  mountains  black  and  gloomy,  but  banded 
with  white  fleecy  clouds,  standing  against  a  gorgeous 
opalescent  sky.  It  was  dark  before  we  anchored  and  (as  it 
promised  to  be  coldish  and  we  had  only  three  hours  to  stop) 
I  concluded  not  to  go  on  shore.  The  ship  surrounded  by  a 
score  or  two  of  boats  with  Portuguese  vendors  of  chairs, 
pots,  fruit,  boxes,  and  so  on.  They  climbed  up  sides,  and 
negotiated  with  great  zeal — altogether  an  amusing  and 
interesting  scene.  We  left  at  10.50.  Yesterday  another 
superb  day,  thermometer  about  80°  in  cabin ;  not  lower  than 
68°  all  night.  They  had  a  dance  in  saloon  last  night ;  five 
ladies  danced.  Mr.  Honman  was  one  of  the  men  dancers.  I, 
looking  on  into  skylight,  was  amused.  I  talk  a  good  deal 
to  father  of  the  three  girls;  he  gives  a  good  deal  of  informa- 
tion, mostly  of  Colony.  Had  also  interesting  talks  with 
many  from  Natal.  All  say  no  native  works  after  he  has 
saved  enough  to  buy  a  wife  (who  does  enough  for  both), 
unless  he  is  ambitious  and  wants  two  or  more  wives. 
From  all  I  hear,  I  think  I  should  like  the  Colony  much. 

(  October  20. — Another  day  gone.  Last  evening  had 
long  gossip  with  colonist,  giving  me  history  of  his  life. 
Draper's  apprentice,  then  buyer  at  seventeen  in  Edinburgh 
house,  getting  230Z.  a  year ;  at  nineteen  left  for  London  on 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFRICA  177 

doctor  telling  him  Scotland  would  kill  him ;  traveller  at 
30 01.  a  year,  then  on  his  own  account  in  a  small  way. 
Then  to  Cape  (partly  for  his  own  health),  where  he  now 
employs  over  100  hands,  and  makes  6,OOOL  or  7,OOOZ.  a  year 
and  is  painfully  robust.  Has  lot  of  stories  of  dying  men 
who,  coming  to  Cape,  make  rapid  recoveries,  marry,  and 
settle  into  monsters  of  health.  Temperature  last  night 
sank  to  70°.  After  being  90°  is  now  80°  in  my  cabin, 
We  sleep  of  course  with  ports  wide  open.  I  had  a 
delicious  bath  yesterday.  I  have  read  much  about  Cape 
and  am  getting  reconciled  to  idea  of  settling  there  with 
you,  at  least  for  the  winters,  if  I  can't  stand  English 
winters.  The  climate  is  praised  by  everyone,  and  there 
must  be  some  fine  scenery.  As  Cape  and  Natal  are  five 
times  bigger  than  Great  Britain,  there  is  room  enough. 
I  could  buy  a  waterfall  and  5,000  acres  of  ground,  and  we 
could  lead  quite  a  jolly  existence.  I  often  wonder  if  you 
would  have  been  ill  for  more  than  three  days  if  you  had 
come.  I  doubt  if  you  would  have  been ;  though  there  are 
still  three  or  four  ladies  who  do  not  appear  at  meals.  The 
last  two  days  the  wind  behind  us ;  the  ship  is  delightfully 

'  October  23. — Nothing  to  report  last  three  days.  Mono- 
tonous— eating,  drinking,  and  sleeping,  but  getting  health 
daily.  Sea  smooth  as  a  lake.  Flying  fish,  swallows  and 
porpoises  only  things  in  sight ;  not  seen  a  ship  for  five 
days.  Sleep  in  pyjamas  ;  no  sheet,  open  ports,  and  panting 
at  that.  Have  had  bath  twice ;  sea  water.  Make  acquain- 
tances slowly  only.  Numerations  (for  Lil's  benefit).  A 
Natal  doctor,  rather  pleasant ;  went  out  for  health  (which 
much  improved)  seven  years  ago.  Likes  climate,  only 
too  hot  weather.  Speaks  highly  of  natives,  as  everyone 
does  who  has  had  much  experience  of  them.  Says  his 
only  difficulty  with  them  is  that  they  don't  like  being 



ordered  about  by  his  wife.  They  think  it  degrading 
to  obey  a  woman.  Young  doctor  going  out  on  spec., 
just  passed  at  Dublin ;  naif  and  good-tempered.  An 
ex-small  railway  contractor,  now  settled  in  Cape,  at  which 
he  grumbles.  Thinks  no  place  so  good  as  New  Zealand ; 
given  me  much  useful  information  on  railways,  &c. 
The  "  Comet,"  i.e.  Herr  Matsch,  German  astronomer,  who 
lives  in  England,  and,  oddly  enough,  has  been  mixed  up 
with  Lowthian  Bell,  Newall,  and  others  I  know.  Knows 
White,  &c. ;  is  also  connection  of  Lil's  friend  Helmholtz. 
I  find  it  too  fatiguing  to  make  talk,  except  occasionally. 

'  October  24. — Called  off  at  4  P.M.  yesterday  to  join  the 
Grahamstown  party  (who  make  their  own  tea  every  after- 
noon) for  their  private  afternoon  tea.  .  .  .  After  dinner 
a  three  hours'  political  discussion  on  war,  Egypt,  Cetewayo, 
Colonial  Government,  Gladstone,  Bright,  English  parties, 
law,  &c. 

c  Parties  thereto ;  A.  (a  Manchester  merchant  of  50  or 
60)  going  out  to  see  his  son  who  has  settled  in  Natal ;  the 
man  from  Mansfield,  who  is  an  active  politician,  cousin 
of  Firth;  a  very  intelligent  Natalian  who  has  been  in 
Durban  since  he  was  eight  years  old  (and  has  given  me 
much  useful  information) ;  another  young  Manchester 
man,  the  contractor,  &c.  This  really  amusing.  Two  boys 
sit  opposite  us  at  table,  one  son  of  Manchester  merchant, 
going  out  to  friends  in  business  in  Natal,  has  been  in 
Holland  for  six  months,  learning  Dutch ;  the  other  a  very 
pretty  little  lad  of  14,  son  of  clergyman  at  Cape,  has 
crossed  five  times,  general  favourite. 

'  Sunday. — Had  church  at  10.30,  after  a  muster  con- 
ducted by  Captain.  Didn't  go.  Chapel  in  evening  to 
which  I  did  go.  A  Dutch  minister  on  board  gave  four 
long  extemporary  prayers  of  usual  advisatory,  impertinent, 
and  profane  character ;  and  a  fearful  sermon,  of  not  bad 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFEICA  179 

composition  but  with  no  point  or  useful  end  of  any  kind 
one-third  consisted  of  scraps  of  scriptural  language.  Told 
us  tempter  of  our  souls  was  always  walking  around,  and 
that  he  was  sometimes  more  energetic  than  at  others,  and 
that  he  was  a  roaring  lion !  and  a  torrent !  and  a  ravening 
beast !  and  a  ghostly  enemy  !  and  that  we  were  to  put  on 
the  whole  armour  of  faith  and  raise  the  Lord's  standard  ! 
and  do  a  number  of  other  figurative  and  impracticable 
things.  It  seemed  to  me  if  he  had  told  us  not  to  gamble, 
or  drink,  or  eat  too  much,  or  cheat  our  neighbours,  and  to 
help  those  who  are  helpless,  and  not  look  down  on  steerage 
passengers,  or  be  inflated  with  a  big  find  of  diamonds,  or 
a  rise  in  landed  estates,  &c.,  it  would  have  been  infinitely 
more  to  the  point.  The  three  girls  and  three  or  four  men 
play  and  sing  most  evenings.  I  sometimes  go  down. 
There  is  a  good  [deal]  of  card-playing  on  board,  and  some 
"  sweepstaking."  I  don't  go  in  for  either,  of  course.  I 
fancy  a  doctor  at  Cape  does  well ;  perhaps  best  at  Natal. 
For  visiting  at  a  distance  they  charge  a  guinea  for  every 
three  miles.  Thus,  if  patient  lives  9  miles  off,  fee  is 
three  guineas,  &c. 

( Don't  get  through  much  reading,  though  I  think  I 
do  more  than  any  three  others  on  board.  Have,  so  far, 
only  read  George's  two  books  (which  are  all  I  told  you 
before);  Trollope's  "South  Africa "  and  two  other  South 
African  books ;  Besant  and  Rice's  "The  Ten  Years  Tenant " 
(a  clever  collection  of  stories);  "Hades  to  Olympus" 
(cleverish,  but  stilted) ;  a  little  physiology ;  a  very  little 
"  Alkali  Trade,"  and  some  light  trifles.  I  am  now  on 
Thackeray's  Sketchbooks.  Very  interesting,  and  quaintly 
illustrative  of  the  line  of  thought  of  forty  years  ago. 
His  papers  on  French  dramas,  caricatures,  and  novelists, 
very  pleasant  reading.  I  have  oceans  too  many  things^ 
shan't  want  a  third.  Find  more  than  ever,  if  you  want 

N   2 


a  thing  done,  do  it  yourself  (unless  you  can  get  such  little 
women  as  Mother  and  Lil  to  do  it). 

1  October  27,  Friday. — 25th,  reading  mostly  in  after- 
noon. Tea  with  the  Grahamstown  party,  which  entailed  a 
long  gossip  with  one  of  the  female  children.  Crossed  the 
line  in  the  afternoon ;  no  ceremonies  of  any  kind.  Music 
in  evening ;  one  or  two  of  the  three  girls  played  a  good 
deal  of  light  bright  music  by  heart.  On  26th  and  27th, 
feeling  a  trifle  seedyish.  Honman  has'sent  me  into  my  cabin, 
and  otherwise  tormented  me,  in  order  to  keep  me  from 
interfering  with  him.  Been  reading  Waterton's  "  Travels," 
"Alkali  Trade,"  Jeafireson's  "Book  about  Doctors," 
"  Voyage  of  the  Sunbeam,"  stupid  novel  of  George  Reade's. 
Am  about  all  right  again.  Talking  to  another  Natal  doctor ; 
he  also  praises  climate  ;  been  out  eight  years.  A  man  of 
small  capital  could,  I  fancy,  live  happily  enough.  Eight 
per  cent,  on  mortgages  ;  nine  per  cent,  on  house  property. 
Thermometer  for  last  three  days  been  between  76°  and  90° ; 
cooler  than  when  north  of  line. 

'  Tuesday,  31st. — Had  cooler  and  rougher  weather, 
though  thermometer  not  under  60°.  I've  been  keeping 
pretty  much  to  saloon  and  my  cabin,  as  wind  feels  cold. 
This  is  tiresome ;  but  you  see  I  am  going  for  over-caution. 
Had  a  theatrical  performance  on  Saturday  night ;  went  oft 
fairly  well.  Crowded  house. 

4 ...  There  is  considerable  singing  and  playing.  Read 
a  good  deal ;  have  demolished  Gulliver  for  the  third  time  ; 
Dilke's  "  Greater  Britain,"  electrical  book,  &c.  A  good 
deal  of  card-playing  on  board,  in  which  Honman  and  I  don't 
join.  Have  just  re-read  "  Times  "  of  October  11,  for  third 
time.  The  woman  whose  face  mother  said  she  liked  (for 
reasons  unknown)  is  a  German  teacher  going  to  Cape  ; 
speaks  no  English.  Am  always  thinking  of  you  both,  and 
of  time  of  our  meeting. 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFEICA  181 

'November  1. — Am  much  better;  sea  continues  roughish, 
head  winds  ;  a  good  deal  of  water  shipped ;  but  the  sun 
has  been  out  again  for  the  last  two  days.  Been  talking 
to  a  young  Dutchman,  born  in  Cape,  who  has  just  returned 
from  six  months  in  Europe,  and  to  a  Dutch  Cape  minister^ 
on  Cape  Dutch,  &c.  Also  found  a  Middlesbro'  man  who 
has  been  five  years  in  Natal ;  says  he  wouldn't  go  back  to 
England  on  any  account.  Events  nil;  not  seen  a  ship 
since  leaving  Madeira.  Off  Cape  Verde  saw  some  butter- 
flies forty  miles  from  shore ;  also  some  swallows  and  an 
albatross,  and  a  few  flying  fish.  Among  the  second  cabin 
passengers  is  a  Kaffir,  who  has  been  paying  a  six  months' 
visit  to  Europe  (Rome,  &c.),  from  money  he  has  saved. 

1 »  .  .  H.  reports  conversation  : — B.  "  Does  anyone  know 
what  Mr.  Thomas  is?"  C.  UA  missionary,  I  believe." 
D.  "  Missionary  be  d — d  !  I  reckon  his  mission  is  to  make 

'  Friday  evening •,  November  4. — Mail  is  collected  early 
to-morrow  morning,  Saturday,  as  we  arrive  in  evening 
at  Capetown ;  so  add  last  words.  Honman  recommends 
strongly  our  going  from  here  to  Calcutta.  Have  just  had 
my  talk  to  Captain ;  says  he  doesn't  think  we  can  get  a 
steamer  to  Australia  at  all.  I  shall  go  to  Australia,  if  we 
can  get  a  steamer  to  Calcutta.  I  will  send  this  as  soon  as 
we  decide.  We  do  not  stop  at  Capetown,  except  to  land 
passengers  and  mails,  but  go  on  to  Port  Elizabeth,  and  so  up 
country,  where  I  shall  stop  till  I  feel  quite  strong  and  well. 
One  stop  will  be  probably  at  Graham  stown,  which  is  a 
town  of  9,000  inhabitants,  said  to  be  pretty  and  healthy. 
I  shall  very  likely  not  go  to  Capetown  ;  but  in  this  shall  be 
guided  by  circumstances.  Temperature  for  last  week  has 
been  60°-70° ;  wind  roughish  and  against  us.  I  have  not 
once  been  sea-sick,  although  felt  uncomfortable  several 
times.  Have  quite  got  rid  of  cold  caught  in  tropics.  I  am 


so  prodigiously  careful,  and  keep  in  all  the  evenings — 
which,  is  a  trial,  as  it  is  the  sociable  time.  Think  of  you 
all  the  time.  Look  after  each  other,  and  (Lil)  see  mother 
has  plenty  of  drives.  It  is  clear  I  am  all  right  in  a  warm 
climate.  Everyone  is  now  writing  letters.  I  shall  cable 
to-morrow.  I  look  forward  to  getting  on  shore ;  though  I 
am  less  tired  of  ship  than  I  expected. 

1  Saturday  morning,  10  A.M. — Post  just  closing.  All 
right.  Table  Mountain  in  sight. 

'  Later,  4  P.M.  Extra  post. — Feeling  very  bright ; 
every  one  preternaturally  amiable.  Had  games  at  Words 
last  night ;  much  chat.  We  shall  most  likely  not  get  in  till 
dark ;  we  shall  probably  lie  outside  Cape  Town  for  a  few 
hours.  .  Out  of  seventy-five  passengers,  know  about  forty- 
five  or  fifty.  The  men  quite  bright.  Refreshing  to  see 
land  again.  Passed  our  first  steamer  this  morning.  I 
am  dying  for  news  of  you  all ;  write  often.  Once  more 
dearest  love,  yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.' 

•  Grahamstown  :  November  9,  1882. 

f  Dearest  Children, — Am  writing  at  10  A.M.  in  verandah 
in  front  of  the  swell  hotel  of  South  Africa.  Temperature 
about  60°  in  shade ;  air  clear  and  bright  and  invigorating. 
I  well  and  bright  also.  Now  to  resume,  from  the  point  of 
.posting  my  letter  off  Capetown  and  cabling  you  as  agreed. 
We  got  to  anchor  in  Capetown  Bay,  300  yards  from  shore, 
at  about  seven  on  Saturday,  and  put  off  our  Capetown 
passengers  in  a  boat,  not  allowing  anyone  else  to  land  or 
anyone  to  come  off.1  Capetown  lying  at  foot  of  semi- 
circular precipice  of  Table  Mountain,  some  thousand  feet 
higher,  looks  very  picturesque ;  is  best  at  night  brightened 
by  electric  lights  along  one  quay.  At  8  A.M.  next  morning 

1  This  was  on  account  of  small-pox  in  Capetown. 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFKICA  183 

we  steamed  away  along  a  precipitous,  fine,  bold  but  in- 
hospitable-looking coast,  and  had  two  beautiful  days'  steam 
with  wind  behind  us  and  big  roller  waves,  keeping  land 
in  sight ;  arriving  in  Port  Elizabeth  at  7  P.M.  Monday. 
Anchored  about  1,000  yards  from  shore,  there  being  no 
means  of  coming  nearer.  Slept  on  board,  and  went  ashore 
in  a  tug  next  morning,  Tuesday,  at  10.  Air  of  the  bright- 
est; cool,  almost  cold  wind;  fleckless  blue  sky,  and 
brilliant  sunshine  over  all.  On  landing,  a  crowd  of  negro 
and  Hindoo  and  mixed  porters  (all  colours),  among  whom 
was  one  in  a  yellow  shirt,  blue  vest,  red  turban,  and 
whitish  pants,  whom  we  secured ;  and  he  carried  our 
innumerable  traps  to  Custom  House.  (Horror  of  horrors, 
twelve  packages ;  two-thirds  at  least  absolutely  superfluous.) 
We  had  to  open  all  up  at  Customs ; .  then  deposited  all  but 
a  bag  of  H.'s  at  the  station  which  is  on  the  quay.  Oh,  so 
ridiculously  English  a  station  !  A  bookstall,  with  "  Fort- 
nightly," "  Contemporary,"  and  "  Nineteenth  Century  ;  " 
porters  in  regular  English  porter's  uniform ;  carriages, 
engines,  cloak-room,  ticket-office,  &c.,  all  conspiring  to 
make  one  think  oneself  in  England,  but  for  a  plaintive 
group  of  coloured  folk  who  crowded  the  third-class  car. 
After  clearing  ourselves  of  our  traps,  I  felt  a  free  man 
again,  and  recorded  a  solemn  vow,  never,  oh !  never,  to 
let  anyone  fix  up  four  packages  for  me,  or  to  impede  me 
\vith  six  others.  We  then  located  at  the  best  hotel ;  a  very 
good  one,  excellent.  Then  called  on  my  bank  manager's 
Son,  a  bright  young  fellow,  clerk  in  a  big  store  here,  a 
huge  place  where  they  have  stocks  of  Manchester  and 
woollen  goods,  wine,  spirits,  beer,  implements,  wire,  tools, 
and  everything  else.  They  set  up  country  stores ;  have 
goods  on  credit  to  enormous  extent;  40,OOOZ.  worth  to 
one  customer,  they  tell  me.  Asked  younger  G.  to 
dine  with  us  then  went  to  fine  public  reading-room 


-with  all  new  books,  periodicals,  papers,  &c. ;  called 
at  lot  of  shipping  offices,  and  saw  the  town;  two  long 
streets  of  shops  and  stores  on  the  shore  level,  and  the 
residences  on  the  hills  above.  G.  dined  with  us,  and 
I  picked  up  a  certain  amount  of  information  from  him. 
He  has  been  about  two  years  out,  likes  place  and 
climate ;  costs  50  per  cent  more  to  live  than  in  London ; 
profits  large,  but  risks  considerable ;  great  drawbacks  from 
want  of  harbour  works ;  goods  landed  in  tiny  boats,  ships 
often  wrecked  while  lying  at  anchorage.  At  table  d'hote 
about  fifty,  many  not  living  in  house. 

£  Next  morning  introduced  to  G.'s  business  man ;  clear- 
headed. Proposed  for  him  to  act  for  us  in  a  new  trade. 
Started  by  train  for  Grahamstown  (120  miles  inland); 
travelled  with  two  men  from  Capetown  and  a  young 
barrister,  all  going  to  Assizes  at  Grahamstown.  Had 
much  pleasant  chat  on  colonial  law  and  customs,  and 
prospects  and  land,  &c.  All  speak  most  highly  of 
Grahamstown  as  pretty,  healthy,  comfortable,  &c.  It 
is  a  very  English  town.  Journey  took  six  and  a  half 
hours.  Land  covered  chiefly  with  low  scrub,  very  hilly ; 
rounded  rocky  hills  with  bottoms  and  "  kloofs  "  in  ravine 
valleys,  dwellings  very  far  apart,  then  little  cottages  with 
iron  roofs,  or  native  mud  houses.  The  third  class  full 
of  natives,  and  station  crowded  with  do.  Cacti,  aloes,  and 
scrub  with  willows,  with  water,  are  predominant.  Passed 
lots  of  ostriches ;  patches  of  cultivated  land  in  the  valleys ; 
but  few  sheep  and  cattle  find  a  home  in  the  scrub. 
Weather  as  before ;  do.  to-day.  This,  as  before,  I  find 
suits  me  exactly. 

'  An  excellent   hotel ;   thirty  rooms.     About  forty  sat 
down  to  dinner,  I  next  to  my  steamer  fellow-passengers, 
Hon.  P.  and  his  doctor.     We  had  some  pleasant  talk,  &c 
A  highly-educated,  well-travelled  man,  with  rank  preju- 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFEICA  185 

dices ;  so  we  naturally  disagreed,  but  pleasantly  enough, 
on  every  topic.  Pleasant  neighbour  from  Diamond  Fields  ; 
great  believer  in  their  future.  In  evening  talked  to  a  swell 
who  had  been  in  N.  and  S.  America,  Canada,  Australia, 
N.  Zealand,  &c.  Head  dozen  Cape  papers  and  old 
"Illustrated  London  News"  of  1st  October.  To  bed 
at  9.30 ;  read  in  bed  "  This  Son  of  Vulcan,"  for  half  an 

'  Slept  till  6  A.M.,  when  girl  brings  you  cup  of 
coffee.  Snoozed  till  8.  Breakfast — discussion  with  P., 
did  not  interfere  with  consumption  of  four  eggs  and 
porridge.  My  room  fair  size,  high,  comfortable,  on  ground 
floor,  opens  out  of  another  room.  Hotel  crammed.  In 
run  from  Capetown  had  good  deal  of  talk  with  Natal 
accountant  and  the  Natal  doctor.  It  seems  one  can  get 
7  to  7-J  per  cent,  interest  there  on  mortgage.  Mercantile 
profits  very  large.  Not  a  good  place  for  working-man 
emigrant,  but  excellent  for  smaller  large  capitalist.  The 
doctor  reiterating  his  praise  of  its  climate.  Had  some 
talk  to  the  P.  man ;  he  has  seen  much  ;  is  ex-M.P.  for  — — 
shire ;  said  to  have  been  an  active  Conservative  member. 
His  science  very  confident  and  very  weak.  My  chief 
acquisition,  however,  a  woman  six  feet  high,  whom  I  had 
carefully  avoided  (by  reason  of)  her  stature  and  appearance. 
Her  son  of  eighteen,  a  thorough  colonial,  with  her.  I 
found  her  on  trial  a  very  intelligent  business  woman ;  gave 
me  much  information  on  diamond  fields.  She  is  a  widow  ; 
her  husband  and  she  had  a  store  at  Kimberley,  and  bought 
a  mine  cheap ;  she  herself  used  to  sort  the  washed  stuff 
and  fish  out  the  diamonds.  Told  me  much  [that  was] 
interesting  as  to  occurrence  &c.  of  the  stones  and  mode  of 
working.  On  her  husband's  death  sold  to  a  Company, 
keeping  two-thirds  of  shares.  Net  return  fell  from  6,000?. 
a  year  to  almost  nothing.  She  had  meantime  retired  to 


England,  bought  an  estate  at  Epping,  &c.  Now  returning 
to  try  and  set  the  Co.  in  order,  and  she  will,  I  think,  do 
it ;  wanted  me  much  to  go  to  Kimberley,  to  see  her  mine. 

'  At  hotel  at  Grabamstownmet  a  George  St.  engineer  who 
has  been  for  three  years  at  Kimberley  and  Natal  putting 
up  water-works.  All  Kimberley  people  very  confident  of 
permanence  and  future  of  diamond  fields.  5,000,OOOZ. 
worth  of  diamonds  now  said  to  be  found  a  year.  It  is 
the  great  feature  of  South  Africa  at  present.  I  think  I 
foresee  other  diamond  fields  will  close  Kimberley,  where 
they  now  have  to  go  300  feet  and  more  below  ground. 
There  are  over  30,000  people  at  Kimberley  still.  The 
nearest  railway  300  miles ;  intervening  country  almost  a 
desert.  At  Kimberley  nothing  grows.  Coal  said  to  be 
14L  a  ton.  Ostrich-farming  and  sheep  divide  with 
diamonds  the  thoughts  of  the  Colony.  Ostrich  feathers 
worth  \0l.  to  301.  a  pound  !  Ostriches  fluctuate  in  value 
between  201.  and  50?. 

1  November  10,  9  A.M. — Just  had  breakfast;  been  up 
mines.  Another  brilliant  day.  Yesterday,  in  morning, 
strolled  over  town.  Streets  immensely  broad  and  long, 
planted  with  trees ;  many  good  stores.  Two  bishops,  two 
churches ;  chapels,  &c.,  in  plenty.  Magnificent  public  garden, 
in  which  oaks,  cactus  trees,  ferns,  aloes,  pine,  firs,  gum  trees, 
willows,  roses  in  full  bloom,  pinks,  and  all  kinds  of  unknown 
flowers,  shrubs  and  trees  in  strange  juxtapositions,  laid 
out  in  a  Hoof-  rocky  hills  above;  a  stream  (now  dry) 
running  through  it.  Streets  full  of  bullock  waggons, 
each  with  sixteen  bullocks ;  men  on  horseback  or  in 
two-wheeled  carts,  with  two,  four,  or  six  horses.  Kaffirs 
everywhere,  doing  the  hand-work  and  driving,  doing  all 
work,  in  fact,  except  that  of  hotel  waiters.  Kaffir  men  dress 
anyhow ;  women  in  cotton  gowns  and  bright  handkerchiefs 
chiefly ;  seem  very  quiet  and  obliging,  and  try  to  be  jolly, 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFRICA  187 

under  not  very  elevating  circumstances.  Climate,  if  this 
is  [a]  fair  specimen,  is  certainly  beautiful ;  it  was  82°  in 
sun,  70°  in  shade  to-day,  a  good  deal  of  air  in  the  shape  of 
breezes.  I  talked  to  an  old  Englishman  in  charge  of  a 
pumping  engine  at  gardens;  he  has  been  twenty-five  years 
in  S.  Africa  :  before  that  four  years  [in]  Australia;  laments 
over  Australia,  says  he  gets  5s.  6d.  a  day  here,  and  that 
house  rent  costs  him  10s.  a  week ;  everything  but  coarse 
food  costs,  he  says,  two  or  three  times  as  much  as  in 
England;  he  says,  truly  T  think,  that  Africa  is  no  place  for 
labourers,  as  native  competition  too  [severe]  here;  but 
great  place  for  capitalists.  He  had  been  twice  to  Dia- 
mond Fields,  but  did  no  good'either  time.  I  walked  about 
three  miles  yesterday  without  fatigue  ;  no  pain  ;  cough 
only  two  or  three  times  in  evening,  if  I  get  in  cold  air. 
'  Am  just  starting  for  atrip  to  lower  river  for  two  days, 
in  style  ;  have  joined  another  in  hiring  a  trap  and  four 
for  our  two  selves  there  and  back,  so  shall  have  easy  time. 
I  still  think  we  shall  have  to  get  to  Calcutta  in  order 
to  make  our  way  to  Australia.' 

'  Grahamstown  :  November  13  (Monday). 
'  Dearest  Children, — I  resume  at  point  where  I  left  off 
my  Fast,  viz.,  as  I  was  starting  in  the  two-wheeled  cart  and 
four,  specially  chartered  for  the  occasion.  Myself,  H.  (an 
"  Africander,"  or  descendant  of  Dutch  settlers,  and  secre- 
tary of  a  Capetown  bank),  and  F.  (a  Capetown  civil  servant 
magistrate,  born  in  Colony).  Driving  out  of  Grahams- 
town  by  a  fine  road,  all  up-hill,  had  pretty  view  of  town, 
with  its  many  trees  and  churches  ;  "  City  of  the  saints  and 
city  of  woods,"  covering  much  ground  in  a  depression, 
with  hills  all  round  it.  Over  brow  of  hill  a  great  expanse 
of  hills  and  valleys,  sea  in  distance  ;  hills  and  valleys  alike 
parched-looking,  though  a  few  clumps  of  trees  in  valleys 


At  twelve  pulled  up  .and  took  out  horses  at  roadside 
hotel,  standing  almost  four  miles  from  nearest  white 
dwelling.  Met  many  natives  on  road,  and  saw  many  of 
their  huts,  also  abundance  of  cattle  and  some  ostriches 
(showing  more  in  the  grass  than  one  would  think). 

c  Starting  again,  up-hill  and  down,  bumping  and  jolt- 
ing ;  country  began  to  be  greener,  grassier,  and  a  lot  of 
bush  and  small  woods,  chiefly  of  a  tree  looking  like  a  thirty- 
foot  aloe  ;  only  heard  native  name,  blister  tree  ;  it  is  only 
an  overgrown  plant,  and  doesn't  look  like  a  tree  hardly. 
After  passing  through  a  village  we  got  into  a  pretty  little 
gorge,  and  debouched  on  the  River  Couri  here,  about  half 
a  mile  from  the  sea  ;  a  fine  tidal  river,  with  wooded  hills 
running  down  to  the  water,  making  it  not  unlike  Dart- 
mouth. I  think  the  port  is  destined  to  be  an  important 
one  when  harbour  is  finished.  At  present  about  one  hun- 
dred houses,  mostly  galvanised  iron,  on  the  hills  on  the 
two  sides.  We  crossed  by  big  ferry  boat,  and  drove  up 
to  hotel  on  brow  of  hill ;  going  up,  the  cart  stood  on  its 
back,  chiefly. 

i  The  hotel  outside  looked  like  three  galvanised  iron  tool- 
houses,  all  in  the  last  stages  of  decay,  and  stood  together  to 
prop  each  other  up.  However,  on  going  in,  it  improved 
vastly,  and  we  arranged  for  lodging  :  I  am  getting  a  sofa-bed 
in  a  comfortable  little  sitting-room,  and  the  other  two  a 
room  ;  river  between  them.  Before  dinner,  strolled  down 
to  harbour  works,  which  consist  of  pushing  out  two  pieces 
of  concrete  blocks  of  fifteen  tons,  between  which  river  runs 
out ;  they  have  not  yet  got  to  the  right  point,  and  vessels 
have  to  lie  in  open  bay  outside  the  bar,  as  in  all  S. 
African  ports  but  Capetown.  We  watched  tug  going  out, 
seas  breaking  over  her  from  stem  to  stern.  Dinner  at 
6.30  ;  to  my  surprise  five  men  to  dinner  besides  ourselves. 
Bank  manager,  harbour  master,  a  swell  settler,  and  two 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFKICA'  189 

others.  Dinner  excellently  cooked,  and  good,  though 
simple.  Sat  and  talked  in  verandah  till  nine,  when  went 
to  bed. 

'  Next  day  very  hot ;  lounged  in  morning,  in  afternoon 
got  boat  and  two  men  to  row  us  up  river  for  five  miles. 
Pretty ;  the  wooded  rounded  hills  coming  down  to  water. 
Some  of  the  houses  of  the  town  looking  over  river 
very  pretty,  but  all  galvanised  iron  roofs  and  generally 
ditto  walls,  with  rough  brush  inside ;  when  painted 
white  looks  all  right,  otherwise  it  only  looks — good  for 

*  Sunday  morning  we  started  back  here  at  4  A.M., 
just  sunrise,  which  was  lovely.  Came  by  a  different  and 
prettier  road,  country  covered  with  copses  of  aloes  and 
different  unknown  shrub-like  trees.  At  eight,  stopped  an 
hour  for  breakfast  at  a  nice  little  inn  in  a  sort  of  tiny 
valley,  with  a  pool  and  spring  in  it ;  a  garden  full  of  bright 
blossomed  flowers,  and  a  first-class  breakfast  of  eggs, 
coffee,  and  minced  meat.  .  .  .  Then  up  a  fearful  hill  miles 
long,  and  with  sun  beating  down  like  a  fire,  and  back  to 
Grahamstown  at  12.30  ;  distance  each  way  about  thirty 
miles.  I  am  clear  that  the  way  in  summer  here  is  to  get 
up  at  daybreak,  sleep  from  eleven  to  four,  and  work  in 
evening  again. 

'  To-day  I  have  moved  to  a  very  nice  large  airy  room 
across  the  way,  mealing  still  at  hotel.  It  has  been 
raining,  more  or  less,  all  day;  rain  greatly  wanted, 
and  is  the  more  appreciated  now,  as  it  comes  in  a 
soaking  sort  of  drizzle,  and  not  in  a  tropical  downpour. 
Had  long  discussion  with  P. 

'  With  my  comrades  to  the  C's.  I  had  much  interesting 
talk.  F.  a  very  intelligent,  well-read  man.  We  discussed 
Comtism,  natural  theology,  Darwinism,  the  native  question, 
the  Dutch  influence  in  the  Colonies,  their  civil  service 


and  magisterial  system,  &c.  &c.  It  appears  that  there 
is  a  resident  magistrate  and  civil  commissioner  in  each 
district,  who  is  a  civil  service  clerk  really ;  his  only  train- 
ing in  law  being  what  he  can  pick  up  as  clerk  to  some 
other  magistrate ;  they  have  most  extensive  powers ;  can 
sentence  to  a  year's  imprisonment  and  fifty  lashes  &c., 
and  are  receivers  of  all  crown  revenues.  F.  has  lived  in 
various  districts,  on  which  he  gave  me  much  information. 
He  says  that  Kaffirs  meet  with  much  injustice,  and  are 
often  very  badly  treated ;  they  are  also  subject  to  a  number 
of  very  onerous  regulations ;  cannot  move  without  a  per- 
mit, can  only  rent  land ;  they  are  in  fact  made  a  modified 
kind  of  serfs.  A  young  farmer  who  has  been  here  two 
years  was  fiercely  arguing  with  me  that  they  ought  to  be 
allowed  to  shoot  natives  whenever  they  saw  them  tres- 
passing; he  finally  wound  up  by  saying,  "Well,  when  we 
do  it,  we  are  always  acquitted  by  a  jury,"  which  is  un- 
fortunately true.  I  listened  outside  a  Kaffir  church  on 
Sunday ;  very  earnest  singing  and  preaching,  in  most 
emphatic,  eloquent  style ;  sounds  much  like  Welsh  preach- 
ing. The  preacher  a  native. 

'November  15,  10  A.M. — Yesterday  and  the  day  before 
were  wet  and  drizzling,  cold ;  the  thermo.  not  under  60°  ; 
however,  kept  in  doors  chiefly,  only  going  up  to  the 
library,  which  is  a  fine  public  [one]  and  very  well  sup- 
plied with  books,  periodicals,  and  papers.  I  have  been 
reading  up  my  "  Contemps,"  "  Fortnightly s,"  and  "  Nine- 
teenth Century."  Have  been  talking  much  to  P. ;  we 
disagreed  mostly  about  all  things  ;^  but  he  is  intelligent, 
well-read  and  travelled.  I  have  induced  him  to  read 
George's  book,  which  horrifies  him  beyond  measure. 
There  are  about  seventy  sitting  down  to  meals  daily.  I 
attended  two  sales  yesterday.  One  of  a  farm  (including 
house  of  eight  rooms)  of  3,000  acres,  which  sold  for 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFEICA  191 

2,100Z. ;  it  was  within  twenty  miles  of  a  good  port,  and 
less  of  a  railway;  suitable  for  birds,  sheep,  and  cattle. 
I  should  have  bought  it  if  it  had  sold  for  1,700Z.  The 
other,  a  little  seven  (rather  insignificant)  roomed  house 
and  garden  in  Grahamstown,  let  for  50L  a  year,  sold  for 
only  320L,  repaying  about  12  per  cent.  Have  been  talk- 
ing to  N.  (member  of  Legislative  Council  here)  on  native 
commission.  Attended  Court  of  Session.  The  native  is 
here  put  on  a  theoretical  equality,  but  practically  far  from 
it ;  thus,  in  Court  all  the  seats  occupied  by  whites,  natives 
standing ;  so  if  native  assaults  white,  heavy  sentence,  if 
white  assaults  black,  trifling  one  or  acquitted.  Natives 
all  dress  here ;  some,  particularly  women,  very  well,  but 
nearly  all  bare  legs  and  feet ;  women  generally  a  bright 
coloured  handkerchief  on  their  heads.  To-day  lovely 
after  the  rain;  cloudless  blue  sky;  bright  warm  sun. 
They  tell  me  that  further  inland  at  Cradock  it  is  often 
140°  in  the  sun  and  105°  in  shade ;  but  that  it  does  not 
feel  oppressive  even  there. 

'  I  talk  to  every  one  I  can  get  hold  of,  and  read  all 
the  numerous  local  papers  diligently,  and  am  coming  to 
know  a  good  deal  of  local  conditions. 

'November  15,  4  P.M. — Wet  again;  yesterday  fine 
and  hot.  I  spent  morning  walking  about  town,  attending 
Courts.  Heard  native  tried  for  cattle  stealing,  and  very 
properly  acquitted.  Then  to  library,  back  to  lunch  at  1. 
Then  to  post-office,  short  walk,  and  long  read  at  library. 
To-day,  walk  before  breakfast ;  then  called  about  town, 
inquiring  about  investments,  &c.  Lunch,  talking  scandal. 
Among  my  new  acquaintances,  a  storekeeper  at  Cradock. 
Gives  me  much  information  on  up-country  life — Cradock 
being  the  present  termination  of  railroad,  and  Dutch. 
Dutch  are  the  great  conservative  and  obstructive  elements, 
oppose  all  improvements,  whether  railroads,  water-works, 


bridges  [or]  fencing,  &c.  Storekeepers'  profits  universally 
admitted  to  be  very  high  ;  yet  here  I  see  in  windows 
trousers  10s.  a  pair,  girls'  waterproofs  7s.  6d.,  &c.  On 
the  other  hand,  little  things  50  per  cent,  to  100  per  cent, 
dearer  than  in  London.  Talked  much,  too,  with  L.,  a 
London  mechanical  engineer  who  came  over  here  for  his 
health  six  weeks  ago ;  has  settled  his  wife  and  children  at 
Cradock,  which  he  praises  much  for  healthiness  ;  it  is  very 
dry,  treeless  and  dusty,  3,500  feet  high.  Gives  wonderful 
accounts  of  chest  invalids  who  have  recovered  marvellously, 
He  thinks  of  settling  here  if  he  can  get  any  engineering 
work.  Have  just  been  talking  to  a  man,  a  born  colonist, 
who  has  very  large  farms  40  miles  inland  ;  said  to  be  most 
successful  farmer  in  Colony.  I  have  taken  great  fancy  to 
him.  He  speaks  well  of  Kaffirs,  if  you  look  after  them  ; 
pays  them  lls.  a  month  and  daily  allowance  of  2  Ibs. 
meat  and  1  Ib.  mealies ;  they  save  money  and  sometimes 
own  up  to  30  or  40  oxen,  which  he  lets  them  graze  on  his 
land.  He  has  cattle,  sheep,  and  birds  ;  says  birds  pay 
best,  but  require  much  care.  Is  fencing  all  his  land ;  says 
it  is  indispensable,  as  ostriches  otherwise  will  run  away, 
40  miles  in  a  day.  Ostriches  give  30  or  40  chicks  a  year. 
Says  English  farmers  coming  here  lose  money  from  doing 
everything  in  English  way.  P.  and  I  had  much  talk 
again ;  his  little  Jersey  doctor  also  very  confidential.  It 
appears  P.  was  specially  recommended  to  come  here  by  his 
London  doctors. 

( November  17,  8  P.M. — Honman  turned  up  from  Cape- 
town last  night,  very  pleased  to  have  seen  his  sister ;  had  500 
miles  to  go  each  way.  He  says  he  has  heard  of  several  prac- 
tices vacant,  and  to  be  obtained  without  payments,  which 
are  worth  over  1,OOOZ.  a  year.  I  think  Arthur  might,  on 
passing,  do  well  here ;  everyone  says  that  a  sober  doctor 
does  exceedingly  well.  It  would,  however,  be  necessary  to 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFRICA  193 

learn  Dutch  to  do  really  well.  Have  had  no  word  or  line 
from  you  of  any  kind  yet,  since  I  left ;  begin  to  want  news 
badly,  please  always  keep  press  copies  of  your  letters ; 
I  may  have  two  chances  of  getting  them.  We  spent  this 
morning  in  gardens  with  C.  girls;  walked  this  afternoon 
about  five  miles  in  all. 

<  My  breath,  cough,  and  chest,  all  very  much  better  indeed. 
I  still  think  it  would  be  no  hardship  to  live  here,  if  it  were 
not  for  patents  and  researches.  I  am  clear  I  should  be  all 
right  here ;  but  I  am  not  sure  if  this  or  sea  suits  me  best. 
We  can  hear  nowhere  any  tidings  of  direct  steamer  to 
Australia.  We  shall  probably  go  via  Natal.  I  quite  think 
life  here  could  be  tolerated  very  easily.  Am  really  much 
better.  Thinking  constantly  of  you.  Wish  I  had  mother's 
photo,  in  my  triptych  ;  send  it  me.  Take  care  of  erch 
other! — Ever  yours.' 

'  I  may  probably  not'be  able  to  get  off  another  letter  for 
at  least  two  or  three  weeks.  Please  keep  my  letters,  they 
may  serve  as  signposts  hereafter.' 

'  Grahamstown :  November  22, 

4  Dearest  Children, — Still  no  news  of  you,  which  bothers 
me  much ;  otherwise  all  right,  but  decidedly  tired  of  the 
monotony  of  this. 

c  We  unfortunately  have  no  introductions  here,  so  have 
no  one  but  the  C.'s.  Spent  Sunday  afternoon  there.  Their 
garden  is  divided  from  the  public  Botanic  Gardens  by  a 
stream  which  is  now  perfectly  dry ;  after  rains  is  6  feet. 
In  the  garden  are  orange  and  lemon  and  fig  trees  in  full 
bloom ;  with  pears,  plums,  peaches,  strawberries,  cherries, 
pumpkins,  also  loaded  with  fruit  though  not  yet  ripe. 
Eoses,  fuchsias,  and  geraniums,  with  aloes  and  cactuses, 
abound.  Their  house  a  long  low  one,  only  one  story 



high,  with  big  cellars  underneath  and  verandahs,  furnished 
in  newest  English  style. 

'  Our  life  very  monotonous.  I  am  up  about  7.15,  break- 
fast at  8,  then  to  post  office  always  to  find  no  letters. 
Then  to  library,  a  stroll,  luncheon.  Then  sit  in  balcony, 
library,  stroll;  dinner  at  6.30,  general  chat,  and  to  bed 
about  9.30  or  10.  P.  and  I  have  long  talks  on  all  kinds 
of  subjects.  He  has  a  lot  of  introductions  here,  so  gets 
asked  out  a  good  deal  by  the  resident  magistrates  and 
the  merchants,  here.  Another  character  is  a  man  named 
W.,  of  an  Anglesea  county  family,  who  says  he  knows 
everyone,  and  has  been  in  Canada,  U.S.,  Australia,  and 
New  Zealand.  He  is  now  going,  and  for  a  year's  shooting 
exp3dition.  Shooting,  &c.,  up  country  with  a  bullock 

c  Then  we  have  a  German  from  Diamond  Fields  ;  has 
been  there  twelve  years ;  made  and  lost  a  fortune ;  full  of 
regrets  for  Germany,  dislikes  the  country  much.  The 
Diamond  Fields  are  a  worse  locality  to  live  in.  If  a  man 
buys  a  diamond  from  a  native  or  from  anyone  not  a  claim 
holder,  he  is  liable  to  a  fine  of  5,000?.,  twenty  years' 
imprisonment,  and  a  hundred  lashes.  This  is  monstrous ; 
but  is  constantly  acted  on. 

'  We  went  for  a  short  ride  to-day ;  threatened  rain, 
so  we  soon  came  back.  It  rains  more  or  less  every  third 
day.  Everyone  here  complains  of  bad  trade,  absence  of 
money,  &c.  At  the  Diamond  Fields  things  are  certainly 
much  depreciated  ;  shares  in  the  diamond  companies  having 
in  every  case  sunk  to  one-third  or  even  one-tenth  of  their 
value  a  year  ago.  This  depression  at  Kimberley  reflects 
itself  even  here.  Thus  the  carriage  of  goods  to  Kimberley 
is  an  enormous  industry ;  goods  are  carried  from  here  in 
bullock  waggons,  carrying  four  tons,  drawn  by  sixteen  oxen, 
at  a  rate  of  from  3QL  a  ton  in  good  times  to  16Z.  a  ton  now* 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFEICA  195 

1  As  fresh  men  come  to  hotel  daily  from  different  parts 
of  Colony,  I  collect  and  compare  views  and  facts  from 
varying  grounds.  There  are  several  large  schools  here, 
particularly  a  big  Church  of  England  Grammar  School  and 
a  big  Wesleyan  Girls'  School.  The  natives  have  no  good 
school  here,  but  have  one  some  forty  miles  away.  It  is 
said  that  the  Kaffir  is  particularly  bright  at  mathematics, 
and  when  initiated  in  Euclid  and  Algebra,  spends  his  play 
time  in  working  original  problems. 

i  November  23. — Another  mail  in  ;  still  no  letters.  I 
am  getting  desperate,  and  cannot  even  be  consoled  by  my 
six  "  Times  "  up  to  October  26,  which  I  gloat  over  at  the 

'  November  24. — Your  letters  of  25th  and  others  just 
arrived-^-such  a  relief.  I  had  been  wiring  about  all  over 
the  place  to  get  news  of  those  letters.  I  have  also  news- 
papers &c. 

'ItVas  wet  yesterday,  so  we  did  not  go  for  a  ride, 
for  which  I  was  thankful,  being  "  stiff"  to  the  verge  of 

'  To-day  we  have  been  with  C.  to  see  camera  obscura 
of  some  friends.  People  interesting,  and  views  of  country 
and  town  wonderfully  perfect  and  curious. 

'  It  is  possible  we  start  in  a  few  days  for  either 
Calcutta  or  Australia,  but  the  sailing  is  so  uncertain,  we 
may  be  kept  some  time.  P.  talks  of  going  up  country  in 
a  bullock  waggon.  I  should  much  like  to  go  to  Diamond 
Fields,  but  give  up  as  they  say  they  are  unhealthy.  You  can 
hardly  imagine  how  I  enjoyed  your  letters,  and  how  much 
I  look  to  the  meeting. 

1  Am  all  right,  but  still  rather  "  scant  of  breath ;  "  think 
sea  will  make  me  a  finished  cure.' 

o  2 


'  S.S.  «  Moor,"  off  Port  Alfred : 

'  November  30,  1882. 

*  Dearest  Children  both, — Am  on  the  move  again,  so 
feeling  happy.  Sunday,  Saturday,  and  Monday  last  nothing 
happened,  but  weather  showery  and  uncertain.  Made  a 
few  fresh  acquaintances ;  had  several  long  talks  with  P., 
and  one  long  ride  which  I  enjoyed ;  had  fine  canter  on  the 
downs  above  the  town,  which  we  and  horses  enjoyed  alike. 
I  found,  however,  holding  on  rather  wearied  me  ;  we  then 
rode  all  over  the  native  location. 

1  The  natives  live  entirely  out  of  the  town  in  about  700 
huts,  each  with  a  small  piece  of  ground  which  they 
cultivate.  In  most  cases  they  have  bought  the  freehold ; 
in  others  pay  the  Government  \l.  a  year  rent.  The  huts 
made  chiefly  of  wattle  and  mud,  but  some  of  galvanised 
iron.  In  the  immediate  neighbourhood  of  their  houses 
the  aborigines  dispense  with  a  good  deal  of  superfluous 
clothing,  in  which  they  have  my  entire  sympathy ;  they 
also  think  that  a  good  many  of  our  so-called  necessaries  of 
civilisation  are  really  superfluities.  By  the  way,  their 
regular  wear  is  a  garment  which  they  dye  of  a  highly 
aesthetic  dull  brickdust  colour,  which  suits  alike  their 
complexion  and  surroundings.  On  Sunday,  however, 
they  go  to  their  kirks  in  the  most  elaborate  English 
costume.  They  have  one  chapel  in  the  town,  another  in 
their  location. 

'  After  a  long  consultation  with  H.  we  decided :  (1)  That, 
though  Grahamstown  was  a  good  enough  place  in  its  way, 
it,  and  in  fact  all  the  South  African  health  resorts,  were 
too  high  up  to  suit  me.  I  find  that,  though  I  have  quite 
got  rid  of  pain  in  my  chest,  which  was  the  main  and  really 
dangerous  business,  my  lung  is  only  improved  very  little, 
being  worse  than  when  at  sea.  (2)  That,  as  we  can't  get 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFRICA  197 

to  Australia,  we  ought  to  go  to  India  in  the  cool  weather, 
stop  there  ten  days,  then  on  to  Sydney.  Having  passed 
these  resolutions,  I  began  to  feel  better  at  once. 

'Tuesday  we  paid  farewells  to    C.    P.   had  also  dis- 
covered that  Grahamstown  didn't  suit  him  much,  so  deter- 
mined also  to  leave  this  week.     He  is  going  for  a  long 
waggon  trip  up  country  with  his  doctor  and  servant,  and 
is  to  let  me  know  his  experiences.     He  is  actually  looking 
far  worse  than  I,  who  indeed  present  a  robustious  appear- 
ance.    He  has  had  fracture  of  the  skull,   broken  leg  and 
ribs,  and  several  other  trifles,  but  fully  expects  to  go  back 
to  Parliamentary  life.     Must  have  had  a  fine  constitution ; 
tells  me  for  years  he  never  took  more  than  six  hours'  sleep. 
'  Wednesday  morning  we  started  by  rail  for  Port  Eliza- 
beth.    Miss  C.  and  H.  and  his  sister  came  to  see  us  off. 
We   travelled  down   with   a   young   Scotchman   we   met 
at  C.,  named    Hamilton.       Pleasant   fellow;  much  talk; 
has  been  [here]  over  five  years.     He  and  a  brother,  having 
5,OOOL    each,    bought   a  wholesale    saddlery   business   at 
Port  Elizabeth  and  Grahamstown  for  10,OOOZ.,  and  have 
been  at  it  since.     Profits  about  40  per  cent.,  or  say  100 
per  cent,  per  annum  gross  ;  but  great  risks,  as  they  have 
to  give  four  months'  credit  to  people  in  remote  parts  of 
the    country.     As    an  illustration  of  risks,  a  bank  here, 
which  has  just  smashed,  has  lost  20,OOOZ.  in  the  Trans- 
vaal.    Everyone  says  the  Dutch  here  are  utterly  opposed 
to  all  progress.      In   the   Transvaal  our  retirement    has 
been  followed  by  a  sort  of  general  bankruptcy,  and  they 
are  at  their  old  occupation  of  pillaging  all  the  surround- 
ing natives.      At  Port  Elizabeth  living  is  very  dear.     A 
clerk  can  hardly  live  on  less  than  150/.,  while  salaries  are 
relatively  low, — 130L  to  2502.     I  have  talked  to  so  many 
men  from  all  parts,  that  I  feel  I  know  South   Africa  in- 
timately.    When  we  got  to  Port  Elizabeth  at  6.30  P.M., 


I  found  that  there  is  a  fine  French  ship,  the  "  Havre," 
sailing  for  India  from  East  London ;  do  not  know  if  she 
is  taking  passengers.  Found  also  a  Union  steamer  leaving 
for  East  London  at  once  ;  so  charter  a  boat  for  a  sovereign, 
and  arrive  on  board  the  Union  ship  "  Moor,"  a  far  finer 
boat  than  the  "  Conway  Castle."  We  are  now  lying  off 
East  London,  and  I  feel  as  jolly  and  bright  as  can  be.  A 
sea  life  suits  me,  I  think,  and  hill  air  does  not. 

'  We  hope  to  get  to  East  London  this  evening,  and  either 
to  get  a  passage  in  the  "Havre,"  sailing  about  to-morrow, 
or  in  the  "  Clan  Cameron,"  sailing  next  week.  I  only 
propose  stopping  in  India  about  ten  days.  Read  L.'s 
article  on  George  in  the  November  "  Contemporary."  I  saw 
the  magazine  in  Grahamstown  more  read  than  I  ever  do  in 
London.  Money  is  going  fast ;  at  Grahamstown  we  paid 
25s.  a  day  for  our  joint  boarding.  I  stayed  on  at  G.  till 
Wednesday,  hoping  to  get  a  letter  from  you  by  mail  leaving 
London  on  November  2.  Out !  though  I  got  one  from 
Per.,2  I  did  not  from  you.  You  can  have  no  idea  how  I 
appreciate  seeing  your  writing  as  a  sort  of  physical  liga- 
ment with  yourselves,  of  whom  I  am  constantly  thinking.' 

1  East  London  :  December  2,  1882. 

c  Dearest, — I  closed  my  last  on  the  S.  S.  "  Moor,"  which 
brought  us  here  at  7  P.M.  on  the  30th.  We  were  landed 
in  a  tug  in  complete  darkness  at  8,  and  found  our  way  up 
the  hill  on  to  the  plateau  on  which  this  town,  the  third 
seaport  of  South  Africa,  is  built.  We  had  some  difficulty 
in  getting  put  up  ;  though  there  are  forty  hotels  here. 
Finally  got  into  what  is  said  to  be  the  best,  but  it  is  a 
woeful  falling  off  from  Grahamstown ;  rooms  dirty  and 
cooking  indifferent.  Yesterday  interviewed  the  agents  and 
captain  of  French  ship  Havre,  but  he  won't  take  us,  as  he 
8  Mr.  Gilchrist,  - 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFRICA  199 

carries  no  saloon  passengers,  and  we  can't  go  steerage. 
Honman  called  on  the  leading  doctor  here,  who  was  very 
polite,  drove  him  round  town,  &c.  I  had  a  short  chat  with 
the  doctor  too.  He  came  here  six  years  ago,  and  H.  thinks 
he  must  be  making  over  1,200£.  a  year.  The  doctor  says 
there  are  a  number  of  places  in  South  Africa  where  a  good 
steady  man  can  live  and  make  1,000?.  a  year,  this  being 
one.  H.  is  quite  bitten  with  desire  to  return  here  and  do 
so.  The  doctor  had  bad  health  in  England,  lungs  weak, 
and  had  to  spend  winters  in  Madeira,  so  came  here. 

'  There  are  four  doctors  here.    Population  of  town  itself 
3,000  or  2,500  whites  ;   it  has   a  railway,  and  it  is  a  con- 
siderable port.     I  don't  much  care  about  the  place,  it  is  so 
intensely  new ;  three-quarters  of  the  houses  all  galvanised 
iron,  dusty,  hot,  and  windy.    Talking  to  three  or  four  young 
men,  who  all  gave  dismal  account  of  colony;  had  all  been 
to  Diamond  Fields,  and  all  more  or  less  failed ;  two  going 
home  again.     Also  long  talk  with  a  colonist  born  here  who 
has   large  wool-working  establishment  up-country.     He, 
as  every  other  English  colonist,   complains  much  of  bad 
feeling  and  jealousy  of  Dutch  population,  who  oppose  all 
progress  and  improvement.     He  too  has  been  at  Diamond 
Fields,  says  land  here  is  too  dear ;  in  his  part,  which  is  a 
feeble  part,  it  fetches  30s.  an  acre ;  thinks  it  may  be  further 
depreciated,  &c. ;  says  natives  work  well  for  living,  their 
only  fault  cattle-stealing.     A  wife  costs  ten  oxen,  and  these 
they  think  it  their  duty  to  raise  from  somewhere  or  some- 
body.    All  the  rough  labouring  work  here  done  by  natives, 
.artisan  work  by  whites  chiefly,  and  the  looking  on  business 
done  by  whites  solely.     Had  ramble  over  downs  this  morn- 
ing.    Afternoon  (heavy  thunder  showers)  spent  in  public 
library.     Been  interviewing  shipowners.     A  plague  of  flies 
here,    and  a  few  sanguinary  and  persistent  mosquitoes  ; 
shall  be  very  glad  to  be  on  board  ship  again.     If  we  can 


get  a  ship  for  Australia,  shall  take  it,  but  can't  hear  of  one 
so  far.  As  instances  of  prices,  we  paid  25s.  a  day  at 
Grahamstown  hotel  for  the  two  ;  here  we  pay  20s.  a  day  ;  of 
course  all  drinks  extra.  Thus,  a  pint  bottle  of  zoedone, 
which  costs  6d.  in  London  (or  Is.)  costs  here  Is  9cZ.,  a  pint 
of  English  or  German  beer  costs  Is.,  a  pint  of  champagne 
17s.  6d.,  and  so  on.  Here,  especially,  the  bar  is  always 
crowded  with  young  men,  clerks,  business  men,  &c.  having 
brandies  and  sodas  (Is.  6c£.),  gin  slings,  sherry  and  bitters, 
&c.,  on  which  they  must  consume  a  quarter  of  their  income. 
All  say  that  most  of  the  doctors  drink. 

'  Sunday,  December^. — Went  to  bed  at  8.30  last  night. 
Have  a  three-bedded  room  ;  but  this  fellow  (a  Mr.  Bell)  is 
rather  an  acquisition,  as  he  tells  us  a  great  deal.  Thinks  we 
treat  natives  both  most  unjustly  and  stupidly,  which  seems 
quite  the  case.  We  are  always  stealing  their  land  and 
pushing  on  boundaries,  but  do  not  govern  in  any  proper 
sense.  He  says  they  make  good  workmen  if  well  and 
fairly  treated,  and  that  they  prefer  being  struck  for  a  fault 
to  the  intervention  of  magistrate.  To-day  it  is  blowing 
quite  a  gale,  so  I  am  stopping  indoors,  as  H.  says.  Wind 
cold,  though  sun  so  bright ;  had  a  smart  thunder  shower 
last  evening.  Have  got  a  sitting  room  to  ourselves.  There 
is  every  likelihood  of  this  becoming  a  big  place  ;  but  it 
has  first  to  go  through  some  vicissitudes.  So  wish  I  had 
a  photo,  of  the  Mother ;  the  one  of  the  saucy-looking  child 
is  quite  a  resource.  It  is  possible  that  we  may  still  go  to 
Australia  instead  of  India. 

'  Thursday,  December  6.  Noon. — Still  at  East  London; 
have  just  decided  that  we  will  go  to  Mauritius  and  Bombay, 
thence  to  Calcutta.  There  is  no  chance  of  getting  direct 
to  Australia,  and  H.  thinks  a  long  voyage  the  best  thing. 
I  believe  I  shall  have  always  to  remain  near  the  sea.  I 
don't  suppose  we  shall  be  more  than  ten  days  in  India. 

CH.  xv  SOUTH  AFKICA  201 

We  shall  probably  get  to  Calcutta  between  January  12 
and  20.  H.  says  I  am  much  better  than  at  Grahamstown, 
though  I  was  well  enough  there.  The  only  trouble  is  that  I 
cannot  walk  more  than  a  mile  at  the  time.  Find  it  very 
dull  here,  though  we  are  at  the  best  hotel  (which  is  less 
clean  and  more  flyingfied  than  it  might  be)  and  are  mem- 
bers of  the  Club.  H.  has  made  the.  acquaintance  of  a  man 
named  Pyper,  cousin  of  Dr.  Cotman.  He  is  a  clerk  in  a 
merchant's  house  there. 

'  Had  long  talk  yesterday  with  a  man  who  has  spent 
seven  years  in  the  interior  of  the  Zambesi.  Says  it  is 
fine  country  but  unhealthy ;  that  a  pass  from  Matebele,  who 
is  chief  of  a  district  500  miles  broad,  secures  from  any 
hostility  of  natives.  Buffaloes,  elephants,  rhinoceros,  and 
ostriches  very  abundant.  Gold,  lead,  &c.  found  but  not 
worked ;  as  waggons  only  practicable  part  of  the  way,  must 
be  on  foot. 

'  I  look  forward  to  our  four  days  in  Mauritius.  Besant 
and  Bice's  novels  make  one  feel  to  know  it.  I  find  it  very 
trying  not  to  be  able  to  make  walking  excursions,  but 
caution  is  the  order  of  the  day.  We  are  going  for  a  ride 
this  afternoon.  Expect  to  sail  from  here  Saturday,  but 
may  be  delayed,  and  (if  so)  shall  not  get  to  Calcutta  till 
near  end  of  January. 

'  If  Arthur  passes  next  summer  I  might  perhaps  bring 
him  oat  in  winter  and  settle  him,  if  I  have  to  come  away 
myself,  which  I  hope  I  shall  not  have  to.  We  get  short 
cables  daily  from  England,  generally  about  three  lines. 
Thus,  yesterday  had  news  of  Arabi's  trial,  death  of  Arch- 
bishop, relapse  of  Trollope.  This  climate  would  suit  the 
mother  gloriously ;  sunshine  from  morning  till  night,  with 
generally  a  cool  wind,  sometimes  a  cold  one.  H.  dined 
last  night  with  P. ;  before  refused  to.  He  (P.)  lives  with 
three  other  men;  they  rent  a  five-roomed  house  for  61. 


a  month ;  have  two  servants,  one  black  girl  gets  121.  a 
year,  the  other  English  (cook)  about  301.  Rent  is  every- 
where enormously  high,  as  are  luxuries;  meat  6d.  a  pound, 
butter  2s.  to  3s.,  eggs  2s.  or  Is.  6d.  a  dozen.  Just  going 
to  post,  thence  to  Club. 

'  Yours  ever  affectionately/ 

'  East  London :  Friday,  December  8. 

c  Dearest  Ones, — Have  just,  while  wasting  in  despair, 
received  yours  of  November  9.  Don't  now  send  any  but 
technical  papers,  please.  The  photos  are  indeed  a  trea- 
sure ;  I  would  rather  them  than  considerable  pelf.  Mother 
not  good,  but  still  good  enough  to  be  a  treasure.  .  .  . 
I  wrote  yesterday,  saying  that  we  sail  in  "  Clan  Cameron  " 
for  Mauritius,  and  then  probably  to  Bombay,  and  on  by 
easy  rail  stages  to  Calcutta.  I  have  arranged,  however, 
that  if  we  get  to  Mauritius  in  time  for  steamer  to  Aus- 
tralia, we  have  option  of  joining  it.  There  is,  however, 
very  little  chance  of  this.  I  am  longing  to  be  at  sea 
again.  This  is  excessively  dull ;  the  high  winds,  heat  and 
dust,  prevent  our  riding  or  walking,  and  we  can't  leave  on 
account  of  the  uncertainty  of  the  ship  sailing.  Nothing 
happens  but  picking  up  a  new  acquaintance,  going  to 
Club  or  Library.  Had  the  editor  of  local  paper  with  us 
last  evening.  Had  amusing  talk  with  an  old  Italian 
ex-captain,  as  agent  of  an  Insurance  Company.  His 
verdict  on  South  Africa :  "  This  is  no  fine  country  at  all. 
This  have  much  dust,  much  wind,  no  water,  no  food  fit  to 
eat,  no  nothing  at  all."  It  does  not  seem  on  the  whole 
much  appreciated  by  the  residents. 

'  I  fear  there  will  be  a  "  war "  against  the  Basutos 
shortly.  It  is  really  a  pillaging  expedition,  the  farmers 
openly  saying  the  object  is  to  confiscate  all  the  land  and 

CF,  xv  SOUTH  AFRICA  203 

'  The  great  trouble  here  is  that  anchorage  is  so  bad 
and  exposed  that  ships  are  sometimes  two  months  un- 
loading. On  Sunday  and  Monday,  all  the  steamers  had 
to  leave  their  anchors  and  steam  out  to  sea,  so  losing  three 

i  Saturday,  December  9. — We  sail  this  evening.  Had 
young  fellow  to  whom  H.  had  introduction  to  dinner ;  is 
in  stores,  been  here  three  years,  says  even  a  clerk  does 
better  here  than  at  home.  He  came  out  on  spec.  After 
three  months'  waiting,  got  a  berth  at  12L  10s.  a  month, 
now  20Z.  a  month.  Says  clerks  and  principals  rise  much 
more  here  than  at  home.  His  housekeeping  with  three 
others  costs  him  81.  a  month.  Says  no  society  here,  no 
dances.  We  went  yesterday  to  a  place  few  miles  away ; 
pretty,  but  absence  of  big  trees  painful.  The  Euphorbia 
is  practically  the  only  tree  here,  and  mimosa  bush  the 
prevailing  shrub.  The  winter  here  has  cold,  often  frosty 
nights,  but  bright  sunny  days,  with  frequent  cold  winds, 
but  frost  in  day  time  not  known.  I  regret  not  seeing 
Natal,  but  it  would  entail  going  on  via  Zanzibar,  which 
is  unhealthy.' 

This  is  the  last  South  African  letter,  and  we  may 
interrupt  the  correspondence  for  a  moment  to  observe  that 
no  one  would  imagine  from  reading  these  epistles  how 
seriously  ill  Thomas  really  was.  He  writes  indeed  with 
the  vivid  energy  of  a  man  in  full  health.  The  contem- 
poraneous correspondence  of  Mr.  Honman  with  Mrs. 
Thomas  gives,  so  to  speak,  the  reverse  of  the  medal,  and 
brings  into  relief  the  dark  background  of  deadly  disease 
which  lay  behind  the  superficial  gladness  of  these  travel 
days.  Mr.  Honman  writes  from  Madeira  of  bad  nights, 
pain  in  the  sides,  and  frequent  coughing — '  heavy  fits  of 
coughing.'  At  Madeira,  however,  the  cough  is  'of  a 


better  character/  and  '  the  worried  look  has  to  some  ex- 
tent disappeared.'  'I  hope,'  says  Mr.  Honman,  'that 
with  care  at  the  Cape,  he  may  be  able  to  take  some 
pleasure  when  he  gets  to  Sydney.'  On  November  3, 
there  is  further  good  news :  '  Sidney,  in  spite  of  dull  cold 
weather,  is  better  both  in  health  and  spirits ;  he  has,  I 
noted,  attempted  to  part  his  hair  to-day — not  a  very 
successful  effort,  but  a  most  favourable  sign ;  he  is  par- 
ticular about  his  collars  as  well.'  There  has  been,  how- 
ever, more  'pain  in  the  side,'  and  an  l attack  of  pleurisy.' 
He  is  as  careless  as  ever  of  '  himself,  and  will  talk  to 
anybody  in  the  coldest  wind.' 

Improvements  continue  to  be  spoken  of  in  Mr. 
Honman's  letters  from  the  Cape  ;  but  the  warning  note  is 
still  constantly  recurring  to  one  reading  between  the  lines. 
There  is  ( great  shortness  of  breath,'  much  greater  at 
Grahamstown,  however,  than  at  East  London. 

The  result  of  the  letters  is,  substantially,  that  although 
symptoms  change  and  soften  in  character,  the  lung  trouble 
never  really  disappears. 

In  Thomas's  own  letters  there  is  naturally  a  constant 
desire  to  make  the  best  of  things  for  the  sake  of  the 
anxious  ones  at  home,  whom  (as  appears  from  every  line 
he  wrote)  he  loved  so  dearly.  He  made  indeed  ineffectual 
attempts  to  '  edit '  the  communications  which  he  knew 
that  Mr.  Honman  was  making  to  his  mother.  The  good 
doctor  writes  from  East  London  on  December  8  :  '  I  have 
no  doubt  he  has  given  you  all  news,  but  I  write  this  and 
send  it  separately,  as  he  desires  to  revise  my  letters.' 

CH.  xvi  MAURITIUS   AND  INDIA  205 



WITH  this  necessary  interruption  we  resume  Thomas's 
correspondence  with  his  '  children.'  The  reader  will  be 
able  to  sufficiently  discount  the  praiseworthy  affectation  of 
good  health  which  he  will  occasionally  detect. 

To  his  Mother  and  Sister 

4  December  14  or  thereabouts,  Thursday. 

«  S.S.  "  Clan  Cameron,"  Indian  Ocean,  Lat.  295°. 

*  Dearest  Ones, — I  posted  you  a  letter  on  Saturday 
morning  last  at  E.  London,  and  one  posted  on  Thursday, 
and  went  on  board  at  3  P.M.  on  Saturday.  At  E.  London, 
you  must  know,  no  ship  can  come  nearer  than  half  a  mile 
from  the  shore ;  so  we  got  out  in  a  little  tug  which  tosses 
and  tumbles  considerable,  and  we,  (H.  and  I,)  clamber  on 
board  by  a  rope.  There  is  no  shelter,  and  the  stormy 
winds  do  blow  with  praiseworthy  persistence  and  force. 
So  the  "  Cameron  "  has  been  ten  days  putting  her  cargo  on 
shore ;  this  being  done  by  lighters.  We  soon  found  that 
we  should  not  start  that  afternoon,  and  it  began  to  blow 
in  the  evening  and  continued  all  Sunday;  so  that  the 
lighters  for  the  balance  of  cargo  could  not  come  out,  and 
we  were  pitching  and  tossing  at  anchor  in  a  most  distress- 
ing way.  Monday  morning,  however,  was  decently  calm  ; 
so  we  landed  balance  of  cargo  and  got  off  at  about  2  P.M. 

*  The  ship,  a  ne'vy  iron  one  of  2,400  tons,  on  her  second 


voyage  only.  Captain  pleasant,  chatty  little  man,  who 
has  hitherto  commanded  Australian  passenger  sailing 
ships  chiefly ;  only  his  second  voyage  in  steamer.  Only  ac- 
commodation for  eight  saloon  passengers.  Comfortable 
saloon  and  cabins ;  only  all  too  near  the  screw,  which  is 
a  peculiarly  noisy  one ;  fare  and  attendance  very  decent. 
No  doctor  on  board,  so  Honman  is  sort  of  semi-official 
honorary  surgeon.  A  doctor  came  out  in  the  "  Cameron"  to 
set  up  in  B.  London,  but  after  ten  days  concluded  to  give 
it  up,  and  returned  to  England  the  day  we  left.  I  was 
sorely  tempted  to  leave  H.  behind  at  E.  London,  as  he 
would  have  liked ;  but  I  feared  you  would  raise  some 
paltry  objection  and  get  alarmed  if  I  did,  so  I  heroically 
brought  him  along.  Am  I  not  quite  too  good  ?...!, 
too,  eat  like  a  hale  and  hearty  crocodile. 

'  Now  for  our  co-passengers ;  to  gratify  Lil's  morbid 
curiosity.  No.  1,  Scotchman  brought  up  as  working 
engineer ;  in  70  working  in  Manchester  at  36s.  a  week ; 
found  his  master  would  only  screw  more  work  out  of  him 
the  more  he  did,  so  determined  to  try  Kimberley.  Started 
within  a  week  of  hearing  that  good  work  to  be  got  there. 
Started  there  at  4Z.  10s.  a  week;  lived  on  15s.  a  week. 
Helped  a  man  who  wanted  to  import  machinery ;  taken 
on  at  9Z.  a  week.  Presently  started  on  his  own  account 
as  small  engineer;  got  a  partner;  worked  up  business, 
turning  over  80,000/.  a  year ;  then  amalgamated  with  a 
larger  firm  doing  still  better.  Is  now  taking  trip  to 
Australia,  America,  England,  and  back  to  Kimberley. 
We  talk  of  his  experiences,  the  Fields,  engineering,  &c. 
He  is  really  nice  fellow  to  know.  I  have  taken  quite  a 
fancy  to  him ;  he  does  not  boast  or  swagger,  but  is  full 
of  information.  Has  just  been  showing  me  his  collection 
of  photos  and  stones  &c.,  including  nine  rough  diamonds. 

'No.  2  is  also  from  Kimberley,  a  Scotchman,  making  the 

CH.  xvi  MAUKITIUS   AND  INDIA  207 

tour  with  No.  1 ;  lias  a  store ;  has  been  in  America  thirteen 
years,  gold -digging,  in  N.  Zealand,  &c.  &c. ;  very  pleasant 
and  intelligent.  No.  3  is  on  his  way  to  Australia,  thence 
by  United  States  home.  Affects  the  swell ;  has  been 
twelve  times  in  U.  S.,  also  in  China,  Japan,  India,  &c. 
No.  3  forms  with  No.  4  a  hostile  camp.  No.  4,  young 
engineer,  has  been  five  months  in  Kimberley.  He  and 
No.  3  (who  has  only  been  six  weeks  in  the  Cape)  abuse 
Colony  all  dinner-time  every  day  till  No.  1  can  stand  it  no 
longer,  and  mildly  points  out  that  all  their  facts  are  wrong 
and  their  conclusions  without  foundation.  I  naturally 
support  No.  1. 

*  No.  5,  young  Swiss,  been  eighteen  months  in  Cape 
trying  to  open  up  business  in  Swiss  goods,  but  has  not 
succeeded ;  takes  it  philosophically  ;  is  now  going  to  Re- 
union and  then  to  join  a  firm  in  Madagascar.  His  father 
has  factory  in  Baden,  Switzerland.  He  has  spent  a  year 
at  Birmingham  and  is  fairly  bright  generally.  No.  6  is 
a  young  fellow  from  Glasgow,  who  is  going  the  round 
trip  for  his  health.  Started  from  Liverpool,  and  goes  via 
Mauritius,  Bombay,  and  Suez  Canal,  home  by  same  ship. 
I  believe  they  charge  901.  for  the  trip,  which  will  take 
about  110  days  to  120  days.  Besides  these,  there  are  four 
coolies  who  have  been  a  year  in  Africa  and  are  now  going 
to  Mauritius,  where  they  expect  to  do  better ;  and  a  family 
of  German  Jews  who  are  abandoning  Africa  as  not  suitable 
for  tailoring  enterprise. 

'  We  sedulously  do  nothing  all  day  long.  I  have  read 
'<  Celia's  Arbour"  and  "Monks  of  Thelema"  since  I  came 
on  board ;  both  very  amusing.  Besant  and  Eice  certainly 
have  more  in  them  than  ordinary  novelists ;  they  always 
work  in  some  queer  social  ideas  and  are  unconventional. 
Have  you  read  "  George "  yet  ?  Mind,  I  shall  examine 
you  both  in  him  severely.  Did  I  tell  you  I  made  poor  P. 


read  it  ?  which  was  rough  on  a  proximate  peer  and  Irish 
landlord.     His  criticisms,  however,  were  fun,  and  clever, 
and  kept  me  on  the  qui  vive  as  defender  of  the  faith  of 
George.       The  day  I  left    Grahamstown    P.    accidentally 
told  me  his  views  of  me  by  saying  that  my  views  seemed 
to  be  nearer  those  of  Cowen  than  anyone  else.     Soon  after 
he  described  Cowen  as  a  man  of  the  most  odious  and  dan- 
gerous views,  though  &c. !     I  miss  my  talks  with  him ;  it 
was  exciting  sparring  sometimes,  and  kept  one  alive.  .  .   . 
4  Monday,  December  18. — Have  had  beautiful  weather 
ever  since  my  last,  hottish,  but  never  over  85°  in  the  shade, 
and   generally   a   cool   breeze ;    am    certainly   benefiting 
much.     H.  says  I  am  getting  quite  fat-faced.     We  all  get 
on  well  together,  talk  and  read.     I  read  chiefly,  but  talk 
considerably  with  M.,  who  has  shrewd  ideas  on  subjects  he 
knows.  ...  I  have  been  reading  of  California ;  it  seems 
after  all  the  finest  place  in  the  world  for  climate,  fertility, 
and  everything   together.     Taking  it  all  round,  I  think 
there  are  a  number  of  better  places  than  S.  Africa.     I  feel 
now  that  I  know  all  about  S.  Africa,  and  could  pass  an 
exam,  in  its  resources,  politics,  sociology,  climate,  &c.    We 
all  long  to  get  to  Mauritius,  to  have  a  run  on  shore.    I  find 
we  cannot  get  to  Calcutta  before  January  26,  or  there- 
abouts, which  means  about  March  15  for  Sydney,  and  not 
leaving  Australia  till  end  of  April.     In  short,  I  hardly  see 
how  to  get  home  much  before  July  ;  but  all  this  may  alter. 
I  should  like  a  fortnight  in  America,  if  I  come  that  way. 
It  is  a  dreadful  time  to  wait  before  seeing  you.     The 
photos  get  constant  attention. 

'  Mauritius,  December  22. — We  anchored  off  Port  Louis 
on  Tuesday  afternoon,  having  been  for  two  hours  skirting 
the  island,  which  has  several  ridges  of  most  romantic  and 
striking  looking  precipitous  mountains,  some  running 
straight  up  from  the  sea,  some  springing  from  the  interior 


lowlands.  Port  Louis  has  a  superb  situation,  being  backed 
by  an  amphitheatre  of  hill  and  precipitous  cliff,  with  the 
slopes  covered  with  low  thickets,  vividly  green,  with  great 
patches  of  scarlet  flowers.  We  anchored  a  mile  outside 
the  harbour,  and  (to  our  horror)  were  put  in  quarantine, 
with  a  talk  of  being  kept  for  two  weeks.  At  5  P.M.  on 
Wednesday  we  had  the  joyful  news  that  we  were  allowed 
out  of  quarantine,  but  concluded  it  to  be  too  late  to  land, 
so  landed  on  Thursday  after  breakfast.  The  situation 
grew  more  striking  as  we  neared  the  landing.  There  were 
some  thirty  vessels  in  the  harbour,  a  busy  quay,  and  the 
town  white,  but  embowered  in  trees.  Our  ship,  from  the 
moment  quarantine  was  removed,  was  invaded  by  a  multi- 
tude of  boats,  all  manned  by  Indian  coolies  of  multifarious 
races,  and  Chinamen  or  Malays ;  numbers  came  on  board 
— such  handsome  men ;  some  of  the  Malays  and  Indians 
in  the  loveliest  linen  garments,  and  scarlet  girdles  and 
turbans,  forming  an  extraordinary  contrast  to  our  ragged 
dirty  crew. 

'  On  landing  we  spent  two  hours  or  more  walking  in 
the  town.  The  market,  a  very  large  building,  crammed 
with  Hindoo  and  Chinese  vendors,  with  a  few  negroes 
and  half-castes,  but  not  a  single  white  person.  Shops 
mostly  kept  by  Chinese  or  coolies  ;  many  of  stalls  kept  by 
women  in  most  picturesque  costumes.  The  effect  of  a 
bright  green  under-garnaent  covered  by  an  overskirt  or 
burnous  or  thingumbob  of  scarlet,  and  a  few  brass  (or 
gold)  ornaments,  is  delicious.  Lil  should  adopt  it;  it 
might  be  necessary  for  her  to  improve  her  personal  colour- 
ing with  walnut  juice.  Also,  I  know  no  more  becoming 
dress  than  a  white  linen  nightgown  with  scarlet  sash,  deep 
collar  and  cuffs.  This  last  I  propose  adopting  myself  for 
Chelsea  and  office  wear.  Blue  is  the  only  colour  they  seem 
never  to  use,  except  the  Chinese.  It  was  my  first  experi- 



ence  of  Oriental  life.  There  are  certainly  fifteen  different 
shades  of  colour  and  race ;  the  rarest  in  the  town  being 
the  pure  negro. 

'As  we  shall  stop  here  till  26th  or  27th,  probably  till 
29th,  we  have  come  up  in  a  body  to  Cureppe,  the  sana- 
torium of  the  island,  1,500  feet  above  the  sea  level.  We 
came  by  afternoon  train,  making  a  party  of  seven — we 
being  now  excellent  friends  all.  We  break  up  here,  three 
to  Australia  and  United  States,  one  to  Bourbon,  one  stops 
here  for  a  time,  and  one  goes  on  with  us.  The  railway 
ride  was  very  interesting,  picturesque,  and  strange.  The 
coolies,  who  thronged  stations,  peculiarly  interesting. 
There  are  250,000  coolies  here,  they  say.  The  women 
work  in  fields,  carrying  loads,  &c.,  to  a  painful  degree. 
They  come  here  on  five  years'  contract,  but  generally  stay 
on.  For  further  description  of  Mauritius,  its  scenery  and 
customs,  see  Besant's  and  Rice's  Xmas  number  of  I.  L.N., 
"  Ready  Money  Mortiboy,"  and  "  My  Little  Girl." 

'  On  arriving  at  Cureppe,  we,  after  a  reconnaissance, 
descended — the  seven  of  us — on  an  hotel  kept  by  French 
people  (everyone  in  the  island  nearly  is  French ;  nearly 
everyone  speaks  French,  though  mostly  English  as  well). 
The  hotel  is  in  a  large  garden,  running  over  with  palms, 
tree  ferns,  aloes,  roses,  bougainvilles,  pine-apple,  shrubs, 
and  963  other  flowers  and  trees,  for  which,  if  I  invented 
suitable  names,  the  mail  bags  wouldn't  hold  the  list  thereof. 
It  is  such  a  contrast,  too,  to  Cape  hotels  in  living  and  bed- 
rooms. Here  everything  scrupulously  clean;  there  all 
scrupulously  dirty  ;  there,  bad  cooking  and  doubtful  food  ; 
here,  French  cooking  and  delicious  fruit,  salads,  &c.,  with 
lovely  coffee.  Breakfast  is  at  ten,  and  dinner  at  seven. 
The  village  is  all  round  exclusively  coolie  and  Chinese 
shops,  or  as  nearly  so  as  possible  the  shops  about  ten 
feet  square,  some  only  five  feet. 

CH.  xvi  MAURITIUS  AND   INDIA  211 

'  It  has  been  very  hot  to-day,  so  much  so  that  I  found 
a  walk  of  500  yards  quite  enough ;  but  in  the  morning 
and  evening  it  is  quite  cool.  All  the  servants  here  are 
Indian,  deliciously  quiet,  swift,  and  efficient.  A  Hindoo 
watchman  keeps  all  night  in  the  verandah  just  outside 
my  window.  The  watchman,  with  his  turban,  toga,  and 
bare  legs  and  feet  and  staff,  is  a  highly  picturesque  feature, 
though  I  fail  to  see  his  utility. 

'  December  24,  Sunday.  I  am  wearying  of  the  intense 
idleness  of  the  life ;  yet,  it  is  impossible  to  do  anything. 
The  moisture  of  the  air  makes  one  feel  an  insurmountable 
languor ;  though  temperature  only  85°  in  shade.  There  are 
constant  tropical  showers,  and  it  does  come  down  when  it 
comes.  I  have  been  several  short  walks  round.  The  ground 
fertile  to  a  degree,  and  crowded  with  the  quaintest  and 
most  variegated  types  and  colours  of  people.  All  the 
shops  are  kept  by  Chinese.  .  .  .  We  went  this  morn- 
ing to  see  people  coming  from  church — oh,  such  smartness 
and  colour !  The  nights  here  are  regularly  cool,  though 
mosquitoes  a  little  troublesome.  ...  It  is  all  French  here  ; 
only  one  waiter  understands  any  English,  though  all 
servants  are  Hindoos ;  our  host  a  thorough  Frenchman ; 
hostess  and  daughters  ditto.  The  number  of  travelling 
hawkers  (chiefly  of  cakes,  sweets,  &c.)  is  surprising. 

'  We  have  not  succeeded  in  getting  any  English  papers 
here,  so  I  know  nothing  of  English  affairs  since  November 
8.  I  look  forward  to  getting  to  Calcutta  with  the  utmost 
anxiety.  I  must  say  I  am  very  weary  of  idle  wandering. 
We  can't  get  any  saddle  horses  here,  which  is  a  great 

'  December  25,  Xmas  morning.  Thinking  much  of  you. 
Up  at  seven.  Very  bright  and  sunny.  Thermo,  down  to  70° 
and  people  coming  from  church  in  gorgeousest  of  raiment. 

p  2 


The  bulk  of  our  party  going  an  excursion,  from  which 
I  have  cried  off. 

*  Yesterday  fetched  a  pleasant  ride  through  the  Botanical 
Gardens,  &c.  There  are  charming  houses,  chiefly  verandah 
and  garden  all  round,  this  being  the  residential  quarter. 

'December  28.  Xmas  Day,  went  to  church  at  nine. 
Church  dressed  with  palm  branches,  ferns,  and  flowers; 
crowded  with  white  folk,  well  dressed ;  thirty  or  forty  car- 
riages waiting  outside.  A  number  of  coloured  folk  of  all 
hues,  in  back  seats  and  standing ;  the  coloured  girls  all 
have  white  muslin  thrown  over  their  heads,  looking  very 
picturesque  and  well.  Sermon  in  French,  singing  not 
first-class.  Mass  of  usual  elaboration,  gorgeously  dressed 
attendant  boys. 

'  Breakfast  at  ten ;  lounged  in  verandah  till  one,  when 
H.  and  I,  and  one  or  two  Kimberley  friends,  started  to 
drive  to  the  waterfalls,  three  miles  off ;  passed  on  our  way 
hundreds  of  the  coolies'  huts  (wretched  hovels  of  boards 
and  thatch  mostly),  and  thousands  of  their  occupants, 
children,  and  brown  and  -black  in  all  shades,  in  all  degrees 
of  non-clothing,  but  mostly  plump  and  well  formed. 
Passing  a  sugar  mill,  we  stopped  and  went  all  over  it, 
finding  it  very  interesting.  The  canes  brought  to  the  mills 
by  two  wire  tramways  and  a  traction  engine,  in  addition 
to  endless  trains  of  mule-carts,  bringing  the  cane  to  the 
rollers  direct  from  the  fields  in  which  it  was  cut.  The 
mill  is,  of  course,  tremendously  hot,  as  boiling  and  eva- 
porating is  going  on  all  over  the  place.  All  the  work  is 
done  by  Indian  coolies,  who  work  very  hard.  Their  average 
earnings  are  only  4s.  a  week,  and  rations  worth  2s.  a 
week  more.  At  the  factory  gate  was  the  usual  Chinese 
general  shop,  where  we  bought  some  Scotch  beer  and  some 
soda  water  and  biscuits,  by  signs  chiefly.  They  kept 
everything  you  can  think  of,  but  their  great  business  is 


in  dried  fish,  rice  and  rum,  which  the  coolies  and  natives 
buy  in  ha'porths  and  penn'orths. 

'  The  cascades  are  a  fall  of  a  small  river  some  400  feet 
in  seven  falls,  very  beautiful  in  their  way.  They  fall  into 
a  deep,  profusely  wooded  gorge  ;  precipitous  peaks  tower 
on  either  side,  and  then  the  gorge  opens  out  by  a  further 
fall  into  a  rich  plain  of  sugar  plantation,  bounded  by  the 

'  Yesterday  (27th)  we  all  reposed.  On  24th  had  been  to 
crater  of  extinct  volcano,  a  mile  or  so  from  here ;  very 
curious  and  romantic.  All  the  soil  here  is  lava,  the 
whole  island  being  of  volcanic  origin.  .  .  . 

'  January  1,  1883. — On  29th  bade  adieu  to  our  friends 
at  Cureppe,  and  came  down  by  midday  train  to  Port  Louis. 
Spent  two  hours  in  luxuriating  over  a  fortnight's  "  Times," 
bringing  us  up  to  Nov.  20,  and  got  on  board  our  old  friend, 
the  "  Clan  Cameron,"  after  spending  half  an  hour  in 
hunting  all  over  the  town  for  photos  of  the  isle,  which  we 
failed  to  get.  We  found  the  captain  and  mate  ailing  from 
Mauritius  fever  ;  they  having  been  on  board  in  the  harbour, 
which  is  hot  and  unhealthy.  The  young  Scotchman  from 
Glasgow  had  also  stopped  on  board,  and  was  also  ill ;  but 
none  very  bad.  Found,  to  our  disgust,  no  other  saloon 
passengers  to  Bombay,  so  we  and  the  young  Scot  are  all 
by  ourselves.  We  had  pictured  the  pleasure  of  having 
engaging  young  Mauritiennes  as  co-passengers.  When 
we  got  on  board,  the  ship  crowded  with  some  two  hundred 
coolies,  of  every  shade  and  type  of  face,  saying  their  adieus 
to  forty  coolies  and  Chinamen,  who  are  going  with  us  as 
deck  passengers  to  Bombay,  having  served  their  five  years  in 
Mauritius;  the  Chinese  are  en  route  for  Hongkong.  There 
are  two  women  and  a  baby  also  with  them.  The  ship 
is  rather  heavily  laden  with  sugar  for  Bombay,  and  rolls 
heavily,  taking  in  water  all  the  time,  which  makes  it 


wretched  for  the  sick  folk,  and  less  comfortable  for  us ; 
they  are,  however  very  good-natured  over  it.  Several 
speak  English,  but  more  French  (or  rather  a  sort  of  semi- 
French-English-Hindostanee) . 

4  January  3. — We  have  had  two  lovely  days  and  this  is 
yet  another.  The  thermo.  ranges  between  75°  and  85° ; 
sea  calm,  and  motion  of  ship  creates  a  pleasant  cool  breeze  ; 
so  that  on  deck  it  is  never  too  hot,  but  just  the  enjoyable 
temperature,  though  when  we  go  to  bed  it  is  too  hot 
to  sleep  till  1  A.M.  or  so.  .  .  The  officers  are  not  strong  in 
conversation.  We  all  now  sit  at  one  table ;  but  I  and  the 
Captain  have  to  do  all  the  talking  that  goes  on.  It  seems 
that,  on  ordinary  sailing  vessels  now,  chief  mates  only  get 
81.  a  month,  second  71.  or  less,  and  third  5Z.  10s.  to  61. 
You  can't  expect  a  man  to  talk  much  on  such  a  salary  as 
these.  Of  course  on  steamers  the  rates  are  higher. 

'  Respecting  the  general  dearth  of  conversation  at  table, 
I  stumbled  last  night  on  a  great  joke.  I  said  something 
about  it  being  hard  work  to  keep  some  talk  going  to  the 
Scot,  when  he  replied,  "  Well,  you  know,  I  think  you  are 
some  restraint  on  them,  Mr.  Thomas ;  I  don't  know  if  you 
prefer  not  being  addressed  by  another  title ! "  I  puzzled 
my  head  for  explanation,  which  arrived  at,  amounted  to 
the  fact  that  all  the  officers  and  men,  having  maturely 
deliberated,  have  concluded  that  I  am  Sir  Gilchrist 
Thomas,  Bart.,  and  have  been  observing  my  movements 
with  great  interest  and  curiosity  in  consequence.  W.  had 
written  home  with  a  description  of  the  affable  Bart.  The 
myth  seems  to  have  originated  in  that  source  of  all  evils, 
Lily's  dreadful  calligraphy,  her  "Sid."  Gilchrist  T.  being 
read  as  "  Sir."  Please  Lil  take  this  as  a  warning.  .  .  . 

'  Have  been  reading  Haweis'  "  Current  Coin"  (which  you 
should  get);  they  are  suggestive  rather  than  thorough 
[essays]  but  bold  and  advanced  enough  for  a  clergyman.  I 


have  been  having  some  square  thinking  on  religious  ques- 
tions, partially  led  thereto  by  Lynton's  "  Under  which 
Lord  ?  "  (which  also  read)  ;  it  is  clever  and  trenchant,  and 
apropos  to  the  times,  if  occasionally  overdrawn  a  little.  .  .  . 

c  I  collect  testimony  when  I  can  as  to  efficiency  of  Hindoo 
labour.  The  general  evidence  is  that  two  good  Indians 
are  more  than  equal  to  one  good  white  man  in  most  kinds 
of  work;  while  the  wages  of  the  two  are  less  than  the 
wages  of  the  one  by  at  least  one  half.  I  am  full  of  fresh 
ideas  and  experiments  I  want  to  work  up  and  try.  I  am 
inclining  to  leave  business  alone  as  much  as  possible. 

'  January  5. — We  crossed  line  yesterday  evening  in  the 
loveliest  of  weather  ;  the  84°  of  heat  being  tempered  by  a 
slight  breeze  increased  to  a  pleasant  one  by  the  ship's 

6  This  morning  is  close,  damp,  and  oppressive.  ...  I 
am  picking  up  a  deal  of  nautico- commercial  and  ship- 
building information.  The  Captain  has  been  thirty  years 
at  sea  and  twenty-four  in  command,  always  sailing  ships 
till  last  voyage.  .  .  .  He  sticks  to  his  opinion  that  New 
South  Wales  is  the  best  place  in  the  world.  I  am 
wondering  if  the  mother  could  stand  a  trip  to  California 
if  I  find  it  wise  to  go  away  next  winter ;  H.  thinks  not. 
When  sailing  about  as  now,  always  remaining  (when  on 
land)  in  English  ground,  one  feels  pretty  strong  symptoms 
of  pernicious  British  pride.  I  read  and  think  in  a  desul- 
tory way  a  good  bit,  and  don't  feel  very  bad  at  the  con- 
finement. If  I  had  you  two  with  me  I  should  be  quite 
content.  I  am  now  anxious  to  get  to  Calcutta  for  news. 

1  Sat  up  late  last  night  reading  a  book  of  Thomas  Cooper 
on  Christian  Evidences.  Have  been  examining  Bible  and 
Prayer  Book  to-day  with  great  diligence.  The  skipper 
came  up  and  looked  over  my.  pile  of  books  and,  to  his 
great  astonishment,  found  : — 1.  Prayer  Book  ;  2.  "  Alkali 

216  SIDNEY  GILCHRIST  THOMAS  .     CH.  xvi 

Trade ;  "  3.  Cooper's  Book ;  4,  Electricity ;  5.  Bible ;  6. 
"Cleveland  Engineers;"  7.  "Iron;"  8.  Novel;  9.  Blue 
Book  on  Australia.  He  wanted  to  know  if  I  read  all  those 
at  once ;  to  which  I  of  course  replied  that  I  did. 

*  The  sunrise  and  the  sunsets  are  glorious ;  after  all 
cloudland  is  a  picture  gallery  open  to  all  which  it  is  not  easy 
to  surpass  for  loveliness  of  form,  colour,  and  every  changing 
variety.  It  is,  however,  always  dark  by  seven.  One  misses 
the  twilight.  I  have  got  into  the  way  of  waking  for  the 
sunrise  and  then  going  to  sleep  again.  .  .  . 

'  January  9,  '83. — Off  Bombay.  We  hope  to  get  into 
dock  in  about  an  hour;  we  are  however  rather  late  for 
the  tide,  and  may  not  get  in  this  tide.  Will  reserve  my 
impressions  of  Bombay  till  they  are  consolidated.  Our 
run  from  Mauritius  has  been  a  very  quick  and  pleasant 
one.  With  the  exception  of  one  muggy,  windy  day,  the 
weather  has  been  glorious ;  the  thermo.  never  fluctuat- 
ing more  than  four  degrees  on  each  side  of  81°  day  and 
night.  During  the  last  few  days  nothing  of  any  kind  has 
happened,  beyond  once  sighting  a  vessel  six  miles  away, 
which  is  but  a  mild  form  of  excitement.  Conversation 
has  languished,  though  we  are  all  on  the  best  of  terms ; 
there  is  simply  nothing  to  talk  about.  ...  I  am  feeling 
well  and  bright;  no  pain  for  a  month,  cough  a  little  in 
evenings  occasionally.  Can  read  and  think  well.  I  am 
going  to  stop  away  so  long  to  make  betterness  permanent. 
Eat  prodigiously.  I  long  for  letters.  I  haven't  spoken 
to  feminine  human  being  for  six  weeks.  .  .  . 

' Bombay ',  January  10. — Landed  at  5  P.M.  yesterday; 
the  ship  lying  in  the  harbour.  You  see  very  little  of  the 
size  of  the  town  from  the  harbour,  which  is  spacious  and 
sheltered.  We  missed  the  tide,  and  so  couldn't  get  into 
dock.  We  drove  through  native  town  for  some  three 
miles  to  the  Adelphi  Hotel.  The  town  crammed  with 


humanity ;  yet  somehow  does  not'  convey  idea  of  a  city 
with  770,000  inhabitants.  The  natives  live  largely  in  mud 
and  thatch  open  hovels,  giving  no  protection,  it  would 
seem,  against  rain.  Hotel  a  huge  place,  two-storied,  with 
enormous  verandahs  and  galleries.  .  .  .  Sat  in  verandah 
reading  old  papers  and  being  bitten  by  mosquitoes.  .  .  . 
We  go  on  towards  Calcutta  this  evening,  stopping  two 
nights  on  way,  Allahabad  and  Benares.  I  shall  not 
bother  about  Agra  and  Delhi  (much  as  I  should  like  to 
see  them)  as  they  are  out  of  our  line.  We  shall  be  riding 
about  Bombay  to-day  and  getting  money,  &c. 

'  This  morning  we  have  had  successively  visiting  our 
bedroom  (which  has  no  glazed  windows,  only  wooden  bars) 
coffee-boy,  newspaper  man,  barber,  boot-cleaner,  bath-man, 
washer-man,  and  a  few  others.  Crows  and  pigeons  abound, 

'  6  P.M.     Just  leaving.     Had  a  pleasant  day.* 

*  Benares,  7  P.M. 

£  January  13,  1883.— Dearest  Children,— My  last 
left  me  at  Bombay  on  Wednesday,  when,  alter  calling  at 
Bank,  H.  went  down  harbour  to  see  a  friend  on  another 
steamer.  As  he  did  not  return  for  three  hours,  I  chartered 
a  boat  and  five,  no  one  of  whom  understood  a  syllable  of 
English ;  and  at  last  glided  triumphantly  down  the  har- 
bour to  the  "  Clan  Cameron."  I  said  good-bye  to  officers ; 
found  H.  had  been  there,  and  got  back  again  in  triumph ; 
chartered  a  cab,  which  here  is  a  first-class  vehicle,  some- 
thing like  a  Cape  cart,  or  a  high  hansom  cab  with  the 
driver  in  front,  and  drove  all  over  town,  chancing  on  H. 
driving  in  another  cab.  One  of  my  searches  was  for  a 
sun  helmet ;  but  Bombay  could  not  raise  one  big  enough 
by  three  sizes. 

*  We  started  for  Calcutta  at  6.30  P.M.,  being  seen  off  by 
our  only  co-passenger  on  the  "  Cameron  "  and  having  only 


one  other  in  our  carriage,  which  was  a  first  saloon  to  hold 
nine,  and  sleeping  arrangements,  with  water,  &c.  laid  on. 
We  had  a  very  comfortable  night,  though  we  required 
our  rugs.  Our  fellow-traveller  [was]  a  native,  who  had 
bedding,  crockery,  glasses,  milk,  fruit,  dressing  cases,  and 
every  conceivable  appliance.  He  made  himself  very 
friendly  and  obliging,  spoke  English  well,  and  gave  us 
much  information.  In  the  morning  a  grand  sunrise,  still 
cold ;  country  all  day  varying  between  a  fair  state  of 
cultivation  and  monotonous  scrub  or  semi-wooded  ground. 
Village  of  mud  and  straw  huts,  miserable  looking  to  a 
degree,  scattered  about  at  rarish  intervals.  We  passed 
through  some  fairly  pretty  nooks  and  valleys  in  crossing 
the  Ghauts,  which  are  quite  low. 

'  At  8  on  Friday  morning  we  got  to  Allahabad  and  got 
into  excellent  quarters  at  the  best  hotel.  .  ,  ..We  .  .  . 
hired  a  carriage  and  a  guide  for  the  day,  and  went  to 
Public  Works  Office,  where  I  saw  several  polite  officials  on 
business,  and  got  some  information ;  then  through  Euro- 
pean and  native  towns,  which  are  quite  separate,  the 
former  consisting  of  tree-planted  roads  100  feet  broad,  with 
stucco  semi-classical  buildings  standing  back  in  grounds 
(shops  and  private  houses  alike) ;  the  native  town,  narrow 
streets  lined  by  little  open  shops,  no  fronts  at  all,  each  five 
to  ten  feet  square ;  in  most  cases  manufacturing  and  selling 
going  on  in  the  same  contracted  space  as  carpenters,  smiths, 
potters,  brass-founders,  image-makers,  jewellers,  cap- 
makers, sweetmeat  and  cake  makers,  fan-makers,  fiddle- 
makers,  and  a  score  of  other  trades.  Vegetable,  fruit  and 
stuffs  sellers  are  almost  confined  to  the  bazaar  or  market. 
Then  to  see  the  great  bridge  carrying  the  railway  over  the 
Jumna,  just  before  its  junction  with  Ganges ;  this  junction 
is  a  specially  sacred  spot  for  bathing  in,  and  for  the  next  few 
weeks  millions  come  to  bathe.  From  the  bridge  (a  brilliantly 

en.  xvi  MAURITIUS  AND  INDIA  219 

designed  iron  structure)  to  the  fort  (which  commands  the 
actual  junction  and  a  fine  view)  ;  it  is  largely  garrisoned, 
but  we  got  a  pass  and  went  all  over  it  and  the  stores  and 
workshops — these  last  entirely  operated  by  natives. 

'  January  14. — In  the  fort  is  also  a  long  subterranean 
cavern  or  passage,  with  irregular  niches,  occupied  by 
images  of  gods,  which  were  being  worshipped  by  peram- 
bulating crowds.  Atmosphere  abominable  from  crowd ;  no 
ventilation,  and  grease  lamps. 

'  At  dinner  thirteen  at  table,  one  a  lady  in  white  evening 
costume.  Not  having  seen  a  good-looking  woman  for  three 
months,  I  couldn't  keep  my  eyes  off  her.  Talked  to  my 
neighbour  (a  male,  alas!)  about  native  servants,  who  cost 
four  to  ten  rupees  a  month ;  horses,  including  two  grooms, 
cost  four  rupees  a  week.  Then  got  talking  across  table  to 
General  Napier  Campbell,  a  man  of  about  fifty-five.  We 
had  a  long  talk  about  literature,  politics,  America,  &c., 
continued  after  dinner  in  his  room ;  very  pleasant  and 
intelligent,  as  evidenced  by  his  saying  he  had  enjoyed  his 

'  Went  off  at  8  A.M.  this  morning  by  train  to  Benares. 
We  had  to  cross  river  on  bridge  and  drive  four  miles  to 
the  hotel,  which  is,  as  usual,  in  the  European  quarter; 
then  drove  back  to  the  town  in  tow  of  a  regular  guide  (for 
the  first  time  in  my  life  am  I  so  degraded).  "  Fergusson  "  1 
took  us,  however,  regularly  round  to  about  ten  superior 
temples,  mostly  poor  enough  architecturally  but  quaint 
and  barbarous  to  a  degree;  some  laid  over  with  gold 
plates,  but  mostly  stone  or  plaster  covered  with  red  paint. 
The  Monkey  temple,  colonised  by  some  hundreds  of 
monkeys  of  a  sacred  herd,  who  seem  fully  as  intelligent 
as  their  cultivators,  struck  us  as  perhaps  most  curious, 

1  It  is  probably  unnecessary  to       Twain's  guide  *  Fergusson  '  in  The 
say  that  the  allusion  is  to  Mark      Innocents  .Abroad. 


and  I  was  intensely  interested  in  the  monkeys.  In  the 
Golden  temple,  which  is  crowded  with  sacred  cattle,  and 
has  a  well  (which  smells  like  a  bad  sewer)  in  which  the 
god  Siva  resides,  we  were  mildly  mobbed  on  the  question 
of  offerings  and  backsheesh.  We  were,  after  four  hours' 
templing,  tramped  through  the  bazaar  streets,  which  I 
really  enjoyed  more.  The  crowded  way,  jammed  vitality, 
and  yet  impassive  unchangeableness  of  the  life  is  at  once 
interesting  and  oppressive.  I  hardly  suppose  the  native 
towns,  or  way  of  life,  or  arts,  are  changed  from  their  state 
two  thousand  years  ago. 

'  A  pleasant  party  at  dinner,  though  no  general  conver- 
sation.    Four  ladies — an  event ! 

1  Up  at  six  next  morning  and  drove  down  to  the  river, 
where  we  met  "  Fergusson  "  with  a  boat,  and  we  rowed  up 
and  down  for  two  hours,  watching  the  thousands  of  re- 
ligious bathers.  The  whole  side  of  the  stream  is  lined 
with  stone  steps  or  terraces,  some  fifty  or  a  hundred  feet 
high,  surrounded  by  magnificent  buildings,  built  by 
different  rajahs  to  commemorate  their  visits  to  Benares. 
The  steps  and  terraces  themselves  covered  with  minor 
shrines,  idols,  &c.,  and  thronged  with  multitudes  of  the 
devout  going  down  to,  or  coming  from  the  water,  or 
standing  in  it.  Men,  women,  and  children,  in  blue,  white, 
red,  green,  mauve,  gold,  yellow,  violet,  crimson,  purple, 
and  every  combination  of  all  or  any  of  these  human  in- 
genuity could  devise.  I  could  have  rowed  up  and  down 
all  day,  but  "  Fergusson  "  insisted  on  depositing  us  at  the 
Eailway  Station  an  hour  before  time,  and  (after  selling  us 
some  fraudulent  Brum.  coins  at  ten  times  their  value,  and 
charging  us  preposterously  for  his  services,  leaving  me 
with  one  and  a  half  rupees  in  my  pocket  and  our  tickets), 
he  insisted  on  our  giving  him  a  gaudy  testimonial.  .  .  . 
*  In  the  next  compartment  was  some  almighty  swell  in  a 


green  nightgown,  blue  pants,  and  gold  vest,  pink  and  gold 
turban,  silver  and  gold  shoes,  turned  up  and  coiled  over 
in  rings,  in  case  his  feet  grew  during  our  journey.  Item : 
two  infants  of  ten  or  twenty ;  one  male,  one  female ;  very 
fat,  in  green,  gold,  white,  red,  blue,  and  silver  satin. 
Item  :  two  soldiers.  Item :  two  silver  sticks,  and  one  gold 
ditto  in  waiting.  Item :  six  coolie  s  to  carry  their  bags. 
Item :  three  superior  and  six  inferior  officials ;  chief  duty 
to  give  lollipops  to  junior  swells.  These  infants  must  be 
even  more  spoiled  than  our  silver-spoon  youngsters.  We 
rode  on,  having  a  fine  compartment  to  ourselves,  dining 
and  supping  en  route  gorgeously,  and  sleeping  comfort- 
ably wrapped  up  in  rugs  at  night.  When  at  Benares  and 
Allahabad  it  was  quite  cold.  Thus,  on  Tuesday,  it  was 
135°  in  the  sun  at  2  P.M.  ;  at  2  A.M.  it  was  only  50°  or 
43°  in  the  grass. 

1  We  arrived  at  Howrah,  the  "  Surrey  side  "  of  Calcutta, 
at  six  A.M.,  and  drove  over  here,  which  is  the  swell  hotel  in 
the  swell  street.  ...  On  entry,  found  a  whole  host  of 
servants  waiting  to  be  engaged.  Finding  it  is  usual  here 
(as  we  had  been  warned)  to  employ  one  or  two  servants 
each,  we  took  on  our  table  servant,  and  a  majestic  man  in 
silk  and  white  linen,  with  a  white  turban,  began  to  take 
off  H.'s  boots  and  hand  him  his  hair-brush,  which  greatly 
gratified  H.,  and  we  presently  found  that  this  great  being 
had  engaged  himself  as  body  servant.  They  then  chevied 
the  balance  away,  leaving  us  quite  alone,  bar  a  gentleman 
who  wanted  to  wash  [us]  and  our  clothes,  a  second  who 
had  shaved  me  before  I  had  considered  the  question  of 
being  shaved,  a  third  who  insisted  on  measuring  me  for  a 
pair  of  trousers,  a  fourth  who  wanted  to  sell  me  a  hat,  a 
fifth  who  left  a  silk  dress  on  approval,  a  sixth  who  in 
tones  of  tender  emotion  wanted  to  cure  me  of  corns,  a 
seventh  who  began  cutting  my  hair,  an  eighth  who  wanted 


to  take  off  my  boots,  and  the  six  men  who  were  getting  a 
bath,  making  the  bed,  and  dusting  the  chairs. 

'  After  breakfast  we  went  to  P.  O.  and  Bank,  and  got 
your  three  letters,  "Truth,"  "Graphic,"  "Ironmonger," 
and  "  D.  News."  So  delighted  to  get  all,  and  above  all 
to  hear  you  are  both  well,  which  is  the  great  news.  I 
should  say  that  our  guardian  in  the  turban  feels  it  his 
duty  never  to  leave  us.  While  at  the  Bank  and  the 
P.  0.,  we  tried  to  dodge  him  by  a  side  entrance,  but  he 
had  us  in  custody  again  in  a  second.  At  a  shop  I  again 
nearly  got  clear  away,  but  was  captured  after  a  few 
minutes  of  freedom.  This  afternoon,  by  great  fortune,  I 
found  a  cab  with  no  seat  or  step  for  our  custodian,  and  we 
at  last  succeeded  in  escaping  by  keeping  at  a  gallop. 
While  enjoying  our  freedom,  saw  Patent  Agent,  Patent 
Secretary,  Public  Library,  &c.  On  our  return  we  felt 
awfully  penitent  as  our  Mentor  took  us  in  charge,  and 
reproachfully  brushed  Honman  down  (I  declined  to  be  done 
anything  to),  and  fixed  up  our  chins. 

4  Our  table  servant  is  arrayed  in  gorgeous  linen  vestments, 
with  a  girdle  and  white  turban.  My  first  three  evenings  I 
always  felt  dinner,  with  one  of  these  silent  mysterious  beings 
behind  every  chair,  to  be  a  solemn  and  oriental  ceremony, 
and  I  always  expected  to  hear  one  whisper,  either  that 
Fatima,  captivated  by  the  piercing  glances  of  my  eagle  eyes 
would  a  word  with  me  in  the  sheltered  alcove,  or  that 
"  Haroun  al  Raschid  deemed  it  best  for  the  benefit  of  my 
health  and  my  chances  of  Paradise  to  encircle  my  lily  neck 
with  a  steel  wire  bow-string."  However,  now  that  I  have 
two  mysterious  children  of  the  Caliph  or  some  other  Eastern 
gentleman  among  my  personal  retainers,  I  am  getting  to 
feel  bold  and  commonplace.  I  also  feel  none  the  worse 
for  journey,  and  generally  jolly.  Lil  seems  to  have  done 
everything  possible  in  business  way. 

CH,  xvi  MAURITIUS   AND  INDIA  223 

c  Bengal,  January  22,  '83.— Last  Tuesday  (15th)  I 
called  on  B.  and  H.,  two  members  of  Supreme  Council — 
very  well  received  ;  lunched  with  H.,  his  wife,  and  a  R.  C. 
priest  or  bishop  ;  all  pleasant.  Next  day  called  by  appoint- 
ment on  H.  again,  to  meet  six  of  the  government  engineers 
and  heads  of  Public  Works  Dpts.  I  think,  after  two  hours, 
I  pretty  well  converted  them  all.  It  seems,  however,  that 
the  Indian  Secretary  at  home,  has,  since  I  left,  been 
attacked  in  the  House  and  by  English  ironmasters,  so  that 
there  is  likely  to  be  much  difficulty  and  probably  failure, 
owing  to  interference  of  the  English  control.  Tuesday 
also  got  your  letters  ;  much  enjoyed  them  ;  so  glad  to  hear 
you  are  both  well.  .  .  .  Was  asked  to  dine  with  H.,  but 
as  Honman  didn't  want  me  out  in  evenings,  refused. 

'  Wednesday  and  Thursday  called  on  head  of  Geol. 
Survey.  Very  kindly  received.  .  .  .  He  and  everyone  says 
drink  is  the  curse  of  Europeans,  and  real  cause  of  two-thirds 
of  illness.  Called  on  engineer  of  leading  railroad;  had 
pleasant  chat.  ...  I  think  the  interview  will  bring 
business  to  N.  E.  S.  Co.  Then  saw  agent  for  Rothschild,  and 
(later)  head  here  of  Great  E.  I.  Rail.  I  found  in  all  cases 
most  pleasant  reception ;  got  lot  of  information,  enjoyed 
talking  to  rational  men  again.  [Saw]  also  Secretary  of 
Bengal  Government,  a  Major.  Of  course  I  didn't  walk  a 
step.  I  had  a  two-horse  cab,  my  own  footman,  and  the  cab 
footman  hanging  on  behind,  and  all  this  luxury  for  about 
Is.  or  Is.  3d.  an  hour.  Got  your  first  batch  of  papers, 
"Graphic"  and  "Truth,"  but  none  by  Tuesday's  mail; 
enjoyed  them  very  much.  .  .  . 

'  On  Friday  came  down  Barrakur,  where  theB.  Ironworks 
are.  S.  (who  is  a  German  engineer  looking  after  Works  for 
government)  met  us  with  carriage  at  station,  and  drove  us 
up  to  his  house ;  very  nice  one  on  hill ;  climate  here  delicious, 
coldish  even,  at  nights,  about  70°  in  shade  during  daytime. 


Country  round  not  very  pretty  but  fairishly  well  cultivated. 
S.  and  his  wife  very  hospitable  and  pleasant ;  we  have 
driven  about  and  seen  a  good  deal.  It  is  a  little  too  hot 
for  much  walking  from  11  to  2,  but  very  pleasant  in  house 
even  then.  Am  always  bright  and  fresh.  S.  four  years 
in  India;  married  two  years  ago.  Was  two  years  in 
Scindia's  employ  as  engineer  in  general  to  everything. 
He  tells  many  curious  stories,  and  I  have  heard  much  of 
the  ins  and  outs  of  Indian  society.  They  have  twelve 
servants  here,  costing  16s.  a  month  each  for  wages.  All 
keep  themselves,  and  all  are  men ;  so  the  total  cost  is  about 
110£.  a  year.  Two  gardeners,  one  coachman,  one  groom, 
one  undergroom,  one  top  man  housemaid,  one  under  male 
housemaid,  one  water-carrier,  one  man  for  cleaning,  one 
tailor,  and  one  miscellaneous  man.  Food  cheaper  here  than 
at  home.  A  fowl  costs  3d.,  beef  Is.  a  pound;  a  cow  costs 
5Z.  for  best  kind.  S.  and  I  know  many  Germans  mutually. 

'  We  leave  here  to-day ;  see  H.  to-morrow ;  leave  Cal- 
cutta about  29th.  We  stay  perforce  ten  days  in  Ceylon, 
then  on  to  Sydney.  I  have  enjoyed  this  country  jaunt,  after 
hotels,  very  much.  First  night  jackals  and  wolves  singing 
all  round  kept  me  awake,  now  I  am  used  to  it ;  jackals  cry 
like  the  spirits  of  departed  teething  babies.  Have  seen  no 
snakes,  though  said  to  be  abundant.  I  look  in  my  boots 
and  hat  every  morning,  but  to  my  great  disappointment 
have  failed  to  find  one. 

{  Tuesday,  Janucvry  23,  '83. — Here  we  are  back  again 
at  Calcutta  (Great  Eastern  Hotel) ;  we  had  a  drive,  &c. 
yesterday  and  came  down  here  with  S.  by  afternoon  train. 
I  shall  see  the  Council  to-morrow  or  to-day,  and  then 
live  a  very  quiet  week  here,  not  going  out  in  evening  till 
29th.  The  temp,  here  very  equable  and  pleasant ;  by  no 
means  too  hot.  S.  says  India  is  excellent  for  chest  com- 
plaints, and  that  he  has  quite  got  rid  of  one  chest  disease 

CH.  xvi  MAURITIUS   AND   INDIA  225 

he  suffered  from.  Travelled  down  with  a  large  party  of 
English,  including  a  young  female  who  smoked  cigarettes 
in  a  disgusting  manner.  I  think  young  women  who  smoke 
cigarettes  should  be  burnt  alive,  with  tobacco  as  fuel.  We 
took  one  of  our  servants  with  us  to  Barrakur,  but  finding 
him  no  use  sent  him  back.  I  gave  him  2s.  a  day  (his 
proper  wage  being  Is.)  and  he  has  now  turned  up  again  with 
his  former  colleague  in  new  clothes  of  the  most  gorgeous 
description  from  head  to  foot  (at  least  he  has  no  clothes  on 
his  feet),  including  blue  turbans  and  scarves  and  lovely  lace 
petticoats  ;  they  are  now  both  quite  too  beautiful  to  expect 
to  do  anything ;  but  as  they  never  did  anything  before  but 
put  on  H.'s  boots  and  hold  his  comb  and  toothbrush  till  he 
wanted  it,  it  don't  much  matter. 

1 1  learnt  much  on  Indian  manners  and  customs  at 
Barrakur,  and  am  very  glad  I  went  there ;  it  was  the 
pleasantest  trip  we  have  had.  I  really  feel  my  mind  and 
knowledge  of  peoples  expanding  so  rapidly  that  I  am 
obliged  to  let  out  all  my  hats.  Some  of  my  things  have 
gone  back  in  a  box  to  H.'s  people,  with  a  lot  of  his, 
though  he  still  persists  in  carrying  his  top  hat  along  in  a 
special  hat-box,  about  which  I  keep  him  worried  by  con- 
stantly starting  up  and  saying,  "  Now  I  believe  that  hat- 
box  was  put  in  the  Simla  train  as  being  certain  to  belong 
to  the  Viceroy,"  or  suggesting  that  it  has  fallen  over  or 
got  sat  on. 

'  Great  Eastern  Hotel,  Friday,  January  26,  '83. — Dearest 
Ones, —  .  .  .  Saw  H.  for  two  hours,  Tuesday,  and  some 
engineers  and  bankers  Wednesday ;  always  in,  easier  to 
work,  and  meeting  the  pleasantest  receptions.  .  .  .  Tester^ 
day  went  over  Geological  Museum  and  spent  some  time  in 
their  library  very  pleasantly,  the  head  of  the  Survey  being 
my  cicerone.  I  drove  there,  and  am  ashamed  to  say  came 
home  in  a  palanquin  or  palki,  carried  by  four  men.  It  is 



a  curious  sensation.  They  are  much  used  here,  and  are 
absurdly  cheap.  You  can  hire  one  for  five  hours  for  Is.  Sd.t 
English  money.  I  gave  my  men  ten  annas  (the  fare  being 
three),  and  they  immediately  started  a  hubbub  of  the  first 
magnitude,  thinking  I  must  be  insane.  H.  and  S.  are 
much  exercised  by  my  ruining  servants,  coolies  and  porters 
&c.,  by  what  they  call  my  reckless  extravagance.  I  tipped 
about  ten  servants  at  S.'s  house.  I  began  with  1-J-  rupee 
(say  3s.)  each,  but  got  down  to  Is.  at  the  end.  It  is 
curious  that  being  liberal  don't  seem  to  be  appreciated. 
Thus,  I  gave  coolies  who  put  our  luggage  (only  three  bags) 
in  train  Is.,  and  they  asked  for  more.  S.  (who  had  three 
big  boxes)  gave  2<1,  and  was  overwhelmed  with  bowing. 
.  .  .  Don't  let  mother  worry.  I  am  getting  along 
beautifully.  I  feel  more  and  more  that  I  would  not  have 
missed  this  initiation  into  Asiatic  life.  By  the  way, 
Keshub  Chunder  Sen  gave  a  lecture  last  Sunday  to  an 
enormous  mixed  audience,  on  Christianity,  Natural  Religion, 
Brahminism,  and  the  relations  of  Europe  and  Asia.  Read 
it  if  you  can  get  hold  of  it.  I  was  very  sorry  to  be  unable 
to  hear  it.  Did  I  tell  you  the  Baboos  (or  writer  and 
merchant  class)  look  exactly  like  Romans  ?  Many  have 
classical  firm  features,  hair  cut  square  over  foreheads,  and 
wear  a  toga,  and  no  head  covering  or  trousers  of  any 
kind.  Julius  Caesar,  or  his  facsimile,  cashed  a  cheque  for 
me  the  other  day. 

1  Both  our  old  servants  have  returned  to  us,  as  well 
they  might,  as  we  pay  them  over  double  the  usual  rate, 
that  is,  2s.  a  day  each  instead  of  Is.  The  bearer  is  a  fine 
"tall  high-caste  Hindoo ;  so  high  that  all  the  waiting  he 
can  do  connected  with  food  is  bringing  us  our  early 
morning  coffee  at  six.  He  then  gets  our  bath,  folds  up 
our  clothes  (to  my  great  annoyance),  and  gives  H.  each 
article -of  clothing,  makes  beds,  and  supervises  us  with  a 


critical  eye.  For  the  rest  of  the  day  he  does  nothing, 
unless  I  invent  an  errand  for  him  (which,  as  I  am  in 
constant  communication  with  government,  I  often  do). 

'  Wages  at  Barrakur  for  labourers  are  about  3d.  per  day. 
For  women  (who  work,  they  say,  often  better  than  men), 
2d. ;  for  children  (who  I  am  sorry  to  say  work  hard  from 
eight  upwards),  about  Id.  On  other  hand,  an  English 
foreman  who  would  at  home  get  at  most  12Z.  a  month, 
gets  there  301.  I  went  to  two  collieries.  At  one  a  native 
manager  very  courteous,  intelligent,  and  obliging ;  gave 
us  all  figures  asked  ;  [at]  one  an  Englishman,  also  pleasant. 
Miners  earn  about  9d.  a  day ;  bring  up  about  two  tons  a 
day  each  ;  much  less  than  our  own  men.  They  won't  use 
gunpowder,  owing  to  some  prejudice.  I  should  ex- 
tremely like  to  push  iron-making  in  India  ;  even  if  it  cost 
me  money,  it  would  be  a  grand  thing  to  keep  ten  million 
rupees  annually  in  India.  .  .  . 

'  I  go  to  dinner  with  H.  to-morrow ;  sail  Monday.  Went 
over  Mint  yesterday.  Temperature  beautiful ;  about  65° 
at  night,  70°  to  72°  in  day,  shade.  The  cruelty  to 
unfortunate  oxen  used  as  beasts  of  burden  is  dreadful,  and 
is  the  only  thing  that  cools  my  ardour  to  relieve  India  of 
her  burdens.  Have  seen  boat  to  Melbourne  I  thought  of 
going  by,  but  don't  like  it ;  so  shall  go  by  P.  and  0.  to 
Ceylon,  and  so  to  Sydney  by  "Paramatta."  Have  just 
been  seeing  two  Ministers  again ;  they  are  frank  enough, 
and  if  Kimberley  doesn't  put  spoke  in  wheel,  shall  do 
well.  Now  for  five  weeks  of  absolute  quiet,  and  monotony, 
and  dulness.' 

This  is  the  last  letter  actually  written  from  Indian  soil 
(although  the  next  epistle  describes  a  farewell  dinner),  and 
it  will  be  well  to  give  Mr.  Honman's  view  of  his  patient's 
health  during  those  journeyings  and  negotiations  with  the 

Q  2 


Indian   Government.     He   writes   to   Mrs.  Thomas  from 
Calcutta : — 

1  There  is  a  decided  improvement  this  week  in  his 
lungs.  .  .  .  Those  pains  that  have  been  so  much  cause  of 
anxiety  have  not  been  present  for  the  last  month/  But 
the  anxious  physician  goes  on  to  complain  of  Sidney's 
broken  sleep  upon  mail  nights,  and  to  urge  the  importance 
of  keeping  from  him  the  details  of  business  as  much  as 
possible.  '  Will  you  see  that  everything  that  can  possibly 
be  kept  back  (unless  of  vital  importance)  be  kept  back  ? 
He  dreams  of  fresh  complications  each  time,  and  he 
awakes  with  a  bad  headache.' 

In  point  of  fact  the  success  of  Thomas's  discovery  and 
the  commercial  undertakings  which  had  followed  in  the 
train  of  that  success  had  brought  the  usual  penalties  with 
them  of  much  care  and  trouble. 

A  week  later  Mr.  Honman  writes  (still  from  Calcutta) : — 

c  Sidney  has  told  you  about  the  trip  to  Barrakur,  I 
suppose.  It  has  a  beautiful  climate  at  this  time  of  year, 
but  it  is  too  cold  at  night  to  continue  there.  .  .  .  Sidney 
can  work  a  great  deal  better  than  he  could  before,  but  I 
endeavour  to  prevent  him  as  much  as  possible,  as  I  notice 
it  does  not  improve  him.  .  .  .  The  stay  in  India  has  not 
been  such  a  bugbear  as  we  anticipated.  His  lungs  have 
improved  since  we  arrived,  and  I  have  no  doubt  would 
have  improved  more  if  we  had  stopped  longer,  only  I  am 
afraid  of  the  work  here.  The  government  people  have 
no  regard  for  anybody's  health.' 

CH.  xvii     CEYLON,   AND    THE   VOYAGE  TO   AUSTEALIA     229 



So,  with  a  little  rift  showing  in  the  gathering  clouds, 
Thomas  sailed  for  Australia.  We  resume  his  corre- 
spondence on  shipboard. 

To  liis  Mother  and  Sister 
'  S.S.  "  Teheran,"  off  Madras  :  February  3,  1883.— Saturday. 

c  Dearest  Ones, — I  left  off  in  my  last  just  leaving  en 
grande  tenue  for  dinner-party  at  H.'s,  who  is  the  equivalent 
perhaps  of  our  President  of  Board  of  Trade  (or  nearer  to 
French  Minister  of  Public  Works),  and  Member  of  the 
Supreme  Council.  There  were  eight  men  there  and  four 
ladies ;  the  men,  a  E.  C.  dignitary  and  military  and 
civil  servants.  I  talked  chiefly  to  H.,  who  told  me  his 
experiences  of  natives,  among  whom  he  has,  he  says,  many 
intimate  friends.  (He  speaks  several  Indian  languages.) 
*  .  .  Says  they  produce  excellent  mathematicians,  engineers, 
and  architects.  He  is  an  architectural  amateur  himself. 
We  then  spoke  of  ironworks  &c.  I  am  very  desirous 
to  aid  in  introducing  these  in  India ;  it  would  ultimately 
keep  in  India  nearly  a  million  sterling  a  year,  which  is 
now  a  fearful  drain  on  her  poverty. 

1 1  talked  also  much  to  Colonel  S.,  the  Director-General 
of  Kailroads,  who  was  born  in  India,  was  through  the 
Mutiny,  and  knows  much  of  the  country.  Thinks  all  but 
a  small  class  of  Mahomedans  and  ambitious  spirits  are 


content  with  our  rule  &c.  Also  with  a  man  who  had 
been  "  Resident "  in  Scinde  and  other  native  states,  a  very 
able  man  and  good  talker.  Enlarged  my  views  on  many 
Indian  topics ;  we  had  some  pleasant  sparring.  He  very 
sensitive  to  English  criticism  and  that  of  men  travellers. 
I  was  kept  by  H.  after  others.  Dinner  very  good,  not 
ostentatious;  six  servants  in  picturesque  costumes  and 
gorgeous  turbans  fastened  with  magnificent  aigrettes. 

'  Next  morning  up  at  6.  (Honman,  like  a  brick,  had 
done  packing  previous  evening.)  Started  at  8 ;  backsheesh  ; 
got  on  board  P.  &  0.  s.S.  "  Teheran,"  a  fine  boat  which 
takes  us  to  Colombo,  where  we  wait  ten  days,  sailing 
again  in  "  Paramatta  "  about  16th  for  Australia,  where  we 
should  arrive  about  March  13.  We  sailed  at  9.  Such 
a  crowd  of  friends  to  see  us  and  the  fifty  or  so  passengers 
off.  Sailed  down  Hooghly ;  chiefly  striking  for  tropical 
vegetation  and  the  enormous  number  of  ships  lying  in  tier 
after  tier.  .  .  . 

1  Among  other  passengers  a  S.  American,  who  speaks 
French  and  is  a  sort  of  Commission  to  Australia,  for  some 
mysterious  purpose,  studies  Vetat  social  et  communal,  agri- 
cole  et  industrielj  &c.  Talks  well,  only  the  strain  of  French 
breaks  me  down. 

'  Then  there  is  a  man  named  P..  in  the  Chinese  Con- 
sular service,  who  is  quite  interesting ;  is  one  of  a  doze.n. 
men  who  talk  and  write  Chinese  with  perfect  ease,  and 
fluency.  Gives  one  a  very  different  idea  of  the  Chinese 
from  that  one  derives  from  books.  He  says  that  actually 
there  is  no  religion  at  all  among  the  male  Chinese,  though 
they  believe  in  a  future  state,  in  which,  however,  they  do 
not  suppose  their  conduct  here  will  affect  their  position. 
He  also  describes  them  as  highly  logical  and  reasonable  in 
argument,  &c.  Says  opium  trade  is  a  grievous  ill  that, 
we .  have  forced  on  them ;  that  it  seriously  affects  health,. 

CH.  xvii   CEYLON,   AND   THE   VOYAGE   TO  AUSTKALIA      231 

(Conduct,  &c.,  of  huge  districts,  and  that  Chinese  are  sin- 
cerely anxious  to  stop  it.  He  has  been  lending  me  some 
notes  of  his  on  Chinese  law  and  the  paternal  power. 

i  Item :  A  Scotchman  who  has  lived  twenty  years  in 
Boston  and  Toronto,  made  his  fortune  and  tried  to  settle 
down  in  London,  but  had  had  to  start  round  the  world  for 
a  change  ;  has  been  doing  Egypt,  Syria,  and  India  ;  is 
going  on  to  China.  He  likes  Canada  much  better  than 
England;  says  too,  Canada  can  absorb  any  number  of 
really  working  immigrants.  Has  been  recently  in  Mani- 
toba, of  which  he  speaks  highly  as  to  its  futurity.  .  .  . 

'  I  am  tired  of  shipboard  again,  and  am  so  looking 
forward  to  getting  home;  the  long  spell  from  and  to 
Australia  will  be  very  tedious.  The  chief  officers  here  get 
201.  a  month,  the  junior  captain  400?.  a  year,  the  senior 
1,000£.  Doctor  gets  ~LOl. ;  Honman  says  doctor  also  gets 
numerous  fees.  By  the  way,  S.  played  the  zither  delight- 
fully. I  like  it  much  better  than  piano ;  it  is  low  and 
melodious,  and  doesn't  obtrude  itself  on  Anyone.  .  .  . 

'  Thursday,  February  8. — We  arrived,  in  Colombo  last 
night ;  shall  stop  up  at  a  sanatorium  near  town  till 
"  Paramatta  "  arrives.  We  are  two  days  late  here,  owing 
to  some  defect  in  engines,  which  we  had  to  stop  four  days 
at  Madras  to  cure.  We  lead  the  usual  uneventful  life.  .  .  . 

'  I  am  always  well  enough  ;  the  only  thing  I  absolutely 
do  not  get  clear  of  is  a  little  cough.  I  often  think  if  you 
could  have  stood  the  sea  (which  you  couldn't)  how  jolly  we 
might  have  been  together.  I  am  very  savage  at  having  to 
stop  so  long  at  Colombo ;  we  shall  only  get  five  or  six 
weeks  in  Australia. 

'  Everyone  says  that  no  one  ought  to  go  to  India  after 
early  March  for  the  first  time.  November,  December,  and 
January  are  the  best  months  to  go.  It  seems  certain  that 
Europeans  cannot  colonise  in  India ;  that  is,  after  three 


generations  in  India,  they  die  out.  On  the  other  hand, 
Lewis,  Sir  J.  Phayre,  and  all  authorities  say  that  a  man 
who  eats  moderately,  drinks  not  at  all,  and  protects  his 
head  from  sun,  is  nearly  as  healthy  as  in  England.  Liver 
complaints  are  very  little  known.  The  climate  seems 
most  fatal  to  children  ;  then  to  women.  If  brought  up 
in  India,  they  say  only  one  soldier's  child  in  nine  lives 
to  twenty-one ;  on  the  other  hand,  in  a  female  orphan 
asylum,  where  they  live  with  extreme  simplicity,  and  great 
attention  is  paid  to  cleanliness  and  exercise,  they  have 
wonderfully  good  health.  .  .  .' 

•  Mount  Lavinia  Ground  Hotel,  Ceylon  :  February  12,  1883. 

'  Dearest  Mother, — We  landed  at  Colombo  at  ten  on 
morning  of  8th.  The  town,  with  its  red-tiled  houses  and 
clusters  of  palm  trees  coming  down  to  sea,  looked  bright 
and  pleasant.  We  drove  about  for  an  hour,  walked 
through  the  markets  &c.,  and  I  felt  I  knew  Colombo. 
Many  of  the  buildings  are  the  old  Portuguese  houses  and 
forts  transformed. 

'  We  finally  came  up  here  by  train ;  the  railway  skirting 
the  shore  all  the  way,  with  cocoanut  palms,  among  which 
the  native  houses  are  scattered  thickly  on  the  other  side. 
Mount  Lavinia  is  only  seven  miles  from  Colombo,  but 
said  to  be  much  healthier.  It  is  a  knoll  of  rock,  only 
some  fifty  feet  high,  jutting  into  the  sea ;  the  hotel  an 
ex-governor's  country  house  ;  it  is  very  large,  of  classical 
architecture,  and  very  commodious  and  magnificent.  Thus, 
the  dining-room  is  a  magnificent  hall,  some  100  or  150  feet 
long,  with  two  rows  of  pillars  down  the  sides,  with  a  number 
of  little  tables,  exquisitely  laid  out  with  linen,  glass,  and 
flowers,  making  a  more  striking  ensemble  than  any  I  have 
ever  seen  in  any  hotel  anywhere.  The  dining-room  opens 
by  wide  (always  open)  doorways  into  the  drawing-room, 


and  that  on  the  verandah ;  thus  we  have  the  ocean  on  one 
hand,  the  palm  forest  on  the  other.  We  have  a  room 
which  can  take  forty  or  fifty,  with  only  an  average  of 
eight;  though  yesterday  twenty  or  thirty  came  over  to 
dine.  The  meals  are  appalling  in  their  variety,  frequency, 
and  richness,  and  the  cooking  far  ahead  of  anything  I  have 
ever  suspected.  We  fare  sumptuously  if  we  take  three 
out  of  nine  courses.  We  have  not  wandered  more  than 
three  miles  away  on  either  side.  The  Ceylonese  or  Cin- 
galese are  a  fine,  if  somewhat  womanly  race  ;  don't  affect 
clothing  above  the  waist ;  wear  long  hair  and  tortoiseshell 
combs.  .  .  .  This  is  quite  a  Castle  of  Indolence,  even 
worse  than  the  steamer.  We  revel  in  "  Punch,"  "  World," 
"Truth,"  "I.  L.  N.,"  "Graphic,"  "Pub.  Opinion," 
"  Field,"  and  "  Queen  "  (alas  !  I  have  read  all  these  twice 
through),  and  are  in  all  ways  in  pampered  luxury.  The 
native  fishing  boats,  six  feet  broad,  twenty  long,  with  an 
outrigger,  are  an  endless  subject  of  curiosity.  They  sail 

4  February  14 ;  Mount  Lavinia. — Yesterday  we  spent  in 
Colombo,  wandering  about,  and  chatting  to  some  of  our 
old  steamer  acquaintances.  We  are  the  only  ones  who 
have  been  out  here.  Colombo  tremendously  hot;  but 
grass  always  green,  which,  after  arid  deserts  of  India  and 
Africa,  a  great  refreshment.  We  came  up  again  in  the 
evening,  and  now  find  we  do  not  sail  till  midnight 
to-morrow.  I  shall  post  this  before  we  sail.  They  say 
the  "  Paramatta "  is  a  splendid  ship.  Our  life  here 
dreadfully  slow ;  there  are  two  young  women  here,  but 
both  married,  and  with  their  friends,  who  are  not  sociable. 
I  get  on  here  well  enough — reading  and  lounging,  and 
playing  chess  (for  Honman's  delectation).  Mind,  I  do  not 
believe  an  idle  life  is  good  for  anyone  at  any  time,  and  I 
loaf  under  protest.  Our  Spanish-French  passenger  from 


Calcutta  goes  with  us  to  Australia.    We  may  very  possibly 
land  at  Melbourne  and  go  by  train  to  Sydney. 

'  I  like  the  natives  ;  they  are  quiet,  dignified,  and  well 
featured,  though  I  fancy  somewhat  idle.  The  hard  work 
is  done  by  immigrants  from  Malabar.  Remember,  you  can- 
not possibly  get  another  letter  from  me  before  the  end  of 
April,  when  I  trust  I  shall  be  on  my  way  home.  Tell  me, 
Lil  dear,  exactly  how  mother  is  always. — Yours  lovingly.' 

'  February  25,  1883  :  P.  &  0.  s.s.  "  Paramatta,"  Latitude  24. 
'  Dearest  Children, — We  parted  with  some  regret  from 
our  palm-forest  and  marine-palace  of  Mount  Lavinia  early  on 
the  morning  of  15th  ;  went  down  to  Colombo,  sending  our 
traps  on  board.  We  parted,  to  amuse  ourselves  in  our  re- 
spective ways,  till  ship  sailed  in  evening.  I,  lounging  in 
hotel  verandah,  soon  picked  up  some  of  my  "  Teheran  " 
friends.  Several  were  leaving  for  China  the  same  evening, 
among  them  my  Chinese  consul.  With  him  I  drove  to 
the  museum,  far  away  from  the  town,  and  saw  some  in- 
teresting carving,  inscriptions,  and  jewels  of  old  Ceylon. 

'  Talking  (which  we  did  at  a  great  rate,  my  consul  being 
an  interesting  and  aggressive  conversationalist)  we  spoke  of 
Arabi,  and  I  said  I  had  a  mind  to  leave  my  card,  as  a  mark 
of  sympathy.  P.  jumped  at  this,  and  said  he  should 
like  above  all  things  to  interview  the  Pasha.  We  finally 
compromised  by  agreeing  to  leave  cards,  and  leave  it  to 
A.  P.  to  say  if  he  could  see  us  or  not.  This  we  did.  Arabi 
sent  out  to  ask  us  in.  His  house  is  a  moderately  comfort- 
able sort  of  European-Indian  house,  in  a  longish  garden, 
in  the  suburbs  of  Colombo.  We  found  Arabi  and  another 
pasha  sitting  on  the  verandah,  with  seven  or  eight  sub- 
ordinates round.  We  shook  hands  and  began  to  exchange 
complimentary  remarks  through  the  medium  of  two  very 
atrociously  bad  interpreters.  The  consul,  to  my  disgust, 

CH.  xvii   CEYLON,   AND   THE   VOYAGE   TO   AUSTRALIA      235 

said  I  was  a  member  of  Egyptian  Committee  (which  I  am) 
and  a  leading  pro-Egyptian  and  pro-Arabi  politician ! 
This  being  floridly  translated,  Arabi  began  bowing  to  me, 
putting  his  hand  to  his  heart,  and  insisted  on  my  taking 
an  armchair  by  his  side,  and  showed  me  an  elementary 
Arabic-English  phrase  book,  in  which  he  was  grinding  up, 
pointing  out  words  "my  friend"  as  describing  me,  and  by 
bowing,  smiling,  &c.,  conveyed  his  goodwill.  I  felt  rather 
an  impostor,  but  disclaimers  proved  no  good.  We  con- 
tinued to  be  cruelly  mistranslated,  and  to  be  obviously 
made  to  say  imbecile  things,  till  I  was  reduced  to  the 
verge  of  distraction ;  but  the  consul  was  quite  equal  to  the 
emergency.  Finally  coffee  drunk  with  infinite  empresse- 
ment,  and  a  loving  parting. 

'Arabi  looks  earnest  and  determined,  but  does  not 
strike  me  as  peculiarly  brilliant ;  not  a  very  striking  face, 
but  still  beyond  the  average. 

1  After  excursing  further  about  Colombo,  and  having  a 
final  gossip  in  the  crowded  hotel  verandah,  I  went  to  our 
ship  in  one  of  the  native  outriggers,  which  are  the  queerest 
but  safest  of  craft. 

' "  Paramatta,"  as  you  will  have  seen  in  papers,  is  a 
fine  new  boat — this  has  led  to  her  being  very  crowded —  * 
there  being  over  a  hundred  saloon  passengers. 

'  A  young  pair  only  two  or  three  months  married ;  the 
husband,  quite  youthful,  is  going  out  as  first  Professor  of 
Anatomy  to  the  New  Medical  School  at  Sydney.  His 
wife  still  young,  pretty.  The  professor  is  well  up  ;  speaks 
French,  German,  and  Italian,  and  knows  some  general 
science.  To  my  great  astonishment  I  found,  after  a  day 
or  two,  that  Mrs.  R.  and  Mrs.  Professor  between  them 
have  persuaded  the  man  whose  cabin  I  shared  to  retire  in 
favour  of  Honman  to  a  far  inferior  cabin,  leaving  his  to 
Honman  and  self. 


'It  having  got  abroad  that  I  am  with  a  doctor,  and 
there  being  nothing  visibly  wrong,  it  is  generally  supposed 
I  am  a  dangerous  lunatic.  .  .  . 

'We  have  an  ex- Victorian  merchant,  now  living  in 
Tasmania,  of  the  healthfulness  of  which  he  gives  the 
most  glowing  account ;  an  ex-Sydney  merchant ;  a  N.S.W. 
surveyor,  born  in  colony,  returning  from  tour  round  world 
all  by  himself;  an  ex-ship  captain  who  has  recently  lost 
his  wife,  taking  voyage  to  get  over  his  loss ;  a  missionary 
who  sits  next  me  at  meals ;  in  intervals  of  eating  (he 
consumes  more  than  I  should  have  thought  physically 
possible  for  anyone),  answers  my  examinations  as  to  his 
twenty-five  years'  Indian  experiences  with  patience  and 
intelligence.  Also  a  Newcastle  man  (who  introduced 
himself  to  me  as  one  to  whom  my  name  was  a  household 
word!  ahem!)  travelling  round  world  for  his  health. 
We  discuss  politics  and  northern  affairs  with  zest.  I 
have  just  been  reading  Cowen's  last  speech,  which  he  lent 
me.  Also  an  Australian  doctor  who  has  been  ten  years  in 
practice,  has  been  spending  two  years  at  hospitals  of 
Vienna  (where  he  says  teaching  splendid  for  students,  but 
utmost  brutality  to  patients),  Paris,  and  Berlin ;  is  now 
'returning  to  practise  as  a  specialist.  Also  Bailey  (an  en- 
gineer who  has  been  twenty  years  in  India,  on  various 
railways,  as  a  contractor) ;  has  told  me  much  as  to  native 
labour  and  habits — bright,  clever  little  fellow.  Also  an 
Eurasian  doctor  (and  wife)  ;  has  been  thirty  years  in 
practice  in  Calcutta,  has  two  sons  in  Tasmania,  where  he 
is  going  to  retire.  Has  son  with  him,  much  darker  than 
father,  though  mother  an  European.  .  .  .  Also  a  China 
merchant  who  has  told  me  much  of  China  and  Borneo. 
Besides,  we  have  the  new  Bishop  of  Adelaide  (an  ex- 
Bradford  cleric). 

1 .  .  .  The  day  passes  as  to-day. .  Up  at  7.30  ;  on  deck 

CH.  xvii    CEYLON,   AND  THE   VOYAGE   TO  AUSTRALIA      237 

till  9,  chattering  to  different  people.  Breakfast  ;  then  on 
deck,  chattering  on  New  Zealand;  and  then  with  the 
engineer.  Then  talk  to  Mrs.  R.  and  Mrs.  Professor. 
Have  short  skirmish  with  the  professor.  Then  the  Spaniard 
came  and  talked  French  to  me,  mostly  jokes  about  Honman 
(to  whom  he  has  taken  a  fancy  and  insists  on  talking 
French  to  him,  to  H.'s  utter  confusion).  .  .  .  Then,  to 
make  up,  he  gives  H.  a  French  lesson.  Afternoon,  a 
group  forms,  and  we  have  a  general  discussion  (Honman, 
incited  thereto  by  jealousy,  or  envy  and  malice,  declaring 
that  I  lecture  them  all,  and  can  be  heard  at  the  end 
of  the  ship).  Then  a  short  read  ;  then  the  Spaniard  (by 
the  way  he  should  be  Argentine)  and  Honman  come  up, 
and  the  Argentine  gets  off  his  burlas  (jokes),  and  criti- 
cisms on  the  promenaders.  H.  bullies  me  about  some 
imaginary  misdemeanours,  and  we  find  it's  dinner  time. 
Evening  :  I  write  in  saloon. 

1  Tuesday,  off  St.  George's  Sound.  —  Made  some  fresh 
acquaintance.  Bishop  of  Adelaide  not  at  all  a  bad  sort  ; 
was  telling  me  about  a  winter  spent  in  Morocco  for  his 
health,  ten  years  ago.  He  speaks  highly  of  Morocco.  He 
knows  Middlesbro',  and  we  did  not  collide  any. 

'  Continue  all  right  ;  though  Honman  says  I  ought  to 
spend  next  winter  away,  to  which  I  demur  strongly.  —  > 
Yours,  dears,  both, 

The  extremely  favourable  view  Thomas  here,  as  usual, 
gives  his  family  of  his  health  is  hardly  borne  out  by  his 
faithful  physician's  letter  from  Colombo. 

f  We  started  from  Calcutta,'  Mr.  Honman  writes,  '  under 
rather  unfavourable  circumstances  ;  for  Sidney  had  caught 
a  cold  at  a  dinner-party  at  Mr.  H.'s  on  Sunday  night,  and 
the  next  three  or  four  days  was  suffering  from  a  feverish 


attack  of  bronchial  catarrh.  However,  that  has  dis- 
appeared again.  The  symptoms  of  overwork  have  dis- 
appeared to  a  great  extent.  He  sleeps  better  .  .  .  and 
looks  less  worried.  The  only  thing  that  I  am  not  satisfied 
about  is  the  condition  of  his  lungs.  The  left  has  improved 
considerably  .  .  .  but  his  right  lung  is  still  unsatisfactory. 
...  he  has  still  a  cough  in  the  mornings,  and  (only 
occasionally)  during  the  day.  Keep  as  much  as  possible 
all  work  at  home.  This  is  most  important.  Especially 
any  bearing  upon  Australian  questions.  It  will  end  in 
interviews,  negotiations,  and  business — never  ending  other- 

Mr.  Honman  might  well  dread  adventitious  spurs  to 
energy.  His  patient,  who  draws  above  his  own  fancy 
pictures  of  his  pleasant  f  loafing '  existence,  was  in  truth 
constantly  more  than  occupied  with  problems  and  questions 
old  and  new,  quite  apart  from  pressure  of  the  actual  busi- 
ness and  commercial  affairs  upon  which  he  had  embarked. 
This  latter  class  of  work  was,  indeed,  kept  from  him  as 
much  as  possible  by  his  sister,  who  devoted  herself  to  the 
task  of  representing  him,  so  far  as  she  could,  in  his  absence  ; 
but  there  were  of  course  some  matters  which  it  was 
absolutely  necessary  to  submit  to  the  decision  of  Thomas 
himself.  A  source  of  anxious  care  at  this  period  was  the 
nascent  £ North-Eastern  Steel  Company'  at  Middles- 
brough— mainly  founded  by  Thomas.  Unfortunately, 
about  this  time  a  heavy  depression  set  in  in  the  iron 
trade,  and  the  new  venture  had  to  bear  all  the  brunt. 
'  Sidney,'  says  his  mother,  '  always  had  perfect  faith  in  its 
future — especially  -managed  as  it  was  by  Mr.  Cooper.  His 
faith  was  amply  justified  in  the  result.' 

The  new  problems  he  was  perpetually  engaged  upon 
were  probably  not  so  hurtful  to  his  health,  since  in  thei$ 

CH.  xvri.   CEYLON,   AND   THE   VOYAGE   TO  AUSTRALIA     239 

the  element  of  anxiety  was  comparatively  wanting.  Some 
patents  date  from  this  time — one  particularly  for  special 
steel  sleepers  for  India.  The  utilisation  of  the  slag 
formed  in  the  Thomas-Gilchrist  process  was  a  matter 
which  now  and  always  occupied  his  mind. 




ON  resuming  the    correspondence,    we   find   Thomas    on 
Australian  soil. 

To  his  Mother  and  Sister 

1  March  6,  '83:  Melbourne;  St.  Kilda,  West  M.—I 
wrote  and  cabled  you  on  Saturday  from  Adelaide,  where  I 
landed  and  spent  three  hours  on  shore — making  several 
calls  and  picking  up  some  information.  The  city  covers 
much  ground,  and  is  backed  by  hills  about  a  mile  behind — 
it  being  itself  two  or  three  miles  from  the  sea.  Every- 
thing, however,  was  baked  brown,  and  an  indescribable 
glowing  sunshine  pervaded  all.  There  is  every  evidence 
of  prosperity;  but  the  place  is  not  attractive,  and  one 
understands  how  great  a  refreshment  the  shadiness  and 
dirt  and  air  of  long  habitation  of  an  old  city  must  be- 
come to  the  dwellers  in  a  new  one.  Arriving  in  the 
morning  at  nine,  we  left  at  five  P.M.,  our  passengers  being 
diminished  by  twenty-four  old  ones,  less  a  half-dozen  new 

<A  pleasant  run  close  to  coast  (which  is  mostly 
sandy,  but  occasionally  rocky  cliffs);  arriving  inside 
Melbourne  Heads  at  eight  A.M.  on  5th.  Yesterday  nothing 
happened  on  the  way  but  a  further  closing  up  of 
acquaintanceship,  pleasant  talk  with  a  New  Zealand 
squatter  and  two  other  New  Zealanders,  who  are  all 

CH.  xvin  AUSTRALIA  241 

enthusiastic  about  N.  Z.,  and  want  me  to  go  down  there. 
I  think  I  must.  I  also  want  to  see  Tasmania ;  but  how  it 
is  all  to  be  done  I  don't  know.  I  think  I  shall  have  to 
stop  over  till  May,  after  all. 

'  Landing  by  boat,  we  came  up  to  Melbourne  by  train, 
and  went  at  once  to  the  Library, — a  magnificent  one, 
where  I  revelled  for  two  hours.  They  have,  in  same 
building,  a,  picture  and  sculpture  gallery  and  museum. 
There  are  some  really  fine  pictures.  I  then  called  on  the 
man  to  whom  P.  gave  me  letter,  and  (in  afternoon)  came 
out  here,  and  settled  into  a  pleasant  little  hotel  facing 
sea,  where  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  and  two  other  fellow-passengers 
turned  up  soon  after,  and  we  spent  the  evening  together 
very  pleasantly.  We  do  not  go  on  board  till  to-morrow 
at  noon.  The  run  up  will  only  take  thirty  hours,  so  we 
arrive  7th  at  Sydney,  where  I  hope  my  "  letter  hunger  " 
will  be  satisfied.  The  suburbs  of  Melbourne  bear  every 
evidence  of  prosperity,  and  some  of  the  houses  charming. 
To-day  H.  gone  to  Hospital  and  races.  E.  gone  to  races. 
I  am  going  to  make  some  calls  and  to  the  Library.  A 
bright  clear  day,  but  wind  coldish.  I  feel  first  class,  and 
mean  to  stop  so.  .  .  . 

'  Shall  return  here  before  I  leave  Australia.  A  man 
who  joined  at  Adelaide  came  out  in  "  Sobraon."  He  was 
a  special  invalid,  and  is  now  quite  well.  He  says,  of 
seventy  passengers,  sixty  were  invalids  more  or  less  ;  two 
died  on  voyage.  He  says  there  is  no  doubt  as  to  steam 
being  preferable.  I  thank  my  stars  I  did  not  go  in  her. 
We  had  a  number  of  affectionate  partings  yesterday. 

'March  11  :  Sydney. — Dearest  Mother, — I  wrote  you 
last  from  Melbourne,  giving  account  of  myself  to  date  (by 
the  way,  I  have  never  yet  missed  a  mail  to  you).  That 
morning  Honman  went  to  Hospital,  and  I  into  Melbourne 
after  seeing  some  people.  .  .  .  H.  and  I  only  next  meeting 



on  going  aboard  (as  he  had  been  to  Eaces  and  Theatre)  ;  he 
told  me  he  had  offer  of  locum  tenens  in  a  healthy  place 
midway  between  Melbourne  and  Sydney  for  a  month,  which 
would  give  him  a  chance  of  seeing  how  he  liked  Australian 
practice,  and  yet  rejoining  me,  if  I  liked  it,  or  in  fact  my 
joining  him,  it  being  in  district  I  am  recommended  by  the 
Sydney  doctor  on  board  to  go  up  to.  As  he  was  anxious 
to  go,  we  arranged  he  should  get  his  things  off  the  ship 
and  start  at  once,  and  let  me  know  at  Sydney  if  I  should 
join  him  or  go  somewhere  near. 

'  Going  on  board,  we  found  only  a  third  of  our  old 
number  going  on,  though  many  of  those  who  landed  at 
Melbourne  came  to  see  us  off.  ...  Of  my  party  there 
remained  first  and  foremost  my  little  New  Zealanderin, 
Mrs..  B.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.,  and  the  squatter  millionaire. 
We  formed  a  most  pleasant  set,  and  I  made  friends  with 
various  other  passengers;  so  we  were  all  like  a  family 
party.  Starting  at  1  P.M.  Wednesday,  we  did  not  get 
on  shore  here  till  9  A.M.  Saturday,  and  I  felt  very  sorry 
to  break  up  even  then.  I  had  pleasant  chats  with  young 
Victorian  passenger,  also  with  the  Secretary  of  the  Queens- 
land Legislative  Council,  one  of  the  oldest  of  Queensland's 
permanent  officials.  .  .  . 

'  At  four  on  Friday  we  have  our  last  "  tea,"  the  host- 
esses being  Mrs.  E.  and  Mrs.  B.  and  the  "  Child  "  ;  guests, 
the  ship's  doctor  and  three  officers,  a  nice,  bright  and 
cultivated  old  lady  from  Queensland,  Miss  T.,the  two  E.N.'s 
just  budding  into  uniform,  L.,  and  a  few  waifs.  Such  a 
laughing,  childlike  party  as  Lil  would  delight  in.  The 
Child  decrees  we  are  to  have  a  final  "  race  game,"  to  which 
imbecile  pastime  we  forthwith  devote  our  whole  energies, 
with  the  utmost  gravity. 

1  Next  morning  we  are  all  up  at  six,  and  enjoy  the  lovely 
view  as  we  move  slowly  up  the  harbour  to  the  wharf;  the 

CH.  xvin  AUSTEALIA  243 

R.'s  and  I  go  to  same  hotel,  and  we  all  disperse— the 
"  Child  "  being  carried  off  to  the  new  Premier's  till  she 
sails  for  N.  Z.  I  rush  to  P.  O.  and  get  your  three  missing 
Cape  letters  on  paying  a  huge  sum  for  accrued  postage  ; 
then  to  D.'s,  where  more  letters,  but  only  one  of  later 
date  than  those  I  got  in  Calcutta.  .  .  . 

'  Monday  evening. — On  Saturday  dined  with  L.,  who  is 
at  another  hotel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  and  a  Col.  £L,  an  old 
ex-army  man  of  some  family  in  Scotland ;  knows  everyone 
here  and  has  a  lot  of  schemes.  We  sat  talking  till  nearly 

'  Sunday  I  spent  reading  your  letters  and  looking  up 
information  about  the  Colonies.  .  .  .  Sydney  streets  are 
largely  traversed  by  tram  lines,  on  which  run  large  cars, 
drawn  by  steam  locos  at  a  great  rate.  They  are  an  im- 
mense convenience  and  (astonishing  to  say)  do  not  frighten 
the  horses.  I  had  two  steam  cars  thundering  down  a  hill 
after  my  cab,  their  wheels  almost  touching  ours,  but  the 
horse  did  not  move  a  nerve.  The  park  is  large  and  beau- 
tiful, continues  down  to  the  harbour,  and  on  Sunday  was 
full  of  well-dressed  people,  mostly  work  folk,  I  imagine, 
quietly  enjoying  themselves. 

'  This  morning  have  seen  the  Commissioner  of  Railways, 
the  ex-Premier,  the  present  Premier,  the  Treasurer,  the  head 
of  Geological  Survey,  and  a  few  others,  and  been  generally 
gassing  around  and  acquiring  piles  of  information.  I 
have  also  had  an  interview  with  a  female  inventor  and 
patentee,  who  really  knows  something  of  what  she  spoke 
of ;  though  she  spoke  of  a  good  deal  of  which  she  knew 
nothing.  I  met  the  Premier  at  the  Club.  Immediately 
on  introduction  he  ordered  "  five  brandies "  for  myself 
and  himself,  the  late  Secretary  L.,  and  two  others.  This 
solemn  ceremony  is  colonial  all  over. 

'  They  all  abuse  democracy  and  tell  fearful  stories  of 

R   2 


the  independence  of  working  folk ;  but  I  am  inclined  to 
think  things  would  not  be  half  so  well  under  any  other 
'cracy.  The  free  libraries,  accessibility  of  Ministers,  cars, 
parks,  &c.,  are  all  democratic,  and  I  like  them.  The 
public  buildings  are  very  fine  and  convenient.  The  Free 
Library  (open  all  daysf  including  Sundays)  is  alone  worth 
living  in  Sydney  for.  I  spend  a  lot  of  time  there.  .  .  . 

'  I  have  a  quiet  day  to-morrow,  and  expect  to  leave  for 
Wangaratta  (Honman's  place)  on  Wednesday  or  Thursday. 
I  am  awfully  good,  and  won't  go  out  evenings,  though 
I  should  immensely  like  to.  ... 

'  Lil,  dear,  your  letters  are  all  that  could  be  desired,  we 
must  give  you  promotion.  Try,  darling,  to  understand 
everything.  You  know  why  I  want  you  to  be  posted  in 
everything.  I  boast  no  end  of  my  little  sister  colleague. 
Thank  E.  for  her  letter  (amusing  like  herself).  I  hope 
the  Shipping  Co.  she  has  joined  is  Limited.  Everything 
depends  on  management.  If  Co.  is  not  Limited,  don't  let 
her  put  [in]  more  ;  she  had  even  better  get  out.  Tell  her 
to  read  articles  on  shipping  investments  in  "Whitehall 
Review  "  of  December  and  January.  Weather  just  lovely : 
hot  in  sun,  cold  in  shade,  and  clear  to  distraction. 

'  If  you  still  think  it  best,  I  am  inclined  to  selling 
house  and  carrying  you  both  off,  next  winter,  so  as  to  run 
no  risks  of  relapses.  I  had  almost  forgotten  to  say  I  am 
lusty  and  strong. 

c  Wangaratta,  Victoria:  March  18,  '83. — Dearest  Mother 
and  Lil, — Though  I  only  wrote  Tuesday,  I  won't  let  inter- 
vening mail  go  without  writing. 

c  Wed.  I  went  to  R.'s  to  see  their  rooms,  and  then 
with  K.  to  see  the  Secretary  of  Works.  In  afternoon  I 
saw  the  "  Child "  off  and  made  acquaintance  with  the 
Premier's  daughter,  who  came  also  to  see  her  off;  she  a 
bright  girl,  who,  having  been  to  Europe,  pines  to  return 

CH.  xvin  AUSTEALIA  245 

thither,  as  most  girls  seem  to  do.  On  Tuesday  had  been 
to  call  on  Mrs.  B.  who  says  I  do  not  attend  to  social 
duties.  Laudable  youth !  .  .  . 

'  Had  a  comfortable  berth  in  sleeping  car  and  slept  till 
six,  when  we  were  traversing  a  dry,  flat  to  undulating 
land,  covered  with  gum  trees,  mostly  barked  and  dead, 
giving  a  forlorn  and  desolate  look.  At  1  P.M.  we  came 
to  end  of  N.  S.  W.  Railway  and  had  four  miles  in  coach, 
crossing  the  river  to  the  Victorian  R.  R.  terminus.  This  is 
a  wine  district ;  still  arid  and  witheringly  hot ;  but  hills 
and  green  trees  and  vineyards  a  relief.  The  river  not  of 
much  account  now ;  but  big  bridges  show  what  it  is  in 
rainy  season. 

1  At  4  P.M.  got  to  Wangaratta ;  Honman  at  station  to 
meet  me.  Got  a  room  at  a  nice  little  inn.  His  hospital 
with  a  dozen  beds  (able  to  make  up  thirty)  is  only  fifty 
yards  off;  he  sleeps  there,  but  has  his  meals  here.  There 
are  five  young  fellows  also  boarding  and  sleeping  here, 
four  bank  clerks,  and  one  the  clerk  to  local  justices,  in  fact, 
pretty  much  what  I  was  at  Thames.  The  latter  intelligent ; 
has  told  me  a  great  deal  about  local  conditions  and  politics. 
,  .  .  Excellent  table,  though  simple. 

'  Honman  gets  all  his  exs.  and  a  guinea  a  day,  besides 
some  extras ;  thus  he  made  extra  50s.  yesterday.  The 
charge  for  visiting  5s.  a  mile.  Thus,  if  patient  is  ten 
miles  from  town  they  charge  50s.,  as  was  case  yesterday, 
when  he  and  I  drove  to  see  a  patient  ten  miles  away,  wife 
of  a  small  farmer,  living  in  three-roomed  house.  It  seemed 
to  me  very  hard  lines  that  he  should  pay  50s. ;  but  he  did  so, 
and  H.  goes  there  again  in  a  day  or  two.  He  is  now  off  to 
see  a  patient  twelve  miles  in  another  direction.  The  hospital 
is  partly  supported  by  Government  (who  give  900/.  a  year), 
and  balance  by  private  subscriptions.  The  house-surgeon 
gets  IbOl.  a  year  and  one  room,  but  not,  as  I  understand, 


board.  He  also  takes  as  much  private  practice  as  he 
likes.  Honman,  you  understand,  is  merely  locum  tenens 
for  a  month.  .  .  .  Honman  drinks  nothing  and  admits  he 
is  the  better  for  it.  He  says  the  first  days  he  was  here 
he  was  asked  to  have  twenty  drinks  a  day,  but  now  no  one 
bothers  him  ;  and  I  can  see  fehat  he  is  respected  for  it. 

'  I  have  come  here  (though  it  is  a  dull  place  with  nothing 
near  it  that  in  any  way  interests  me),  because  Honman 
declares  it  is  the  most  likely  place  to  do  me  the  maximum 
of  good,  and  I  thought  you  would  like  me  to  be  near  II. 
or  rather  with  him.  I  therefore  feel  "  awfully  good  "  at 
having  banished  myself  from  the  attractions  of  Sydney 
and  not  having  gone  to  N.  Z.  or  elsewhere.  I  shall' try 
to  hold  out  here  for  a  month.  .  .  .  All  right ;  but  oh  !  so 
inexpressibly  stiff  after  a  two  hours'  ride  on  an  aboriginal 
quadruped.  I  am  going  to  get  H.  to  rearticulate  all  my 
joints. — Yours, 

<  S.  G.  T.' 

« Wangaratta  :  March  22,  1883. 

'  (Thursday  before  Good  Friday.) 

'Dearests, — Life  here  is  absolutely  eventless,  the  only 
thing  happening  being  a  rain-storm  the  evening  before 
last.  .  .  . 

'  The  magisterial  clerk  talks  well  enough.  He  spent 
three  years  in  Queensland,  by  Gulf  of  Carpentaria,  locating 
a  station,  but  got  fever  and  scurvy  and  had  to  throw  it  up 
and  come  back, — riding  1,000  miles  to  get  a  steamer  back 
to  Victoria. 

*  My  ride  has  not  worn  off  yet.  I  am  even  stiffer  than  at 
Torquay.  I  did  not  get  as  far  as  the  hills,  which  are  eight 
miles  away,  and  feel  monotony  of  the  everlasting  gum 
trees ;  though  these  are  by  no  means  bad  trees  in  their 

CH.  xvin  AUSTRALIA  247 

i  The  land  here  agricultural  chiefly ;  but  also  largely 
cattle-raising ;  worth  31.  to  51.  an  acre.  One  man  has  been 
here  thirty  years,  has  nice  farm  and  six-roomed  brick  house, 
lives  in  plenty.  Was  a  Bucks  agricultural  labourer  at 
12s.  a  week.  The  man  who  was  to  emigrate  with  him  got 
frightened  and  stopped  at  home,  and  is  still  getting  12s.  a 

'  Female  servants  get  10s.  a  week ;  said  to  be  scarce,  but 
the  latter  I  fancy  mistress'  fault.  The  maid  here  does  for 
five  boarders  (ourselves  and  two  other  family  boarders) ;  is 
always  on  hand,  bright,  quick,  and  smiling;  has  taken 
Honman  under  her  wing,  and  dashes  in  with  hot  things 
for  him  whenever  he  comes  in  late.  .  .  . 

'  The  Athenaeum  here  (free)  is  a  glorious  place.  We 
have  "  Graphic,"  "  Illustrated  L.  News,"  weekly  edition  of 
"  Times,"  "Fortnightly,"  "Contemporary,"  "Westminster," 
"  Cornhill,"  "  Longman's  "  ;  besides  Australian  papers, 
periodicals,  and  a  good  library  of  good  modern  books.  Have 
been  enjoying  "  Other  People's  Children."  Get  "  Realities 
of  Irish  Life,"  by  Trench,  one  of  the  6d.  reprints — the  best 
book  I  ever  met  on  Ireland.  .  .  .  There  is  a  strong  anti- 
Irish  feeling  being  got  up  here,  particularly  a  propos 
of  the  Redmonds'  visit. 

1  Fruit  I  am  told  grows  here  luxuriantly,  though  one 
doesn't  notice  it  much.  We  get  a  reasonable  amount- 
grapes  3d.  and  Qd.  a  Ib. ;  in  Sydney,  even  Sd. 

i  What  [a]  delicious,  though  impossible  and  irrational, 
book  is  "  All  Sorts  and  Conditions  of  Men !  "  Get  cheap 
edition ;  it  is  worth  having  in  the  house,  as  a  piece  of 
dreamland.  I  don't  do  all  novel  reading ;  but  (by  dint  of 
diligent  study  of  Australian  Gazetteers,  handbooks,  Mineral 
reports,  &c.)  am  preparing  to  make  myself  the  authority 
on  Australian  resources,  so  that  I  may  "  gas  about  "  with 


1  Good  Friday. — Specimen  Day. — Up  at  eight ;  breakfast 
about  till  9.30.  Then  over  at  Hospital  with  Honman ; 
reading  "  Lancet,"  physiology,  theology,  &c.,  till  lunch  at  1  ; 
after  which  drove  with  H.  to  patient  six  miles  off.  Had 
chat  with  patient's  husband  :  he  took  up  the  land  (320  acres 
free)  twenty  years  ago;  farm  now  worth  1,300?.  without 
stock  ;  has  large  family,  all  look  not  very  healthy,  mostly 
sore  eyes,  probably  owing  to  flies  and  bad  water.  Untidy 
rambling  low  house  ;  plenty  to  eat ;  good  farm  machinery, 
reapers,  chaff  cutters,  &c. ;  buggy.  Would  have  been  farm 
labourer  at  home.  Orange  growing  here  interesting, 
pleasant  and  profitable ;  but  have  to  wait  three  years  for 
fruit.  There  is  a  good  deal  of  typhoid  fever  in  outlying 
districts.  On  return,  stop  to  chat  with  chemist,  between 
whom  and  doctor  there  is  the  closest  alliance.  He  comes 
from  Totnes  ;  twenty-eight  years  in  colony  ;  free-thinker, 
intelligent,  dogmatic.  .  .  .  Then  look  in  at  Athenaeum 
(open  every  day  in  the  year).  Back  to  dinner.  Honman 
called  on  six  patients  sixteen  miles  away.  Honman  pro- 
poses coming  back  with  me,  and  then  returning  to  Australia. 
His  farmer  patient  to-day  said,  "  New  thing  for  us,  a  doctor 
who  don't  drink,"  and  told  how  a  predecessor  came  drunk, 
and  severely  injured  him,  performing  an  operation  while 
drunk.  The  bank  clerks  here  say  the  bank  clerks  in  Mel- 
bourne are  constantly  drunk,  say  once  a  month  or  week.  The 
young  ladies  of  Australia  are,  I  fancy,  slightly  American. 

'  By  the  way,  dear  child,  you  have  still  got  to  learn  some 
Chemistry  and  work  with  me.  I  am  absolutely  brimming 
over  with  things  that  demand  investigation  ;  the  lines  are 
already  laid  down  and  they  must  be  investigated.  I  shall 
never  have  time  by  myself  and  you  must  help  ;  you  can't 
tell  what  a  glorious,  entrancing,  delightful  occupation  it 
will  be,  with  rewards  of  the  most  magnificent  description 
in  reputation,  work,  benefits,  and  lucre. 


c  Sunday  evening. — Yesterday  and  to-day  idled  away, 
reading,  and  good  deal  at  Athenaeum,  and  in  open  air. 
Been  sixteen-mile  drive  with  Honman  to-day.  Had  long 
talks  with  several  farmers  and  labourers ;  am  becoming  pro- 
digiously learned  on  all  agricultural  matters.  A  man  near 
here  made  8,OOOZ.  this  year  out  of  fifteen  acres  of  hops. 
Another,  a  carpenter,  tells  me  he  has  been  here  sixteen  years  : 
earns  10s.  a  day ;  says  working  men  can  live  cheaper  here 
than  at  home ;  meat  3^d.  a  lb.,  bread  3d.  a  loaf,  flour  10s. 
per  100  Ibs.,  clothing  and  groceries  alone  dearer.  Educa- 
tion free  ;  house  rent  cheap,  and  (land  being  cheap)  can 
[live]  out  of  town,  have  large  garden,  &c.  This  man,  how- 
ever, considers  he  is  not  one  of  the  successful  ones ;  says 
he  could  earn  7s.  6d.  at  home  ;  his  family  middle  class 
people  living  at  Netting  Hill. 

'  There  being  no  poor  laws,  I  fear  there  are  many  cases 
of  hardship  and  even  death  of  sick  and  old  people.  There 
are  benevolent  asylums ;  but  difficult  to  get  admission.  In 
this  little  hospital  the  average  of  people  brought  in  dying 
of  starvation  from  remote  parts  is  twenty  a  year  !  An  old 
man  brought  in  last  week,  been  lying  in  a  field  by  the  road 
starving  for  a  week.  He  died  without  recovering  con- 

c  As  illustration  of  colonial  politics — at  their  worst,  two 
incidents  of  last  week:  (a)  A  member,  charged  by  the 
Premier  in  the  House  with  saying  in  a  speech  to  his 
constituents  that  he  had  seen  thirty-five  members  of  Par- 
liament drunk,  jauntily  got  up  and  said  he  had  said  so, 
knowing  it  was  a  lie,  in  order  to  influence  votes  in  his 
favour.  This  is  taken  as  a  satisfactory  apology,  and  an 
ex-Premier  speaks  of  the  M.P.  in  question,  immediately 
after,  as  his  "promising  young  friend.5'  (b)  A  Cabinet 
Minister  gets  drunk  at  the  Redmond  Banquet,  and  makes 
an  imbecile  drunken  speech ;  has  in  consequence  to  resign. 


Petition  to  withdraw  his  resignation,  as  it  was  only  a 
trifling  indiscretion— another  M.P.  in  the  house  saying  it 
was  cruel  to  take  notice  of  such  a  thing,  particularly  as  so 
many  leading  public  men  were  the  biggest  thieves  on  earth. 
'  Wednesday. — Long  to  be  back  to  see  you ;  otherwise 
contented  enough.  If  you  see  T.  T.,  tell  him  I  rely  on  his 
trying  the  slag  experiments  thoroughly  and  having  a 
perfect  slag  process  before  I  return.  My  heart  is  set  on 
this.  I  am  sure  I  am  on  the  right  track.  .  .  .  Yours, 

<  S,  G.  T.' 

'  Wangaratta :  April  2. 

'  Dearest  Mother, — I  really  feel  very  cross  and  anxious 
at  receiving  no  news  of  you  all  since  January  12.  I  know 
you  would  not  have  left  me  so  long,  so  conclude  letters 
have  miscarried ;  but  I  am  bothered  just  the  same,  as  I 
have  got  it  into  my  head  you  may  be  ill.  I  got  a  whole 
budget  of  papers  last  Thursday  from  Sydney,  including 
some  you  had  sent  to  Cape.  I  so  enjoyed  reading  even 
the  oldest.  They  were  well  selected  too. 

'  My  present  plans  include  returning  to  Melbourne  with 
Honman,  then  to  Sydney,  then  up  country  to  quiet  place 
for  a  few  days,  then  to  New  Zealand  for  ten  days.  Hon- 
man quite  thinks  to  come  back  again.  ...  He  has  been 
out  several  nights,  and  has  twenty  cases  in  Hosp.,  all 
more  or  less  bad.  A  man  brought  in  yesterday  from  fifty 
miles  away  with  a  fractured  thigh.  We  are  here  in  the 
heart  of  the  bushranging  country  of  a  few  years  ago. 
The  sister  of  Kelly,  the  great  bush-ranger,  is  now  a  patient 
in  the  Hospital.  I  had  a  drive  with  Honman  on  Friday,  a 
ride  on  Thursday,  and  a  longish  walk  yesterday ;  so  I 
know  the  country  round  well.  Weather  continues  fine  and 
bright,  though  a  good  deal  of  rain  has  fallen  during  two 



'  I  learn  a  good  deal  from  the  Magistrates'  clerk  of  the 
business  and  social  policy  of  the  colony.  I  have  been 
grinding  up  the  resources  of  the  various  colonies  from  all 
sources,  and  it  certainly  seems  to  me  that  New  Zealand  is 
the  best,  New  South  Wales  the  second,  or  Queensland,  if 
you  have  no  regard  to  health  considerations.  In  New 
Zealand  good  land,  within  thirty  miles  of  a  harbour,  is 
still  to  be  got  at  under  20-9.  an  acre.  Here  the  same  land, 
only  less  fertile,  costs  31.  and  upwards,  and  in  England  301. 
and  upwards.  Am  reading  "  Adam  Bede ; "  a  glorious 
book.  This  vegetating,  I  think,  does  me  good,  slow  as 
it  is. 

'  I  am  sorry  to  say  I  fear  there  is  no  prospect  of  start- 
ing Works  in  Australia,  as  I  had  hoped,  so  I  have  nothing 
to  do  but  to  loaf.  Whenever  you  see  T.  T.,  tell  him  I  am 
relying  on  his  trying  the  slag  experiments  I  sent  him  a 
list  of;  that  I  am  sure  the  slag  question  is  soluble  in  the 
way  indicated,  and  that  its  present  unsolved  state  is  the 
great  trouble  of  my  life. 

'  By  the  way,  I  hope  you  were  thoughtful  enough  to 
get  three  or  four  copies  of  "  Cinderella."  I  go  once  a  day 
to  a  place  where  they  have  been  framed,  to  refresh  myself 
by  looking  at  her. 

'  I  hope  you  are  taking  care  of  yourself;  I  hope  tooLil 
has  found  some  work  of  her  own,  in  the  direction  of 
Besant's  Angela  or  otherwise.  .  .  .' 

4  Beratta,  Victoria :  April  8,  9  A.M. 

'  (In  hotel  verandah,  in  a  very  comfortable  chair.) 
'  Dearest  of  Mothers, — This  is  intended  to  be  a  birth- 
day letter,  and  I  hope  the  P.  0.  will  arrange  for  delivery 
accordingly.  That  I  wish  you  ever  and  ever  so  many 
happy  returns  of  the  day,  and  that  you  may  continue  in 
your  special  way  to  grow  younger  and  younger,  as  your 


offspring  grows  venerabler  and  venerabler — all  goes  with- 
out saying.  Your  second  sight,  or  affectionate  intuition, 
ought  to  be  telling  you  all  the  time  how  much  I  am  always 
thinking  of  my  facetious  little  mother.  I  sometimes  think 
of  setting  up  a  special  shrine,  on  your  plan  (with  travelling 
lamp  attached)  for  your  and  Lil's  photos.  I  am  feeling 
peculiarly  bright  and  brisk ;  the  receipt  at  Melbourne  of 
your  letters  of  Jan.  19  and  Feb.  21  (which  only  reached 
me  April  6  after  a  month's  blank)  was  an  immense 
relief.  .  .  . 

'  As  I  wrote  you  last  week,  we  went  down  to  Mel- 
bourne ;  only  came  from  there  last  evening.  I  do  not  care 
for  Melbourne ;  though  there  is  much  life  and  animation, 
still  the  country  round  is  flat  and  uninteresting,  and  it  does 
not  do  after  Sydney.  The  hotels  and  buildings,  Public 
Library,  Museum,  &c.,  are  all  finer  than  in  Sydney,  and 
it  is  much  ahead  in  population.  I  had  planned  to  go  over 
from  Melbourne  to  Tasmania,  which  I  much  wanted  a 
glimpse  of,  and  I  also  much  wanted  to  see  an  Iron  Works 
there  for  which  I  have  interesting  views ;  but  I  got  your 
letter  on  the  morning  of  starting,  and  (as  Honman  seemed 
to  think  my  going  to  a  colder  place  injudicious)  I  gave 
it  up  with  much  groaning  and  tribulation.  Now  I  call 
that  an  exhibition  of  gorgeous  abnegation  of  my  own 
(better)  judgment.  ...  It  is  much  colder  in  Melbourne 
than  at  Wangaratta.  Thermo,  about  65°  in  shade,  which 
I  call  cold.  ...  I  may  stop  here  two  days ;  then  to  Fitzroy 
for  a  day  or  two ;  get  to  Sydney  about  Thursday,  stop  three 
or  four  days  to  find  out  some  of  the  people  I  have  intro- 
ductions to,  and  then  up  country  again  quietly.  Start  for 
home  about  mid  May ;  it  is  uncertain  whether  by  U.S.  or 
by  the  Orient,  or  Messageries.  Honman  returns  with  me. 

'  All  the  Australian  towns  seem  just  like  one  another. 
Buildings  mostly  one-storied,  some  brick,  some  wood ; 

CH.  xvm  AUSTKALIA  253 

balconies  and  verandahs  wherever  practicable.  Wide  roads. 
Country  round  often  looks  like  wilderness,  or  a  ragged 
English  park;  generally  a  river  about  six  feet  wide,  with 
a  bridge  sixty  feet  wide,  to  provide  for  floods.  Bright  blue 
sky,  clear  air,  bright  sun,  now  often  cool  wind.  Two  banks, 
public  library,  first-class  school.  Lots  of  stores,  and  every 
fourth  house  an  hotel  or  drink  shop.  People  here  seem 
religious;  in  Wangaratta  (with  about  600  people)  a 
Roman  Catholic  Church,  Church  of  England,  Wesleyan, 
Presbyterian,  Independent.  R.C.  has  schools,  and  excom- 
municates all  who  send  children  to  State  Schools,  which 
here  are  free,  and  I  am  told  very  good.  Very  loyal  and 
patriotic  too.  At  present  all  papers  are  abusing  Ireland 
and  the  Irish,  and  circulating  and  believing  ridiculous 
atrocity  stories.  Railways  all  State  ;  indifferently  managed 
and  undermanned.  Porters  remember  they  are  Govern- 
ment officials,  and  act  accordingly.  .  .  .' 

'  Sydney :  April  12. 

{  Dearest  Ones, — Your  home  news  may  seem  trivial  to 
you,  but  it  is  delicious  to  receive  out  here.  I  will  certainly 
be  back  before  July  20. 

'  Now  for  a  spell  of  gossip.  I  spent  last  Sunday  very 
quietly  as  I  wrote  you,  mostly  on  verandah.  A  curious 
incident  was  [the]  passing  of  a  small  "  selectors'  "  funeral 
to  R.C.  Cemetery.  First  a  hearse;  then  about  a  dozen 
buggies,  carts,  and  traps  of  various  kinds,  all  full  of  decent 
poorish  country  folk ;  then  thirty-six  men  riding  two  and 
two  on  horseback,  some  smart,  some  shabby,  some  ragged, 
most  dirty,  some  with  a  bit  of  black  tied  on,  mostly  with- 
out. It  was  curiously  impressive,  motley  as  it  was.  The 
deceased,  it  seems,  belonged  to  what  they  call  the  "  Kelly 
Crowd,"  i.e.,  the  friends  of  Kelly,  the  notorious  bush- 
ranger, who  lived  between  here  and  Wangaratta.  Did  I 


tell  you  his  pretty  young  sister  was  in  Hospital,  a  patient 
of  Honman's,  from  anaemia  ?  H.  says  simply  hunted  about 
and  worried  into  severe  illness  by  the  police. 

'  In  evening  I  found  that  a  man  I  had  talked  to  in 
morning,  and  taken  for  a  com.  traveller,  was  the  M.P. 
for  the  district.  Picked  up  from  him  and  others  local 
information.  Land  round  Beratta  very  good;  most 
of  it  worth  3Z.  to  4>l.  an  acre  on  average.  You  hear 
constantly  of  English  farm  labourers  now  farming  500 
or  1,000  acres  of  their  own.  Wages  for  agricultural 
labourer  20s.  a  week  and  board,  but  said  to  be  hard 
to  get. 

'  At  11  A.M.  Wednesday  started  by  train  back  through 
Wangaratta  to  Wodonga ;  then  three  miles  coaching  and 
through  Albury  by  train  through  Wagga,  Macdonald's 
nearest  station,  to  Mittogovey,  seventy  miles  from  Sydney, 
and  on  top  of  hills  2,000  feet  high.  Got  there  late; 
knocked  up  landlord  ;  got  in. 

1  Next  morning  found  it  a  curious  big  public,  with 
(as  usual  here)  several  boarders.  We  all  mealed  together. 
We  sat  down  to  dinner,  host,  hostess,  two  daughters  of 
about  twenty  (to  whom  I  devoted  myself) ;  a  Chinaman ; 
an  Irish  shopman  ;  a  railway  porter ;  a  storekeeper  (ex-gold- 
digger  in  Transvaal,  bit  of  a  carpenter  and  doctor  also, 
and  quite  a  character,  became  quite  a  chum  of  mine)  ;  a 
hawker  and  itinerant  quack.  This  last  been  all  over  world ; 
entertained  me  with  account  of  a  trip  from  'Frisco  to  New 
York  knife  and  scissor  grinding.  Three  or  four  odd  lots, 
diggers,  labourers,  &c.,  and  an  aboriginal.  In  my  two 
days  I  conversed  more  or  less  with  all.  Spent  morning 
in  talking  to  landlord,  an  ex-policeman,  ex-auctioneer, 
ex-storekeeper,  &c.,  and  going  over  the  abandoned  Fitzroy 
Ironworks,  which  I  enjoyed.  Afternoon  went  for  a  walk  ; 
was  introduced  to  leading  citizens  and  storekeepers.  They 

CH.  xviii  AUSTRALIA  255 

had  a  general  idea  that  I  was  either  emissary  of  Rothschilds', 
an  impecunious  digger,  or  a  lunatic. 

'  Next  morning  at  7  an  intelligent  quarryman  came  with 
two  horses  to  take  me  to  see  a  geological  phenomenon 
which  they  told  me  I  couldn't  find  by  myself.  After  a  time 
we  struck  into  bush  and  rode  for  some  way  up  and  down 
hills,  among  the  forest.  .  .  .  My  horse  shied  at  the  first 
Australian  bear  I  have  seen,  not  bigger  than  a  big  poodle, 
climbing  up  a  tree.  My  guide  then  began  riding  down'a 
precipice,  and  I  made  my  will,  strapped  myself  on  to  my 
horse,  and  requested  that  animal  to  do  with  me  what  he 
would.  The  result  was  the  quadruped  proceeded  to  walk 
up  and  down  vertical  walls  of  a  few  hundred  feet  high 
(with  superb  trees  growing  at  the  bottom)  for  some  four 
miles,  occasionally  having  a  quiet  jump  across  a  mountain 
or  river,  and  I  enjoyed  it  very  much.  I  think,  however, 
my  guide  did  not  think  I  was  such  a  good  talker  as  he  had 
been  led  to  expect,  as  I  found  fastening  myself  on  required 
considerable  attention. 

'  The  scenery  in  those  precipitous  rock  gorges  really 
very  fine  and  enjoyable.  The  phenomena,  which  were  of 
a  carboniferous  character,  proved  very  interesting,  and  I 
rehoved  and  restrapped  myself  on  to  my  charger  and 
trotted  gaily  back,  leaving  it  as  before  to  my  friend  the 
horse  to  say  whether  he  should  proceed  on  his  hind  legs, 
or  his  forelegs,  or  his  tail,  exclusively  -or  otherwise. 
Generally  speaking,  he  would  coil  his  tail  round  a  tree  and 
then  drop  down  on  his  hind  legs  to  the  next  valley.  Any- 
how, he  understood  the  country,  and  we  got  up  a  showy 
gallop  when  we  got  within  sight  of  the  hotel.  The  young 
women  removed  my  remains  from  the  saddle,  and  I  felt 
good  for  dinner.  My  companion  was  very  intelligent,  and 
I  collected  mines  of  notes  which  my  executors  will  believe 
are  mutilated  cuneiform  inscriptions. 


'Left  Mittogovey  by  2  P.M.,  not  a  whit  the  worse  for 
my  ride,  which  I  had  actually  enjoyed  immensely.  Found 
two  men  in  carriage,  the  one  a  colliery  owner,  the  other  a 
merchant ;  plunged  into  discussions.  Lots  more  informa- 
tion, exchanged  cards,  spread  myself  out. 

*  Got  to  Sydney  6  P.M.  ;  came  here  (better  than  other 
hotel)  ;  found  here  P.  (my  Newcastle  "  Paramatta  "  friend) 
and  Mr.  W.  and  his  sister  (of  Liverpool),  who  came  out  in 
"  Paramatta  "  for  their  health,  intending  to  stop  here  only 
a  few  weeks.  They  both  look  worlds  better,  and  are  going 
to  New  Zealand  and  Tasmania  before  they  return.  He 
talks  of  settling  here.  After  dinner  chat  with  Miss  W., 
and  joined  by  Miss  T.,  who  also  here  with  her  people. 
They  also  from  "  Paramatta."  Find  two  others  from  P. 
also  here.  Weather  bright  and  pleasant.  Next  day  get 
my  delicious  big  budget  of  letters ;  revel  in  it.  Call  on 
big  firm  [of]  merchants  here.  G.'s  step-son  pleasant,  sharp 
Scotchman;  gives  me  some  information  I  want.  .  .  . 
Called  also  yesterday  on  Watson,  ex-Colonial  Treasurer, 
pleasant  bright  man,  Scotch ;  interesting  short  talk ;  had 
some  trouble  to  avoid  invitation  to  dinner,  which  I  do  not 
want.  Bead  some  time  at  Royal  Society's  library.  To-day 
(Saturday)  have  made  some  calls,  had  a  photo  taken  (which 
is  hideous  in  the  extreme),  to  please  you.  ...  Land  here 
at  present  is  at  a  fabulous  price ;  had  gone  up  five-fold 
in  five  years.  .  .  .  Went  to  the  Picture  Gallery,  a  small 
good  collection,  and  Botanical  Gardens  and  Domain  Park, 
coming  down  to  harbour,  hilly  ground  very  well  laid  out, 
making  a  lovely  park.  .  .  .' 

'April  18. 

'  Dearest  Mother, — I  have  little  to  add  to  my  hugely 
long  letter  posted  on  the  16th  per  Orient  S.S.  Monday  I 
called  on  one  of  the  ex-Ministers,  a  Jewish  merchant.  .  .  „ 

CH.  xvm  AUSTEALIA  257 

I  spent  some  time  at  Library,  wrote  letters,  &c.  Yester- 
day called  on  one  of  my  fellow-passengers ;  then  drove 
to  University,  saw  Professor  S.  (another  shipmate) ;  his 
class  as  yet  only  five ;  very  busy.  They  have  allowed  him 
to  spend  over  1,OOOZ.  in  specimens  and  apparatus,  and 
give  him  all  in  buildings  &c.  that  he  wants.  They  intend 
to  have  a  first-class  Medical  School.  Then  called  again  on 
professor  of  chemistry,  who  showed  me  round  and  thawed. 
.  .  .  Called  on  Sydney  Jones  yesterday.  He  has  big 
practice  ;  very  pleasant.  He  examined  me,  recommended 
me  not  to  stop  in  England  next  winter.  Honman  says 
same.  .  .  .  S.  Jones  comes  home  same  time  as  I  do  for  a 
two  years'  holiday.  He  advises  me  to  go  on  hills,  so  I 
go  up  to  Lithgow  to-morrow.  I  may  then  go  up  to 
Brisbane,  which  he  also  recommends  me  to  do.  We  had 
heavy  showers  yesterday  and  to-day,  but  bright  sun  mean- 

'  Thursday,  19#i,  Noon. — Just  got  yours  of  9th.  I  wish 
I  were  worth  one- third  of  the  thought  you  give  me.  Your 
letters  make  me  feel  quite  ashamed  always  of  not  being 
worthy  of  your  goodness.  Lovely  weather.  Sitting 
writing  in  verandah.  Honman  goes  with  me  to-morrow 
into  the  hills. — Ever  yours.' 

'  Sydney  :  Saturday  Night,  April  21,  1883. 
'Dearest  Mother, — On  Wednesday  afternoon  took  a 
trip  up  the  Paramatta  River  for  the  greater  part  of  its 
course,  and  round  the  harbour  to  Paramatta,  one  of  the 
oldest  towns.  Started  at  1  P.M.  ;  arrived  at  3  ;  back  here 
by  5.  The  whole  way  a  panorama  of  pretty  scenes,  wooded 
knolls,  and  bold  rocks.  For  first  three  or  four  miles  from 
Sydney  large  numbers  of  suburban  villas  and  villages  ;  these 
grow  fewer  as  you  go  further.  The  harbour  lovely  to  a 
degree ;  sites  overlooking  it  now  selling  at  enormous  rates* 



*  Had  pleasant  chat  with  old  boy  who  had  been  twenty- 
eight  years  in  Melbourne ;  was  an  official  on  Victorian 
Rails.  Being  now  entitled  to  retire,  was  speculating  if  he 
could  live  in  Europe  without  the  sun.  Evening,  chat  on 
balcony  with  various  hotel  acquaintance.  By  the  way,  my 
first  appearance  in  antipodean  journalism  (a  short  editorial 
article)  was  an  anonymous  letter  of  mine  to  "  Sydney 
Morning  Herald"  on  behalf  of  the  caged  monkeys  of 
Botanical  Gardens,  which  I  had  to  interfere  with  roughs 
for  ill-using  on  Sunday. 

'  Thursday  got  your  letters  of  9th  in  morning ;  had  to 
scurry  to  reply  by  mail  leaving  two  hours  after.  In  after- 
noon went  on  board  the  "  'Frisco  "  mail  boat  to  see  Mrs.  W* 
and  her  brother  off  on  their  way  to  New  Zealand.  I  was 
tempted  to  go  down  to  New  Zealand  too  ;  but  they  say  it 
is  too  cold  at  present,  so  I  have  resigned  the  hope  of  see- 
ing New  Zealand  .  .  .  this  time.  Archbishop  Vaughan 
(Catholic  Metropolitan  of  Australia)  sailed  for  Europe  by 
same  boat.  The  Catholics  had  been  holding  farewell  meet- 
ings and  addresses  for  several  days,  and  had  given  him 
3,OOOZ.  for  pocket  money,  and  now  crowded  steamer,  and 
had  lines  to  small  steamers  which  were  thronged  with 
people  (some  thousands)  to  accompany  him  down  harbour. 
It  was  a  curious  sight.  He  (a  fine-looking  man  six  feet 
high)  stood  on  top  deck,  with  gold  chain  and  eccentric 
(Archbishop's)  costume,  waving  hand  as  they  cheered,  and 
waved  handkerchiefs,  till  ship  out  of  sight.  A  splendid 
vessel.  I  hope  to  sail  by  the  next  month's  boat,  if  we 
can  get  cabins. 

1  Did  I  tell  you  of  going  over  ironmongery  store  of  L., 
one  of  our  "  Paramatta "  fellow-passengers  ?  .  .  .  A  vast 
place,  steam  engines,  tools,  machinery,  ironmongery,  china, 
glass,  furnishing,  natural  gems,  wire  plates,  &c.  &c.  Turns 
over  500,000£.  a  year,  and  (I  suppose)  nets  40,000£.  or  so. 

CH.  xvin  AUSTRALIA  259 

*  Friday  at  9  oft  by  train  to  Lithgow,  crossing  on  way 
the  Blue  Mountains,  3,000  feet  high,  by  zigzags.  Superb 
views  for  three  hours ;  highest  point  Mount  Victoria, 
a  great  tourist's  place.  Talked  with  Scotch  clergyman 
now  in  Sydney ;  very  intelligent ;  says  no  poverty  here, 
except  from  drink  or  improvidence.  We  talked  much 
together  on  poverty,  its  remedies,  workmen,  &c.  Very 
liberal,  enlightened  man.  Asked  me  to  call  and  see 

'  At  3  got  to  Lithgow,  in  valley,  600  feet  below  Mount 
Victoria-;  pretty,  but  collieries  and  an  Ironworks.  Hotel 
moderate  ;  hobnobbed  with  other  guests  a  com.  traveller 
from  Belfast,  Ireland — intelligent;  came  here  partly  for 
health  ;  much  better. 

1  This  morning  went  over  Works,  formed  opinion,  got 
lots  of  information.  Manager  bad  lungs;  says  Sydney 
suits  him  best ;  says  labour  costs  twice  that  of  English 
labour ;  interested,  became  great  friends. 

'  Left  at  3  P.M.  for  here  ;  at  station  chatted  with  man 
of  sixty-five,  a  selector  in  hills,  born  here,  brought  up 
thirteen  children,  who  are  well  educated  ;  '.'  is  ,not  lern't 
himself,  but  knows  things."  Has  house  and  bit  of  land ; 
still  has  to  work,  "  but  has  his  victuals  and  his  bed,  and 
don't  see  he'd  be  better  off  if  he  was  Lord  Chief  Justice  of 
New  South  Wales,  as  his  school-mate,  Sir  F.  Martin,  is." 
(N.B.  Find  he  has  iron  ore  on  or  near  his  bit  of  land.) 
"  Has  been  a  pioneer;  rough  times,  seen  men  speared  by 
blacks,  may  have  shot  some  blacks;  opines  he  has;  but 
won't  be  sure  if  you  saw  a  man  who  might  spear  you,  you 
would  [not]  think  it  safest  to  shoot  him.  Father  lived 
to  be  ninety-six  ;  expects  to  do  the  same."  Had  difficulty 
in  getting  into  hotel,  being  all  full ;  at  last  got  half  a 
room  with  my  sick  com.  friend  from  Lithgow.  Have  been 
talking  Irish  politics  to  him.  Bathurst  big  place ;  lots  of 

8   2 


churches,  bishops,  and  institutions ;  is  on  the  high-lying 
plain  at  foot  of  Blue  Mountains. 

'  Sunday. — Vile  wet  day ;  fortunately  comfortably 
lodged,  bar  bedroom.  Had  fire  last  night  and  this 
morning,  and  quite  enjoy  it,  half  wood  half  coal.  I  am 
quite  childishly  looking  forward  to  seeing  you  both ;  am 
wearying  of  wandering,  though  there  is  much  I  enjoy. 
I  have  not  yet  got  any  papers  by  last  Suez  mail,  so  do  not 
know  anything  about  time  of  I.  and  S.I.  spring  meeting. 
I  hope  to  get  Suez  papers  when  I  return  to  Sydney.  Fear 
there  is  no  chance  of  picking  up  a  lovely  girl !  .  .  .  I  am 
pretty  clear  they  won't  come  out  to  be  picked  up — by  me. 
I  hope  to  get  more  letters  here ;  and  a  budget  at  Palace 
Hotel,  'Frisco,  if  I  cable  you  I  return  that  way.  ...  I 
am  still  inclined  to  think  that  London  for  next  winter 
would  be  injudicious.  I  have  no  desire  to  run  risks,  to 
entail  more  banishment.  If  I.  &  S.  Meeting  in  Middles- 
brough, you  must  make  your  long  promised  trip  to  York 
with  me,  staying  there  or  going  on  as  you  prefer.  I  know 
Lil  will  prefer  staying  at  York,  so  we  will  leave  her  there 
anyhow.  ,  ,  » 

'I  go  to  a  place  thirty  miles  from  here  by  rail  to-mor- 
row ;  said  to  be  very  pleasant ;  stop  there  a  few  days,  then 
back  to  Sydney  for  a  few  days ;  then  probably  to  Brisbane, 
as  it  is  getting  hot  here  ;  back  to  Sydney  and  so  home- 
wards. Hurrah  ! — Lovingly  yours.' 

« Sydney. 

'  Dearest, — Just  starting  with  Honman  for  Brisbane 
by  his  advice,  so  as  to  get  a  spell  of  warm  weather  before 
leaving  by  17th  May,  on  which  berths  booked.  Shall  cable 
you  if  nothing  occurs  to  change  plans.  It  is  rather  ruinous 
dashing  about  so  much ;  but  I  am  become  reckless,  in 
Colonial  fashion,  of  expeditions.  ,  .  .' 

cnr  xviii  AUSTRALIA  261 

'^Brisbane  :  May  1,  1883. 

1  Dearest  Ones, — Here  I  am  in  a  new  colony  and  new 
life  again.  .  .  .  Brisbane  boat  close  quarters  after  the 
P.  and  0.  Enjoyed  much  the  steaming  up  the  harbour,  in 
praise  of  which  one  can't  say  too  much.  Had  beautiful 
passage,  close  to  high  rocky  coast  all  the  time.  A  coast 
range  of  hills,  unfortunately,  between  coast  and  inland. 
The  line  of  coast  far  prettier  than  the  line  of  English  coast 
on  an  average  ;  but  very  little  settled,  land  not  being  good ; 
several  good  harbours.  Passengers  uninteresting  as  a 
whole.  One  had  been  ten  years  on  cattle  station;  well 
educated  ;  said  he  began  with  too  little  capital,  and  has 
always  regretted  it.  Says  you  ought  to  have  at  least 
3,000?.  to  4,OOOZ.,  and  that  if  you  have  8,OOOZ.  or  more, 
you  ought  to  make  18  to  20  per  cent.  In  this  all  agree. 
Cattle  worth  SI.  each,  fat  sheep  10s.  to  13s.  Got  much 
warmer  weather  on  Sunday.  On  Monday  at  2  got  into 
Moreton  Bay,  and  soon  entered  river  ;  fine  winding  stream, 
banks  high  one  side,  generally  low  on  other ;  luxuriant 
vegetation,  pretty  houses,  mills,  &c.  at  intervals. 

1  Brisbane,  about  thirty  miles  up,  looks  like  a  compromise 
between  a  huge  country  village  and  a  big  city.  Fine  build- 
ings everywhere,  with  trees  and  gardens  sprinkled  about. 
Landed  at  6  P.M.  ;  nice  hotel,  all  on  ground  floor,  somewhat 
Indian;  found  our  fellow-passenger  whom  we  met  at 
Sydney  at  hotel;  chat,  dinner,  to  bed  betimes  as  usual. 
To-day  like  a  hot  English  summer  day,  everything  bright 
and  pleasant.  Going  out  for  a  walk.  We  have  taken 
passage  by  New  York  route;  start  for  'Frisco  on  17th, 
arrive  at  'Frisco  14th  June.  I  feel  like  a  schoolboy  at 
prospect  of  getting  home  and  seeing  you.  Got  your  two 
birthday  charming  letters  on  Saturday,  just  as  leaving  for 
here.  ...  I  grieve  at  not  being  able  to  stop  at  New  York, 
but  Honman,  I  think,  advises  not. 


'  Tuesday  morning,  May  2. — Spent  yesterday  loafing 
in  reading-room,  Botanic  Gardens,  and  about.  Weather 
delicious,  though  perhaps  air  a  trifle  too  moist.  Land  in 
Brisbane  has  increased  four  times  in  value  in  last  six 
years.  Best  frontages  now  sell  for  over  2661.  a  foot,  i.e.  for 
a  frontage  of  100  feet  the  price  is  over  20,000?.  Thirty 
years  ago  you  could  have  bought  the  whole  city  for  a  fourth 
of  this  sum.  There  is  a  vast  inland  country,  say  as  big  as 
England,  France,  and  Spain,  which  is  now  found  to  be 
rich  cattle  and  sheep  land,  and  coast  land  is  already 
enormously  used  for  sugar.  One  "  squatter  "  here,  worth 
three  millions,  is  said  to  live  as  he  did  when  he  had  a  few 
hundreds,  spending  much  of  his  time  passing  from  one  of 
his  stations  to  another,  sleeping  on  ground,  feeding  on 
"  dampers "  &c.,  never  having  new  clothes,  and  never 
spending  on  anything  beyond  necessaries.  Millionaires 
are  absurdly  abundant  here,  and  men  talk  of  square  miles 
as  we  do  of  acres.  I  have  had  many  offers  of  leases  of 
1,000  square  miles,  the  rents  of  which  are  often  only  10s. 
a  mile,  while  good-will  fetches  scores  of  thousands.  One 
station  recently  (but  this  freehold)  sold  for  over  300,OOOZ. 
.  .  .  The  more  I  see  of  Brisbane  the  finer  does  its 
situation  seem  ...  on  the  bend  of  a  fine  river  with  high 
rocky  banks,  and  wooded  hills  as  a  background.  Hurrah  ! 
Shall  see  you  in  ten  weeks.  Love  to  all. — Yours  ever. 

*  Friday,  May  4. — Dearest  Ones, — Though  I  only  posted 
to  you  on  Tuesday  I  will  send  this  line  as  an  Orient  S.S. 
is  leaving.  Tuesday,  reading-room  and  gardens ;  the 
latter  very  pretty,  on  a  peninsula,  surrounded  by  river,  to 
which  they  slope.  Cricket  and  lawn  tennis  in  full  force, 
notwithstanding  the  heat.  Hotel  very  comfortable.  Made 
acquaintance  with  a  Scotchman  who  has  recently  come  out 
to  look  after  business  of  a  great  Glasgow  thread  house. 
He  gets  1;OOOZ.  a  year  and  expenses,  all  out  of  reels  of 



cotton  &c.  Yesterday  same  routine ;  Honman  spent  evening 
with  leading  doctor  here  ;  there  are  twenty-three  doctors 
here  for  30,000  people.  Is  no  opening  except  up  country. 
Read  Sullivan's  "  New  Zealand ;  "  very  good.  Still  lovely 
weather.  Go  down  to  Sydney  in  a  few  days.  Start  on 
17th.  Hurrah!!' 

We  have  now  for  a  long  time  been  following  Thomas's 
admirable  letters  from  Australia.  We  will  presently  give 
Mr.  Honman's  health  report,  which,  as  usual,  corrects 
Sidney's  own  too  optimistic  view :  but  let  us  interrupt  the 
Australian  letters  at  this  point,  to  relate  what  the  Iron 
and  Steel  Institute  was  contemporaneously  doing  in  Eng- 
land, to  pay  honour  to  the  young  inventor.  In  1873  Sir 
Henry  Bessemer  had  founded,  under  the  auspices  of  the 
Institute,  a  gold  medal,  to  be  awarded  annually  by  that 
body,  to  persons  distinguished  by  their  inventions  or 
services  in  promoting  the  manufacture  of  iron  or  steel. 
The  Council  of  the  Institute  in  this  year,  1883,  resolved  to 
award  two  Bessemer  gold  medals — one  to  Thomas,  and  the 
other  to  Mr.  Snelus,  whose  connection  with  the  basic 
process  we  have  noticed  above.1 

The  Institute  held  its  spring  meeting  on  May  9  in 
London.  Thomas  was,  of  course,  in  Australia,  and,  at  his 
mother's  request,  the  actual  presentation  of  his  medal 
was  deferred  to  the  autumn  meeting.  Thomas,  it  will  be 
remembered,  had  during  the  preceding  year  been  elected 
a  member  of  the  Council  of  the  Institute — succeeding  Sir 
James  Ramsden,  who  himself  succeeded  the  ill-fated  Lord 
Frederick  Cavendish,  as  one  of  the  vice-presidents. 

A  day  or  two  before  this  meeting  Thomas  was  begin- 
ning the  following  last  letter  home  from  Australia. 
1  Ante,  p.  135, 


To  his  Mother  and  Sister. 

*  Bellevue  Family  &  Squatters'  Hotel,  George  Street,  Brisbane 
(opposite  Botanical  Gardens  and  Parliament  House,  Brisbane)  : 

*  May  7,  1883. 

*  Dearest  Ones, — I  hope  to  follow  within  a  fortnight 
of  this,  but  I  certainly  shan't  get  home  before  July  15, 
possibly  not  till  20th.  ...  I  wrote  you  on  Friday  last. 
Friday  afternoon  I  spent  in  Gardens,  and  calling  on  the 
Clerk  of  Executive  Council,  who  showed  us  over  Parlia- 
ment Houses ;  fine  buildings,  but  Parliament  not  now 
sitting.  Rather  a  rowdy  lot,  I  gather,  have  got  in  lately. 

'  Saturday. — Calls,  reading-room,  Gardens,  &c. 

1  Sunday. — Dined  with  a  merchant  to  whom  I  had  an 
introduction  from  a  business  friend ;  bachelor,  new  house 
on  river,  two  miles  out,  pretty  view.  Banker  dined  with 
us ;  pleasant  talk ;  they  had  both  been  round  trip  by 
America,  Japan,  &c.  All  say  New  Zealand  has  finest 
scenery  in  the  world.  We  go  down  to  Sydney  to-morrow; 
raining  to-day. 

1  May  12,  '83. — Got  yours  of  February  24  only  to-day, 
as  it  was  not  addressed  by  Brindisi.  .  .  .  Revenons  a 
notre  diary.  On  Tuesday  last  we  started  for  Sydney  per 
steamer,  my  merchant  friend  seeing  us  off.  Had  a  beauti- 
ful sail  down  the  river  and  along  the  coast ;  chatted  with 
passengers  on  Northern  Queensland  and  Queensland 
politics  (on  which  I  am  proficient),  land  laws,  &c.,  wool, 
and  beef,  and  democracy.  We  sail  within  half  a  mile  to  a 
mile  of  the  coast  nearly  all  the  way,  there  being  a  range  of 
hills  twice,  coast  and  good  inland  country.  Next  day  at 
noon  wind  began  freshening  till  it  got  so  fresh  that  at 
teatime  I  and  Honmaii  felt  that  eating  was  a  morbid  carnal 
craving  of  unregenerate  man,  which  ought  to  be  suppressed. 
It  finally  got  so  remarkably  fresh  that  we  concluded  to 



seek  the  retirement  which  a  small  cabin  with  closed  ports 
and  all  the  hatches  battened  down  gives  so  sweetly,  and  I 
began  offering  fabulous  rewards  to  anyone  who  would 
drown  me  out  of  hand.  As  everyone,  however,  was 
occupied  in  a  private  service  of  groaning  on  his  own 
account  (H.  included),  no  volunteer  handy.  We  finally 
got  to  Sydney  on  Thursday  evening,  slightly  the  worse  for 
wear.  One  lady  passenger  was  delirious,  and  very  ill. 
Honman  stopped  with  her  on  board  for  some  hours. 

'  Friday,  went  and  talked  to  the  Premier  about  some 
ideas  of  mine.  It  was,  unfortunately,  deputation  day,  and 
(as  the  Premier  is  now  holding  two  offices,  Colonial  Secre- 
taryship, and  Minister  of  Works)  I  had  the  opportunity 
of  seeing  the  poor  man  chevied  about  all  over  the  building 
by  hungry  packs  of  subsidy  seekers. 

'  Sunday,  May  13. — Yesterday  made  a  call  or  two  in 
the  morning.  Met  Professor  S.,  who  made  me  promise  to 
go  up  to  his  house  to-day.  In  afternoon  young  S.  came 
to  hotel ;  interviewed  me  at  great  length  on  European 
politics,  literature,  &c.  .  .  Honman  and  I  go  along  lovingly. 
He  proposes  to  come  back  with  me  to  see  America,  though 
of  course  there  is  no  necessity  for  it.  I  am  quite  rejoiced 
at  the  prospect  of  getting  nearer  home  from  Thursday 

'  To-day  Club  in  afternoon ;  then  with  Prof.  L.  to  tea 
at  Prof.  S.  Latter  just  got  into  eight-roomed,  single-storey 
house,  rent  150Z.  .  ,  . 

'  Monday. — Called  about;  raining  all  day.  Evening 
dined  at  Club  with  Professor  L.  Old  School  of  Mines  man ; 
had  next  bench  to  Percy.  Has  1,OOOZ.  a  year  as  professor. 
Lives  at  Club,  where  it  costs  he  says  250/.  a  year.  Is  an 
F.R.S.  and  clever  .  .  .  was  .  .  .  very  nice  to  me.  Sydney 
merchant  dined  with  us  told  us  many  things.  .  .  .  Says 
miners  of  a  concern  he  is  director  of  earn  50s.  to  70s.  a 


week.  Were  earning  20s.  to  25s.  at  home.  This  morn- 
ing, Tuesday,  saw  Railway  Commissioner.  Profitable 
chat.  .  .  » 

'  Thursday,  17,  Noon. — Been  interviewing  Premier  and 
Treasurer.  Very  busy,  having  great  fun  bullying  ministers. 
Lovely  day ;  feel  very  well,  as  I  could  for  next  five  years. 
Honman  and  I  go  on  board  at  2.  Been  farewell  visiting. 
Flourish  of  trumpets.  Hurrah !  Shall  see  you  in  two 
months.  Take  care  of  yourselves.  Mind,  I  am  first  class 
in  health.' 

'  First  class  in  health  ! '  Such  is  Thomas's  last  message 
from  Australian  soil  to  his  '  dearest  ones '  at  home.  Let 
us  turn  to  Mr.  Honman's  reports,  sent  from  time  to  time, 
during  the  two  months'  sojourn  in  the  Southern  Conti- 

From  the  '  Paramatta,'  Mr.  Honman  had  written  : — 

'  I  am  sorry  I  cannot  say  that  his  lungs  have  improved 

From  Adelaide  on  March  4,  1883,  he  wrote : — 

'  I  have  examined  Sidney's  lungs  this  morning ;  the 
left  is  greatly  improved,  the  right  has  improved  sufficiently 
to  give  satisfaction.' 

From  Wangaratta,  the  stay  at  which  up-country  place 
Thomas  has  described  above,  comes-  really  the  first 
reassuring  news.  On  March  14  Mr.  Honman  writes  : — 

1  Sidney  has  been  improving  gradually  since  my  last 
letter,  and  I  can  at  last  report  some  decided  improvements. 
His  left  lung  is  better  and  his  right  is  improved  to  a  great 
extent.  His  general  health  is  also  better.  I  have  been 
stopping  here  and  at  Melbourne  for  the  last  three  or  four 



days,  and  to-morrow  Sidney  joins  me  again.  It  is  a  very 
good  place,  and  more  suitable  for  him  than  any  we  have 
yet  been  at/ 

When  Thomas  himself  gets  to  Wangaratta  the  in- 
telligence is  still  better.  On  March  26  Mr.  Honman 
writes  to  Mrs.  Thomas  : — 

1 1  have  had  Sidney  here  again,  and  am  so  far  satis- 
fied with  his  condition.  Our  climate  here  is  perfec- 

'  .  .  .  He  will  still  persist  in  working  out  some 
scheme  of  an  Ironworks  here.  ...  It  seems  impossible 
either  to  prevent  him  working  or  talking.  ...  I  have 
been  able  to  take  him  some  long  rides  in  the  buggy 
through  the  bush,  and  he  is  always  ready  to  act  as  a  Jehu 
and  pilot  the  horses  along.  The  drives  are  delicious  here, 
in  fresh  wajm  air,  through  miles  of  bush — the  "  bush " 
consisting  of  big  red  gum  trees  and  other  aromatic  smell- 
ing trees.  The  air  is  so  clear  that  hills  that  are  ten  miles 
away  appear  to  be  but  half-an-hour's  walk.  .  .  .  This 
seems  to  me  the  best  climate  we  have  yet  reached,  and  the 
healthiest,  I  fancy.  .  .  .  Sidney's  chest  has  not  improved 
much ;  but  his  general  health  has  improved.  ...  I  don't 
think  we  can  do  better  than  here/ 

Thomas's  mother  and  sister  were  so  much  struck  with 
the  good  reports  of  Wangaratta  that  they  wrote  entreat- 
ing Sidney  to  remain  there,  and  offering  to  wind  up  affairs 
in  England  and  join  him  in  Australia.  Thomas  talked 
sometimes,  as  we  shall  see  immediately,  of  reverting  to  his 
early  love — medicine,  and  qualifying  for  a  physician's 
career.  Knowing  that  he  would  never  consent  to  a  life  of 
idleness,  and  that  a  strong  counter-attraction  would  be 
required  to  distract  him  from  metallurgical  problems  re- 


maining  to  be  solved,  the  solutions  of  which  could  only  be 
satisfactorily  procured  in  Europe,  it  was  suggested  that 
he  might,  in  partnership  with  Mr.  Honman  or  otherwise, 
become  a  doctor  in  Australia.  Unhappily,  the  letter  con- 
taining these  proposals  only  reached  the  antipodes  after 
Sidney's  departure  therefrom.  Perhaps,  despite  the  little 
improvement  ever  really  manifest  in  the  lung,  his  life  might 
yet  have  been  saved  had  he  received  this  letter,  acted  upon 
it,  and  settled  at  Wangaratta.  It  is  sufficiently  useless 
to  speculate  upon  such  might-have-beens.  As  it  was,  the 
letter  was  returned  to  the  senders  months  afterwards,  when 
the  dear  doomed  one  was  already  entering  into  the  Valley 
of  the  Shadow. 

On  April  10,   1883,  Mr.   Honman  wrote  from  Mel- 
bourne : — 

I  Sidney  has  been  stopping  with  me  at  Wangaratta, 
and  it  has  done  him  a  great  deal  of  good.     Your  letter  to 
him  arrived  very  opportunely ;  he  had  determined  to  go 
to  Tasmania  against  my  wish  or  permission.  .  .  .  How- 
ever ...  I  have  sent  him  North,  where  we  shall  be  con- 
stantly heading  for  now. 

I 1  wish  I  could  tell  you  his  lungs  were  highly  satis- 
factory.    I  cannot  indeed  do  this.     His  right  still  remains 
the  same ;  his  left  is  better,  but  for  the  emphysema.     I 
have  endeavoured  to  persuade  him,  although  it  would  be 
painful  to  you,  that  he  should  not  go  back  till  the  next 
summer ;  but  I  am  afraid  he  will  not  consent  to  this.     I 
said  I  should  be  no  tie  to  him,  because  I  should  set  up 
here,  and  he  could  enter  into  partnership  with  me ;  he 
always  declares  that  he  is  the  best  doctor  of  the  two ;  and 
I  have  proposed  another  plan — that  he  remain  here,  and 
I  go  home/ 

The  effect  of  all  Mr.  Honman's  letters  is  the  same.    The 

CH.  xviii  AUSTRALIA  269 

general  health  improves,  but  the  lung  trouble  never  dis- 
appears. He  writes  from  Sydney  on  May  16,  at  the  very 
moment  almost  that  Thomas  is  describing  his  '  first-class 
health.'  '  Cough  a  little  troublesome  .  .  .  The  months 
on  board  ship  ought  to  improve  him  more/ 




LET  us  quit  for  a  little  the  slow  process  of  measurement 
of  the  advancing  steps  of  Death,  and  revert  to  Thomas's 
own  correspondence,  brimful  as  it  is  of  life. 

To  his  Mother  and  Sister. 
'  SS.  "  Zealandia  "—off  New  Zealand  :  May  21,  '83. 

'  Dearest  Ones, — As  I  wrote  you  per  P.  and  0.,  mail 
left  Sydney  Thursday  at  3  P.M.  Tuesday  and  Wednesday 
spent  in  interviewing  Premier  and  Treasurer,  who  mildly 
complained  that  I  treated  them  in  a  most  unceremonious 
"  stand-and-deliver  "  fashion,  but  showed  by  their  action 
that  it  was  the  right  line.  They  had  a  Cabinet  Council  on 
me,  and  were  greatly  disturbed  at  my  audacity,  and  wound 
up  with  saying  that  they  were  favourably  impressed,  but 
wanted  time  to  consider.  All  this  showed  much  of  the 
interior  working  of  colonial  politics,  and  kept  me  quite 
amused.  .  .  .  Sydney  Harbour  looked  its  best  in  the 
bright  sun  as  we  steamed  out.  We  had  had  a  week's 
rainy  and  cold  weather,  so  appreciated  the  bright  sun 
the  more. 

4  The  vessel  a  good  one,  with  admirable  arrangements 
for  the  passengers, — the  saloon  and  stateroom  being  forward 
of  the  engines.  There  are  eighty  or  ninety  passengers  in 
the  saloon ;  thirty  more  join  at  Auckland.  I  have  chatted 
with  twenty  or  thirty  of  the  crew.  Among  them  are  our 

CH.  xix  HOMEWAED   BOUND  271 

South  American  shipmate  from  Calcutta  to  Australia :  a 
pressman  and  ex-Victorian  M.P.,  going  to  report  for  his 
paper  on  the  United  States,  with  whom  I  chat  much : 
Speaker  of  Victorian  Assembly,  who  lost  his  arm  in  heading 
miners'  revolt  against  authorities  thirty  years  ago :  a 
Brisbane  doctor ;  a  Queensland  sugar-grower :  a  South 
Australian  wine-grower:  two  or  three  health  travellers: 
two  young  squatters  :  four  girls,  and  eight  or  nine  married 
women :  two  Roman  Catholic  priests,  and  a  Victorian 
Anglican  cleric. 

'  May  28,  '83. — We  arrived  at  Auckland  late  at  night 
this  day  week.  I  went  on  shore  before  breakfast  next 
morning  and  took  train  across  the  island,  to  see  the  only 
Ironworks  in  New  Zealand.  Particularly  interesting,  as 
being  trial  of  a  new  process.  Saw  manager  &c.  Returned 
to  Auckland.  Made  a  call ;  got  some  useful  information  on 
several  subjects.  It  was  by  this  time  raining  hard,  so  took 
a  cab  back  to  ship,  and  we  steamed  away  at  2  P.M.  with 
twenty  new  passengers.  The  glimpse  of  New  Zealand  I 
had  was  pleasant.  It  is  greener  even  than  England. 
Abundant  vegetation  and  picturesque  rocky  coasts  and 

'  There  are  three  doctors  among  passengers.  .  .  .  There 
is  also  a  Belfast  man,  who  has  for  some  years  been 
wintering  in  Australia,  who  has  ideas,  and  with  whom  I 
discuss  politics  sometimes ;  and  a  Sydney  man  from 
Canada,  who  is  bright  and  intelligent.  I  am  making  him 
read  "  Progress  and  Poverty."  Gambling  on  the  "  run  " 
occupies  two-thirds  of  the  time  of  two-thirds  of  the 
passengers.  I,  of  course,  keep  out  of  it.  ...  They  have 
had  a  dance  and  a  concert  and  games.  P.  (my  South 
American  acquaintance)  is  very  popular.  The  other  night 
he  ordered  champagne  all  round  to  drink  to  Argentine 
Republic,  on  anniversary  of  its  formation  He  came  to 


me  to  write  an  English  version  of  the  French  speech  he 
proposed  to  make.  I  rewrote  an  English  version  of  a 
gorgeous  description,  and  coached  him  how  to  deliver  it ; 
but  at  the  last  moment  his  courage  failed  him,  and  he 
asked  me  to  read  it,  which  I  did ;  so  finding  I  have  not 
quite  lost  my  voice.  It  amused  me  to  hear  P.  con- 
gratulated on  the  English  of  his  speech  and  its  periods — 
congratulations  which  he  received  with  great  modesty  and 
satisfaction,  and  an  occasional  smile  and  bow.  .  .  . 

'  June  4,  '83. — I  feel  good,  when  I  think  I  am  now 
only  six  weeks  from  home,  at  most.  Our  voyage  to 
Honolulu,  where  we  arrived  at  noon  on  Sunday  last,  quite 
uneventful.  .  .  .  Have  discovered  another  bright  fellow, 
a  young  Cornishman,  who  is  partner  in  a  large  New 
Zealand  business  [of]  the  London  house  which  he  entered 
as  a  clerk  nine  years  ago.  He  is  not  only  clear-headed  on 
business,  but  has  read,  can  talk,  has  thought,  speaks  French 
and  German,  plays  the  piano,  and  draws  clever  carica- 

*  We  were  at  Honolulu  from  noon  to  midnight  on  Sun- 
day, June  3.  The  Island,  of  which  Honolulu  is  the 
chief  town,  is  volcanic  and  rather  picturesque;  vegeta- 
tion nearly  tropical,  sugar-cane  chief  crop.  The  natives 
rather  fine-looking,  identical  with  Maoris  of  New  Zealand ; 
women,  however,  get  stout  and  coarse-looking  early. 
We  landed  at  one,  and  I  sent  Honman  for  a  drive.  I 
(strolling  round)  picked  up  a  young  fellow,  a  cabinet- 
maker from  San  'Frisco,  who  showed  me  round  till  6  P.M., 
all  over  the  town  and  surrounding  country.  My  guide 
proved  very  conversable  and  well-informed,  and  posted  me 
thoroughly  in  Hawaian  matters.  He  (though  only  twenty- 
one)  was  making  about  71.  a  week.  The  country  is 
particularly  "  run "  by  Americans,  who  control  the  chief 
political  posts  and  the  bulk  of  the  business.  The  half-* 

CH.  xix  HOMEWARD   BOUND  27B 

caste  girls  are  singularly  good-looking,  with  clear,  brilliant 
olive  to  white  complexions.  The  King  is  given  to  drink,' 
but  is  otherwise  a  good  constitutional  sovereign,  that  is, 
does  nothing,  draws  an  enormous  salary,  and  gets  into 
debt.  There  is  a  large  Chinese  population  living  entirely 
to  itself.  I  went  through  and  through  the  Chinese 
quarter,  which  is  densely  crowded.  Here,  as  elsewhere, 
they  propose  shutting  the  Chinese  out.  Labourers  there 
now  get  65.  to  12s.  a  day:  artisans  12s.  to  20s.  Rent  is 
dear — 20s.  a  week  for  a  four-room  house ;  but  food  cheap 
enough.  We  took  fifty  passengers  on  board  for  'Frisco,  so 
are  crowded  to  a  degree. 

i  Sunday,  June  10. — Thank  Heaven,  we  have  but  one 
day  more  before  we  see  shore  and  get  letters.  I  am  more 
tired  of  this  trip  than  of  any  of  the  others,  and  weary  for 
the  land.  The  past  week  has  been  coldish,  and  sufficiently 
rough  to  prevent  being  on  deck,  so  we  have  been  nearly 
confined  to  the  smoking-room  and  saloon,  both  of  which 
stuffy.  ...  I  hope  to  see  you  all  before  July  17.  Have 
been  very  well  all  trip,  though  still  obliged  to  be  careful. 
Honman  seems  to  be  for  coming  home.  .  .  .  Don't  be 
making  engagements  for  July  or  August.  I  want  to  see 
as  much  of  you  as  I  can. 

'  Tuesday  morninq,  June  12,  '83. — We  arrived  in  'Frisco 
last  night.  Just  on  shore  :  all  well.' 

To  his  Sister 
Palace  Hotel,  San  Francisco  :  June  13,  1883. 

*  Dearest  Lil, — The  Palace  Hotel  is  truly  palatial. 

'  Like  city  well  enough.  Weather  bright  and  sunny  ; 
coldish  winds.  We  leave  to-morrow  [for]  Laramie  City. 
I  hate  delaying  a  day,  but  at  same  time  want  to  gather 
any  information  that  may  be  useful  to  N.E.S.  Co.  on  way. 
I  don't  see  way  to  getting  home  before  15th.  I  got 



"  Ironmonger,"  and  of  course  much  interested  in  report 
of  meeting.  ...  I  walked  several  miles  yesterday  with- 
out being  tired.  ...  If  any  of  my  fellow-travellers 
call  before  I  return,  you  will,  of  course,  do  the  right 
thing,  and  tell  them  when  I  return. 

'  Lovingly  yours,  dears, 

'  SID.' 

But  while  Thomas  was  writing  thus  cheerfully  home 
of  *  walking  several  miles,'  Mr.  Honman  was  describing 
the  true  state  of  affairs,  viz.,  that  he  was  in  a  '  dangerous ' 
condition,  and  quite  unfit  to  remain  in  England. 

On  June  14,  1883,  the  latter  writes  from  the  Palace 
Hotel  :— 

1 1  have  had  the  opportunity  of  examining  Sidney  off 
ship  and  in  a  quiet  place.  His  right  lung  is  still  dangerous 
and  gives  me  a  great  deal  of  anxiety.  It  is  absolutely 
imperative  that  he  should  leave  England  immediately  the 
more  important  business  matters  have  been  settled,  or  else 
entirely  drop  business  matters  for  the  autumn  and  winter 
months  (and  this  latter,  I  presume,  would  be  an  impossi- 
bility if  he  were  to  remain  in  England).  I  wish  that  his 
condition  had  been  free  from  everything  to  cause  anxiety. 
Had  it  been  so,  I  should  have  remained  in  Australia.  .  .  . 
Sidney  has  been  walking  about  all  day  in  great  spirits. 
We  have  lovely  weather,  but  with  a  fearfully  cold  wind  at 
night.  .  .  .' 

Here  this  long  correspondence  practically  ceases. 

Thomas,  now  nearing  England,  no  longer  writes 
voluminous  epistles,  but  confines  himself  to  short  letters 
and  post-cards.  We  give  some  of  these  in  their 
order : — 

CH.  xix  HOMEWAKD  BOUND  275 

To  his  Mother  and  Sister 

1  Laramie  City,  June  17. — Arrived  here  all  right.  .  .  . 
All  way  very  comfortable ;  had  ten  of  "  Zealandia  "  pas- 
sengers with  us.  Some  very  fine  scenery,  but  most 
monotonous  plains.  .  .  .  Get  to  New  York  about  July  1. 

'  S.  G.  T.' 

«  Pittsburg :  June  24,  Tuesday. 

f  Dearest  Folk, — Arrived  here  last  night  and  got  your 
letters  (with  delight  as  usual)  of  31st  and  5th.  ...  I 
haven't  so  far  found  United  States  at  all  too  hot.  In  fact, 
I  can  stand  any  heat.  ...  I  was  kindly  received  at 
Cleveland;  driven  about,  taken  over  Works  &c.  Saw  G., 
who  sent  messages  to  you.  He  is  earnest  and  innocent  as 
ever.  At  Chicago  saw  M.  ;  had  F.  to  dinner,  who  drove 
us  about  and  took  us  to  Club  &c.  Taken  to  Cleveland  in 
state  in  Dunlow  car.  Had  rather  hot  ride  here,  starting 
at  three  and  arriving  nine.  Had  G.  and  his  chief  to  early 
dinner  with  me  before  I  left.  This  American  part  is 
proving  very  costly ;  have  been  twelve  days  in  United 
States,  and  have  spent  over  60Z.,  besides  railway  tickets. 
Have  just  met  two  Liverpool  men  who  are  stopping  here, 
going  round  the  world  the  other  way.  Am  going  to  call 
on  Mr.  Tom  Carnegie.  Will  now  only  write  you  post- 
cards, or  shall  have  nothing  left  to  tell  you  when  I  come 
back.  I  must  be  in  London  till  the  end  of  August,  or 
nearly  so ;  can't  be  back  now  till  18th  or  19th.  I  wish 
we  could  have  got  earlier  passage.  Love  to  all.  Tell  A. 
I  expect  him  to  be  M.R.C.S.  when  I  return. — Ever  yours, 
best  ones,  '  SID.' 

'  Pittsburg^  June  26,  '83. — Spent  very  pleasant  evening 
on  Sunday  with  Tom  Carnegie.  .  .  .  This  morning  been  to 
Works,  quite  leisurely  and  easily,  declining  to  exert  myself 

T   2 


any.  Pleasant  reception  everywhere,  much  kindness. 
Get  on  to  Philadelphia  to-morrow  ;  easy  travelling.  Shall 
have  a  week  in  New  York,  which  I  worry  over ;  am  so 
anxious  for  return. 

'  Philadelphia,  June  28,  '83.— Left  Pittsburg  Tuesday, 
after  seeing  a  little  more  quietly.  Yesterday  drove  down 
to  Steel  Works  at  Harrisburg,  where  working  Basic. 
Very  kindly  received.  Came  on  to-day  to  Philadelphia ; 
lovely  day ;  taking  it  very  easily.  Get  to  New  York  on 
Monday.  I  wish  I  could  sail  at  once. 

'  New  York,  July  6,  '83. — Just  another  line  to  say  all 
well.  Weather  still  very  hot ;  shall  be  glad  to  be  on  ocean 
again.  Everything  improving  since  last  here;  colossal 
buildings  everywhere,  both  office-blocks,  hotels,  and  apart- 
ment houses.  This  hotel  has  been  beautified  enormously, 
less  high, — art  restaurant  and  ultra  high  art  Bar,  with 
good  oil  paintings,  statues,  bridges,  antiques,  &c.,  painted 
windows  and — iced  drinks. 

'  Honman  and  I  spent  4th  July,  when  New  York  is 
shut  and  deserted  (except  by  youthful  fiends  letting  off 
crackers),  mostly  in  Central  Park.  In  evening  to  theatre. 

'  Yesterday,  calls  ;  dined  at  seaside.  We  go  on  board 
to-night.  Sail  to-morrow.  Unfortunately  I  shan't  get  home 
till  three  days  after  this  [arrives],  as  our  "  Nevada  "  is  a 
very  slow  boat.' 

CH.  xx  A  SAD  HOME   COMING  277 



:<  His  voyage  from  the  States,'  says  his  sister,  '  was  not 
made  under  satisfactory  conditions.  In  his  haste  to  get 
home  he  had  wired  to  a  friend  in  New  York  to  secure 
berths  in  the  first  ship.  This  happened  to  be  the  "Nevada," 
a  vessel  chiefly  used  to  convey  Mormon  parties  to  the 
States.  It  was  old,  slow,  and  badly  ventilated. 

'  Letters  calculated  to  worry  him  reached  him  at 
Queenstown.  The  very  day  of  his  arrival  at  Tedworth 
Square  visitors,  requests  for  appointments,  business  of  all 
kinds,  began  to  pour  in  upon  him.  It  was  quite  evident 
to  us  at  once  that  his  health  could  not  withstand  the  strain, 
and  we  made  despairing  attempts  to  keep  work  from  him, 
attempts  mostly  made  in  vain.  It  was  well  nigh  impossible 
to  check  his  activity  and  eagerness.' 

Not  alone  had  he  to  deal  with  the  many  questions  con- 
stantly arising  in  connection  with  his  various  patents,  with 
the  development  of  the  basic  process,  and  with  the  progress 
of  the  North  Eastern  Steel  Co.'s  Works — some  of  which 
questions  had  necessarily  been  reserved  for  his  considera- 
tion upon  his  return — but  the  very  travels  primarily  under- 
taken in  search  of  health  had  produced  a  new  crop  of 
plans  and  problems  to  be  worked  out.  From  every  country 
he  had  visited,  he  had  brought  back  a  mass  of  figures 
and  economic  statistics,  together  with  general  information 
of  all  kinds.  He  had  occupied  himself  with  the  special 


circumstances  affecting  iron  and  steel  in  South  Africa. 
He  had  entered  into  lengthy  negotiations  with  the  Govern- 
ment of  India,  with  a  view  to  purchasing  from  them  certain 
ironworks,  collieries,  &c.,  his  object  being  to  establish  (or 
rather  to  re-establish)  steel  manufacture  in  the  peninsula. 
This  was  a  matter  which  he  had  very  much  at  heart,  not 
only  from  a  commercial  standpoint,  but  also  as  a  right 
and  proper  effort  to  give  back  to  Hindostan  an  ancient 
industry  which  the  British  Raj  had  destroyed.  As  will 
have  been  seen,  he  constantly  dwells  upon  the  subject  in 
his  letters.  For  Australia  there  were  schemes  for  the 
foundation  of  fresh  colonial  steel  works. 

These  were  no  idle  phantasies  of  an  imaginative 
inventor.  It  must  be  remembered  that,  from  the  first 
'  blast,'  Thomas  had  had  the  sole  legal  and  financial  conduct 
of  all  matters  connected  with  the  basic  process.  The 
rapid  and  absolute  success  of  that  process  is  the  best 
possible  tribute  to  his  practical  ability  and  clear  grasp  of 
realities.  That  success  was  not  won  without  some  sharp 
legal  contests ;  above  all,  many  delicate  and  difficult  nego- 
tiations were  needed  to  secure  the  fruits  of  discovery. 
The  very  important  North  Eastern  Steel  Works,  started  at 
Middlesbrough  to  work  the  process,  owe  their  existence 
chiefly  to  Sidney's  initiative. 

Beyond  all  these  things,  the  question  of  the  utilisation 
of  the  *  slag '  produced  in  the  basic  process  was  a  problem 
which  from  this  time,  for  the  few  remaining  months  of 
his  short  life,  more  and  more  dominated  Thomas's  never 
quiescent  mind.  Of  that  problem  and  its  thoroughly 
successful  solution  we  will  speak  presently. 

The  pressure  of  work  and  the  harassing  business  inter- 
views, soon  destroyed  whatever  good  the  voyage  round 
the  world  had  wrought,  and  after  a  fortnight  of  London,  it 

CH.  xx  A   SAD  HOME   COMING  279 

became  very  clear  that  town  must  be  quitted  at  once,  and 
England  itself  at  the  first  opportunity.  In  the  first  days 
of  August,  Thomas  and  his  sister  went  down  to  stay  at 
the  White  Hart,  Sevenoaks  Common,  leaving  their  mother 
to  wind  up  matters  in  Tedworth  Square  in  preparation  for 
a  long  absence  from  British  soil. 

*  He  and  I,'  says  his  sister,  *  thus  set  out  once  more 
on  the  health  quest,  this  time  together.  Our  month  at 
Sevenoaks  was  happy  in  its  way  (happy  since  we  were 
once  more  together),  although  it  gave  me  too  many 
grievous  proofs  of  his  frailty  of  health,  and  too  much  of 
that  anxiety  of  heart  which  seems  most  overwhelming 
when  one  realises  that  cherished  hopes  have  been  dis- 
appointed. We  worked  together,  and  in  the  intervals  of 
work  sauntered  along  the  country  lanes  or  sat  in  the  old- 
fashioned  inn  garden.  Many  kind  friends  came  down  to 
see  us.  The  last  Directors'  Meeting  of  the  North  Eastern 
Steel  Company  which  Sidney  was  ever  able  to  attend  was 
held  specially  at  the  White  Hart, — the  other  Directors 
thoughtfully  travelling  south  to  meet  my  brother,  inasmuch 
as  he  was  quite  unable  to  go  to  Middlesbrough  to  meet 

Thomas  wrote  a  letter  from  Sevenoaks  to  his  old 
chemical  teacher,  part  of  which  we  reproduce : — 

To  Mr.  Chaloner 

1  Sevenoaks  :  August  28,  1883. 

'  Dear  Chaloner, — I  should  have  answered  yours  of 
Saturday  before  but  for  a  tremendous  influx  of  business 
(from  which  I  still  suffer)  keeping  me  hard  at  it  all  day, 
while  we  have  two  Directors'  Meetings  for  to-morrow.  .  .  . 
'  The  fact  is  I  have  thrown  my  health  and  everything 
else  into  the  basic  business,  and  it  is  possible  I  may  not 
see  the  harvest  myself.  But  we  shall  see.  Thanks  very 


much  for  taking  so  much  trouble  about  Algiers.  We  shall 
be  able  to  do  with  Murray,  which  I  have  ordered.  I 
shudder  to  think  of  the  ten  volumes. 

'  .  .  .  We  shall  sleep  at  Dover;  probably  spend 
Sunday  there. 

'  We  have  almost,  not  quite,  settled  to  go  Saturday,  if 
I  can  finish  off  business  by  then,  so  can  hardly  hope  to 
see  you.  ...  In  haste,  yours  very  truly, 

« S.  G.  THOMAS/ 

So  long  as  any  physical  power  remained,  even  reason- 
able rest  was  impossible  to  Thomas.  '  Sidney,'  says  his 
mother,  i  instead  of  resting,  was  interviewing  at  the  White 
Hart  his  cousin  Mr.  Gilchrist,  his  secretary  and  chemical 
clerk  Mr.  Twynam,  numerous  friends,  anxious  to  say  good- 
bye. His  brother,  Dr.  Llewellyn  Thomas,  was  quite 
overcome  at  discovering  the  rapid  change  for  the  worse 
which  had  set  in  since  Sidney's  return  to  England.  The 
change  made  little  difference  in  my  boy's  ardour  for  work. 
"  Mother,"  he  would  constantly  tell  me,  "  I  have  so  much 
to  do."  Much  time  was  necessarily  occupied  by  writing 
business  instructions  to  those  he  left  behind  him  in  London 
and  Middlesbrough.  He  had  a  long  day  with  his  lawyer, 
arranging  all  his  affairs. 

'  I  joined  my  children  at  Sevenoaks  on  August  25. 
Sidney,  although  unfit  for  it,  insisted  on  driving  to  meet  me 
at  the  station.  I  saw  at  once  that  the  two  or  three  weeks 
which  had  passed  had  left  him  weaker  even  than  he  had 
been  in  London.  We  drove  the  two  miles  to  the  White 
Hart  sadly  and  almost  in  silence.' 

After  some  anxious  days  of  waiting,  the  little  party 
began  to  journey  southwards,  taking  advantage  (on 
September  8)  of  the  first  fine  day  to  cross  the  Channel 
and  gain  Paris*  After  much  study  of  the  advantages  and 

CH.  xx  A.  FLIGHT   SOUTH  281 

disadvantages  of  various  Mediterranean  health  resorts, 
Algiers  had  been  pitched  upon  as  upon  the  whole  the  best 
place  to  winter  in, — Cairo  (whither  Thomas  had  wished  to 
go)  being  shut  to  him  by  the  cholera,  which  was  then 
raging  there. 

'  We  stayed  only  long  enough  in  Paris,'  says  Sidney's 
sister,  '  to  make  some  necessary  financial  arrangements  and 
travelled  on  to  Marseilles,  breaking  our  journey  at  Lyons. 
Boats  do  not  go  every  day  to  Algiers,  and  some  days  had 
to  be  spent  in  hot,  dusty,  noisy  Marseilles.' 

The  turmoil  characteristic  of  the  great  southern  sea- 
port tried  Thomas  (now,  in  truth,  an  invalid)  much,  and 
he  became  alarmingly  worse.  He  was  removed  to  an 
hotel  some  three  miles  along  the  seashore,  at  the  end  of 
the  Prado,  and  grew  better  again.  '  We  waited  here,' 
says  his  sister,  '  happily  enough,  save  perhaps  for  the 
mosquitoes,  out  of  which,  even,  Sid  managed  to  extract 
fun, — describing  his  skirmishes  with  them  in  grandiloquent 
and  Homeric  terms,  and  trying  various  languages  in  which 
to  summon  me  to  aid  in  a  conflict  with  them, — finally 
declaring  that,  though  they  understood  French  and  English, 
German  was  too  much  for  them,  so  that  they  did  not 
know  when  we  plotted  their  extermination  in  that  tongue/ 




ON  September  22  the  little  family  got  themselves  on  board 
the  Algiers  packet.  '  We  were  two  nights  at  sea,'  says 
his  mother  ;  '  Sidney  better,  as  he  always  was  at  sea.  We 
landed  at  6  A.M.  on  the  24th.  The  juxtaposition  of 
Eastern  and  French  civilisation  much  impressed  my  son, 
as  it  impresses  everyone.  Before  7  A.M.  we  had  driven 
into  the  courtyard  of  the  Hotel  Kirsch,  where  we  were 
received  by  sleepy  servants,  evidently  surprised  at  European 
health- seekers  coming  to  Africa  so  early  in  the  autumn. 
We  soon  discovered  that  we  were  the  very  first  guests  of 
the  season,  full  three  weeks  too  early.  The  ground  was 
still  parched  from  the  summer  heats  and  all  vegetation 
had  withered  away.  The  sun  shone  with  a  constant  hard 
glare  and  the  deep  blue  sky  remained  from  morning  till 
night  without  the  shadow  of  a  cloud  to  veil  its  brightness. 
Sidney  became  very  ill  from  the  fatigue  of  the  journey  and 
from  the  prostrating  heat.  The  English  physician  had  not 
yet  arrived  for  the  winter,  and  we  sent  for  a  kind  French 
doctor  (an  Alsatian,  whose  own  excellent  health  had  been 
built  up  by  the  Algerian  climate).  He  evidently  thought 
my  poor  boy  in  a  very  bad  way ;  but — after  one  or  two 
visits — he  said  that  his  courage  and  mental  force  gave  him 
a  chance.  On  this  foundation  we  raised  great  hopes. 

'  I  even  now  think  that,  if  we   could  have  kept  hia 

CH.  xxi  A  WINTER  IN  ALGIERS  283 

mind  quite  at  rest,  he  might  have  rallied,  but  this  was 
impossible.  Letters  poured  in,  causes  for  anxiety  arose, 
and  no  effort  or  persuasion  could  induce  Sidney  to  "  let  the 
world  slide  as  they  did  in  the  golden  days."  Even  during 
the  three  weeks  of  summer  heat,  he  would  insist  on 
driving  out  almost  daily  to  look  for  a  house.  Fortunately 
we  consulted  the  excellent  British  Consul,  Colonel  Playfair, 
and  he  pointed  out  to  us  that  most  of  the  pretty  houses 
we  saw,  and  were  pleased  with,  were  badly  drained.  So 
for  the  present  we  stayed  on  at  the  Hotel  Kirsch.' 

A  part  of  Thomas's  correspondence  with  England 
referred  to  the  presentation  of  the  Bessemer  Medal,  a 
presentation  which  had  been,  as  we  have  seen,  postponed 
from  the  spring  meeting  of  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute. 
Thomas  was  quite  unable,  of  course,  to  be  at  Middlesbrough 
to  receive  the  honour.  He  wrote,  however,  a  letter  of 
thanks  to  the  President,  as  characteristic,  in  its  generous 
tribute  to  others  and  in  its  self-effacement,  as  anything  he 
ever  penned. 

'  It  would  be  difficult,'  he  says,  '  for  me  to  insist  too 
strongly  on  how  greatly  we  are  indebted  for  the  success 
the  basic  process  has  now  attained  to  the  unwearied 
exertions,  the  conspicuous  energy  and  ability,  of  my 
colleague,  Mr.  Gilchrist,  whom  I  regard  as  no  less  my 
associate  in  the  acceptance  of  this  medal  than  he  was  in 
the  sometimes  anxious  days  of  which  this  is  the  outcome. 
I  am  sure,  too,  that  he  and  I  are  agreed  in  saying  that  the 
present  position  of  dephosphorisation  has  been  only 
rendered  possible  by  the  frank,  generous,  and  unreserved 
co-operation  of  Mr.  Richards.  As  an  instance  of  the 
effect  of  free  discussion  of  metallurgical  theories  and 
experience  which  this  Institute  especially  promotes,  it  may 
be  interesting  to  note  that,  while  in  the  autumn  of  1877 
there  was,  so  far  as  I  know,  no  public  record  of  even  any 


successful  experiment  tending  to  show  that  phosphorus 
could  be  removed  in  the  Bessemer  or  Siemens  process, 
for  the  present  month  of  September  1883  the  make  of 
dephosphorised  Bessemer  and  Siemens  steel  is  between 
60,000  and  70,000  tons.'  l 

By  a  happy  departure  from  usage,  the  actual  ceremony 
of  '  presentation '  of  the  medal  was,  in  this  instance, 
performed  by  Sir  Henry  Bessemer  himself. 

We  resume  Thomas's  mother's  narrative  : — 

'  After  our  three  weeks  of  drought,  clouds  suddenly 
gathered,  and  we  had  such  a  downpour  of  rain  as  two  of 
^s,  at  least,  had  never  seen  before.  After  that  the  weather 
was  perfect  and  everything  grew  into  delicious  life. 
About  this  time  an  invalid  Irish  gentleman  arrived  at  the 
hotel,  who  became  a  great  friend  of  Sidney's.  He  had 
lived  many  years  in  Paris,  and  had  come  thence  to  Algiers 
seeking  renewed  health.  Many  discussions  did  he  and 
Sidney  have  on  Ireland  and  her  needs,  politics  in  general, 
or  on  the  prospects  of  the  Algerian  colony.  We  spent 
four  months  and  a  half  in  the  Hotel  Kirsch, — Sidney 
fluctuating  much,  but  always  steadily  working,  and  fighting 
against  his  disease.  We  passed  our  time  entirely  together, 
— he,  his  sister,  and  myself. 

'  Friends  gradually  gathered  round  us  (Sidney  made 
friends  wherever  he  went),  and,  as  we  were  still  buoyed 
up  by  hope,  the  time  passed  not  unhappily,  in  spite  of 
terrible  dreads.  Sidney  was  always  cheerful  and  even 
vivacious,  save  when  unusually  weak.  He  would  eagerly 
join  in  the  conversation  at  our  end  of  the  table  d'hote, 
bringing  his  varied  knowledge  and  acquired  experience  to 
bear  on  current  topics.  Once  a  week  or  so,  when  Sidney 
felt  well  enough,  we  would  drive  into  Algiers  and  sit  in 

1  For  the  present  output  of  Basic  steel  seepost, '  Conclusion ' ;  cf.  ante, 
p.  159. 

CH.  xxi  A  WINTEK  IN  ALGIERS  285 

the  great  place,  watching  the  different  nationalities  and 
gaming  peeps  at  Arab  life.' 

In  the  following  letters  Thomas  gives  some  glimpse  of 
his  Algerian  impressions  : — 

To  Mr.  Chaloner  l 
'  Hotel  Kirsch,  Mustapha,  Alger :  October  4,  1883. 

'  My  dear  C., — After  seeing  you  when  you  last  so  kindly 
enlivened  me  at  Sevenoaks,  I  had  some  days  of  being  very 
much  indeed  under  the  weather.  Lil  said  I  talked  to  you 
too  much,  which  I  denied  as  the  causa  mali.  Once  started, 
took  very  slow  stages, — sleeping  one  night  at  Dover,  two 
Paris,  three  Lyons  (which  is  bright  interesting  town),  and 
stopping  ten  days  at  Marseilles  (where  at  last  I  found  it 
decently  warm).  The  last  town  looks  very  flourishing  and 
busy,  is  well-ordered,  and  from  the  sea  looks  magnificent ; 
but  for  smells  it  beats  Paris  at  2  A.M. 

'  Crossed  here.  The  town  of  Algiers  looks  well  from 
the  sea,  with  high  green  trees  all  round  it ;  it  is  built  on 
slopes  and  steeps.  Here,  we  are  two  miles  from  the  town 
and  some  700  feet  or  more  above  it,  looking  on  the  bay. 
We  came  here  direct,  and  shall  stop  for  some  months 
anyhow.  Town  very  interesting ;  mixture  of  new  French 
town  and  slip  of  Arabia  and  the  Patriarchs.  Camels  and 
tramcars ;  mosques  and  chapels ;  Arabs  and  Parisians ; 
steam-engine  and  hand-pounding  of  wheat.  The  natives 
and  immigrants  are  unanimous  only  in  fleecing  the  stranger. 
Hope  to  benefit.  At  present  find  it  too  cold  at  70°. 

<  Yours, 

<S.  G.  T.' 

To  Miss  Burton 

'  Dear  Bess, — Many  happy  returns  of  the  day,  and  no 
more  returns  of  any  failing  in  health  !     These  are  the  best 
1  On  a  post-card. 


wishes  I  can  wish  for  you.  We  were  so  very  glad  to  hear 
that  your  holiday  did  you  so  much  good,  and  that  you  had 
returned  quite  bright  and  well. 

'  Whether  I  shall  ever  get  round  enough  to  enjoy  a 
real  holiday  is  dubious;  but  meantime  I  ought  to  be 
enjoying  this  wondrously  sunny  place, — which  is,  for  the 
rest,  interesting  enough  otherwise,  if  I  could  get  about 

'  We  live  pretty  much  entirely  in  our  own  rooms.  I 
have  plenty  to  think  and  write  about :  so  we  are  not 
altogether  dull. — Yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.' 

Innumerable  letters  on  financial  and  chemical  matters 
of  course  continued  to  arrive  and  need  reply.  Thomas's 
correspondence  alone  would  have  been  sufficient  to  tax  the 
energies  of  a  vigorous  man ;  but  the  brain  of  this  invalid 
was  constantly  occupied  with  engrossing  thoughts  of  all 
kinds,  and  with  fresh  projects  quite  unconnected  with 
current  business.  Truly  the  ; aspiring  spirit'  'o'er- 
informed  its  tenement  of  clay.' 

'  Among  his  ideas  at  this  time,'  says  his  sister,  who  was 
ever  his  indefatigable  helper,  '  was  a  plan  for  an  improved 
type-writer,  in  which  he  sought  to  interest  his  old  friend 
and  teacher  Mr.  Chaloner,  who  was  to  help  him  with  it 
in  England.  Many  were  the  trials  we  made  in  the  Hotel 
Kirsch  drawing-room  of  the  relative  speed  with  which  I 
could  strike  the  piano  keys  with  my  finger  or  with  rods  of 
varying  lengths,  and  many  are  the  sketches  he  made  of 
his  improvements, — sketches  which  remain  to  testify  to  a 
portion  of  the  work  still  left  for  him  to  do,  but  which  he 
was  prevented  from  accomplishing.' 

The  type-writer  project  is  spoken  of  in  the  following 
letter :— 

CH.  xxi  A  WINTER  IN  ALGIERS  287 

To  Mr.  Chcdoner 
'  Hotel  Kirsch,  Mustapha  Sup.,  Alger  :  November  20,  1883. 

*  My  dear  Chaloner,  — Many  thanks  for  your  card.  .  .  . 
I  should  have  written  you  long  since  but  for  the  extreme 
weariness  I  generally  feel  after  getting  through  with  the 
little  necessary  writing  of  the  day :  add  to  which  the  life 
here  is  eventless  absolutely.     The  weather  is,  after  all,  the 
only  thing  to  talk  about — and  that  is   certainly  superb. 
Sun,  sun,  and  again  sun !  though  (alas)  we  are  now  degene- 
rating into  50°  F.  at  night,  and  have  had  three  wet  (and 
so  fire-needing)  days ;  but  to-day  it  has  been  100°  in  the 
sun  again,  and  I  breathe  once  more,  literally. 

1  Have  not  been  up  to  any  foot  rambles  now  ;  but  what 
we  have  seen  in  driving  of  the  country  is  pretty  and  fertile 
— orange  and  olive  trees ;  vineyards  and  all  sorts  and 
kinds  of  vegetables ;  flowers  in  bloom  (roses,  geraniums) 
everywhere.  I  could  wish  it  10°  hotter  all  round  ;  but 
one  can't  get  everything  to  suit. 

'  We  are  stopping  at  a  sort  of  compromise  between  a 
hotel  and  a  boarding-house ;  pleasant  enough, — the  host  and 
hostess  kind  and  obliging.  ...  I  am  ...  satisfied  to  be 
left  to  my  books,  we  having  four  tiny  rooms  to  ourselves. 

*  I  have  several  fresh  things  on  hand  which  may,  or 
not,  fructify.     Among  other  things,  the  improved  type- 
writer l  I  have  seen  the  way  to  for  some  years  past,  and 
spoken  to  you  of  before,  has  turned  up  again.     I  think  a 
type-writer  could  be  sold  to  write  15  or  20  per  cent,  quicker 
than  present,  and  at  half  the  price.     If  so,  it  means  con- 
siderable money.  .  .   . 

'  I  grieve  very  much  over  the  steel  trade.     Prices  are 

1  It  will  be  remembered,   of  since    then.      These   matters  are 

course,  that  all  this  was  written  only  inserted  here  as  illustrative 

in   1883.      Probably  type-writers  of   Thomas's  character  and  bent 

have    been    radically    improved  of  mind. 


lower  than  ever ;  but  on  the  whole  I  doubt  if  it  will  hurt 
our  prospects,  from  a  patent  point  of  view,  ultimately. 
But  meantime  we  are  squeezed  some  getting  along  on  the 
Continent ! 

*  Lily  insists  on  my  leaving  off. — Yours, 

<  S.  G.  T.' 

A  month  or  two  later  Thomas,  in  his  regular  correspon- 
dence with  Mr.  Chaloner,  recurs  to  the  type-writer  in  a 
long  letter,  too  long  and  too  technical  for  profitable 
reproduction.  However,  we  may  perhaps  insert  here  a  draft 
Memorandum  on  the  matter  which  was  enclosed  therein  : — 

'Memo. — re  Type-writer. — The  only  two  type-writers 
in  practical  use  are  the  Remington  and  the  Hall. 

'  These  defective  as  follows :  (a)  Price :  Remington 
costs  131.  to  25Z. ;  Hall,  I  believe,  71  7s.  (I)  Both  fatigue 
the  wrist,  elbow,  and  shoulder  joints ;  while  the  Hall  also 
cramps  two  fingers.  In  both  the  whole  hand  and  arm 
have  to  be  moved  to  reach  and  depress  a  key.  The  action 
of  the  Hall  is  especially  fatiguing  and  cramping;  the 
striking  of  each  key  necessitating  considerable  muscular 
force.  In  both  the  eyes  are  strained  to  catch  the  type-marks 
of  the  keys — the  Hall  notably  very  defective  in  this 
respect,  the  effort  rapidly  producing  head-ache  and  ex- 
haustion, (c)  In  the  Remington  the  large  number  of 
complicated  jointed  levers  exposes  the  machine  to 
frequent  disarrangement,  and  it  is  very  hard  for  the  user 
to  repair  it. 

1  My  object  is  to  produce  a  machine  which  shall  not 
cost  more  than  50s.  to  manufacture  wholesale ;  that  will 
require  a  minimum  movement  of  the  hand  or  fingers  and 
no  muscular  exertion,  combined  with  simplicity  and  the 
possibility  of  much  greater  rapidity  than  can  be  attained 
in  the  present  machines. 

CH.  xxi  A  WINTER  IN  ALGIERS  289 

'  To  attain  this  : — 

'I.I  use  type  set  radially  or  circumferentially  on  a 
wheel  or  quadrant. 

'2.  I  cause  a  given  type  to  be  brought  into  striking 
position  by  raising  or  depressing  a  key  by  electro-mag- 
netic instead  of  muscular  force. 

'  3.  I  make  contact  with  the  keys,  and  so  establish  the 
current  which  brings  the  type  into  place  by  means  of  a 
short  rod  or  light  hammer  which  enables  the  comparatively 
slow  motion  of  the  fingers  which  guided  tot  be  translated 
into  a  very  rapid  motion  of  the  striking  end  of  the  rod. 
It  can  be  shown  by  experiment  that  twice  the  rapidity 
of  key  striking  can  be  obtained  by  the  use  of  this  hammer 
that  is  obtained  by  the  unaided  finger  or  hand. 

1  4.  The  necessity  of  striking  exactly  on  a  particular 
key  is  obviated  by  the  use  of  angular  guides  into  which 
prolongations  of  the  keys  fall,  and  which  guide  the  type- 
bearer  into  its  exact  position.  This  also  enables  a  much 
larger  type-indicating  board  to  be  used,  which  can  be 
placed  in  any  convenient  position,  so  that  the  eyes  are  not 

'  It  would  appear  that  the  idea  of  setting  the  type 
radially  on  a  circular  surface  or  wheel  has  been  suggested 
before,  and  it  is  not  proposed  to  claim  this,  or  to  claim  any 
special  method  of  moving  the  paper  upward  or  forward, 
this  being  done  either  by  a  rack  and  pinion,  or  a  screw 
and  a  ratchet. 

'  In  my  proposal  two  or  three  bichromate  cells  would 
supply  the  power.  Compressed  air  &c.  might  be  pro- 
posed as  alternatives,  but  would  be  less  convenient  and 

'  The  only  items  of  cost  in  such  a  machine  would  be  : 
(a)  the  type- wheel,  which  could  be  of  ebonite  with  the 
type  cast  on  it.  This,  with  the  keys  and  attachment  for 



bringing  the  type  into  striking  position,  would  cost  less 
than  10s.  The  (b)  framework  and  paper,  advancing 
screws  and  ratchets,  might  cost  10s.  more.  Case  (c)  &c. 
5s.  Battery  (d)  and  electro-magnet  with  attachments, 
say  12s.  Items  :  (e)  8s.  ;  or  (say)  45s.  in  all. 

'  The  points  are — use  of  electro-magnet  in  place 
of  muscles;  long  hammer  in  place  of  moving  arm  and 
hand ;  use  of  angular  guides  for  bringing  types  into 
exact  position. 

'  If  the  thing  could  be  sold  for  4L  and  enable  an 
ordinary  person  to  write  sixty  words  a  minute,  I  would 
contract  for  100,000.' 

Thomas  was,  however,  diverted  from  his  type-writer 
by  the  more  pressing  interest  of  slag-utilisation. 

On  February  7,  1884,  the  family  removed  from  the 
Hotel  Kirsch  to  Bir-el-Droodj,  an  English-built  house 
near  the  village  of  El  Biar,  which  is  situate  on  very  high 
ground,  three  or  four  miles  from  the  city  of  Algiers. 
Here  Thomas  was  able  to  have  a  laboratory  of  his  own, 
and  could  work  at  various  haunting  problems,  above  all  at 
that  special  problem  of  the  utilisation  of  basic  'slag/ 
which,  as  we  have  said  above,1  was  becoming  more  and 
more  the  dominant  question  of  all  to  him. 

6  The  slag  matter,'  says  his  sister,  '  tormented  him. 
How  right  he  was  as  to  the  capital  importance  of  this 
question  will  be  seen  when  I  state  that,  in  1889,  700,000 
tons  of  basic  (or  "  Thomas ")  slag  were  produced  (con- 
taining thirty-six  per  cent,  of  phosphate  of  lime),  and 
that  most  of  this  immense  quantity  of  slag  was  used  as 
a  fertiliser,  being  applied  directly  to  the  land  as  a 

'  In  the  winter  of  1883-84,  this  valuable  product  was 
1  Ante.  p.  278. 

CH.  xxr  A  WINTEK  IN  ALGIERS  291 

looked  upon  in  England  as  so  much  mere  troublesome 
rubbish,  to  be  got  rid  of  somehow — by  stacking  on  waste 
ground — or  even  by  taking  it  out  to  sea  in  barges  and 
there  depositing  it.  In  Germany  things  were  more  ad- 
vanced. The  mode  of  utilising  slag,  which  has  eventually 
proved  commercially  successful,  viz.,  grinding  it  to  a  fine 
powder,  had  already  been  tried  on  the  oolitic  ores  of  Ikert, 
at  Peine,  by  Herr  Hoyermann.  About  1880  that  gentle- 
man had  applied  the  grinding  treatment  to  the  puddle 
slag  produced  at  the  Peine  Works.  On  the  great  success 
of  the  Thomas  process  in  Germany,  Herr  Meyer,  Chairman 
of  the  Peine  Works,  pointed  out  to  Hoyermann  the  greater 
richness  in  phosphorus  of  the  "Thomas  slag."  Such 
slag  was,  therefore,  substituted  for  puddle  slag  with 
thoroughly  satisfactory  results.  In  the  winter  of  1882-83, 
what  is  now  known  as  "  Thomas  phosphate  powder  "  was 
first  tried  on  the  land  in  Germany  as  a  manure,  and  in 
November  1883  Herren  Hoyermann  and  Meyer  were  able 
to  report  to  the  German  Royal  Agricultural  Society  most 
excellent  effects  from  its  use. 

4  These  details,  however,  were  not  at  the  time  known 
out  of  Germany.  Sidney,  for  all  that,  had  long  had  a 
very  practical  belief  in  the  future  of  the  basic  slag. 
Already,  early  in  1882,  he  had  induced  a  few  other 
metallurgists  to  join  with  him  in  purchasing  and  stacking 
this  "  waste  product,"  as  it  was  then  supposed  to  be, 
relying  upon  his  ability  ultimately  to  turn  it  to  account. 
From  Algeria  he  wrote  to  Mr.  Gilchrist,  strongly  express- 
ing his  views  on  the  slag  question,  and  putting  them  in 
what  must  then  have  seemed  a  very  paradoxical  form 
(although  the  paradox  has  already  to  a  great  extent  proved 
true) : 

"  '  However  laughable  you  may  consider  the  notion,  I 

T7   2 


am  convinced  that  eventually,  taking  cost  of  production  into 
consideration,  the  steel  will  be  the  by-product,  and  phos- 
phorus the  main  product." ' 

To  Mr.  Chaloner,  it  may  be  observed,  Thomas  uses  very 
similar  language.  On  February  15,  1884,  he  writes  to  him 
from  Bir-el-Uroodj  : — 

'I  should  have  written  to  you  long  ago  had  I  not 
been. so  seedy  that  I  have  had  to  reserve  all  my  strength  in 
the  writing  way  for  pressing  regular  business,  and  the 
development  of  certain  theoretical  views  which  may  or 
may  not  turn  out  to  have  considerable  practical  conse- 
quences. .  .  . 

4 1  have  recently  patented  provisionally  certain  ideas 
of  mine  connected  with  the  alkali  trade  &c.  They  have 
been  verified  to  a  considerable  extent ;  but  (for  my  complete 
specification)  I  want  to  have  the  result  of  certain  other  ex- 
periments, which  will  be  pretty  numerous,  and  require 
considerable  care  and  some  partial  analyses.' 

And  on  the  29th  of  the  same  month  he  writes  to  the 
same  correspondent : — 

'  My  idea,  which  I  have  already  patented  under  five 
heads  in  separate  patents,  is  this.  I  propose  to  make 
steel  as  a  by-product  in  a  new  alkali  trade.  .  .  . 

*  You  see,  according  to  my  old  principle,  I  have  taken  a 
big  contract,  and  I  intend  to  take  it  through.  There  is  a 
big  stake  at  the  end/ 

We  resume  Thomas's  sister's  narrative : — 

'  He  also  suggested  to  Mr.  Gilchrist  a  series  of  fresh 
experiments  on  slag  utilisation,  which  he  wished  him  to 

CH.  xxi  A  WINTEK  IN  ALGIERS  293 

undertake ;  but  his  cousin  did  not  desire  any  fresh  work, 
and  declined  to  help  in  this  direction. 

'  Sidney  therefore  enlisted  the  services  of  Mr.  Twynam, 
his  valued  assistant,  who  had  (as  had  also  Mr.  Aldred) 
carried  011  experiments  for  him  for  some  years.  In  a 
short  time  three  other  chemists  were  also  working  at 
"  slag,"  upon  lines  laid  down  by  my  brother. 

1  Two  distinct  processes  were  tried  at  this  time.  By 
the  one  it  was  sought  to  extract  the  phosphorus  from  the 
slag  by  the  use  of  acids.  By  the  other  (which  became  of 
absorbing  interest  to  Sidney)  the  object  was  to  so  treat 
the  iron,  while  in  the  process  of  conversion,  that  the  phos- 
phorus in  the  slag  should  be  deposited  in  the  form  of 
soluble  phosphates,  which  would  need  no  treatment  to 
render  them  immediately  agriculturally  useful. 

t  Sidney  would  often  talk  to  me  in  Algeria,  not  only  of 
the  necessity  of  utilising  the  slag  in  order  to  further  im- 
prove the  position  of  the  basic  process,  but  also  of  the 
benefits  to  agriculture  which  would  accrue  from  making 
useful  such  a  vast  mass  of  material.  He  often  quoted  the 
saying  about  the  benefit  to  mankind  of  making  two  blades 
of  grass  grow  where  one  grew  before,  and  described  the 
fields  of  corn  which  would  ripen  in  the  future  upon  "  basic 

i  A  very  competent  authority  thus  writes  of  the  im- 
portance attached  by  my  brother  to  the  slag  as  early  as 
March  1884:— 

4 "  I  may  say  that  Mr.  Thomas  was  the  man  in 
connection  with  the  North  Eastern  Steel  Company  who 
first  appreciated  the  important  part  in  basic  steel  manu- 
facture that  basic  slag  was  destined  to  play.  In  March 
1884  we  had  some  negotiations  with  a  large  firm  who 
wanted  to  buy  our  slag  over  a  term  of  years."  (At  this 
time,  the  "  waste  product "  might  have  been  reasonably 


considered  to  be  advantageously  disposed  of  on  any  terms.) 
"  Whilst  we  were  negotiating  with  them,  we  received  a 
letter  from  Mr.  Thomas,  in  which  he  said  that,  so  impor- 
tant did  he  consider  the  slag  question  to  us,  that  if  we  did 
enter  into  an  arrangement  with  anyone  over  a  long  term, 
he  would  have  to  consider  whether  he  would  not  sell  out 
his  interest  in  the  company.  This  letter  influenced  us 
greatly,  and  I  am  quite  clear  that,  at  one  time,  he  was  the 
only  one  of  us  all  who  appreciated  the  value  of  the  slag." 

'  It  is  now  evident  that,  Lad  the  slag  been  sold  forward 
at  the  low  price  it  would  then  have  fetched,  the  company 
would,  to  say  the  least  of  it,  have  been  seriously 

'In  this  same  month  of  March  1884,  Sidney,  wishing  to 
superintend  the  slag  experiments  himself,  arranged  for 
Mr.  Twynam  (his  able  assistant  above  mentioned)  to  come 
out  to  Algiers.  The  whole  of  the  miniature  "plant" 
needed  had  to  be  imported  from  England,  and  there  were 
journeys  down  to  the  quay  to  arrange  for  its  landing  and 
conveyance  to  our  villa  upon  the  plateau  of  El  Biar.  It 
was,  however,  when  the  strange  packages  had  been  safely 
carried  up  by  the  bare-legged  Arabs,  and  the  whole  ap- 
paratus reared  in  the  court-yard  (looking  oddly  out  of 
place  amid  its  surroundings)  that  our  difficulties  began. 

*  For  fuel  we  had  to  use  wood,  charcoal,  and  coal, — 
there  being  no  gas.  For  the  blast  there  was  a  "  foot- 
blower  "  which  needed  a  human  foot  to  move  it,  and  we 
were  all  needed  for  other  posts.  I  sallied  forth  to  El  Biar 
village  to  procure  a  man  to  work  the  blower,  and  soon 
engaged  an  Arab  willing  to  take  the  payment  per 
hour  Sidney  offered,  which  was  sufficiently  high.  How- 
ever, when  our  Arab  presented  himself  and  was  shown  the 
work  he  had  to  do  (merely  to  work  with  his  foot  the 
bellows  supplying  the  miniature  converter)  he  shook  his 

CH.  xxi  A  WINTEK  IN  ALGIERS  295 

head  gravely,  and  departed  without  a  word  of  explanation. 
After  this  we  had  many  applicants  "  to  see  the  machine  ;" 
but  having  been  shown  it,  they  either  left  silently,  or  else, 
when  the  fire  being  lighted  and  the  "  blast "  starting 
the  sparks  began  to  fly,  they  took  an  early  opportunity  to 
glide  away.  We  found  that  they  considered  the  apparatus 
an  "  infernal  machine "  at  the  very  least.  In  the  end, 
however,  we  found  a  young  Arab  who  took  everything  that 
happened  with  the  greatest  and  most  imperturbable  coolness. 
Sparks  might  fly,  molten  metal  splutter  when  poured,  this 
Ishmaelite  at  any  rate  evinced  no  emotion  of  any  kind, 
but  went  calmly  on  with  his  work,  only  pausing  to  change 
from  one  foot  to  the  other.  Afternoon  tea  was  always 
brought  out  to  us  in  the  courtyard,  and  "  our  Arab"  (as 
we  called  him)  would  accept  a  cup  with  the  same  gracious 
dignity  with  which  he  worked  the  blower.  When,  at  the 
end  of  two  or  three  hours  of  experimenting,  he  retired,  he 
would  gather  a  sweet-scented  flower  or  two  (always  with 
permission),  stick  his  nosegay  behind  his  ear,  gravely 
salute,  and  leave. 

'  We  must  have  made  a  strange  scene  in  that  Arab 
courtyard.  On  two  sides  of  it  stood  our  English-built 
but  quite  Algerian  villa,  on  the  third  an  old  Arab  house 
and  "  loggia  "  joined  to  the  villa,  the  fourth  side  was  open, 
save  for  a  low  wall,  beneath  which  the  hill  sloped  down 
to  a  little  valley  running  towards  the  sea.  On  the  ground 
floor  of  the  older  Arab  house  Sidney  had  established  his 
small  laboratory.  In  the  midst  of  the  courtyard,  with  the 
*'  loggia"  as  background,  stood  a  palm,  with  pansies  at  its 
feet,  and  a  great  Roman  vessel  of  earthenware,  dug  up  in 
the  vicinity,  beside  it.  To  one  side  was  the  little  Besse- 
mer converter.  Sidney  would  sit  in  a  delightfully  sheltered 
invalid  chair  (lent  by  kind  friends)  and  thence  direct 
operations., — now  and  then  dashing  down  the  books  and 


papers  of  which  his  chair  was  always  full  and  sallying  forth 
to  lend  a  hand  to  Mr.  Twynam  at  the  pot,  to  be  forthwith 
driven  back.  Meanwhile  "  our  Arab,"  with  crossed  arms, 
red  fez,  bare  legs,  and  white  garments,  gravely  worked  the 
bellows  with  his  foot. 

'  The  experiments  were  continued  with  varying  success, 
hampered  a  good  deal  as  they  were  by  the  difficulty, — 
either  of  getting  up  sufficient  heat,  or  of  repairing  any 
little  accident  to  the  apparatus.  Many  apparently  insur- 
mountable obstacles  were  overcome  by  Sidney's  inability 
to  feel  himself  beaten,  and  fertility  of  resource/ 

In  June  he  wrote  to  Mr.  Gilchrist : — 

'  I  wish  I  could  convince  you  that  our  one  hope  of 
reducing  costs  is  in  slag,  as  I  am  sure  it  is.  Remember 
the  phosphorus  is  more  valuable  than  the  iron  in  pig — only 
we  are  too  stupid  to  turn  it  to  account  properly/ 

Alas,  amid  all  this  eagerness  to  follow  fresh  paths  of 
discovery,  Thomas  was  not  growing  better — rather,  the 
fatal  lung  disease  was  strengthening  its  hold  upon  him. 
His  sister  gives  two  illustrations  of  his  persistence  in 
attempting  to  ignore  weakness.  The  first  has  reference  to 
his  sensitiveness  to  anything  in  the  shape  of  cruelty  to 
the  lower  animals,  an  example  of  which  has  already  been 
noted  (ante,  p.  258).  The  present  writer  well  remembers 
his  growing  almost  angry  in  argument  (a  rare  thing  indeed 
with  him)  because  the  said  writer  defended  vivisection  by 
some  possibly  too  sweeping  assertions  as  to  morality  not 
applying  to  our  dealings  with  brutes. 

4  He  was  constantly,'  says  his  sister,  '  interfering  on 
behalf  of  dumb  creatures.  One  day  on  our  way  town- 
wards,  I  parted  from  him  to  make  some  inquiry.  On  my 
return  I  found  Sidney  breathless  and  exhausted,  and  found 

CH.  xxi  A  WINTER  IN  ALGIERS  297 

from  the  friend  with  him  that  he  had  interfered  to  prevent 
a  driver  (who  had  called  in  a  soldier  to  assist  him)  from 
belabouring  an  unfortunate  overdriven  horse  who  found 
it  hard  to  toil  up  the  steep  hill.  He  had  succeeded  in 
stopping  the  ill-treatment,  and  had  sent  the  driver  back 
for  another  horse  to  help  draw  the  load ;  but  his  success 
was  at  the  cost  of  great  exhaustion  to  himself,  partly  from 
his  indignation,  partly  from  the  effort  he  made  to  keep  his 
indignation  in  some  check.  All  strong  emotions  exhausted 
him,  and  the  more  because  of  the  self-repression  he  always 
exercised.  The  strain  only  showed  in  the  lines  of  his  face 
and  the  added  pallor  of  his  complexion.' 

The  other  illustration  of  his  readiness  to  plunge,  ill  (in- 
deed dying)  as  he  was  (although  the  latter  condition  he  did 
not  yet  realise),  into  physical  exertion  is  of  a  different  kind. 

1  We  found  a  difficulty,'  says  his  sister  again,  '  in  getting 
satisfactory  copies  of  letters,  having  brought  no  copying 
press  with  us.  He  declared  that  "  if  he  had  two  boards, 
a  rope,  and  a  pole,  or  plank,  he  could  rig  up  a  gorgeous 
press."  I  thought  no  more  of  this  declaration.  Next  day, 
however,  I  met  a  procession  up  our  leafy  lane,  consisting 
of  Sidney  and  a  friend,  carrying  a  plank  some  four  or  five 
feet  long  between  them — Sidney  so  scant  of  breath  as  to 
be  scarcely  able  to  speak.  I,  of  course,  assailed  him  with 
reproaches,  when  he  humbly  explained  that  he  had  slipped 
out  after  dejeuner  to  the  village,  and  had  procured  a 
satisfactory  plank  for  his  press  from  the  French  carpenter. 
It  being,  however,  the  siesta  hour,  he  could  find  no  one 
to  carry  it,  and  had  consequently  shouldered  it  himself. 
On  his  way  he  had  met  his  friend,  who  was  sufficiently 
astonished  to  see  the  invalid  in  such  guise,  and  who  had 
naturally  insisted  on  bearing  a  portion  of  the  burden.  The 
copying  press  was  forthwith  constructed,  and  remained  in 
use  till  the  end  of  our  Algerian  sojourn.' 


There  were  many  visitors  and  callers  at  Bir-el-Droodj. 
Thomas  would  especially  .enjoy  long  talks  with  Mr.  John 
Bell,  with  Colonel  Playfair,  the  British  Consul,  and  with 
Mr.  Boys,  the  Anglican  chaplain.  Lady  Macfarren  (then 
also  an  Algerian  sojourner,  and  next-door  neighbour  to  the 
Thomas  family)  would  regularly  come  in  to  play  to  Sidney, 
and  her  visits  were  sources  of  great  delight  to  the  invalid, 
who  was  always  passionately  fond  of  music. 

When  not  in  his  chair  in  the  courtyard,  superintending 
the  '  blows '  of  the  little  converter,  Thomas  would  (if  the 
day  were  warm)  spend  his  time  in  a  hammock  in  the 
garden,  reading,  writing,  meditating.  '  He  would  lie,' 
says  his  mother,  '  in  his  hammock,  a  pile  of  books  and 
papers  by  his  side,  absorbed  in  thoughts,  calculations,  or 
diagrams.  One  of  us  would  be  always  with  him,  although 
he  might  not  speak  for  hours.  If  we  left  him  for  a  few 
moments,  he  would  soon  grow  restless  and  would  be  gazing 
up  the  garden  for  us  as  we  returned.' 

On  a  perfectly  still  day  he  would  sometimes  drive  down 
into  Algiers  with  his  mother  and  sister,  in  a  little  pony 
chaise.  '  One  beautiful  Sunday  in  May,  I  remember, 
especially,'  says  his  mother,  '  we  drove  through  the  city 
and  up  to  the  church  of  Notre  Dame  d'Afrique,  built  on  a 
high  hill  overlooking  the  sea,  to  hear  the  fine  service  and 
see  the  procession  from  the  church  doors  to  the  edge  of 
the  hill — a  procession  in  which  the  priests  offered  prayers 
for  those  at  sea,  and  a  hymn  was  sung.  The  scene,  beneath 
the  African  sun  and  upon  the  shores  of  the  blue  Mediter- 
ranean Sea,  was  a  very  impressive  one.  Sidney  was  tired, 
but  took  no  harm.' 

Thomas  still  kept  up  a  correspondence  with  the  staff 
at  the  Thames  Police  Court,  especially  with  one  who  had 
been  really  a  friend  of  his,  although  in  what  would  te 
called  a  subordinate  position,  R.,  the  gaoler  of  the  Court, 

CH.  xxi  A  WINTER  IN  ALGIERS  299 

who  in  1884  was  still  at  his  post,  although  over  eighty 
years  of  age.  No  man  ever  lived  with  less  of  class  feeling 
than  Sidney  Thomas ;  for  him  what  has%  been  called  the 
*  class  war  '  was  as  non-existent  as,  under  present  arrange- 
ments, it  can  be  for  anybody.  He  met  R.,  whom  he  liked 
and  respected,  as  he  met  everybody  else,  on  a  footing  of 
absolute  equality.  The  following  letter  from  Mr.  Lushing- 
ton  was,  it  will  be  seen,  written  in  consequence  of  a  letter 
from  Thomas  to  R.,  and  shows  the  feelings  with  which  the 
whole  staff  at  Thames  regarded  Sidney : — 

Mr.  Lushington  to  S.  G.  Thomas 

Thames  Police  Court :  May  30,  1884. 

'  Dear  Mr.  Thomas, — R.  showed  me  a  letter  from  you 
a  few  days  since,  from  which  I  gather  that  you  are  wisely 
staying  in  your  Southern  quarters  till  the  summer  has 
really  set  in,  and  then  only  coming  to  the  north  of  the 
Pyrenees,  or  some  such  climate,  not  trusting  yourself  in 
this  treacherous  east-windy  England.  I  fear  the  winter 
has  not  been  a  very  favourable  one  for  you  as  far  as 
weather  goes.  I  hope  you  don't  let  the  chemical  amuse- 
ments which  you  mention  to  R.  exaggerate  themselves  into 
any  such  prolonged  occupation  as  to  affect  your  health. 
You  have  made  such  a  mark  upon  the  world  that  you  have 
every  right  to  try  and  enjoy  your  success  as  happily  and 
easily  as  the  misfortune  of  your  weak  health  will  permit  you. 

'  Do  you  happen  to  have  read  Nasmyth's  "  Autobio- 
graphy ?  "  It  is  to  me  one  of  the  most  delightful  books  I 
have  seen  for  a  long  time.  Probably  you  have;  but  I 
mention  it  as  a  possible  amusement  in  case  it  should  not 
have  come  across  you. 

'  You  will  be  glad  to  hear  that  old  R.  appears  to  me  as 
vigorous  as  I  have  seen  him  for  several  years,  and  he  has 
had  a  very  good  winter.  Most  of  your  acquaintances  here 


are  gone.  You  would  find  a  great  change  if  you  could  see 
the  amount  of  work  here  now  compared  to  what  it  used 
to  be.  The  Thames  is  getting  the  reputation  of  being 
one  of  the  light  Courts.  .  .  .  With  all  wishes  for  health 
and  happiness  in  all  ways, — I  am,  yours  very  truly, 


Thomas's  health  was  in  a  far  more  serious  condition 
than  probably  Mr.  Lushington  supposed.  Possibly,  as  we 
have  said  above,  if  he  could  have  abstained  from  work, 
and,  above  all,  if  he  could  have  been  kept  free  from  the 
anxiety  of  many  business  complications  which  had  fol- 
lowed upon  his  achieved  success,  his  life  might  have  been 
somewhat  at  least  prolonged ;  although  the  disease  of  the 
lung  had  probably  by  this  time  progressed  too  far  to  make 
final  recovery  in  any  case  likely ;  but  rest  from  further 
labour  was  quite  outside  the  limits  of  possibility  to  one  of 
his  mental  constitution,  and  freedom  from  anxiety  was  not 
vouchsafed  to  him.  His  mother  in  her  diary  repeatedly 
notes  the  arrival  of  worrying  letters  and  consequent 
aggravation  of  distressing  symptoms. 

'  Our  good  French  doctor,  M.  Bruch/  says  Mrs. 
Thomas,  '  would  stroke  his  head  and  say,  "  Keep  him 
quiet,"  "  Keep  him  from  writing  and  thinking ;  "  but  this 
was  just  what  could  not  be  done. 

'  His  physical  state  fluctuated  much ;  but  on  the 
whole,  even  in  Algeria,  he  grew  feebler.  Drives  fatigued 
him  more  and  more,  and  he  more  and  more  rarely  ventured 
away  from  his  hammock  or  his  hooded  invalid  chair.  His 
patient  endurance  was  wonderful ;  never  through  all  his 
sharp  attacks  of  chest  pain  or  through  all  the  prostrating 
exhaustion  which  followed,  did  he  cease  to  be  our  dear 
thoughtful  companion,  so  much  a  part  of  ourselves  that  it 
seemed  impossible  that  we  should  be  separated.' 

CH.  xxi  A  WINTEE  IN  ALGIERS  301 

In  May  Thomas  himself  insisted  upon  M.  Bruch  and 
the  English  doctor  who  was  also  attending  giving  him 
a  faithful  opinion  upon  his  case.  They  both  frankly  told 
him  that  they  feared  his  disease  was  incurable.  Thomas 
characteristically  pressed  for  a  mathematical  statement  of 
the  probabilities  of  his  living  a  year.  This  the  physicians 
declined  to  give  ;  but  they  said  openly  to  him  that  they 
deemed  the  chances  to  be  against  his  surviving  so  long. 
'  Still,'  says  his  sister,  '  I  do  not  think  he  himself  took  by 
any  means  so  gloomy  a  view.  Although  he  knew  the 
possibilities  before  him,  he  did  not  realise  the  inevitable- 
ness  or  even  the  probability  of  the  end  for  some  months 
later,  until  after  November  1884.  He  would  form  many 
schemes  for  the  future  ;  we  were  to  carry  out  the  scheme  of 
the  preceding  year,  and  to  settle  in  Australia ;  or  to  live  at 
Grasse  (near  Nice),  or  in  Egypt,  after  the  cholera  was  over/ 

Already,  at  the  Hotel  Kirsch,  Thomas  had  been  told  of 
wonderful  cures  of  lung  disease  effected  by  an  English 
doctor  then  resident  in  Paris  who  claimed  to  have  dis- 
covered a  new  and  successful  method  of  treatment.  From 
various  sources  there  came  reports  of  his  skill.  Thomas 
made  the  most  careful  inquiries  and  found  much  to  justify 
faith.  The  excellent  M.  Bruch,  when  consulted,  said  simply 
that  he  could  do  no  more,  and  that  he  saw  no  objection  to 
the  trial  of  a  new  system  of  cure.  Thomas  thereupon 
entered  into  correspondence  with  the  physician  in  question, 
who  insisted  upon  the  necessity  of  personally  seeing  his 
patient.  For  months  there  had  been  debates  in  the  little 
family  as  to  what  place  of  refuge  was  to  be  sought  when 
the  arid  summer  heats  began  in  North  Africa  with  the 
advent  of  July.  Thomas  resolved  to  go  to  Paris,  and 
give  the  much-praised  cure  a  trial.  Accordingly,  on 
July  7  the  Algerian  home  was  broken  up,  and  a  new 
hegira  made  northward. 


Down  to  the  last  the  £  slag '  experiments  were  pursued. 
In  June  we  find  Thomas  writing  to  Mr.  Gilchrist : — 

'  I  wish  I  could  convince  you  that  our  one  hope  of 
reducing  costs  is  in  slag,  as  I  am  sure  it  is.  Remember 
the  phosphorus  is  more  valuable  than  the  iron  in  pig ; 
only  we  are  too  stupid  to  turn  it  to  account  properly.' 

On  quitting  Algiers  it  was  arranged  that  Mr.  Twynam 
should  proceed  to  Middlesbrough  to  continue  the  experi- 

CH,  xxn  THE   LAST  DAYS   IN  PARIS  303 



CHOLERA  and  rumours  of  cholera  caused  some  difficulty 
in  gaming  France.  '  Quarantine/  says  Mrs.  Thomas,  '  was 
strict  between  Algiers  and  Marseilles.  Finding  we  could 
go  by  the  Spanish  route,  we  packed  hastily  and  got  on 
board  the  steamer  to  Puerto  Yendres.  The  vessel  was  so 
full  that  we  could  only  with  much  endeavour  procure  a 
berth  for  Sidney.  We  ourselves  were  obliged  to  remain 
during  two  nights  in  the  dining  saloon,  which  was  so 
crowded  that  we  could  not  get  even  a  sofa  to  ourselves. 
We  all  felt  very  sad  at  leaving  our  lovely  villa,  and  part- 
ing with  so  many  friends  we  felt  we  should  never  in  all 
probability  see  again.  Through  all  discomforts  on  board 
Sidney  was  cheerful  and  hopeful,  as  he  always  was  in 
difficulties.  We  landed  early  on  the  morning  of  July  9. 
We  journeyed  by  way  of  Narbonne  and  Toulouse  to 
Limoges,  where  we  remained  a  little ;  for  the  intense  heat 
quite  exhausted  our  boy.  We  arrived  in  Paris  (still  gay 
with  the  National  Fete  rejoicings)  on  July  15  (the  morrow 
of  "  Bastille  Day  ")  and  alighted  at  the  Hotel  Normandie.' 
From  Limoges  Thomas  wrote  to  his  old  Wiesbaden 
correspondent : — 

To  Miss  Burton 

1  Grand  Hotel  de  la  Boule  d'Or,  Limoges  :  July  14,  '84. 

'  Dear   Bess, — I  should   have  replied   before  to   your 
kindest  of  letters;  but  the  last  three  or  four  weeks  we 


have  been  living  in  a  state  of  utter  uncertainty  as  to  where 
we  should  be  next  week.  The  cholera  scare  infected  Algiers 
badly,  and  finally  not  only  delayed  our  start  by  a  week, 
but  forced  us  to  go  round  by  Port  Vendres, — far  the 
longest  route.  With  considerable  regret,  we  left  our 
pretty  home  at  El  Biar  last  Tuesday,  looking  quite  its 
prettiest,  with  flowers,  fig-trees,  cacti,  aloes,  oranges, 
fruit-trees,  and  vines.  We  all  concluded  we  should  not 
be  likely  ever  to  live  in  such  a  pretty  place  again.  The 
heat  for  the  past  week  had,  however,  been  pretty  consi- 
derable (70°  to  80°  F.)  ;  although  we  now  find  it  is  still 
greater  here. 

1  Our  crossing  of  30  hours  was  uncomfortable  enough, 
— tremendously  hot ;  boat  much  overcrowded,  chiefly  with 
Jewish  families;  sleep  out  of  question.  The  mother 
knocked  up,  but  got  over  it  wonderfully. 

'  We  landed  at  5  A.M.,  and  went  by  train  to  Narbonne. 
Queer  old  place,  with  a  staring  new  quarter.  Stopped 
there  24  hours  ;  then  on  to  Toulouse,  where  Twynam  left 
us  to  return  to  London, — we  stopping  48  hours  to  rest. 
Animated  busy  town ;  back  streets  and  churches  old ; 
rest  all  new.  Interesting  country  all  the  way  from 

*  We  came  on  here  Saturday,  and  stop  till  to-morrow,  so 
as  not  to  be  in  Paris  on  the  Fete  Day.    We  propose  going  to 
hotel  at  first,  and  then  looking  for  rooms.     We  may  stop 
only  a  week  or  two,  or  possibly  two  months,  according  as 

I  think  Dr. has  or  has  not  anything  useful,  and  as 

I    can   get   over   some   business  matters  connected  with 

*  1  have  been  working  a  little  at  Algiers  on  an  inves- 
tigation which  may,  or  may  not,  lead  to  a  "  discovery," 
but  which    has  anyhow  been  very  instructive  (the  main 
thing).     It  is  a  kind  of  offshoot  of  my  old  ideas,  but  in  a 

CH.  xxn  THE   LAST  DAYS  IN  PARIS  305 

different  direction.  I  do  not  expect  it  will  be  finished  for 
a  year  or  two ;  anyhow  it  has  served  as  an  interest  to  keep 
me  from  stagnating,  though  it  has  absorbed  a  good  deal 
of  money. 

'  I  doubt  if  we  return  to  Algiers ;  though  I  like  it  and 
the  people  well,  the  crossing  is  trying  for  the  mother,  and 
I  doubt  the  climate  suiting  me. 

'  The  whole  town  here  is  disorganised  with  the  Fete. 
It  never  went  to  bed  last  night  and  it  seems  will  not 
to-night. — Yours, 

'  S.  G.  T.' 

On  arrival  in  Paris,  after  a  few  days,  comfortable  and 
airy  apartments  were  secured  in  the  Avenue  Marceau,  and 
there  Thomas  spent  the  last  seven  months  of  his  life. 
'  He  now  only  drove  out,'  says  his  mother,  *  on  very  fine 
days.  He  continued,  however,  to  work  —  continued  his 
investigations.  When  he  was  tired  with  thoughts  of  busi- 
ness, I  would  often  read  to  him  by  the  hour  together. 
With  us  he  was  always  happy,  but  various  letters  from 
England  often  troubled  him  much.  His  brother,  Dr. 
Llewellyn  Thomas,  wrote  urging  us  to  go  home,  and 
expressing  his  belief  that  our  patient  would  do  quite  as 
well  in  England  as  in  Paris ;  but  Sidney  shrank  from  the 
notion,  indeed  told  me  that  business  interviews  such  as 
would  necessarily  follow  upon  a  return  to  London  would  kill 
him  at  once.  After  that  we  said  no  more  of  the  matter.' 

Thomas  had  at  once  placed  himself  under  the  care  of 
the  physician  whom  he  had  come  to  Paris  to  consult,  and 
for  a  time  he  apparently  derived  some  benefit  from  the 
'  new  treatment ' ;  but  the  improvement  did  not  last  and  the 
end  was  now  but  too  absolutely  certain.  He  did,  however, 
derive  much  entertainment  and,  no  doubt,  some  consequent 
physical  benefit,  from  the  conversation  of  his  doctor,  who 



was  a  much-travelled  Ulysses  with  a  great  deal  to  say  for 
himself.  The  two  would  engage  in  hours-long  discussions 
and  arguments,  which  were  a  real  refreshment  to  the  sick 

The  following  epistles  give  some  notion  of  Thomas's 
pre-occupations  and  health  during  this  summer  and 

To  Mr.  Chaloner 
'61  Avenue  Marceau,  Paris:  August  1,  1884. 

'  Dear  C., — The  above  will  be  our  address  till  the 
middle  of  September.  Shall  be  glad  to  hear  from  you. 
Not  feeling  very  bright,  or  would  write. — Yours, 

1  S.  G.  T. 

'  We  are  close  to  our  old  quarters  in  1878  ;  the  Avenue 
Marceau  used  to  be  Av.  Josephine.' 

'  61  Avenue  Marceau,  Paris  :  October  17,  1884. 

'  Dear  Chaloner, — It  is  nearly  four  months  since  I  have 
heard  from  you,  though  I  have  written  you  meantime,  not- 
withstanding a  very  bad  attack  on  the  lungs  which  floored 
me  completely  during  August  and  September,  and  from 
which  I  am  still  hardly  quit.  I  am,  however,  going  in  for 
a  special  form  of  treatment  which  compels  my  staying  in 
Paris  till  the  cold  forces  me  to  bolt,  which  may  be  any 
week.  The  treatment  is  I  think  doing  some  good,  but  I 
hardly  know  yet.  My  illness  has  naturally  led  to  arrears 
of  correspondence  all  round — particularly  as  I  have  had 
much  business  to  get  through  meantime. 

1  What  have  you  been  doing  all  the  time  ?  .  .  .  Have 
you  done  anything  in  the  experiment  way  ?  I  have  got 
some  rather  good  results  after  much  delay.  I  presume 

CH.  xxn  THE   LAST  DAYS   IN  PAKIS  807 

you  will  have  no  time  for  experiments,  now  Birkbeck  has 
started  on  a  big  scale.  .   .  . 

'  We  are  having  coldish  weather,  and  I  am  quite  tied 
to  the  house.  .  .  .  Things  in  the  way  of  business  very 
dull.  No  orders  and  awful  prices.  We  do  better  at  North 
Eastern  Steel  Co.  than  our  neighbours ;  but  that  is  our 
only  comfort.  Writing  wearies  me,  so  adieu.' 

This  last  letter  is  in  Sidney's  own  hand ;  but  much  of 
his  correspondence  about  this  time  is  written  by  his  sister, 
sometimes  by  his  mother.  The  sands  were  already  run- 
ning low  in  the  glass. 

The  little  family  was  not  left  entirely  alone  in  the 
Elysian  Fields ;  many  friends  came  from  time  to  time  to 
see  Thomas ;  most  of  them,  it  may  be  surmised,  with  a 
foreboding  that  their  visit  was  a  farewell  one.  Among 
others  who  came  at  this  time  were  Mr.  Vacher  (one  of 
Sidney's  old  chemical  teachers  of  whom  we  have  spoken 
above),1  and  his  wife.  Mr.  Vacher,  in  a  letter  to  Sidney's 
sister,  thus  speaks  of  his  departed  friend  and  of  this 
visit : — '  What  I  do  possess  and  value  exceedingly  is  the 
very  definite  and  vivid  impression  made  on  me  by  his 
personality.  Of  his  intellectual  side  I  can  hardly  speak, 
being  but  a  distant  admirer  of  his  talent  and  splendid 
achievement.  Of  his  character  I  should  say  that  its 
distinguishing  trait  was  nobility  and  highmindedness,  that 
he  was  by  intuition  opposed  to  all  that  is  ignoble  and 

'  On  one  occasion  he  gave  me  a  lesson.  ...  I  made 
use  of  the  word  cads,  and  he  received  it  with  such  quiet 
coldness  than  I  at  once  saw  the  incongruity  of  the  notions 
implied  by  it  with  those  ideas  of  fraternity  which  were 
common  to  us  both.  .  .  . 

1  A-ntc,  p.  36. 

x  2 


'  His  public  spirit  was  of  the  highest  order.  Poverty, 
prosperity,  sickness,  death,  none  of  these  disturbed  the 
earnest  purposefulness  of  his  life.  My  wife  will  never 
forget  the  impression  made  on  her,  (when  we  saw  him  a 
few  times  in  Paris  shortly  before  he  died,)  by  his  calm 
attitude,  cheerful  patience,  and  exceedingly  sweet  expression. 
She  says  that,  notwithstanding  his  pale  face  and  wasted 
frame,  the  thought  of  him  is  always  suggestive  to  her 
of  strength,  and  in  times  of  weakness  she  often  likes  to 
call  up  the  vision.' 

Business  friends  also  would  come  to  see  him,  '  and  it 
was  wonderful,'  says  his  mother,  '  to  see  how,  on  such 
occasions,  he  would  gather  himself  together  and  be  his 
old  erect  keen  self,  but  he  would  afterwards  suffer  terribly 
from  reaction ; '  thus  justifying  his  horror  of  a  return  to 
England  and  concomitant  worrying  interviews. 

In  September  his  brother  Llewellyn  Thomas  (who  was 
after  all  to  die  before  him)  visited  him,  and  Mrs.  Thomas 
remembers  a  *  happy  although  sad '  time.  *  After  this 
visit  Sidney's  life  became  entirely  that  of  an  invalid. 
October  was  upon  us,  and  the  weather  seldom  permitted 
him  to  go  out  for  even  the  shortest  drive.'  Yet,  although 
thus  imprisoned  in  a  sick  room,  the  only  change  from 
which  (as  was  becoming  more  and  more  apparent)  might 
be  to  the  grave,  Thomas  did  not  lose  heart.  'He  was 
always  full,'  says  his  sister,  i  of  quaint  sayings  and  jokes 
which  relieved  the  heaviness  of  sick-room  life.  I  think  no 
one,  coming  into  the  room,  would  have  imagined  the 
anxieties  which  lay  behind  our  fun  and  cheerfulness.' 

The  workers  and  their  lots  were  ever  in  his  mind. 
'  One  of  his  favourite  subjects  of  dreaming  in  the 
gloaming '  (we  quote  his  sister  again),  '  after  we  had 
despatched  our  letters  for  the  day  was  the  possibility  of 
building  a  "  model  lodging  house  "  which  should  be  really 

CH.  xxn  THE  LAST  DAYS   IN   PARIS  809 

a  model.  There  was,  in  the  very  first  place,  to  be  a  lift — 
for  goods  at  least ; — for  the  poor  women  coming  to  the 
Thames  Police  Court  had  often  told  him  that  one  of  the 
strong  objections  the  poor  folk  had  to  "  model  "  dwellings 
was  the  drag  upon  them,  often  delicate  enough  as  they 
were,  of  carrying  every  scuttle  of  coals  or  basket  of 
provisions  to  the  top  of  the  high  buildings.  There  were 
to  be  conversation  rooms  and  reading  rooms  for  men  and 

I  Slag '  was  still  an  engrossing  topic  of  thought,  and 
Thomas  carried  on  an  elaborate  correspondence  with  the 
chemists    who    were    working  at  the  question  under   his 
direction.       In  November  there  came  news  of  the  success 
of  the  simple  German  plan  of  grinding  the  slag  and  then 
applying  it  directly  to  the  earth,  and  Thomas  was  in  commu- 
nication concerning  the  good  tidings  with  Mr.  Wrightson 
of  the  North  Eastern  Steel  Works,  who  sent  samples  for  ex- 
periment to  his  brother,  Professor  Wrightson  of  Salisbury. 
The     experiments     thereupon     conducted    by    Professor 
Wrightson    led   the    way    to   the    adoption    of    the    new 
fertiliser  in  England.     1 1  may  say,'  says  his  sister,  c  that 
Sidney  some  years  previously  had  suggested  this  mode  of 
treatment  to  practical  farmers ;  but  he  was  assured  that 
the  earth  would  not  assimilate  the  raw  slag.     He  remained 
in  interesting  correspondence  with  Mr.  Wrightson,  Pro- 
fessor Wrightson,  and  Professor    Munro  up  to  the  last. 
At  the  same  time  he  did  not  relax  his  direction  of  experi- 
ments on  other  processes,  and  one  of  the  last  matters  he 
was  able  to  take  keen  pleasure  in  was  a  telegram  announcing 
results  obtained  by  Mr.  Tucker.' 

In  November  he  writes  to  Mr.  Gilchrist : — 

I 1  shall  be  thankful  to  welcome  any  method  of  utilising 
the  slag  b\  treatment  or  non-treatment.' 


Early  in  this  last  month  it  had  at  length  been  finally 
determined  to  move  south  to  Grasse.  Tickets  had  been 
taken  and  a  coupe-lit  secured,  and  Thomas  wrote  to  Mr. 
Chaloner  by  the  hand  of  his  sister : — 

1  Cold  and  cholera  are  driving  us  from  Paris.  Address 
on  and  after  Saturday  to  Grand  Hotel,  Grasse,  Alpes 

At  the  last  moment,  however,  Thomas  had  a  fresh 
access  of  lung  trouble,  and  his  doctor  advised  that  a 
journey,  even  with  every  precaution,  would  probably  be 
fatal  to  him.  From  Paris  he  was  destined  not  to  move 

The  clouds  were  indeed  finally  closing  in  upon  the  too 
short  sunshine  of  his  life.  In  this  very  November  Dr. 
Llewellyn  Thomas,  Sidney's  elder  brother,  died  suddenly. 
A  letter  came  to  the  little  Parisian  household  one  morning 
to  say  that  Dr.  Thomas  was  ill ;  the  same  afternoon  a 
telegram  announced  his  death.  Sidney's  sister  immediately 
crossed  to  London.  It  would  not  be  fitting  to  attempt  to 
describe  the  gloom  in  which  sat  Sidney  (unable  himself  to 
quit  the  Avenue  Marceau)  and  his  mother  (unable  to  quit 
him)  under  the  shadow  of  this  affliction. 

From  that  day  it  seemed  as  if  Thomas  had  in  truth 
entered  upon  the  pathway  leading  to  the  end.  His  sister 
noticed  upon  her  return  from  her  sad  journey,  that  Sidney 
in  sketching,  as  his  wont  was,  future  plans,  always  left 
himself  out  of  account.  His  great  subject  of  anxiety 
now  was  that  the  money  he  left  behind  him  as  the  reward 
of  his  inventions  and  the  fruit  of  his  toil  should  be  spent, 
(mainly  spent,  after  a  modest  provision  had  been  made  for 
the  mother  and  sister  who  were  so  dear  to  him,)  upon 
bettering  and  making  somewhat  easier  the  hard  lives  of 

CH.  xxn  THE  LAST  DAYS  IK  PARIS  311 

the  toilers  who  create  all  wealth.  Over  and  over  again  he 
impressed  upon  his  sister  the  sacred  trust  he  bequeathed 
to  her.  Her  discretion  as  to  ways  and  times — subject  to 
certain  general  lines  which  he  laid  down — was  to  be  abso- 
lute ;  but  to  the  workers  the  money  was  in  the  bulk  to  go. 
His  mother  he  would  urge,  as  she  says,  '  almost  passion- 
ately,' to  husband  her  remaining  vitality,  that  she  might 
live  to  help  and  strengthen  his  sister  in  her  task. 

If  ever  there  were  a  logical  consistent  life  that  life 
was  Thomas's.  The  old  boyish  dream  of  making  a  fortune 
had  been  realised  as  few  dreams  are,  and  (a  far  more 
wonderful  thing)  the  old  boyishly  imagined  use  to  which 
that  fortune  was  to  be  put,  the  aid  and  comfort  of  the 
needy  and  the  oppressed,  was  to  be  realised  too.  A  nature 
uncorrupted  by  the  '  deceitfulness  of  riches  '  is  a  rare  one 

It  is  right  to  say  here  that  Thomas,  unlike  some  of  us 
who,  for  weal  or  for  woe,  have  become  distrustful  of  old  faiths, 
was  a  firm  believer  in  immortality.  'He  was  perfectly 
persuaded,'  says  his  sister,  '  of  a  future  existence.  During 
these  last  days  he  would  say  to  Mother,  "  You  I  shall  see 
soon,  dear  Mother;  but  you,  Lily,  not  for  some  fifty  years 
yet."  He  held,  too,  quite  as  firmly,  that  he  should  be 
conscious  of  what  we  were  doing  here  while  he  was 
waiting  for  us.  In  the  dusk  of  the  evening  he  would 
speculate,  as  we  sat  together,  on  the  possibility  of  his 
manifesting  himself  to  us  whom  he  so  dearly  loved.' 

The  new  year  of  1885  opened  sadly,  enough  for  those  in 
the  Avenue  Marceau,  who  now  knew  but  too  well  that  they 
could  only  wait  for  the  end.  '  Sidney,'  says  his  mother, 
'  only  grew,  the  nearer  that  end  approached,  more  gentle, 
patient,  and  thoughtful,  and  more  anxious  to  ease  the 
parting  to  us.'  In  these  last  days  his  devoted  nurses 
would  get  Thomas  up  as  of  old  and  settle  him  in  his  chair 


with  his  books  and  papers  by  his  side,  but  it  was  little  he 
could  write,  and  that  laboriously.  Most  of  his  books  even 
were  too  heavy  for  him  to  hold.  His  sister  would  read 
much  to  him. 

In  the  middle  of  January  his  surviving  brother  Arthur, 
now  a  fully  qualified  medical  man,  was  summoned  from  his 
professional  duties  to  Paris,  and  his  skilled  and  brotherly 
care  and  help  were  greatly  prized  by  the  dying  man. 

The  '  end '  came  at  length.  In  the  early  morning  of 
February  1,  1885,  Sidney  Thomas  died  quietly  in  his  sleep, 
in  the  presence  of  his  mother,  sister,  and  brother,  breath- 
ing only  two  or  three  heavy  sighs.  The  immediate  cause 
of  death  was  emphysema. 

He  had,  by  his  great  invention,  left  a  far  more  perma- 
nent mark  upon  the  'world  than  many  a  veteran  general  or 
aged  '  statesman ; '  but  he  had  not  completed  his  thirty- 
fifth  year.  He  was  buried,  by  his  own  earnest  desire,  in 
the  Passy  Cemetery.  He  had  shown  much  distaste  to  the 
notion  of  his  dear  ones  crossing  the  Channel  with  his 
body  in  the  dreary  winter  weather. 

His  mother  concludes  the  notes  for  her  son's  life  from 
which  we  have  so  often  quoted  by  a  citation  from  Jeremy 
Taylor  :— 

'  It  is  a  vast  work  any  man  may  do,  if  he  never  be 
idle ;  and  it  is  a  huge  way  a  man  may  go  in  virtue,  if  he 
never  goes  out  of  his  way  by  a  vicious  habit  or  a  great 
crime.  Strive  not  to  forget  your  time,  and  suffer  none  of 
it  to  pass  undiscerned.  So  God  dresses  us  for  Heaven/ 



THE  old  hackneyed,  yet  ever  new  and  ever  untranslat- 
able, Virgilian  line, — fraught  with  all  that '  tender  majesty  ' 
which  makes  the  Latin  singer  dearer  to  us  than  even  greater 
poets, — rises  perforce  to  our  memory  as  we  contemplate  the 
death  of  this  young  inventor  at  an  age  when  many  have 
scarcely  entered  upon  their  life-work,  and  as  we  dream  of 
so  much  he  might  have  done  in  the  world,  perchance  upon 
quite  different  lines — 

Suiit  lacrymse  rerum  et  mentem  mortalia  tangunt. 

No  moral  needs  to  be  tagged  to  a  memoir  of  Sidney 
Thomas.  His  is  a  life  which  speaks  for  itself. 

It  only  remains  to  add  that  the  great  process  of  steel 
manufacture  with  which  his  name  will  be  ever  identified 
has  thriven  and  nourished  as  he  expected  it  to  thrive  and 
flourish.  As  we  have  seen,  in  1878  there  was  not  even  in 
existence  any  public  record  of  successful  dephosphorisation 
of  pig  iron.  In  1884,  864,000  tons  of  basic  steel  were 
produced.  In  1890  the  production  was  2,603,083  tons. 
Moreover,  in  this  last  year,  too,  there  were  also  produced, 
together  with  the  steel,  623,000  tons  of  slag,  most  of  which 
was  used  for  fertilising  purposes. 

Thomas's  plans  for  the  disposal  of  his  money  for  the 
benefit  of  the  toilers  have  (it  is  probably  unnecessary  to 



say),  been  carried  out  by  those  loved  ones  whom  he  left 
behind,  and  many  a  life  has  been  gladdened  by  the  results 
of  his  labours.  Truly  his  short  life  has  a  completeness 
lacking  to  many  long  ones,  and  of  him  it  may  indeed  be 
said  :  Finis  coronat  opus. 




April  1891, 



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Sir, — Adverting  to  yoia*  article  upon  what 
is  known  as  the  Thornas|GilQhrist  basic  steel 
process,  may  I  emphasizjfe  t^re  charming  and 
entirely  unassuming  persorfejty  of  Sidney  Gil- 
christ  Thomas  ?  During  the  last  years  of  hia 
career  in  the  Civil  Service  his  chief  at  the 
Thames  Police  Court  was  my  father,  the  late 
John  Ronaldson  Lyell,  M.A.  I  well  remember 
the.  visits  which  Thomas  paid  to  us  from  time 
to  time  at  our  home  at  Hampstead.  His 
work  over  this  invention  in  its  later  stages 
necessarily  involved  journeys  all  over  the 
country,  sometimes  at  a  moment's  notice. 
These  on  occasion  doubtless  proved  a  some- 
what disconcerting  interruption  to  the  routine 
of  a  Metropolitan  police  court,  but  were  always 
most  gladly  and  cheerfully  arranged  for  by 
his  colleagues,  who  were  pleased  and  proud  to 
help  the  young  man  whose  scientific  work  was 
showing  promise  of  such  striking  success.  ThL* 
remarkable  and  epoch-making  success  when 
it  finally  arrived  never  spoilt  him,  and  during 
the  remainder  of  his  short  life  he  always  kept 
in  touch  with  his  old  friends,  with  whom  he 
had  been  associated  in  the  administration  of 
justice.  Of  Thomas  it  may  truly  be  said, 
"•Quomodo  fabula,  sic  vita  ;  non  quam  diu, 
sed  quam  bene  acta  sit,  refert." 

I  am  your  obedient  servant, 

JAMES  P.  R.  LYEL&. 
78,  Woodstock-road,  Oxford,  Feb.  1. 
